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The pollen and spores found in the Early Cretaceous strata of two cores from the Shuangliao Fault Depression were studied systematically, and two palynological assemblages have been recognized. Assemblage Ⅰ from the Yingcheng Formation is named Paleoconiferus-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by an extremely high content of Paleoconifer pollen. Assemblage Ⅱ from Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation is named Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites; the assemblage is characterized by the abundant presence of Laevigati spores, but less Paleoconifer pollen. According to the palynological data and zircon U-Pb dating, the geological age of the Yingcheng Formation is thought to be Aptian-Albian, and that of the Denglouku Formation is thought to be Early Albian. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we can infer that during the depositional period of the Yingcheng Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest, the paleoclimate was consistent with the temperate climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid feature. During the depositional period of Member 1 of the Denglouku Formation, the paleovegetation was mainly conifer forest and shrubs, the paleoclimate was consistent with the subtropical climate of today, and the paleoenvironment was humid. The results significantly improve our understanding of the stratigraphy in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, provide biostratigraphic evidence for the division and correlation of Early Cretaceous strata in the Shuangliao Fault Depression, and provide new data for analyzing paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Songliao Basin. 相似文献
大陆科学钻探是“入地”的重要手段,是“深入地球内部的望远镜”。中国大陆科学钻探事业开展15周年以来,取得重要进展,获得全球地学界的高度关注,特别是2001年实施的中国第一口大陆科学深钻(5158m),成果辉煌,影响巨大。继后,又开展了青海湖环境科学钻探、松辽盆地白垩纪科学钻探、柴达木盐湖环境资源科学钻探,汶川地震断裂带科学钻探以及中国大陆科钻资源集成计划,总共钻进约35km,显示了中国科学钻探方兴未艾的景象。为纪念国际大陆科学钻探20周年(1996~2016)和中国大陆科学钻探实施15周年(2001~2016),本文回顾中国大陆科学钻探实施15年来的艰辛和奋斗的历程,展望中国大陆科学钻探的未来。 相似文献
中国大陆科学钻探工程第三先导孔(PP3钻孔),位于秦岭-大别-苏鲁超高压造山带的东部,赣榆岗上超镁铁岩体中。钻孔中超镁铁岩的岩性包括纯橄岩和石榴超镁铁岩等,该超镁铁岩的SiO_2含量均值在43.68%,变化范围为41.9%~47.11%;MgO均值在44.71%,变化范围为47.12%~48.62%;Cr_2O_3均值在0.39%,变化范围为0.30%~0.47%;CaO均值0.12%(变化范围为0.006%~0.34%);Na2O均值在0.05%(变化范围为0.005%~0.32%)。超镁铁质岩的Mg#(Mg/(Mg+Fe)×100)稳定在91.9~93.0之间,Cr#(Cr/(Cr+Fe)×100)均值在38,较高;变化在30~45之间,变化小。其中闪石化金云母超镁铁岩具有最低的值(Cr#=19)。Ni含量在2100×10~(-6)~2500×10~(-6),CaO含量均值为0.13%,Al_2O_3含量均值为0.41%。岩体成分均一,表现为高镁,低钙和低铝的特征。超镁铁岩的不相容元素和稀土元素总量很低,稀土元素总量均值在0.60×10~(-6)。(La/Yb)N比值在6.9~51.2,均值在16.1,重稀土元素严重亏损,是中国东部最亏损的地幔岩之一。超镁铁岩中橄榄石成分(Fo在88.7~93.1之间,Fa在6.8~11.1之间),从早期到晚期,岩石Fo值从93→91~92.4→88.7~89.1。铬尖晶石Cr#值从51到89变化,TiO_2和MnO_2值分别低于0.26%和0.46%,晚期铬尖晶石Cr#值增大,Ti含量减小。单斜辉石由透辉石(Wo_(45.9)8En_(47.89)Fs_(2.73)Ac_(3.39))和顽透辉石(Wo_(27.61)En_(68.78)Fs_(2.27)Ac_(1.34))两种,透辉石(Cpx_Ⅰ)在顽透辉石(Cpx_Ⅱ)中呈被交代的残余粒状。角闪石和金云母呈明显的条带状和脉状,局部发育。岩石具有弱的Na和K交代作用,较高的Sr和Ba等元素,亏损高场强元素(HSFE),以及特征的稀土元素和微量元素配分曲线;岩石中主要组成矿物橄榄石从早期到晚期,矿物Mg#指数下降(Mg#从93→88);单斜辉石中可看到透辉石被顽透辉石交代现象;次生角闪石和金云母的形成等特征都显示超镁铁岩经历了碳酸盐交代作用。在超镁铁岩矿物橄榄石中发现细小白云石和菱镁矿等碳酸盐矿物更有力证明了苏鲁超高压变质带超镁铁岩经历了深部碳酸盐交代作用。PP3钻孔超镁铁岩属于强烈亏损地幔岩区域,单斜辉石和角闪石等含水矿物在超镁铁岩中含量低,交代作用的范围和规模有限,且交代作用在动力学上是快速的和不平衡的过程。 相似文献
