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在新疆北部东准噶尔的扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩中发现的富铌玄武(安山)岩,其SiO2含量介于46.71%~57.65%,TiO2含量为1.00%~1.76%,与太古代绿岩带内富铌玄武(安山)岩相似,Na2O含量为3.86%~6.64%,P2O5为0.34%~0.82%,明显高于太古代绿岩带富铌玄武(安山)岩。扎河坝富铌玄武岩铌含量介于7.22×10-6~21.91×10-6之间,大于7×10-6,与典型的富铌玄武岩相同。该岩石轻重稀土元素分馏较明显,其分布模式为无明显铕至弱负铕异常的右倾曲线。尽管铌的绝对含量较高,但由于钍和轻稀土元素更加富集,在微量元素蛛网图中扎河坝富铌玄武(安山)岩仍表现为铌的明显亏损,同时高场强元素Zr、Hf及Ti也表现出一定程度的亏损。微量元素地球化学特征显示,扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩内富铌玄武(安山)岩形成于古亚洲洋的洋内弧,它是被埃达克质岩浆交代的地幔楔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,同时大洋沉积物及俯冲板块释放的流体对成岩作用也有一定的贡献。富铌玄武(安山)岩作为弧前增生楔定位在扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩体内,与早前报道的超高压变质岩共存表明,该蛇绿混杂岩体至少记录了两次性质不同的古亚洲洋洋壳俯冲,这更进一步证实新疆北部晚古生代新增陆壳是古亚洲洋多次俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   
藏南沉错钻孔沉积物金属元素分布特征及其与粒度的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王君波  朱立平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(6):715-722
从沉积物磷的化学形态特征、沉积物-水界面的环境条件和水库的水文参数等角度探讨了山仔水库沉积物磷对上覆水体的磷浓度贡献,并从沉积物间隙水与水体垂向溶解性磷的浓度梯度估算对水体磷浓度的贡献大小.结果表明:山仔水库沉积物具有大的释放磷的潜力,沉积物间隙水和水体之间存在着明显的溶解性磷的浓度梯度,沉积物的溶解性磷释放通量在0.0420—0.167μg/(cm^2·d))之间,沉积物磷对水体营养贡献大小在0.7%-6%之间,其中秋冬季节沉积物磷对水体的贡献大于春夏季节,当外源减少时,沉积物磷负荷在一定时间内将成为水库营养状态的重要贡献因子。  相似文献   
赵振明 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):417-428
开心岭地区位于青藏高原腹地北羌塘构造区,在该地区二叠纪地层中新发现含砾晶屑岩屑铁矿化沉积凝灰岩,对该地层完整采样,并对采集的样品进行专门的实验测试分析。样品显微镜薄片鉴定,具玄武质岩屑,凝灰质岩屑,晶屑主要为石英和长石;化学分析结果TFe为13.80%;X射线衍射分析结果,赤铁矿6%,针铁矿17%,石英16%,斜长石47%,伊利石3%,方解石6%,闪石2%,绿泥石2%。光谱半定量检测分析结果,Ti为0.7%;电子探针检测分析结果,赤铁矿:形态为完整或不完整的几何体和沿其它矿物边部成封闭与局部的丝带,钛铁矿为相对规则的棒状,磷灰石为规则的六边形和已经磨圆的半圆形。激光拉曼光谱分析结果,针铁矿,含磁铁矿。对上述分析结果研究认为,二叠纪开心岭地区可能存在重要的岩浆喷发作用,原始岩浆含铁较高,这可能是该地区金属矿床的物质来源,下一步宜加强该地区的找矿工作。  相似文献   
The algorithms of extracting chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) concentration have been established for Chinese moderate resolution imaging spectrometer(CMODIS) mounted on Shenzhou-3 spaceship launched on 25 March 2002.The CMODIS is an ocean color sensor with 30 visible channels and 4 infrared channels,much different from other ocean color satellites and needs new algorithms to process data.Three models of Chl-a concentration were established based on Chl-a data retrieved from sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor(SeaWiFS),with the average relative errors of 26.6%,24%.0% and 33.5%,respectively.This practical and economic approach can be used for developing the algorithms of Chinese ocean color and temperature sensor(COCTS) on the satellite Haiyang-1 to derive the Chl-a concentration concentration distribution.The applicability of the algorithms was analyzed using some in situ measurements.Suspended sediment is the main factor influencing the accuracy of the spectral ratio algorithms of Chl-a concentration.The algorithms are suitable to using in the regions where suspended sediment concentrations(SSC) are less than 5 g/m3 under the condition of relative error of Chl-a concentration retrieval within 35%.High concentration of suspended sediment leads to the overestimate remote sensing retrieval of concentration of Chl-a,while low-middle SSCs lead to the low Chl-a concentration values using the spectral ratio algorithms.Since the accuracy of Chl-a concentration by the spectral ratio algorithms is limited to waters of Case 2,it is necessary to develop semi-analytical models to improve the performance of satellite ocean color remote sensing in turbid coastal waters.  相似文献   
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The tbough one year cormsion potential and polarisation resistanoc for 3 kinds of stals in seabottomedment of Liaodong Bay were measured with the “MD” method.The measurements wiIl have some thoretical and pndital talues. The thooretical valoc lies in thatthe reoorded changing process of the practital corrosion case can be basis for indoor discussion andeectrochemical on the corrosion practical value lies in that the obtained datu canbe basis for designing and controlling elatrochemical protation syttems. In fact, it is very difficult tomeasure in situ the cornosion parnders of steeIs in sea sediment.  相似文献   
