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The X-band phased array radar offers faster scanning speed and higher spatial resolution compared to the S-band radar, making it capable of enhancing tornado monitoring and early warning capabilities. This study analyzed the char- acteristics and nowcasting signals of a tornado case that occurred on June 16, 2022 in the Guangzhou region. Our findings indicate that the violent contraction of rotation radius and the dramatic increase in rotation speed were important signal characteristics associated with tornado formation. The X-band phased array radar, with its high temporal and spatial resolution, provided an opportunity to capture early warning signals from polarimetric characteristics. The X-band phased array radar demonstrated noteworthy ability to identify apparent tornado vortex signature (TVS) features in a 10-minute lead time, surpassing the capabilities of the CINRAD/SA radar. Additionally, due to its higher scanning frequency, the X- band phased-array radar was capable of consistently identifying TVS with shorter intervals, enabling a more precise tracking of the tornado’s path. The application of professional radars, in this case, provides valuable insights for the monitoring of evolutions of severe local storms and even tornadoes and the issuance of early warning signals.  相似文献   
天气雷达作为龙卷风监测预警的重要手段之一,应用具有超高时空分辨率的X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达系统,较好地捕获并提前预警龙卷风。以2022年6月19日07时发生在广东佛山南海的一次龙卷风为例,详细剖析龙卷生消及雷达监测预警过程。借助雷达智能预警软件,利用X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达的双偏振量和超高时空分辨率数据,实时反演三维风场和分析龙卷碎片(TVS)特征,能够显著提高龙卷风监测预警水平。实例表明,本次成功地提前18分钟预警龙卷,进一步说明了X波段双极化相控阵天气雷达在强对流天气探测方面具有较强的生命力。  相似文献   
在分析强震地震波信号幅频特性的基础上,采用GNSS信号模拟器,设计具有强震地震波特点的正弦轨迹,从载波相位原始量测数据和定位结果两个层面分别评估两款GNSS接收机(Trimble Net-R9和NovAtel OEM628)高频(50 Hz)观测的测量性能。结果表明,在地震波高频动态条件下,两款接收机的载波相位和定位结果都出现了明显误差,测量精度随正弦运动频率的增加而恶化,Trimble Net-R9接收机尤甚。  相似文献   
The seismic ground motion of a test area in the eastern district of Naples is computed with a hybrid technique based on the mode summation and the finite difference methods. This technique allows us the realistic modelling of source and propagation effects, including local soil conditions. In the modelling, we consider the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, a good example of strong shaking for the area of Naples, which is located about 90 km from the epicenter.The detailed geological setting is reconstructed from a large number of drillings. The sub-soil is mainly formed by alluvial (ash, stratified sand and peat) and pyroclastic materials overlying a pyroclastic rock (yellow neapolitan tuff), representing the neapolitan bedrock. The detailed information available on mechanical properties of the sub-soil and its geometry warrants the application of the sophisticated hybrid technique.As expected, the sedimentary cover causes an increase of the signal's amplitudes and duration. If thin peat layers are present, the amplification effects are reduced, and the peak ground accelerations are similar to those observed for the bedrock model. This can be explained by the backscattering of wave energy at such layers, that tend to seismically decouple the upper from the lower part of the structure.For SH-waves, the influence of the variations of the S-wave velocities on the spectral amplification is studied, by considering locally measured velocities and values determined