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本文利用1960—1980年中国地磁台站资料检验了GSFC(9/80)地磁模型,结果表明该模型是成功的。据此通过地磁台站1960—1980年的观测值与GSFC(9/80)模型计算值的比较,确定了中国地磁台站的异常值。本文还建议在基本磁场的研究中从台站观测年均值中减去较精确测定的台站磁异常值,以提高资料的精确度。  相似文献   
本文对黄石台ORBES-81型石英伸缩仪的应变固体潮观测资料作了分析计算,其调和分析结果为:对O1波,振幅因子0.4219,相位滞后6°36';对M2波,振幅因子0.4256,相位滞后-4°42'.同时,讨论了海潮引起的负荷潮汐应变的改正问题.模拟计算发现负荷潮汐应变与体潮应变大致为同一量级,文中列出了海潮改正后的结果,并作了讨论.最后,对黄石台伸缩仪的架设方位作了评价.  相似文献   
本文采用Rb-Sr,K-Ar法测年手段,对龙岭岩体及该岩体中的包体、岩体周围的富闪深成岩体等进行了同位素年龄测定,讨论了它们之间的成岩时间及热事件干扰。认为浅色包体351Ma代表了龙岭岩体原始岩浆上侵发生的时间,主岩340Ma则为该岩体的定位,冷凝结晶时间。富闪深成岩的角闪石K-Ar年龄345Ma,说明这些岩石与龙岭岩体在成岩时间上十分接近。对暗色包体的测定结果,指出了在解释一些年龄数据时必须填重。  相似文献   
为研究中国大陆东南部的边缘海动力学,基于中国大陆和福建区域的GPS观测网 以及环绕中国大陆的IGS(International GPS Service)跟踪站在1994—1997年间的测量数据, 建立块体运动和块内变形两种力学模型,研究了福建及其邻近海域现今地壳水平运动速度场 和应变率场.结果表明:无论在中国大陆还是在中国大陆周边框架内,或相对于台湾而言,福 建及其邻近海域均整体地向着东南或东偏南方向,即指向海洋的方向作水平运动.运动平均 速率为11.2±3.0mm/a(福建网)或14.0±4.0mm/a(全国网).然而在福建区域内还存在着 一种由海洋指向大陆内部的北西向运动,其运动平均速率为 3.0± 2.6mm/ a.区域应变率场 主压应变方位为NW(NWW)-SE(SEE).印度板块对欧亚板块的碰撞通过中国大陆内部各 块体间的侧向传递和菲律宾海板块对台湾(欧亚大陆东南沿)的仰冲与挤压,同时作用到福建 及其邻近海域。此种联合作用现今仍在继续进行中,前者的影响比后者更强烈,但前者形成的 速率场均匀,而后者不均匀。  相似文献   
提出一个简单的假说来解释为什么在相对稳定的板块内部地区会存在高地震活动区与高构造形变区.首先,对于大多数板内地区而言,特别是大陆地盾地区与老的海洋盆地,下地壳与上地幔的温度相当低,那里的岩石相对坚硬在这些地区不可能发生明显的岩石圈变形,因为岩石图累积强度大大超过板块驱动力.相反,如果下地壳与上地幔温度相对较高,板块驱动力则主要由上地壳承受,因为下地壳与上地幔相对软弱在这种地区,由于岩石圈累积强度与板块驱动力大小相当,构造形变相对较快.本文将这种假说应用在位于美国中部的新马德里地震带与周围地区.地震带内部热流密度值约为60mw/m2,略高于本区背景热流密度值45mW/m2.计算得到的地温梯度与实验室结果所揭示的延性流动定律表明,在地震带内下地壳与上地幔相当软弱,板内应力主要由上地壳传递.那里的形变速率相对较高.与此相反,在周围地区热流值相对较低,岩石四累积强度大大超过板块驱动力,构造应力由地壳与上地幔共同承受热流值的大小和下地壳上地幔的受力状态是决定地震活动性在地震带内与周围地区强烈对比的主要因素.  相似文献   
Giacomo Corti   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):1-53
The Main Ethiopian Rift is a key sector of the East African Rift System that connects the Afar depression, at Red Sea–Gulf of Aden junction, with the Turkana depression and Kenya Rift to the South. It is a magmatic rift that records all the different stages of rift evolution from rift initiation to break-up and incipient oceanic spreading: it is thus an ideal place to analyse the evolution of continental extension, the rupture of lithospheric plates and the dynamics by which distributed continental deformation is progressively focused at oceanic spreading centres.The first tectono-magmatic event related to the Tertiary rifting was the eruption of voluminous flood basalts that apparently occurred in a rather short time interval at around 30 Ma; strong plateau uplift, which resulted in the development of the Ethiopian and Somalian plateaus now surrounding the rift valley, has been suggested to have initiated contemporaneously or shortly after the extensive flood-basalt volcanism, although its exact timing remains controversial. Voluminous volcanism and uplift started prior to the main rifting phases, suggesting a mantle plume influence on the Tertiary deformation in East Africa. Different plume hypothesis have been suggested, with recent models indicating the existence of deep superplume originating at the core-mantle boundary beneath southern Africa, rising in a north–northeastward direction toward eastern Africa, and feeding multiple plume stems in the upper mantle. However, the existence of this whole-mantle feature and its possible connection with Tertiary rifting are highly debated.The main rifting phases started diachronously along the MER in the Mio-Pliocene; rift propagation was not a smooth process but rather a process with punctuated episodes of extension and relative quiescence. Rift location was most probably controlled by the reactivation of a lithospheric-scale pre-Cambrian weakness; the orientation of this weakness (roughly NE–SW) and the Late Pliocene (post 3.2 Ma)-recent extensional stress field generated by relative motion between Nubia and Somalia plates (roughly ESE–WNW) suggest that oblique rifting conditions have controlled rift