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We present a multiple luminescence signal measurement procedure that simultaneously measures six different luminescence signals from a single polymineral aliquot (i.e. multiple-signal, short MS-SAR approach). The six signals show different bleaching rates in bleaching experiments, ranging from rapid bleaching for the quartz dominated blue stimulated luminescence signal (measured at 125 °C, BSL-125), to the slow-bleaching polymineral thermoluminescence signal. The bleaching rate of the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) measured at room temperature (IR-25) and elevated temperature post-IR IRSL (pIRIR-90, pIRIR-155, pIRIR-225) signals decrease with increasing measurement temperature. Owing to these different bleaching rates, the MS-SAR approach allows inference of the degree of bleaching, and thereby information on the transport history of sediments. We test this approach by applying the MS-SAR to four coastal samples from a well-monitored sand-nourishment site at the Dutch coast. Our results show that the proposed MS-SAR approach can be utilised to construct bleaching plateaus which provide an independent and time-effective measure of the degree of poor bleaching in a sediment sample based on the measurement of only a few large aliquots. We propose that the MS-SAR protocol can be used to profile the age, luminescence properties and degree of bleaching of minimal prepared polymineral. This pre-profiling will allow the selection of suitable samples for full luminescence dating analysis in a target-orientated and time-effective manner.  相似文献   
Radiofluorescence (RF) is the luminescence emitted during exposure to ionizing radiation. Charged particles or high-energy photons can be used as stimulation sources, and different designs for measurement equipment have been published. Only few studies have successfully used the quartz RF signal for dosimetry and dating. However, RF is a valuable tool in deciphering charge trafficking in quartz crystals, and also provides information for identifying types of defects causing specific luminescence emissions. Based on models for charge transfer in quartz, RF is seen as resulting from direct recombination of electrons with holes captured in recombination centers (or vice versa) during ionizing irradiation. Competition between reservoir and luminescent centers explains the initial decay of the modeled RF curve followed by a steady rise and also the observed ‘pre-dose’ effect. Emission spectra have been found to be similar to thermoluminescence (TL) spectra, with prevalent emissions in the UV and further emissions for some samples in the blue-green and red range. The high intensity levels and the possibility of choosing longer accumulation times compared to TL and OSL are advantages of RF for spectral measurements. Relative peak intensities in the emission spectra change with dose and absolute intensities with dose rate. Investigating the RF signal with changing measurement temperature allows calculating physical parameters of individual emissions that control thermal quenching. The degree of thermal quenching varies between the emissions, with most intense quenching in the UV. Sensitization of RF by several orders of magnitude has been observed after annealing at 500 °C.  相似文献   
Infrared-stimulated luminescence dating (IRSL) was applied on pottery sherds from the Mailhot-Curran archaeological site (BgFn-2), a Late Woodland period village located in the Saint-Anicet region, southern Québec (Canada). This site witnessed the presence of St. Lawrence Iroquoians and is thought to have been occupied roughly 500 years ago. The main goal of this study is to chronologically constrain the occupation of this site in order to establish a fine chronological sequence for the occupations of various sites found in this area. The IRSL is used to complement previous dating methods used for Mailhot-Curran (radiocarbon and seriation of the archaeological remains).Dating results are reported for ten samples of local ceramics made from Quaternary Champlain Sea clay. Luminescence dating on fine grains was preferentially used, since feldspar luminescence typically emit a decent luminescence signal. Although the latter was rather dim, anomalous fading was measured and luminescence ages were successfully corrected. It is therefore possible to validate the occupation age of this site.  相似文献   
Luminescence dating has long been used for chronological constraints on marine sediments due to the ubiquitous dating materials (quartz and feldspar grains) and its applicability over a relatively long time range. However, one of the main difficulties in luminescence dating on marine sediments is partial bleaching, which causes age overestimations. Especially, partial bleaching is typically difficult to be detected in the fine grain fraction (FG) of marine sediments. The recently developed feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) protocol can detect non-fading signals and thus avoid feldspar signal instability. In the current study, fine grains were extracted from a gravity core in the northern Sea of Japan, and the aim is to test the feasibility of using different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates to explore the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments. The results suggest that the quartz OSL signal and polymineral pIRIR signals at stimulation temperatures of 150 °C and 225 °C (pIRIR150 and pIRIR225) of FG were well bleached prior to deposition. The OSL ages were used to establish a chronology for this sedimentary core and the resulting age-depth relationship is self-consistent and comparable with radiocarbon dates. We conclude that different luminescence signals with various bleaching rates can be used to test the bleaching conditions of fine grain fraction in marine sediments; and the luminescence dating can be applied to marine sediments with great potential.  相似文献   
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)-thermochronometry has recently been proposed as a tool capable of resolving cooling histories from the top 1–2 km of the Earth's crust. This is beyond the resolution of most low-temperature thermochronometric systems, and it offers a new opportunity to investigate the interactions between climate, tectonics and surface processes over Quaternary timescales. Here we present a multi-OSL-thermochronometer which exploits the different thermal stabilities of different temperature infra-red stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signals from K- and Na-rich K-feldspar extracts, utilising the established multi-elevated-temperature (MET) measurement protocol (Li and Li, 2011. Luminescence dating of K-feldspar from sediments: A protocol without anomalous fading correction. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 468–479). The theoretical aspects of multi-OSL-thermochronometry are discussed, prior to validation with an example from the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, one of the most rapidly exhuming settings on Earth. Our results show that multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar is able to resolve rock cooling histories over timescales ≤0.2 Ma and provides much tighter constraint on late-stage cooling histories than single-system OSL-thermochronometry.  相似文献   