from near-by down-hole measurements. The comparison between the computed spectral amplifications confirms the key role of an accurate determination of the seismic velocities of the different layers.The comparison performed between a realistic 2-D seismic response and a standard 1-D response, based on the vertical propagation of waves in a plane layered structure, shows considerable difference, from which it is evident that serious caution must be taken in the modelling of expected ground motion at a specific site.  相似文献   
智能天线是第三代移动通信的关键技术之一,也是当前信号处理和通信领域的研究热点.在对智能天线算法进行理论分析和仿真的基础上,有必要构建一个灵活、通用的实验平台,用以验证各种智能天线算法的有效性和实用性.探讨了一种基于自适应麦克风阵的智能天线实验平台的实现方法,介绍了该系统的原理、结构和各部分的作用.  相似文献   
观测到的板块运动包含两种能量分布几乎相等的运动形态:极型场和环型场.纯粹的由热驱动的地幔自由对流不能预期和解释环型运动的产生.本文提出地幔混合对流理论,既考虑了热驱动的自由对流,也考虑了由板块自身激发的强迫对流.根据板块处于动力学平衡状态的观测事实,建立了相应的模型.数值结果表明,根据混合对流模型所预期的板块速度场,既能产生极型场,也能产生环型场,而且在空间分布特征及功率谱分布上与观测资料符合相当好.地幔物质的上升流动基本和洋脊对应,而下降流动和俯冲带对应.  相似文献   
为研究顺应式海洋平台慢漂运动的影响因素,以截断圆柱和漂浮方箱为例进行了不规则波作用下的慢漂运动模型试验。测量了不同系泊刚度条件下的漂浮方箱以及相同系泊刚度条件下的截断圆柱和漂浮方箱在静水中自由衰减运动和在不规则波中的运动响应,并将运动响应分解成一阶波频运动响应和二阶低频运动响应,分析了系泊刚度和浮体形状对浮体运动的影响。通过物理模型试验发现了系泊刚度及浮体形状对顺应式系泊浮体一阶运动标准差和二阶低频运动平均漂移值和标准差的关系。结果表明由于顺应式浮体的固有周期远离波浪谱峰周期时,系泊刚度以及浮体形状对慢漂运动的一阶运动响应影响不大;二阶低频运动相对偏离平衡位置的平均值和标准差均随系泊刚度增大而减小,浮体形状同样对慢漂运动的二阶低频纵荡运动响应影响较大。试验结果为实际海洋工程的外形选择和系泊刚度选择提供数据支持。  相似文献   
Arctic sea-ice motion and its relation to pressure field   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daily Arctic sea-ice motion maps during the winter seasons (December–March) from December 1988 to March 2003 derived from NSCAT, QuikSCAT, SSM/I, and AMSRE data by a wavelet analysis method have been merged with those derived from buoy data. These merged sea-ice motion data have been used to study the circulation regimes and winter-to-winter variability of Arctic sea-ice motion. The relation between sea-ice motion and the pressure field in the Arctic Ocean was also studied by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the monthly merged sea-ice motion data and the monthly pressure field data from IABP. The mean Arctic sea-ice motion map of the 15 winter seasons has two distinct features: the Beaufort Gyre and a cyclonic circulation system in the Eurasian Basin, which moves ice from the Laptev Sea to Fram Strait. The strengths and sizes of the two features change from one winter season to another. Seasons with a strong or normal Beaufort Gyre alternate with seasons with a weak or no Beaufort Gyre every one to three seasons. The principal components of the first two modes of PCA of the monthly sea-ice motion are closely correlated with their counterparts of the monthly pressure field in the Arctic Ocean. The mode-one components of these two anomalies alternate between anticyclonic and cyclonic circulation systems. The correlation between Arctic Oscillation indexes and the principal components of the first mode of PCA of the monthly Arctic sea-ice motion is low but statistically significant.  相似文献   
使用GRAPES_SDM沙尘暴数值模式,对2011年4月28-30日中国北方强沙尘暴天气进行分析,讨论高空急流在此次过程中对沙尘传输的影响,得出以下结论:(1)GRAPES_SDM沙尘暴模式较好地模拟了此次沙尘暴过程的范围和强沙尘暴中心,整体模拟效果较好;(2)沙尘天气发生时间及移动路径与200 hPa高空急流的加强、移动发展有很好的对应关系;(3)高空强纬向风速的加强能够促使中低层形成垂直环流圈,其下沉支流使高空动量有效下传到近地面,进而在地面形成大风及扬沙和沙尘暴天气,强沙尘暴中心位于此垂直环流圈的下沉支;(4)等熵位涡与高空急流及地面沙尘浓度分布演变有很好的对应关系,等熵位涡位于高空急流北侧,地面沙尘浓度中心位于高空急流出口区、等熵位涡中心西南侧、等值线密集带;高层高值位涡区向下延伸的路径与高空急流北侧纬向风速等值线密集带有非常好的对应关系。本文还通过对高空急流轴线动力、热力结构垂直剖面的分析,探讨了高空急流对大范围沙尘天气影响的可能机制。  相似文献   
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