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Madagascar is one of the most important gem-producing countries in the world, including ruby and sapphires. Gem corundum deposits formed at different stages in the geological evolution of the island and in contrasting environments. Four main settings are identified: (1) Gem corundum formed in the Precambrian basement within the Neoproterozoic terranes of southern Madagascar, and in the volcano-sedimentary series of Beforona, north of Antananarivo. In the south, high-temperature (700 to 800 °C) and low-pressure (4 to 5 kbar) granulites contain deposits formed during the Pan-African orogenesis between 565 and 490 Ma. They accompany mafic and ultramafic complexes (ruby deposits of the Vohibory group), skarns at the contact between Anosyan granites and the Proterozoic Tranomaro group (sapphire deposits of the Tranomaro–Andranondambo district), and shear-zone corridors cross-cutting feldspathic gneisses, cordieritites and clinopyroxenites in the Tranomaro, Vohimena and Androyan metamorphic series (biotite schist deposits of Sahambano and Zazafotsy, cordieritites of Iankaroka and Ambatomena). The circulation of fluids, especially along discontinuities, allowed in-situ alkaline metasomatism, forming corundum host rocks related to desilicified granites, biotitites, “sakenites” and “corundumites”. (2) Gem corundum also occurs in the Triassic detrital formations of the Isalo group, as giant palaeoplacers in the Ilakaka–Sakaraha area. Here, sapphires and rubies may come from the metamorphic granulitic terranes of southern Madagascar. (3) Gem corundum deposits occur within the Neogene-Quaternary alkali basalts from Ankaratra (Antsirabe–Antanifotsy area) and in the Ambohitra Province (Nosy Be, Ambato and Ambondromifehy districts). Primary deposits are rare, except at Soamiakatra where ruby in gabbroic and clinopyroxenite xenoliths within alkali-basalts probably derive from mantle garnet peridotites. The blue-green-yellow sapphires typical of basaltic fields are always recovered in palaeoplacer (in karst formed upon Jurassic limestones from the Montagne d'Ambre, Antsiranana Province) and alluvial and soil placers (Ankaratra volcanic massif). (4) Deposits occur within Quaternary eluvial, colluvial and alluvial concentrations, such as high-quality rubies from the Andilamena and Vatomandry deposits.  相似文献   
This paper examines the frameworks being developed to co-manage coral reefs in Kenya and Madagascar. The historical and social context, flexibility of rule-making, monitoring and enforcement, and how community-based organizations are nested within other organizations is described. A comparison of the degree to which these two frameworks contain 10 key design principles thought to be important for successful commons institutions is presented. Finally, recommendations are made for improving co-management in these countries. A principal finding is that both co-management frameworks were developed for other systems (terrestrial and lakes), which creates misfits for how marine systems can be managed.  相似文献   
Lavaka represent a typical erosional landform in Madagascar. The chronology of their formation remains, however, under discussion. Our research focuses on the Ankarokaroka lavaka, a spectacular landform located in NW Madagascar (Ankarafantsika natural reserve), which is characterized by the presence of sandy units of regional extension at its top. The two main units correspond to white and red sands, and are closely associated with specific vegetations (dry dense forest for the white sands, savannah grasslands for the red sands). We applied a geochronological approach based on Optically Stimulated Luminescence (for the coversands) associated with radiocarbon dating performed on archaeological remains found at the contact between the sands and the lavaka. The combination of this approach with field work and sedimentological analyses makes it possible to show that the sands experienced a complex history, both in terms of sedimentation and post‐sedimentary pedogenesis (podzolization of the white sands, rubefaction of the red sands). The numerical ages furthermore indicate that the Ankarokaroka lavaka formed between 18.5 ± 2.3 ka ago and the 14th century AD. The present study demonstrates that this lavaka has a climatic origin, and highlights the potential of OSL to date sediments associated with Madagascar lavaka. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Petrological studies and electron microprobe dating of monazitefrom the mafic Andriamena unit, north–central Madagascar,indicate that an apparently continuous PT path inferredfor Mg-granulites is actually discontinuous, resulting fromthe superposition of two distinct metamorphic events at 2·5Ga and  相似文献   
The Precambrian geology of west-central Madagascar is reviewed and re-interpreted in light of new field observations, Landsat Thematic Mapper image analysis, and U–Pb geochronology. The bedrock of the area consists of: (1) late Archean (to Paleoproterozoic) migmatite gneiss and schist; (2) Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks (Itremo, Amborompotsy, and Malakialina Groups) perhaps deposited unconformably on the older metamorphic rocks (1, above); (3) Proterozoic ( 1000 Ma–720 Ma) plutonic rocks emplaced into both units above (1 and 2), and; (4) latest Neoproterozoic to middle Cambrian ( 570–520 Ma) granitoids emplaced as regionally discordant and weakly foliated plutons throughout the regions.

