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汶川余震震源机制变化的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日,汶川M8.0主震是一个主压应力轴NW-SE的逆倾滑型的地震,而之后的余震震源机制解有的与主震震源机制解一致,有的发生了明显变化,由南至北逐步变成走滑型地震.主震和同主震震源机制解一致的部分余震,在构造应力场直接作用下,龙门山推复体向四川地块逆冲,致使在逆断层的上下盘之间的断层面上产生粘滑而发生逆倾...  相似文献   
利用位错理论模型将遗传算法运用于断层三维滑动参数反演问题的求解,采用川西地区2004—2007年GPS观测数据对龙门山断裂带主要断层的三维滑动速率进行计算分析。结果表明:反演结果在量值上整体较小,与地质结果具有较好的一致性,走滑分量︱U1︱〈3.2 mm/a,倾滑分量︱U2︱〈1.54 mm/a,张开分量︱U3︱〈2.5mm/a,低滑动速率反映断层的闭锁及应力的积累及大地震发生的危险性;局部分量较地质结果偏大,反映实测GPS数据反演结果体现的是断层实时活动状态;遗传算法的全局收敛、不依赖初值等优点使结果更加稳定,而张开分量显示局部不规律性,表现出各子断层空间活动不均匀性。  相似文献   
龙锋  倪四道  闻学泽 《地球学报》2011,32(4):438-446
利用龙门山断裂带及其邻近地区地震台站的远震波形记录,采用时间域迭代反褶积技术求取接收函数,并用H-Kappa叠加方法计算出各台站下方的莫霍面深度和波速比及其相应的误差.结果除了获得与前人研究大体相同的莫霍面深度分布轮廓外,还获得一些新的细节与认识:(1)莫霍面深度在四川盆地内为41~48 km,在四川盆地西缘存在一个N...  相似文献   
Little attention had been paid to the intracontinental strike-slip faults of the Tibetan Plateau. Since the discovery of the Longriba fault using re-measured GPS data in 2003, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to this neglected fault. The local relief and transverse swath profile show that the Longriba fault is the boundary line that separates the high and flat tomography of the Tibet plateau from the high and precipitous tomography of Orogen. In addition, GPS data shows that the Longriba fault is the boundary line where the migratory direction of the Bayan Har block changed from eastward to southeastward. The GPS data shows that the Longriba fault is the boundary fault of the sub-blocks of the eastern Bayan Har block. We built three-dimensional models containing the Longriba fault and the middle segment of the Longmenshan fault, across the Bayan Har block and the Sichuan Basin. A nonlinear finite element method was used to simulate the fault behavior and the block deformation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. The results show that the low resistivity and low velocity layer acts as a detachment layer, which causes the overlying blocks to move southeastward. The detachment layer also controls the vertical and horizontal deformation of the rigid Bayan Har block and leads to accumulation strain on the edge of the layer where the Longmenshan thrust is located. After a sufficient amount of strain has been accumulated on the Longmenshan fault, a large earthquake occurs, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The strike slip activity of the Longriba fault, which is above the low resistivity and low velocity layer, partitions the lateral displacements of the Bayan Har block and adjusts the direction of motion of the Bayan Har block, from the eastward moving Ahba sub-block in the west to southeastward moving Longmenshan sub-block in the east.  相似文献   
2008年汶川8.0级地震孕震机理研究   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