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) is a well-established Quaternary dating method, which has recently been adapted to application in low-temperature thermochronometry. The Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar, which so far is the most promising target signal in thermochronometry, is unfortunately prone to anomalous fading. The fading of feldspar IRSL is at times not only challenging to measure, but also laborious to incorporate within luminescence growth models. Quantification of IRSL fading is therefore a crucial step in OSL thermochronometry, raising questions regarding (i) reproducibility and reliability of laboratory measurements of fading, as well as (ii) the applicability of existing fading models to quantitatively predict the level of IRSL field saturation in nature. Here we investigate the natural luminescence signal and anomalous fading of IRSL measured at 50 °C (IRSL50) in 32 bedrock samples collected from a variety of lithologies and exhumation settings (Alaska and Norway). We report a large span of IRSL50 fading rates between samples (g2days ranging from ∼0.5 to ∼45%/decade), which further demonstrates (i) a good reproducibility between two common fading measurement protocols, and (ii) the ability of tunnelling models to predict the level of feldspar IRSL50 field saturation in nature. We observe higher IRSL50 fading in feldspar with increasing Ca content, although other factors cannot be dismissed at present. Finally, our dataset confirms that the applicability of feldspar IRSL50 in OSL thermochronometry is limited to rapidly-exhuming settings or warm subsurface environments.  相似文献   
The effects of persistent organic pollutants on the aquatic environment still can hardly be assessed. Therefore, ready biodegradability is a desired key characteristic of chemicals. Accordingly, biodegradation testing is of utmost importance and is a vital part within the risk assessment for organic chemicals. In the closed bottle test (CBT; OECD 301D) the degree of biological degradation of a chemical is assessed by monitoring the oxygen consumption so far with a Clark electrode as standard method. However, this method is time‐consuming, laborious and led to frequent fluctuations of the test results, which limited their validity. Due to these shortcomings, an optical system that enables contact‐free measuring of the oxygen concentration in a closed bottle, based on dynamic luminescence quenching, was examined. The test results were compared to those obtained with the “classical” electrochemical technique (Clark electrode). At first, a basic standard for the handling of the new instrument in the laboratory was developed. Then possible influencing factors, reliability, comparability, and reproducibility of the test results were investigated by running the CBTs in parallel with the electrode and optode method. The findings proved the new optode method to be unambiguously superior to the electrode technique. The frequency of fluctuations of the test results and time and effort necessary for the test run could considerably be reduced. The degradation kinetics of the test substances could be followed easily in the CBT by increasing the measuring points without much additional effort.  相似文献   
The thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivities of quartz grains from deserts and loess–red clay sequences are used to trace eolian provenances in northern China. Our results indicate that the 110°C TL peak and OSL sensitivities of quartz grains show differences among Chinese deserts, which can be subdivided into four groups according to the spatial variations of luminescence sensitivities. Such differences are related mostly to the regional difference in rock types of mountains surrounding or adjacent to the deserts. We also examine the possible provenance changes between the Quaternary loess and the Tertiary eolian red clay, and the results indicate that the luminescence sensitivity of Tertiary red clay is higher than that of Quaternary loess (L1, L15, and L33), implying source materials of the eolian deposits changed relative to those of the Quaternary.  相似文献   
This study focuses on characterizing the thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz in burnt clay, pottery, and the sediments unearthed from a Neolithic site, the Beicun site of the Liangzhu culture. It shows that the initial OSL signals (within 0.8 s) of most burnt clay and pottery sherds are not dominated by the fast component. Results of a heating simulation experiment of sediment quartz show that annealing at temperatures exceeding 600–800 °C decreased the proportion of the fast component in the initial signal slightly. In addition, the proportion of the medium component in the later signal (0.8–5 s) increased significantly, resulting in a decrease in the Fast Ratio value. Therefore, high annealing temperature may be an important reason for the slow decay rate of OSL signals of the burnt clay and pottery samples. The De(t) plot shows that most of the samples have thermally stable OSL component signals, which have no significant effect on the final OSL ages. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was used to determine the OSL and TL ages for chunk burnt clay and pottery sherds. The high-precision age of the last archaeological heating event, such as sacrifice, burning, or domestic firing, can be obtained by determining the TL and OSL ages of a homogeneous chunk of burnt clay. The OSL results are consistent with the 14C age of carbon chips extracted from burnt clay. The age of the Beicun site is finally determined to be approximately 5000–5300 BP (BP represents before 2020), belonging to the early period of the Liangzhu culture.  相似文献   
In this paper we tested the applicability of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique through Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, on single grain quartz extracted from alluvial–coastal sediments. Five samples were collected from deposits belonging to a flight of seven orders of coastal–alluvial terraces outcropping in the area between Mt. Etna volcano and the Catania Plain (Sicily, southern Italy), at the front of the Sicilian fold and thrust system. After various performance tests, we obtained OSL ages ranging between 240 ± 12 and 80 ± 4 ka, consistent with the normal evolutionary model of a terraced sequence, moving from the highest to the lowest elevation. Obtained data allowed us to determine a mean uplift rate of 1.2 mm/year during the last 240 ka, mostly related to regional uplift processes coupled with sea-level changes. Moreover, terraces belonging to the two highest orders are folded, forming a large anticline. According to our results, the frontal thrust of the Sicilian chain was active between 236 and 197 ka ago, even though seismological and geodetic data suggest current activity to the back.  相似文献   
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