The effects of Neoproterozoic orogenic processes are widespread throughout the region and our observations and isotopic measurements provide important constraints on the tectonic history of the region: (i) Archean gneisses and Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks are the crystalline basement and platformal sedimentary cover, respectively, of a continental fragment of undetermined tectonic affinity (East or West Gondwanan, or neither). (ii) This continental fragment (both basement and cover) was extensively invaded by subduction-related plutons in the period from  1000 Ma to  720 Ma that were emplaced prior to the onset of regional metamorphism and deformation. (iii) Continental collision related to Gondwana's amalgamation began after  720 Ma and before  570 Ma. Collision related deformation and metamorphism continued throughout the rest of the Neoproterozoic with thermal effects that lasted until  520 Ma. The oldest structures produced during continental collision were km-scale fold- and thrust-nappes with east or southeast-directed vergence (present-day direction). They resulted in the inversion and repetition of Archean and Proterozoic rocks throughout the region. During this early phase of convergence warm rocks were thrust over cool rocks thereby producing the present distribution of regional metamorphic isograds. The vergence of the nappes and the distribution of metamorphic rocks are consistent with their formation within a zone of west or northwest-dipping continental convergence (present-day direction). (iv) Later upright folding of the nappes (and related folds and thrusts) produced km-scale interference fold patterns. The geometry and orientation of these younger upright folds is consistent with E–W horizontal shortening (present-day direction) within a sinistral transpressive regime. We relate this final phase of deformation to motion along the Ranotsara and related shear zones of south Madagascar, and to the initial phases of lower crustal exhumation and extensional tectonics within greater Gondwana.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):56-66
Madagascar becomes a large isolated island after its dislocation from East Africa at its western part during the opening of the Mozambique Channel and its separation from India at its eastern part during the opening of the basin of the Mascarene. From a stratigraphic point of view, Karroo of Madagascar shares substantial similarities with the stratigraphic strata of East Africa. While oil companies have taken a liking to the basins of East Africa, they also turn to the basins in the western part of Madagascar especially after the discovery of large oil fields at Tsimiroro and Bemolanga. According to the study of their geological history, the basins of Madagascar contain huge hydrocarbon potential. The western basins, which is more developed than the east coast of the island, have been the subject of many in-depth studies by numerous researchers. The cross-referencing of bibliographic data with geological studies, and knowledge of hydrocarbon formation and maturation stages, carried out in this study served to determine the nature of source rocks, reservoir rocks, bedrock and eventual trapping system of hydrocarbons in Madagascar. This study identified the properties of Madagascar source rocks, reservoir rocks, bedrock and the final oil and gas trap system by cross-referencing the literature and geological research, oil and gas formation and maturity stages, and shows that Madagascar has considerable hydrocarbon potential.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
The East African Orogen involves a collage of Proterozoic microcontinents and arc terranes that became wedged between older cratonic blocks during the assembly of Gondwana.The Ediacaran-Cambrian Ambalavao and Maevarano Suites in Madagascar were emplaced during the waning orogenic stages and consist of weakly deformed to undeformed plutonic rocks and dykes of mainly porphyritic granite but also gabbro,diorite and charnockite.U-Pb geochronological data date emplacement of the Ambalavao Suite to between ca.580 Ma and 540 Ma and the Maevarano Suite to between ca.537 Ma and522 Ma.Major and trace element concentrations are consistent with emplacement in a syn-to postcollisional tectonic setting as A-type(anorogenic) suites.Oxygen(δ~(18)O of 5.27‰-7.45‰) and hafnium(ε_(Hf)(t) of-27.8 to-12.3) isotopic data from plutons in the Itremo and Antananarivo Domains are consistent with incorporation of an ancient crustal source.More primitive δ~(18)O(5.27‰-5.32‰) andε_(Hf)(t)(+0.0 to+0.2) isotopic values recorded in samples collected from the Ikalamavony Domain demonstrate the isotopic variation of basement sources present in the Malagasy crust.The Hf isotopic composition of Malagasy zircon are unlike more juvenile Ediacaran-Cambrian zircon sou rces elsewhere in the East African Orogen and,as such,Madagascar represents a distinct and identifiable detrital zircon source region in Phanerozoic sedimentary provenance studies.Taken together,these data indicate that high-T crustal anatexis,crustal assimilation and interaction of crustal material with mantle-derived melts were the processes operating during magma emplacement.This magmatism was coeval with polyphase deformation throughout Madagascar during the amalgamation of Gondwana and magmatism is interpreted to reflect lithospheric delamination of an extensive orogenic plateau.  相似文献   
