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Microcystis bloom, one of the most objectionable characteristics of eutrophication in tropical and subtropical waters, occurred in Donghu Lake (East lake) of Wuhan every summer from the 1970s up to 1984, but from 1985 up to now failed to occur there. The cause of its disappearance rema-ined in obscurity until recently. In situ enclosure experiments in the lake for three years showed that the stocking of the filter-feeding silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) and big-head carp (Aristichthys nobilis ) played a decisive role in eliminating Microcystis bloom from the lake; but that recurrence of the bloom is possible under certain conditions. This paper presents the details and the results of enclosure ex-periments. The authors‘ analysis of fish biomass data obtained by echo-sounding and the fishery produc-tion of the lake over the years, revealed that the recurrence of Microcystis bloom can be prevented so long as the combined biomnss of silver carp and big-head carp remains at or exceeds 50 g per cubic meter of lakewater, as was the case in the lake‘s 1985 fish yield of 1015 t.  相似文献   
高温微风条件下太湖流域风场时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王成林  黄娟  钱新 《湖泊科学》2011,23(1):122-128
适宜太湖蓝藻水华大面积形成的诸多因素中,气象因素主要是高温、微风.据此对太湖周边17个常规气象观测站的7年报文资料进行筛选,选择的17个站点同时满足时间为14点、气温大于2590、风速小于等于4m/s的风场进行分析,研究发现太湖流域风场空间特征以东南风居多,而且不同风向的背景风场吹过水面后.在下风向湖面及湖岸附近都存在...  相似文献   
刘浩  尹宝树 《海洋学报》2007,29(4):20-33
利用在本系列研究第一部分中所建立的耦合的生物物理模型,模拟了渤海浮游植物生物量和营养盐含量的年度循环特征.模拟结果显示:藻类的春季水华是由经过一冬积累在水体中的营养盐导致,而水华开始的时间在浅水区明显早于深水区,对此深水区水体层化结构的形成可能起着重要作用;另一方面,河载营养盐与悬起的沉积物所释放的营养盐是诱发夏季水华的共同原因.基于模型结果,我们还发现:渤海的浮游植物动力特性就整体而言依然受无机氮限制,但是在莱州湾,磷限制特性表现得非常明显,这主要是由于每年黄河都要携带大量的无机氮进入海水,从而导致莱州湾营养盐的氮磷比已远远超过16.  相似文献   
基于突变理论的太湖蓝藻水华危险性分区评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
蓝藻水华暴发是湖泊生态系统中营养物质长期累积的结果,是系统营养经长期演化后的极端状态.突变理论评价方法无需确定指标权重,减少了人为主观因素,并且计算方便.本文基于突变理论,采取蓝藻水华暴发的表征因子(叶绿素浓度)和导致蓝藻水华暴发的环境因子(总氮和总磷)作为潜在危险性评价指标,蓝藻水华的面积、范围以及暴发频次作为历史危险性评价指标建立多准则蓝藻水华暴发风险评价指标体系,并结合太湖九个分区进行蓝藻水华暴发危险性分区及全湖评价.研究结果表明:竺山湖和西部沿岸为极重危险性湖区;梅梁湾为重度危险性湖区;南部沿岸、贡湖和大太湖为中度危险性湖区;箭湖东茭咀、东太湖和胥湖蓝藻水华暴发危险性较小,为轻微危险性湖区.整体上看,太湖蓝藻水华暴发危险性程度由轻到重基本上沿东南-西北方向变化,与营养盐浓度由低到高分布趋势相一致.根据评价结果,可以明确太湖各区遭遇蓝藻水华暴发危险性的大小,为蓝藻水华风险管理和应急处理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
In the summer of 2008, the world’s largest green-tide occurred in the Yellow Sea, China. The hypothesized cause was the expansion of Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture along the Jiangsu coastline and the re-occurrence of a green-tide in 2009 was predicted. In this study, satellite and field images showed the formation of the June 2009 green-tide which again originated from the Jiangsu coast. The responsible species, its source and biomass accumulation were studied to support the previous hypothesis. Morphological and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the homology of Ulva prolifera in the 2008 green-tide with the U. prolifera from P. yezoensis aquaculture rafts. About 91-505 kg/ha of U. prolifera was attached to the P. yezoensis aquaculture rafts and a total biomass of 4956 tonnes was estimated during the harvesting of P. yezoensis. This is sufficient to seed a bloom when they are dislodged from the rafts as a result of harvesting practices.  相似文献   
