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福州市农业土壤多环芳烃的含量、来源及生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了福州市农业表层土壤(0-10cm)。中美国环境保护署(USEPA)优控的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)含量,并对其来源和生态风险进行了分析。结果表明,供试土样中16种PAHs检出率达到100%,其总量的含量范围为100.2-1215.1μgkg^-1,且与土壤总有机碳的含量呈显著正相关;土壤中PAHs主要源于生物燃烧和石油。利用毒性当量因子(TEF)计算了供试土样中PAHs单体相对于苯并[a]芘的毒性当量(Bapeq),土样中总Bap。值的范围为12.50-147.95μgkg^-1,其中50%土样总Bapeq的值超过荷兰规定目标值(总Bapeq=32.96μgkg^-1),表明福州市部分农业土壤存在一定的潜在生态风险。  相似文献   
On 22 April 1983, a very large area of Thailand and part of Burma were strongly shaken by a rare earthquake (m b=5.8,M s=5.9). The epicenter was located at the Srinagarind reservoir about 190 km northwest of Bangkok, a relatively stable continental region that experienced little previous seismicity. The main shock was preceded by some foreshocks and followed by numerous aftershocks. The largest foreshock ofm b=5.2 occurred 1 week before the main shock, and the largest aftershock ofm b=5.3 took place about 3 hours after the main shock. Focal mechanisms of the three largest events in this earthquake sequence have been studied by other seismologists using firts-motion data. However, the solutions for the main shock and the largest aftershock showed significant inconsistency with known surface geology and regional tectonics. We reexamined the mechanisms of these three events by using teleseismicP-andS-waveforms and through careful readings ofP-wave first motions. The directions of theP axes in our study range from NNW-SSE to NNE-SSW, and nodal planes strike in the NW-SE to about E-W in agreement with regional tectonics and surface geology. The main shock mechanism strikes 255°, dips 48°, and slips 63.5°. The fault motions during the main shock and the foreshock are mainly thrust, while the largest aftershock has a large strike-slip component. The seismic moment and the stress drop of the mainshock are determined to be 3.86×1024 dyne-cm and 180 bars, respectively. The occurrence of these thrust events appears to correlate with the unloading of the Srinagarind reservoir. The focal depths of the largest foreshock, the main shock, and the largest aftershock are determined to be 5.4 km, 8 km, and 22.7 km, respectively, from waveform modeling and relative location showing a downward migration of hypocenters of the three largest events during the earthquake sequence. Other characteristics of this reservoir-induced earthquake sequence are also discussed.  相似文献   
利用哥伦比亚大学 GCMT 目录给出的祁连山中东段地区中强地震震源机制资料,研究较大区域(34°-41°N,100°-106°E)的应力场;利用该地区布设的中法微震数字监测台网多年监测资料和甘肃数字监测台网资料,使用 P 波和 S 波初动及振幅比联合反演方法,反演中小地震震源机制解和发震应力场。结果表明,地区构造应力大致为北东40°-45°水平向压应力;景泰地区主压应力方向约北东45°,绝大多数地震为走滑型。天祝-古浪地区有相当部分的逆断层地震分布,主压应力方向约60°,P 轴仰角在10°左右优势分布,大致为水平应力场。这与大区域构造应力场和断层实际分布基本一致。  相似文献   
The SHETRAN physically based, spatially distributed model is used to investigate the scaling relationship linking specific sediment yield to river basin area, for two contrasting topographies of upland and more homogeneous terrain and as a function of sediment source, land use and rainfall distribution. Modelling enables the effects of the controls to be examined on a systematic basis, while avoiding the difficulties associated with the use of field data (which include limited data, lack of measurements for nested basins and inability to isolate the effects of individual controls). Conventionally sediment yield is held to decrease as basin area increases, as the river network becomes more remote from the headwater sediment sources (an inverse relationship). However, recent studies have reported the opposite variation, depending on the river basin characteristics. The simulation results are consistent with these studies. If the sediment is supplied solely from hillslope erosion (no channel