2013年4月20日芦山Ms7.0级地震后,为研究龙门山断裂带西南段震后的地应力状态,应用水压致裂法和压磁应力解除法在该区开展了2个钻孔的原地应力测量工作。测量结果显示硗碛测点在128~188m深度范围内最小水平主应力的量值为10.47~18.47 MPa,最大水平主应力的量值为19.60~25.83 MPa,方向为N63°~85°W;天全测点在114~142m深度范围内最小水平主应力的量值为5.20~7.73 MPa,最大水平主应力的量值为8.21~9.31 MPa,方向为N59°W。两个测点水平主应力与垂直应力的关系均为σ_Hσ_hσ_v,其中硗碛测点最大、最小水平主应力与垂直应力比值的平均值分别为5.27和3.01,天全测点最大、最小水平主应力与垂直应力比值的平均值分别为2.60和1.76,表明有利于逆断层活动。通过比较该地区芦山地震前后实测地应力状态,发现芦山地震后,龙门山断裂带西南段的北段(即邛崃大邑西-宝兴北-汶川南一带)和南段(即天全-荥经-泸定-康定一带)应力积累量增加。相同深度范围内,北段硗碛测点震后的应力大小要比地震前有明显的提高,这也与硗碛测点地应力监测结果一致。实测应力方向与震前基本一致,都为NW-NWW。基于实测地应力资料,根据库伦破裂准则和Byerlee定律分析,位于北段的硗碛测点震前部分压裂段的最大水平主应力处于使断层滑动临界值的上下限之间,而地震后最大水平主应力则均已超过断层滑动临界值的上限。位于南段的飞仙关测点震前最大水平主应力均未达到断层滑动临界值的下限,而地震后天全测点的最大水平主应力则均处于使断层滑动临界值的上下限之间。采用最大剪应力(σ_1-σ_3)/2与平均应力(σ_1+σ_3)/2的比值μ_m(断层摩擦)参数评估研究区地应力的积累水平和地震危险性。震前硗碛测点μ_m的量值为0.16~0.72,平均为0.50,震后为0.71~0.81,平均为0.77。震前飞仙关测点μ_m的量值为0.31~0.35,平均值为0.32,震后天全测点μ_m的量值为0.53~0.57,平均值为0.55,两个研究区的μ_m的量值均变大。分析认为芦山地震后龙门山断裂带西南段的北段和南段的应力积累量增加,都有发生断层滑动的可能性,尤其是北段。 相似文献
A sampling expedition has shown that largely hydrogenetic marine ferromanganese deposits occur in the Christmas Island region south of Java (~10°S), as small nodules on seamount slopes and abyssal plains (red clay), and as thick crusts on volcanic ridges and seamounts. Vernadite is dominant, with birnessite, jacobsite and todorokite common. Nodules were recovered in 25% of free-fall grab stations in water 4600-5900 m deep, and are not abundant where present. The nodules average 9.6% Fe, 19.7% Mn, 0.51% Ni, 0.49% Cu, and 0.12% Co. Crusts are common in water 1450-3700 m deep, with average deposition rates of 1-1.5 mm / m.y. The crusts average 13.9% Fe, 16.2% Mn, 0.35% Ni, 0.11% Cu, and 0.44% Co. Cobalt grades are higher (~0.8%) in shallower water ( < 2500 m), so future exploration should concentrate on depths of 500-1500 m near the oxygen minimum zone. 相似文献
The East Sea, with an average depth of 1700 m, has long been subject to heavy fishing pressure, resulting in derelict fishing gear. Most derelict fishing gears, such as fishing nets, fishing ropes, and crab pots, sink to the seabed and do not degrade. This gear results in “ghost fishing,” which has adverse impacts on deep benthic habitats. Recently, the Korean government has started to remove derelict fishing gears from the deep seabed of the East Sea by bottom trawling with heavy hooks (50–80 kg) and ropes. A total of 207.8 and 252.2 tons of marine debris in 2009 and 2010, respectively, were removed from the seabed, most of which were derelict fishing gears. Contrary to monitoring surveys and clean-up in shallow waters, removal of marine debris from remote deep habitats is much more difficult and dangerous for removal crews. 相似文献
南海东北部新构造运动及其动力学机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
南海东北部地处欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块的交汇区,新构造运动活跃。根据地震活动性、震源机制解和GPS资料对该区的新构造活动特征进行分析,在此基础上讨论该区新构造运动的动力学机制。分析发现,菲律宾海板块NW向俯冲对该区的影响最为显著,导致了该区较强的地震活动性以及与俯冲方向一致的构造应力场。而印藏碰撞产生的侧向应力传递也影响到该区,控制华南地块向SE方向运动,并与菲律宾海板块的NW向俯冲共同作用,使华南地块在SE向运动的同时伴有逆时针旋转。印藏碰撞的SE向应力传递对俯冲产生的NW向水平挤压的抵消作用,使得地震活动性自东向西减弱以及构造应力场P轴方位角顺时针旋转。在这一背景下,区内滨海断裂带的活动控制了该区的地震、海岸带构造升降等新构造运动。 相似文献
十屋断陷是断坳叠置的复合盆地,充填了巨厚的断陷地层。其深部地层包括登娄库组、营城组、沙河子组以及火石岭组。在十屋断陷深部沉积了沙河子组-营城组和登娄库组两套烃源岩和良好的储盖层组合;由于断陷构造运动,形成大量的断裂构造和不整合面,构成了油气运移的有效通道,同时还形成有效断裂、断鼻构造圈闭以及不整合圈闭。综合分析认为,十屋断陷深部具有有利油气成藏生储盖组合。主要有下生上储式、自生自储式和上生下储式三种成藏模式。 相似文献