北京城区河湖水质分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
调研结果显示,2003年北京城区河湖(11个监测水体)总磷、总氮含量分别为0.142mg/L、1.481mg/L,已达到比较 严重的富营养状态.北京城市河湖属于藻型水体,初级生产力主要决定于浮游藻类的群落结构与密度.河湖水体中浮游 藻类密度为37867.82×10~4cells/L,其群落由蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bcillariophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophy— ta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)、黄藻(Xanthophyta)、金藻(Chrysophyta)和裸藻(Eugleniphyta)构成.群落中蓝藻占绝对优势 (89.54%).在近几年的夏秋季连续发生程度不同的微囊藻(microcystis)水华,对水体功能和城市景观造成了不良影响. 主要原因是:(1)氮磷和有机物的污染,(2)给城市河湖补给的水量少,(3)河湖生态系统被损害,水体自净能力差.本文 对如何改善北京城市河湖水质提出了建议.  相似文献   
In the spring of 1995, short-term variations in the concentration of particulate and dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) were monitored in the western Wadden Sea, a shallow coastal region in open connection with the North Sea. Significant correlations were found between abundance of Phaeocystis globosa and particulate DMSP; concentrations increased rapidly from 100 to 1650 nM in the middle of April. Highest DMS concentrations were found during the initial phase of the exponential growth of the bloom. DMS production and loss rates of DMSP and DMS were estimated experimentally during various phases of the bloom. DMS production and consumption were roughly in balance, with production only slightly exceeding consumption at the start of the bloom. Rates of production and consumption were highest during the exponential growth phase of Phaeocystis and declined in the course of the bloom (from 300–375 to less than 5 nmol dm−3 d−1). Demethylation of DMSP increased during the bloom (from 11 to 1300 nmol dm−3 d−1); it accounted for up to 100% of the DMSP loss at the end of the bloom. The shift from DMSP cleavage to demethylation in the course of a Phaeocystis bloom implies that DMS concentrations are not necessarily highest at the peak or towards the end of blooms.  相似文献   
宋子豪  邹伟  桂智凡  许海  蔡永久 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):987-1000
湖泊(包括自然湖泊和人工水库)富营养化已成为世界性的环境问题,营养状态指数是目前最流行的富营养化水平量化方法。然而,不同营养状态指数的基本逻辑和适用水体等方面存在明显差异,不当选取可能会造成营养水平和相关水华风险的错误估计,并引发湖泊保护和修复措施的错位。鉴于此,本文对我国常用营养状态指数的构建思路、共性和差异以及不确定性来源等进行了综述。总体来看,营养状态指数基本构建思路分3种:1) Carlson指数型(如TSI),以透明度(SD)为核心参数,使用SD的2倍变化对应指数的10分差值,假定SD 为64 m时记为指数值0分;2)改良TSI指数型(如TSIm),以叶绿素a(Chl.a)为核心参数,使用Chl.a的2.5倍变化对应指数的10分差值,假定Chl.a 1000 μg/L对应该指数100分;3)营养足迹指数型(如TFI),该指数亦使用Chl.a指示藻类生物量,Chl.a的e倍关系对应藻类生物量的二倍变化和指数10分差值,假定Chl.a为10 μg/L时对应该指数50分。根据上述假设得出对应的基础参数评估方程,然后均以基础参数(SD或Chl.a)与衍生参数间的经验方程 “直接替换”获得衍生参数的评估方程。如上可知,营养状态指数均体现了数值增大表征藻类初级生产力和伴随的水华风险提高的共性,同时本文也从:1)数据集属性和基础指标评估方程获取的方法;2)衍生指标评估方程获取的统计原理;3)分项指标的权重设置方式3个方面分析营养状态指数之间的差异性。未来展望方面,首先,鉴于当前营养状态指数均属于通用性指数,因而建议未来基于上述3种基本类型开发因地制宜的营养状态指数,实现湖泊藻类生产力和水华风险的精准指示;其次,营养状态指数的生态学依据是藻类限制因子理论,营养状态指数各分项指标(即基于总氮、总磷、SD和Chl.a)的差异可以指示初级生产力的限制因子,建议未来开展营养状态指数分项指标差异机制研究,以指导藻类水华防控措施精准施策;再次,除富营养化外,湖泊生态健康受损往往也与其它压力有关,建议未来开展湖泊生态健康对富营养化和其他压力的综合响应机制研究,制定服务于湖泊生态系统健康提升的精准调控路径。本文目的并非将营养状态指数的通用属性“复杂化”,而是旨在阐明营养状态指数的“前世今生”,进而为广大湖泊富营养化相关人员使用指数时提供参考,也希望为我国湖泊营养状态精准量化、后续保护和修复措施的精准实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