bank erosion) then, with uniform land use, sediment yield either decreases or is constant as area increases. The downstream decrease is accentuated if rainfall (and thence erosion) is higher in the headwaters than at lower elevations. Introducing a non‐uniform land use (e.g. forest at higher elevations, wheat at lower elevations) can reverse the trend, so that sediment yield increases downstream. If the sediment is supplied solely from bank erosion (no hillslope erosion), the sediment yield increases downstream for all conditions. The sediment yield/basin area relationship can thus be inverse or direct, depending on basin characteristics. There still remains, therefore, considerable scope for defining a universal scaling law for sediment yield. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Among the first measurements made from near-Earth orbiting satellites were measurements of the magnetic field. The sources of that field lie both within the Earth, in its core and crust, and in the surrounding ionosphere and magnetosphere. This article summarizes some of the methodology and results for studies of the Earth’s mantle and crust. Mantle conductivity studies can be made either by studying signals impressed on the Earth from outside, e.g., the ionosphere or magnetosphere, or by studying signals originating in the core and transmitted through the mantle. Crustal field studies begin with a careful selection of the data and subsequent removal of core and external fields by some sort of filtering. Average maps from different local times sometimes differ, presumably due to the remaining presence of fields of external origin. Several techniques for further filtering are discussed. Where large-area aeromagnetic maps are available, crustal maps derived from satellite data can be compared with upward continued data. In general, the comparisons show agreement, with some differences, particularly in and near the auroral belts. The satellite data are further reduced by various methods of inverse and forward modelling, sometimes including reduction to the pole (RTP). These techniques are generally unstable at the equator. Common methods of stabilizing the inversions include principle components analysis and ridge regression. Because of the presence of the core field, the entire crustal contribution from the field is not known. Also, there is a basic nonuniqueness to the inverse solutions. Nevertheless, magnetizations that are interpretable can be derived.  相似文献   
一次地中海气旋发展的分析和诊断   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
彭新东  丑纪范 《高原气象》1993,12(3):274-282
中国海相烃源岩发育控制因素   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
烃源岩的形成取决于生烃母质生物的生存环境和有机质良好的保存条件,这两大因素从根本上来说又取决于生物繁殖时和埋藏时的古气候、古洋流、古构造及古环境等各要素的良好匹配。海相高有机质丰度烃源岩的形成与大气中的中等含氧量、干热的气候、冰期-冰后期之交的气温快速转暖、冰川迅速融化所导致的海平面快速上升等密切相关。大洋环流的形成和演变也是控制海相高有机质丰度烃源岩形成的主要因素,上升洋流富磷、富硅、富铁族元素等营养盐和富绿硫细菌极大地促进了有机质生产力、埋藏率的激增。通过研究,建立了中国华南和塔里木盆地寒武系上升洋流分布模式、塔里木盆地上奥陶统良里塔格组台缘斜坡灰泥丘相源岩形成时的反气旋洋流分布模式。研究发现,优质烃源岩仅发育于被动大陆边缘背景下的裂谷、克拉通内裂谷、克拉通内坳陷盆地和克拉通边缘坳陷盆地。欠补偿盆地、蒸发潟湖、台缘斜坡(灰泥丘)和半闭塞—闭塞欠补偿海湾,是高丰度烃源岩发育的有利环境;低的无机物输入和低的沉积速率,有利于高有机质丰度烃源岩形成;呈斜坡的海底地貌,有利于烃源岩形成。  相似文献   
本文提出了考虑各潜在震源相互耦合的等效物理模型,系统地建立了通过拟合各潜在震源地震序列来确定不同时间段内活断层形速率的方法,给出了预报各潜在震源未来一定年限内发生震级在不同震级段的概率模型。  相似文献   
GIS是地理信息服务的有效工具和手段。本文基于开源GIS软件Geoserver和Leaflet,首先,介绍了它们的特点和优势,阐述了地理信息服务的规范;然后,提出了构建与调用地理信息服务的体系框架,研究了服务构建和调用等关键技术;最后,基于烟台市地图数据进行实验,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   
采用密闭容器水热模拟实验方法,考察含铀物质对有机质热解生烃过程的影响。对热模拟实验产物分析发现,在暗色泥岩和煤岩样品中加入含铀物质后,气态烃和液态烃的生烃量都有比较明显的增加。其中煤岩的气态烃产量平均增加值为34%,而泥岩样品平均增加值也达到了30%以上。液态烃产率分析表明,含铀矿物也促进了泥岩和煤岩的液态烃产率。从泥岩氯仿沥青‘A’族组成分析表明,加入催化剂后泥岩的饱和烃和芳烃在高温阶段具有规律性的明显增大的趋势,反映出非烃和沥青质,甚至不溶有机质向相对稳定的饱和烃转化以及芳烃随演化程度增加的高聚合作用。综合以上分析,认为放射性铀对油气生成具有氧化催化作用。  相似文献   
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