evolution. However, it is still unclear if these kinematical boundary conditions have remained steady since the initial stages of rifting or the kinematics has changed during the Late Pliocene or at the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary.Analysis of geological–geophysical data suggests that continental rifting in the MER evolved in two different phases. An early (Mio-Pliocene) continental rifting stage was characterised by displacement along large boundary faults, subsidence of rift depression with local development of deep (up to 5 km) asymmetric basins and diffuse magmatic activity. In this initial phase, magmatism encompassed the whole rift, with volcanic activity affecting the rift depression, the major boundary faults and limited portions of the rift shoulders (off-axis volcanism). Progressive extension led to the second (Pleistocene) rifting stage, characterised by a riftward narrowing of the volcano-tectonic activity. In this phase, the main boundary faults were deactivated and extensional deformation was accommodated by dense swarms of faults (Wonji segments) in the thinned rift depression. The progressive thinning of the continental lithosphere under constant, prolonged oblique rifting conditions controlled this migration of deformation, possibly in tandem with the weakening related to magmatic processes and/or a change in rift kinematics. Owing to the oblique rifting conditions, the fault swarms obliquely cut the rift floor and were characterised by a typical right-stepping arrangement. Ascending magmas were focused by the Wonji segments, with eruption of magmas at surface preferentially occurring along the oblique faults. As soon as the volcano-tectonic activity was localised within Wonji segments, a strong feedback between deformation and magmatism developed: the thinned lithosphere was strongly modified by the extensive magma intrusion and extension was facilitated and accommodated by a combination of magmatic intrusion, dyking and faulting. In these conditions, focused melt intrusion allows the rupture of the thick continental lithosphere and the magmatic segments act as incipient slow-spreading mid-ocean spreading centres sandwiched by continental lithosphere.Overall the above-described evolution of the MER (at least in its northernmost sector) documents a transition from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-assisted rifting during the final stages of continental break-up. A strong increase in coupling between deformation and magmatism with extension is documented, with magma intrusion and dyking playing a larger role than faulting in strain accommodation as rifting progresses to seafloor spreading.  相似文献   
海因类消毒剂对吉富罗非鱼的急性毒性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用溴氯海因(BCDMH)和二溴海因(DBDMH)两种消毒剂对吉富罗非鱼进行急性毒性试验,研究吉富罗非鱼对海因类消毒剂的耐受性。结果表明:溴氯海因对吉富罗非鱼苗的24 h LC50、48 h LC50和安全浓度分别为9.61、8.66、2.11 mg/L,二溴海因对吉富罗非鱼苗的24 h LC50、48 h LC50和安全浓度分别9.89、9.78、2.87 mg/L。  相似文献   
The Main Central Thrust (MCT) is a tectono-metamorphic boundary between the Higher Himalayan crystallines (HHC) and Lesser Himalayan metasediments (LHS), reactivated in the Tertiary, but which had already formed as a collisional boundary in the Early Paleozoic. To investigate the nature of the MCT, we analyzed whole-rock Nd isotopic ratios of rocks from the MCT and surrounding zones in the Taplejung–Ilam area of far-eastern Nepal, Annapurna–Galyang area of central Nepal, and Maikot–Barekot area of western Nepal. We define the MCT zone as a ductile–brittle shear zone between the upper MCT (UMCT) and lower MCT (LMCT). The protoliths of the MCT zone may provide critical constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Himalaya. The LHS is lithostratigraphically divided into the upper and lower units. In the Taplejung–Ilam area, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 10.0 to − 18.1), MCT zone (− 18.5 to − 26.2), upper LHS unit (− 17.2), and lower LHS unit (− 22.0 to − 26.9). There is a distinct gap in the εNd (0) values across the UMCT except for the southern frontal edge of the Ilam nappe. In the Annapurna–Galyang and Maikot–Barekot areas, different lithologic units and their εNd (0) values are as follows; HHC (− 13.9 to − 17.7), MCT zone (− 23.8 to − 26.2 except for an outlier of − 12.4), upper LHS unit (− 15.6 to − 26.8), and lower LHS unit (− 24.9 to − 26.8). These isotopic data clearly distinguish the lower LHS unit from the HHC. Combining these data with the previously published data, the lowest εNd (0) value in the HHC is − 19.9. We regard rocks with εNd (0) values below − 20.0 as the LHS. In contrast, rocks with those above − 19.9 are not always the HHC, and some parts of them may belong to the LHS due to the overlapping Nd isotopic ratio between the HHC and LHS. Most rocks of the MCT zone have Nd isotopic ratios similar to those of the LHS, but very different from those of the HHC. The spatial patterns in the distribution of εNd (0) value around the UMCT suggest no substantial structural mixing of the HHC and LHS during the UMCT activities in the Tertiary. A discontinuity in the spatial distribution of εNd (0) values is laterally continuous along the UMCT throughout the Himalayas. These facts support the theory that the UMCT was originally a material boundary between the HHC and LHS, suggesting the MCT zone was mainly developed with undertaking a role of sliding planes during overthrusting of the HHC in the Tertiary.  相似文献   
The development of a numerical procedure for the finite element analysis of anchors dynamically penetrating into saturated soils is outlined, highlighting its unique features and capabilities. The mechanical behaviour of saturated porous media is predicted using mixture theory. An algorithm is developed for frictional contact in terms of effective normal stress. The contact formulation is based on a mortar segment-to-segment scheme, which considers the interpolation functions of the contact elements to be of order N, thus overcoming a numerical deficiency of the so-called node-to-segment (NTS) contact algorithm. The nonlinear behaviour of the solid constituent is captured by the Modified Cam Clay soil model. The soil constitutive model is also adapted so as to incorporate the dependence of clay strength on strain rate. An appropriate energy-absorbing boundary is used to eliminate possible wave reflections from the artificial mesh boundaries. To illustrate the use of the proposed computational scheme, simulations of dynamically penetrating anchors are conducted. Results are presented and discussed for the installation phase followed by ‘setup’, i.e., pore pressure dissipation and soil consolidation. The results, in particular, reveal the effects of strain rate on the generation of excess pore pressure, bearing resistance and frictional forces. The setup analyses also illustrate the pattern in which pore pressures are dissipated within the soil domain after installation. Hole closure behind a dynamic projectile is also illustrated by an example.  相似文献   
哀牢山-红河剪切带是新生代印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞过程中发育的大规模走滑型剪切带,其发育对于碰撞过程中印支地块的南东向逃逸以及藏东南地区构造格局的形成具有重要的贡献。与剪切带演化相关,伴随发育多阶段花岗岩脉就位,它们为限定剪切变形时限、阐明剪切作用属性提供了重要证据。本文在野外观察基础上,应用显微构造和EBSD石英c-轴组构分析查明花岗岩脉的构造特点与应变型式,同时采用锆石LA-ICP-MS测年方法获得岩脉侵位与结晶年龄。年龄分析结果表明,岩脉年龄分别为27.09±0.48Ma、25.17±0.23Ma和25.16±0.50Ma,其中年龄为27.09±0.48Ma的花岗岩脉具有糜棱岩化现象,其变形特征体现为中温变形后叠加低温变形,且剪切变形形式由一般剪切转换为简单剪切;年龄为25.17±0.23Ma的花岗岩脉表现出同剪切晚期构造特征,且具有较低温度简单剪切变形特点;25.16±0.50Ma的切穿糜棱叶理,矿物未见变形,可能代表剪切期后岩脉。结合区域构造,推测剪切方式由纯剪为主的剪切向由单剪为主的剪切转换发生在27Ma和25Ma之间,哀牢山-红河剪切带中段在约25Ma走滑运动结束。  相似文献   
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