胡莲  郑志伟  杨志  杨晴  邹曦  万成炎  张云昌 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1025-1035
三峡水库蓄水以来,支流水华频发,尤以小江情况最为严重,给三峡库区的生态安全带来较大隐患。为探究支流水华暴发特征和主控因素,于2014-2021年小江水华暴发期间在小江高阳江段进行浮游植物及环境因子调查,并使用单因素方差分析、聚类分析、百分比相似性分析以及基于距离的线性模型等方法,对小江水华暴发期间浮游植物和环境因子在不同年份不同水层间的差异以及二者的关系进行研究。结果表明:小江水华暴发期内,浮游植物的种类数在43~70种之间,其中2015年蓝藻种类数明显减少,2018年以后硅藻种类数明显减少;采样期间浮游植物平均细胞密度在0.66×106~61.28×106 cells/L之间,同期表层细胞密度明显高于中层和底层;各层水体间水华微囊藻、铜绿微囊藻、不定微囊藻等10种藻的密度存在明显差异,是主要差异种;显著影响表层、中层和底层浮游植物群落结构变动的环境因子是水位的日平均变幅;水位的日平均变幅与藻类优势种拟合关系显示,当日水位下降幅度在0.5 m以上时,浮游植物平均密度会呈指数级减少。研究结果可为三峡库区支流水华的防控提供数据支持。  相似文献   
The distribution of organic carbon (OC) and of some metals (Cu, Mn) amongst the particulate (>0·2 μm), colloidal (10 kDa–0·2 μm) and the truly dissolved (<10 kDa) fractions of the River Marne was investigated during the phytoplankton spring bloom. A tangential ultrafiltration (UF) device was utilized to separate the colloidal fraction. On average, 22% of the OC, 31% of the Cu and 53% of the Mn, usually assigned to the so‐called dissolved fraction, were found in the colloidal fraction. The colloidal fraction exhibited a behaviour different from that of the particulate and truly dissolved fractions. Autochthonous production led to enrichment in the colloidal and particulate OC pools: up to 47% of the total dissolved OC was in the colloidal fraction. An increase in the colloidal metal fraction, concomitant with a fall in the truly dissolved fraction, coincided with peaks in phytoplankton during the bloom. These phenomena might be related either to an increase in pH associated with photosynthetic activity, resulting in the precipitation of truly dissolved forms into the colloidal fraction, or to scavenging of the truly dissolved metals by the algal species of colloidal size. The interaction between the colloidal and the truly dissolved phases was very important. The partition coefficients of the Cu and Mn between the colloidal and truly dissolved fractions were higher than between the particulate and the truly dissolved fractions. This pattern is consistent with a greater specific surface area of colloids than macroparticles. Consequently, the adsorption and complexation capacities are enhanced in the colloidal fraction of the particulate matter. The extraction of hydrophobic complexes with Cu using C18 Sep‐Pak columns, showed that the Cu occurring in colloidal, total dissolved or truly dissolved forms was significantly complexed by the organic matter. The truly dissolved fraction might be complexed up to 100% during a phytoplankton bloom. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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