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We investigated the use of numerical methods to predict liquid sloshing phenomena in a moving tank and compared our results to model test measurements. The numerical techniques for the free surface, based on the so-called finite Volume-of-Fluid (VoF) approach, comprised an incompressible VoF method, an incompressible coupled Level-Set and Volume-of-Fluid (clsVoF) method, and a compressible VoF method. We assessed the capability of these three numerical methods to achieve suitable numerical predictions of sloshing phenomena, specifically, air pockets and bubbles on the free surface inside a test tank. To observe the described sloshing phenomena, we simulated tank motions leading to well defined single impact wave motions. We performed repeated physical tests for validation purposes. Computed velocity and pressure time histories were compared to experimental data we obtained from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and pressure sensor measurement. Grid sensitivity and turbulence model studies were performed. We demonstrated that the compressible VoF method was the most suitable method to obtain accurate predictions of sloshing phenomena.  相似文献   
Explosives belonging to the group of nitrotoluenes may be readily extracted with C18 adsorbent in the off-line mode and also in on-line coupling of the extraction unit to HPLC, while polar explosives like hexyl, HMX, and RDX show a substantial breakthrough and low recoveries. However, these compounds are quantitatively extracted using a new polymeric phase, LiChrolut EN, in the off-line mode. Preliminary results show that this new adsorbent may in principle also be used in the on-line mode for explosives. In this case, the cartridges have to be eluted in the backflush mode. Method detection limits of ? 0.1 μg/L are achieved for on-line extraction of explosives and related compounds with water samples as small as 10…30 mL.  相似文献   
This article describes CLEAN, an approach to the detection of low-energy solar neutrinos and neutrinos released from supernovae. The CLEAN concept is based on the detection of elastic scattering events (neutrino–electron scattering and neutrino–nuclear scattering) in liquified noble gases such as liquid helium, liquid neon, and liquid xenon, all of which scintillate brightly in the ultraviolet. Key to the CLEAN technique is the use of a thin film of wavelength-shifting fluor to convert the ultraviolet scintillation light to the visible, thereby allowing detection by conventional photomultipliers.

Liquid neon is a particularly promising medium for CLEAN. Because liquid neon has a high scintillation yield, has no long-lived radioactive isotopes, and can be easily purified by use of cold traps, it is an ideal medium for the detection of rare nuclear events. In addition, neon is inexpensive, dense, and transparent to its own scintillation light, making it practical for use in a large self-shielding apparatus. The central region of a full-sized detector would be a stainless steel tank holding approximately 135 metric tons of liquid neon. Inside the tank and suspended in the liquid neon would be several thousand photomultipliers.

Monte Carlo simulations of gamma ray backgrounds have been performed assuming liquid neon as both shielding and detection medium. Gamma ray events occur with high probability in the outer parts of the detector. In contrast, neutrino scattering events occur uniformly throughout the detector. We discriminate background gamma ray events from events of interest based on a spatial maximum likelihood method estimate of event location. Background estimates for CLEAN are presented, as well as an evaluation of the sensitivity of the detector for p–p neutrinos. Given these simulations, the physics potential of the CLEAN approach is evaluated.  相似文献   