Sedimentary aliphatic (AH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea. Total AH ranged from 2.20 to 11.82 μg g−1 and consisted of n-alkanes and a dominant petroleum-related unresolved complex mixture (UCM). Within the n-alkanes, terrestrial plant wax compounds prevailed at nearly all stations. Of the PAHs, biogenic perylene dominated at stations receiving riverine inputs. Anthropogenic PAHs originating from combustion/pyrolysis processes varied from 17 to 157 ng g−1, while fossil PAH concentrations ranged from 42 to 187 ng g−1. Both biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons are primarily derived from riverine discharges and accumulate at shallow-water stations. Distinct phase associations lead, nevertheless, to different sedimentation patterns. Fossil PAHs are enhanced at offshore stations where they are introduced directly by shipping activities. Biomarker fingerprints ascribe their source to Chinese crude oils. The overall levels of anthropogenic hydrocarbons are low compared to relevant areas worldwide and reveal a low/moderate level of hydrocarbon pollution.  相似文献   
Threshold of environmental elements in drainage basin sediment yield refers to, under effect of climate, underlying surface and human activity, a turning point of abrupt changes in drainage sediment yield related to environmental element characteristics. Previous studies on threshold of sediment yield of relevant drainage basins were mainly concentrated on impact of natural zones with a few researches on impact of other environmental elements. Particularly studies on compound environmental element threshold in drainage basin sediment yield remain blank today. Studies indicate that sediment yield in drainage basins is affected by compound interactions and complex actions. Based on single element analysis, the present paper gives quantitatively compound threshold of environmental elements affecting sediment yield of the drainage basin between Hekouzhen and Tongguan in the middle Yellow River by the method of multi-variant, polynomial formula regression analysis.  相似文献   
Process length variation of cysts of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli in surface sediments from the North Pacific was investigated. The average process length showed a significant inverse relation to annual seawater density: σt annual = ?0.8674 × average process length + 1029.3 (R2 = 0.84), with a standard error of 0.78 kg m?3. A sediment trap study from Effingham Inlet in British Columbia revealed the same relationship between average process length and local seawater density variations. In the Baltic–Skagerrak region, the average process length variation was related significantly to annual seawater density: σt annual = 3.5457 × average process length ? 993.28 (R2 = 0.86), with a standard error of 3.09 kg m?3. These calibrations cannot be reconciled, which accentuates the regional character of the calibrations. This can be related to variations in molecular data (small subunit, long subunit and internal transcribed spacer sequences), which show the presence of several genotypes and the occurrence of pseudo‐cryptic speciation within this species. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄河三角洲粉质土海床临界起动切应力影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄河口潮滩和室内环形土槽模拟新沉积的海床土体,观测固结过程中沉积物临界起动切应力的变化及对应的土体重度、含水率、贯入阻力、剪切强度指标值的变化,分析黄河三角洲粉质类土临界起动切应力的影响因素与变化规律。研究发现:黄河三角洲粉土的临界起动切应力与重度、贯入阻力和抗剪强度之间呈正相关关系,而与含水率呈负相关关系,并且与干密度、抗剪强度之间具有非常好的定量关系。将黄河三角洲粉土临界侵蚀切应力的试验结果与其他学者建立的计算公式进行了比较,发现在固结开始试验与计算结果间的吻合性较好,随着固结时间差异性变大,表现出黄河口粉质土的独特性。  相似文献   
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