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A geoelectromagnetic research was carried out in the Santa Cruz region (Santiago Island, Cabo Verde) during June 2004. The survey comprised MT soundings and VLF profiles. The main purpose of the MT profile, carried out across three important valleys associated with freshwater aquifers, was to study the tectonic structures correlated to seawater infiltration. The VLF method was used inside of the valleys for investigating shallow structures related to the aquifer contamination by seawater.Numerical modelling shows that the ocean effect is not important for MT data collected at periods shorter than 1 s. The MT data were inverted using a two-dimensional approach, to obtain the sub-superficial electrical conductivity distribution. The VLF data were processed applying the Karous–Hjelt filters to obtain the equivalent current distribution and inverted using 2-D approach. The results obtained in one of the most important valleys show anomalous current concentration/low resistivity (<20 Ω m) areas at depths greater than 40 m that may correspond to an increase in seawater content.The MT data modelling show that the deep zones beneath the valley are strongly fractured representing good pathways for seawater circulation. The depth of the conductive zones increases from south to north, suggesting a northward decreasing of the seawater infiltration effect. This observation correlates very well with in situ geochemical observations.  相似文献   
李满  肖骑彬  喻国 《地球物理学报》2020,63(11):4125-4143

阿尔金断裂带东段走滑速率沿断裂走向方向存在明显的流失现象,有关阿尔金断裂带的影响范围及走滑速率变化的机制需要有更多的深部结构证据来提供支撑.本文以阿尔金断裂带昌马段为窗口,获取了4条横穿阿尔金断裂带及相邻地区的大地电磁测深剖面.二维电性剖面显示在阿尔金断裂带北侧中上地壳以连续的高阻体为主,而南侧祁连山内部的深部电性结构在横向上有较为复杂的变化.这一点与区域构造背景相对应,即北侧的塔里木盆地东缘依然具有较好的整体性,南侧的祁连山是青藏高原北缘生长的最前端,变形强烈.在断裂带的结构特征上,阿尔金断裂带沿走向方向的切割深度在昌马盆地西侧发生了显著的降低,与阿尔金断裂带相对应的电性边界在这里向南偏移了约15 km,对应F18断裂,并与昌马盆地相接.祁连山北部的断裂带,包括昌马断裂、旱峡—大黄沟断裂总体呈现出低角度南倾的样式,切过高阻异常体的顶部.虽然昌马盆地可以起到连接断裂带的阶区的作用,将部分阿尔金断裂的走滑分量转移到盆地南侧的昌马断裂上,但是昌马断裂的走滑速率从西向东是增加的,东侧的走滑速率甚至大于阿尔金断裂沿走向方向的流失分量.我们认为在青藏高原北部主要断裂带的活动还是受印度—欧亚板块碰撞引起的远程挤压效应的影响,包括阿尔金断裂以及祁连山内部系列断层都处于斜向挤压应力环境.在这种基本构造模式下,阿尔金断裂、断裂F18、昌马盆地、昌马断裂构成了一个局部的走滑速率分解-转换-吸收体系,对局部应力状态产生影响.





喜马拉雅东构造结岩石圈板片深俯冲的地球物理证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2009~2010年在南迦巴瓦地区进行了宽频带地震和大地电磁探测,分别处理获得东构造结及其邻区的地下300km以上的P波速度图像和两条大地电磁电阻率剖面。通过资料的对比和综合解释,发现电阻率分布与地震波速有较好的对应关系。研究结果表明:南迦巴瓦变质体的上地壳部分呈现明显高速高阻特征,为两侧的雅鲁藏布江缝合带所夹持;中下地壳具有不均匀性,且普遍呈低速低阻特征;印度板块在藏东南向欧亚板块的俯冲前缘越过嘉黎断裂,抵达班公湖-怒江缝合带;在拉萨地体的高速俯冲板片以下100km至200km深度范围内存在大规模的低速异常带,其上盘中下地壳也广泛发育低速高导体,指示青藏高原东南缘可能存在韧性易流动的物质向东、东南逃逸的通道,为印度板块在南迦巴瓦的深俯冲动力学模式提供了地球物理证据。  相似文献   