A technique for density measurement under high pressure and high temperature was developed using the X-ray absorption imaging method combined with an externally heated diamond anvil cell. The densities of solid and liquid In were measured in the pressure and temperature ranges of 3.2–18.6 GPa and 294–719 K. The densities obtained through the X-ray absorption imaging method were in good agreement (less than 2.0% difference) with those obtained through X-ray diffraction. Based on the measured density, the isothermal bulk modulus of solid In is determined as 48.0 ± 1.1?40.9 ± 0.8 GPa at 500 K, assuming K′ = 4 to 6. The compression curve of liquid In approaches that of solid In at higher pressures and does not cross over the solid compression curve in the measurement range. The present technique enables us to determine the densities of both solids and liquids precisely in a wide pressure and temperature range.  相似文献   
盐酸阿考替胺三水合物为第一个胃肠蠕动改善药物,用来治疗功能性消化不良,作为一种新药,其分析测定方面的报道甚少,已有的报道采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)以甲醇-磷酸二氢钾-辛烷磺酸钠为流动相进行测定,由于使用了离子对试剂辛烷磺酸钠,因而分析过程比较耗时且保留不够稳定。本文基于盐酸阿考替胺三水合物为两性化合物,建立了测定其含量的高效液相色谱分析方法。测定方法采用C18(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm)色谱柱,以甲醇-20 mmol/L乙酸铵水溶液=45:55(V/V)为流动相(pH 6.8)进行等度洗脱,紫外检测波长选择280 nm,盐酸阿考替胺三水合物的保留时间合适且峰形较好,出峰时间为8 min,总分析时间为23 min。在优化色谱条件下,盐酸阿考替胺三水合物的浓度在0.0006~1.0 mg/mL范围内线性关系良好,检出限为0.0002 mg/mL,日内、日间测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于1.0%。该方法不添加离子对试剂,有利于色谱系统的快速平衡,提高了实验的重复性和可操作性,可对盐酸阿考替胺三水合物工业品进行快速分析,实现对原料药的质量控制。  相似文献   
朱永峰  曾贻善 《岩石学报》1995,11(4):353-364
为探讨长英质岩浆作用过程中金属成矿元素的地球化学行为及其成矿意义,我们进行了常压下花岗岩-KBF3-Na2MoO4-WO3体系的实验研究。结果表明,高温(1250℃)条件下呈均一状态的花岗岩-KBF4-NaMoO4-WO3体系,当温度降低时发生液态不混溶,从中分离出含矿熔体的小液滴,体系中的Mo(W)几乎全部富集在这种小液滴中。含矿熔体中极富含Ca、Mg和P,而贫Si、Al和K,H2O和F富集在含矿熔体中。此实验结果表明:长英质岩浆中液态不混溶作用的发生可以使成矿元素W和Mo富集到与硅酸盐熔体不混溶的独立的非硅酸盐熔体中。这种熔体在适当的地质条件下继续演化可形成类似镁铁质岩浆演化过程中常出现的岩浆熔离型矿床。本实验结果可能为斑岩矿床的形成机理提供一种新的解释。  相似文献   
西太平洋赤道海域上空可降水和云液态水的遥感分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
根据1985—1989年中国科学院组织的西太平洋热带海域(0—5°N,110—150°E)综合考察过程中船载双通道微波辐射计五年累计获得的22599组观测资料,以及NOAA极轨卫星资料,综合分析了该海域中水汽总量和云液态水的统计特征及其年际变化,水汽场的整层与下层关系,可降水的日变化及空间分布等特征.指出了某些与陆地上不同的特点,为气候及海上边界层研究提供了有意义的观测事实.同时,给出了五年中辐射计探测与探空测值的统计比较结果.  相似文献   
Models for the origin of accretionary lapilli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding between initially cohesionless ash particles to form concentric accretionary lapilli is provided primarily by the capillary forces of liquid bridges from condensed moisture and by electrostatic attraction. Capillary forces are strong bonds if the particles are in close contact, but they decrease rapidly with increasing particle spacing. Electrostatic attraction between charged ash particles is much weaker but effective over larger distances, increasing the frequency of collision between them.Experimental results of liquid film binding of volcanic ash showed that agglomeration was most successful between 15 and 25 wt.%, defining the agglomeration window for the formation of accretionary lapilli. Below 5–10 wt.% and above about 25–30 wt.% of water, concentric agglomeration was inhibited. Particles <350 m could be selected from a wider particle population in the experiments using only small amounts of water, which can explain the growth of accretionary lapilli in pyroclastic surges around agglomeration nuclei. Experiments testing the behavior of volcanic ash in electric fields showed that ash clusters formed instantaneously when the ash entered the field between a corona discharge gun and a grounded metal plate. The maximum grain size incorporated into the artificial clusters was about 180 m but >90 wt.% of ash was <45 m.Accretionary lapilli form in turbulent ash clouds when particles carrying liquid films of condensed moisture collide with each other and when the binding forces exceed the grain dispersive forces. Larger particles >500 m act as agglomeration nuclei in surges, accreting ash <350 m around them. In pyroclastic flows the aggregates are thought to originate from already size-sorted ash at the interface between the lower avalanche part of the flow and its overriding elutriation cloud. The fine-grained rims around accretionary lapilli found close to source are interpreted to be accreted dominantly by electrostatic attraction of very fine ash similar to clustering in elutriation clouds.  相似文献   
罗布泊第四纪湖泊沉积序列及钾盐资源的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为在我国新生代大陆沉积盆地开展区域找矿及钾盐资源预测提供科学依据, 采用地球卫星遥感资料和地面调查与化学测试以及区域盐湖卤水演化环境的演绎分析等手段, 综合方法, 揭示了罗布泊盆地第四纪沉积层序和湖泊气候环境变化的基本特征与古湖泊湖水及现代湖水的饱和流结晶路线及成盐成矿演化趋势.区域盐湖卤水演化环境和地质钻探资料及相图表明, 罗布泊地区钾盐矿床的成盐矿物以钾的硫酸盐矿物为主, 并没有出现真正意义上的钾盐沉积阶段(即氯化物钾盐析出阶段), 而钾盐卤水矿床却是一个积极的找矿方向.根据断裂组合及深部地质作用的分析, 这一地段是现代地质作用条件下形成的呈北东向展布的地堑构造系统, 富钾卤水蕴藏在地堑构造系统的中央断裂带内.综合分析表明, 通过地堑构造系统的中央断裂的贯通作用, 使深层卤水以及表层渗滤水向断裂破碎部位聚集, 并由于深部卤水的运动, 使深层盐岩系地层发生选择性溶解和表层渗滤水, 使浅部疏松堆积物的易溶性氧化钾溶解, 从而导致富钾卤水的富集而形成超大型液体钾盐矿床.  相似文献   
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