This study considers an important biome in aquatic environments, the subsurface ecosystem that evolves under low mixing conditions, from a theoretical point of view. Employing a conceptual model that involves phytoplankton, a limiting nutrient and sinking detritus, we use a set of key characteristics (thickness, depth, biomass amplitude/productivity) to qualitatively and quantitatively describe subsurface biomass maximum layers (SBMLs) of phytoplankton. These SBMLs are defined by the existence of two community compensation depths in the water column, which confine the layer of net community production; their depth coincides with the upper nutricline. Analysing the results of a large ensemble of simulations with a one-dimensional numerical model, we explore the parameter dependencies to obtain fundamental steady-state relationships that connect primary production, mortality and grazing, remineralization, vertical diffusion and detrital sinking. As a main result, we find that we can distinguish between factors that determine the vertically integrated primary production and others that affect only depth and shape (thickness and biomass amplitude) of this subsurface production layer. A simple relationship is derived analytically, which can be used to estimate the steady-state primary productivity in the subsurface oligotrophic ocean. The fundamental nature of the results provides further insight into the dynamics of these “hidden” ecosystems and their role in marine nutrient cycling. 相似文献
Dmitry S. Dukhovskoy Steven L. Morey Paul J. Martin James J. OBrien Cortis Cooper 《Ocean Modelling》2009,28(4):250-265
Recent observations over the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico have revealed extremely energetic deep currents (near 1 m s−1), which are trapped along the escarpment. Both scientific interest and engineering needs demand dynamical understanding of these extreme events, and can benefit from a numerical model designed to complement observational and theoretical investigations in this region of complicated topography. The primary objective of this study is to develop a modeling methodology capable of simulating these physical processes and apply the model to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. The very steep slope of the Sigsbee Escarpment (0.05–0.1) limits the application of ocean models with traditional terrain-following (sigma) vertical coordinates, which may represent the very complicated topography in the region adequately, can result in large truncation errors during calculation of the horizontal pressure gradient. A new vertical coordinate system, termed a vanishing quasi-sigma coordinate, is implemented in the Navy Coastal Ocean Model for application to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. Vertical coordinate surfaces for this grid have noticeably gentler slopes than a traditional sigma grid, while still following the terrain near the ocean bottom. The new vertical grid is tested with a suite of numerical experiments and compared to a classical sigma-layer model. The numerical error is substantially reduced in the model with the new vertical grid. A one-year, realistic, numerical simulation is performed to simulate strong, deep currents over the Escarpment using a very-high-resolution nested modeling approach. The model results are analyzed to demonstrate that the deep-ocean currents in the simulation replicate the prominent dynamical features of the observed intense currents in the region. 相似文献