用三维流变非连续变形与有限元相结合(DDA+FEM)的方法,在青藏高原及邻近地区三维构造块体相互制约的大背景中,考虑了龙门山断裂带东西两侧地势、地壳厚度和分层的明显变化,及断裂带东侧四川盆地及鄂尔多斯块体坚硬地壳阻挡的影响,通过用GPS资料做位移速率边界约束和震源机制约束,计算得到研究区的速度场和应力场与该地区GPS测量结果和震源机制分布结果基本一致.在此基础上,模拟计算现今构造块体边界断层上表征剪应力及法向应力等综合影响的危险度分布.结果表明,上、中地壳层危险度分布中危险度较高的地段多数与近几十年来发生的七级以上大震区域基本一致.包括2008年汶川8.0级等大震的发震断层.通过分别对龙门山断裂带东西两侧的两种不同构造格局进行试算表明,龙门山断裂带东西两侧地势、地壳厚度、分层与物性明显变化对汶川大震的孕育发生均起了关键性作用.计算得到的应变率强度分布图可见,高原东部整个边缘地带均接近应变率强度的陡变带.其中以龙门山断裂带上的陡变最为明显,西侧应变率强度是东侧的近4倍,而且断裂带东侧应变率强度等值线衰减比西侧快.反映了汶川大震逆冲型发震断层地区独特的特征.此外,由计算得到的应变能密度分布图可见,龙门山断裂带在上、中地壳层中均位于宽度相同、其走向与龙门山断裂带走向一致的高应变能密度带中,在上地壳层这个带的东西两侧则是应变能密度较低的地区,而在中地壳层,其强度在断裂带东侧逐渐向东衰减,西侧应变能密度高,而东侧应变能密度较低.表明在印度板块强烈推挤作用和高原各构造块体相互制约及龙门山断裂带东西两侧特殊构造环境中,高原地壳物质向东水平运动,受到龙门山断裂带东侧介质刚性强度较大的四川盆地阻挡,使得汶川大震发震断层在大震前已积累了相当水平的应变能,并同时处于力学上的不稳定状态.  相似文献   
The M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on the Longmenshan fault zone. Based on field investigation of the surface rupture and focal mechanism study of the aftershocks, we discuss the geological relationship of the main, secondary and triggered ruptures. The main rupture is about 200km long and can be divided into the south part and the north part. The south part consists of two parallel fault zones characterized by reverse faulting, with several parallel secondary ruptures on the hanging wall of the main fault, and the north part is a single main fault zone characterized by lateral strike-slip and reverse faulting. Compared to a 300km long aftershock distribution, the surface rupture only occupies 200km, and the remaining 100km on the northeast of the main rupture was triggered by aftershocks. Study on the ruptures of this earthquake will be useful for studying the earthquake risk evolution on the Longmenshan fault system.  相似文献   
Investigation of offset landforms and trench excavation are important means to acquire the evidence of multistage activities of active faults. Here we present the result of fault trough investigation in Beichuan County and the Pingtong Town of Pingwu County along the Longmenshan Central Fault Belt, as well as the result from trench excavation at the platform foreslope in Hanwang Town of Mianzhu County on the Longmenshan Front Range Fault Belt. These results show that at least three fault activity events, in...  相似文献   
基于负位错模型,结合粒子群算法反演龙门山中央断裂段的三维滑动速率。反演结果表明,龙门山断裂带的现今构造运动整体而言为右旋逆冲断层,滑动速率较小,其运动特征具有显著的分段性。断裂带南段以逆冲为主,兼有左旋特征;在向北延展过程中逐渐转化为右旋走滑,且走滑分量逐渐加大;龙门山断裂带南北两端具有挤压特征,其中段显示一定的拉张。由此推断,龙门山断裂带现今构造活动,在青藏块体整体移动的影响下,还与其区域应力场和内部地壳结构有关。基于负位错模型,结合粒子群算法反演龙门山中央断裂段的三维滑动速率。反演结果表明,龙门山断裂带的现今构造运动整体而言为右旋逆冲断层,滑动速率较小,其运动特征具有显著的分段性。断裂带南段以逆冲为主,兼有左旋特征;在向北延展过程中逐渐转化为右旋走滑,且走滑分量逐渐加大;龙门山断裂带南北两端具有挤压特征,其中段显示一定的拉张。由此推断,龙门山断裂带现今构造活动,在青藏块体整体移动的影响下,还与其区域应力场和内部地壳结构有关。  相似文献   
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