In a comprehensive U–Pb electron microprobe study of zircon and monazite from the khondalite belt of Trivandrum Block in southern Kerala, we present age data on five key metapelite locations (Nedumpara, Oottukuzhi, Kulappara, Poolanthara and Paranthal). The rocks here, characterized by the assemblage of garnet–sillimanite–spinel–cordierite–biotite–K–feldsapr–plagiocalse–quartz–graphite, have been subjected to granulite facies metamorphism under extreme thermal conditions as indicated by the stability of spinel + quartz and the presence of mesoperthites that equilibrated at ultrahigh-temperature (ca. 1000 °C) conditions. The oldest spot age of 3534 Ma comes from the core of a detrital zircon at Nedumpara and is by far the oldest age reported from this supracrustal belt. Regression of age data from several spot analyses in single zircons shows “isochrons” ranging from 3193 ± 72 to 2148 ± 94 Ma, indicating heterogeneous population of zircons derived from multiple provenance. However, majority of zircons from the various localities shows Neoproterozoic apparent ages with sharply defined peaks in individual localities, ranging between 644–746 Ma. The youngest zircon age of 483 Ma was obtained from the outermost rim of a grain that incorporates a relict core displaying ages in the range of 2061–2543 Ma.The cores of monazites also show apparent older ages of Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic range, which are mantled by late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian rims. The oldest monazite core has an apparent age of 2057 Ma. Extensive growth of new monazite during latest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian–Ordovician times is also displayed by grain cores with apparent ages up to 622 Ma. The homogeneous core of a sub-rounded monazite grain yielded a maximum age of 569 Ma, markedly younger than the 610 Ma age reported in a previous study from homogenous and rounded zircon core from a metapelite in Trivandrum Block. These younger ages from abraded grains that have undergone fluvial transport are interpreted to indicate that deposition within the khondalite belt was as young as, or later than, this range. Probability density plots indicate that majority of the monazite grain population belong to Late Proterozoic/Cambrian age (ca. 560–520 Ma) with major peaks defining sharp spikes in individual localities.The age data presented in this study indicate that the metasediments of the Trivandrum Block sourced from Archaean and Paleo-Mesoproterozoic crustal fragments that were probably assembled in older supercontinents like Ur and Columbia. The largest age population of zircons belong to the Neoproterozoic, and are obviously related to orogenies during the pre-assembly phase of Gondwana, possibly from terrains belonging to the East African Orogen. Several prominent age spikes within the broad late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian age range displayed by monazites denote the dynamic conditions and extreme thermal perturbations attending the birth of Gondwana. Our study further establishes the coherent link between India and Madagascar within the East Gondwana ensemble prior to the final assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   
The Antampombato–Ambatovy complex is the largest intrusionin the central–eastern part of the Cretaceous flood basaltprovince of Madagascar, with an exposed surface area of about80 km2. It has an 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating age of 89·9± 0·4 Ma and a U–Pb age of 90 ± 2Ma. The outcropping plutonic rocks range from dunite and wehrlite,through clinopyroxenite and gabbro, to sodic syenite. A dykeswarm cross-cutting some of the above lithologies (and the nearbyPrecambrian basement rocks) is formed of picritic basalts, alkalito transitional basalts, benmoreites and rhyolites; some ofthe latter are peralkaline. A few basaltic dykes have cumulateolivine textures, with up to 26 wt % MgO and 1200 ppm Ni, whereasothers have characteristics more akin to those of primitiveliquids (9 wt % MgO; Mg-number 0·61; 500 ppm Cr; 200ppm Ni). These basalts have relatively high TiO2 (2·2wt %) and total iron (14 wt % as Fe2O3), and moderate contentsof Nb (10–11 ppm) and Zr (c. 100 ppm). Initial (at 90Ma) Sr- and Nd-isotope ratios of the clinopyroxenites and basaltdykes are 0·7030–0·7037 and 0·51290–0·51283,respectively. Syenites and peralkaline rhyolites have Sr- andNd-isotope ratios of 0·7037–0·7039 and 0·51271–0·51274,respectively. The data suggest derivation of the parental magmasfrom a time-integrated depleted mantle source, combined withsmall amounts of crustal contamination in the petrogenesis ofthe more evolved magmas. The isotopic compositions of the mafic–ultramaficrocks are most similar to those of the mid-ocean ridge basalt(MORB)-like igneous rocks of eastern Madagascar, and suggestthe existence of an isotopically ‘depleted’ componentin the source of the entire Madagascar province, even thoughthe Antampombato basalts are chemically unlike the lavas anddykes with the same depleted isotopic signature found in westernMadagascar. If this depleted component is plume-related, thissuggests that the plume has a broadly MORB-source mantle composition.The existence of isotopically more enriched magma types in theMadagascan province has several possible petrogenetic explanations,one of which could be the interaction of plume-related meltswith the deep lithospheric mantle beneath the island. KEY WORDS: geochronology; flood basalts; Antampombato–Ambatovy intrusion; Cretaceous; Madagascar  相似文献   
马达加斯加Antanisoa石墨矿床成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马达加斯加是世界优质大鳞片石墨矿重要产地之一,随着大鳞片石墨在诸多新兴领域发挥着越来越大的作用,对马达加斯加石墨矿床的研究显得越来越重要。矿床成因研究对石墨矿床的找矿勘查具有指导作用,然而目前关于马达加斯加石墨矿床的研究程度较低,人们普遍认为马达加斯加的石墨矿床是沉积变质成因。文章将Antanisoa石墨矿床作为研究对象,通过对矿区内石墨片岩的岩相学研究以及矿物化学特征研究,发现沉积变质成因的说法并不妥当。野外地质调查和岩相学研究显示出较多与流体充填有关的现象,矿物化学特征表明石墨片岩中与石墨共生的云母为金云母,浅色电气石为镁电气石。结合前人对马达加斯加岛地质背景研究结果与认识,认为马达加斯加Antanisoa石墨矿床更有可能与幔源流体充填有关,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
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