In Senegal, magnetotellurie (MT) method has been used in an attempt to resolve the principal structural features by their electrical response. On the basis of numerical modelling of data, an unified model of possible crustal structure is presented for the West african margin. The results are in agreement with other independent geophysical and geological information.  相似文献   
The WSINV3DMT code makes the implementation of 3D inversion of magnetotelluric data feasible using a single PC. Audio‐magnetotelluric data were collected along two profiles in a Cu‐Ni mining area in Xinjiang, China, where the apparent resistivity and phase curves, the phase tensors and the magnetic induction vectors indicate a complex 3D conductivity structure. 3D inversions were carried out to reveal the electrical structure of the area. The final 3D model is selected from the inversion results using different initial Lagrange values and steps. The relatively low root‐mean‐square (rms) misfit and model norm indicate a reliable electrical model. The final model includes four types of low resistivity areas, the first ones coincide with the known location of an orebody and further forward modelling indicates that they are not in full connectivity to form a low resistivity zone. The second ones are not controlled by magnetotelluric sites and embody little information of the observed data, they are considered as tedious structures. The third one is near to the regional Kangguer fault and should be treated carefully considering the effect of the fault. The last ones are isolated and existing at a limited level as the first ones, they should be paid more attention to.  相似文献   
喜马拉雅西北部逆冲带的地壳电性结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
印度板块北部地形起伏较大的喜马拉雅山地区由几个构造互异的地质单元组成,依地形高、低把喜马拉雅碰撞带分成低喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅.为了研究与主要逆冲带(含主缝合带MCT和主边界带MBT)有关的地壳电性结构,沿Rohtangpass (海拔4000 m) 到Mandi (海拔400 m)剖面进行了MT探测.通过对16个测点观测资料的分析和考虑地形的二维反演,获得了沿剖面的二维电性结构.电性结构显示,在Chail和主逆冲边界带下方,东西走向的缝合带突然转向北.在下喜马拉雅的Rampur 区段的元古代基底为范围较大的高阻体,而浅部地壳被逆冲带分成向北倾的电导性块体和电阻性块体.Chail 逆冲带东侧低喜马拉雅Rampur 区段的推挤和它西侧的基底脊柱体导致主边界带及相关的逆冲带(Kangra 拐角)向北转弯,Kangra拐角处的应力可能是由于西侧基底脊柱体进入到Kangra 区引起的.  相似文献   
Magnetotelluric (MT) investigations were carried out along a profile in the greenschist–granulite transition zone within the south Indian shield region (SISR). The profile runs over a length of 110 km from Kuppam in the north to Bommidi in the south. It covers the transition zone with 12 MT stations using a wide-band (1 kHz–1 ks) data acquisition system. The Mettur shear zone (MTSZ) forms the NE extension of Moyar–Bhavani shear zone that traverses along the transition zone. The regional geoelectric strike direction of N40°E identified from the present study is consistent with the strike direction of the MTSZ in the center of the profile. The 2-D conductivity model derived from the data display distinct high electrical resistivity character (10,000 Ω m) below the Archaean Dharwar craton and less resistive (< 3000 Ω m) under the southern granulite terrain located south of the MTSZ. The MTSZ separating the two regions is characterized by steep anomalous high conductive feature at lower crustal depths. The deep seismic sounding (DSS) study carried out along the profile shows dipping signatures on either side of the shear zone. The variation of deep electrical resistivity together with the dipping signature of reflectors indicate two distinct terrains, namely, the Archaean Dharwar Craton in the north and the Proterozoic granulite terrain towards south. They got accreted along the MTSZ, which could represent a possible collision boundary.  相似文献   
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