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The analysis and interpretation of coda waves have received increasing attention since the early seventies. In the past few years interest in this subject has spread worldwide, and the study of high-frequency seismic coda waves has become a very important seismological topic. As a conclusion of the studies accomplished in this time, coda waves are considered the result of scattering processes caused by heterogeneities acting on seismic waves.P andS waves play a particularly important role in this interaction. The process introduces an attenuation which, added to the intrinsic absorption, gives the observed apparent attenuation. Therefore, coda waves constitute a thumbprint left by the heterogeneities on the seismograms. Coda waves offer decisive information about the mechanism of how scattering and attenuation take place. This review describes coda waves in detail, and summarizes the work done in this subject to 1986. The relation between coda waves and attenuation in the context of research on seismic scattering problems is stressed. Particular attention has been given to the application of coda waves to estimate source and medium parameters. The state-of-the-art of the temporal variations of coda wave shape, and the possible use of these variations as an earthquake precursor also are presented. Care has been taken to introduce the statistical models used to deal with the heterogeneities responsible for scattering.  相似文献   
Delineation of detailed mantle structure frequently requires the separation of source signature and structural response from seismograms recorded at teleseismic distances. This deconvolution problem can be posed in a log-spectral domain where the operation of time-domain convolution is reduced to an additive form. The introduction of multiple events recorded at many stations leads to a system of consistency equations that must be honoured by both the source time functions and the impulse responses associated with propagation paths between sources and receivers. The system is inherently singular, and stabilization is accomplished through the supply of an initial estimate of the source time function. Although alternative choices exist, an effective estimate is derived from the eigenimage associated with the largest eigenvalue in a singular-value decomposition of the suite of aligned seismograms corresponding to a given event. The relation of the deconvolution scheme to simultaneous least-squares deconvolution is examined. Application of the methodology to broadband teleseismic P waveforms recorded on the Canadian National Seismograph Network demonstrates the retrieval of effective Green's functions including secondary phases associated with upper-mantle structure.  相似文献   
从2008年1月至2013年12月宁夏地震台网记录的665次ML≥2.0地震的数字地震波形资料中,选取波形记录清晰、噪声水平满足计算条件的数字地震波形记录,利用Aki模型,计算宁夏及邻区各区域尾波Q值,并与前人已有结果进行对比,得到该区尾波Q值的分布特征。结果表明:宁夏及邻区尾波Q值整体呈北高南低分布;吴忠、灵武地区该值相对较高,与该区域存在高速区相对应;阿拉善左旗西南该值较低;中卫、海原及附近地区该值相对较低,认为与该区域地壳深部的高温度与高热流值有关。  相似文献   
基于Sato单次散射模型,利用轮台地震台单台记录,计算并分析2016年1月14日新疆轮台MS5.3地震及余震序列尾波Qc值震后变化,拟合得出Qc值随频率的变化关系为Qc (f) =(18.0±3.19)f1.184±0.072。结果表明,Qc值在序列初期起伏较大,随着强震后能量的释放,Qc值趋于平缓;低频段的Qc值在较大余震发生前有显著变化;不同中心频率点的Qc值变化形态不一致。对Qc值变化特征的研究,可为地震预报提供参考依据。  相似文献   
运用叠加谱比法,对分布于新疆地区的5个台站所记录的51个地震数据进行分析,得出与各射线路径相对应的Lg尾波Q0(Lg尾波在1Hz处的Q)值。结果表明:Q0值呈现出明显的区域性变化特点,与构造活动关系紧密。在较为稳定的塔里木地台,Q0呈现出高值,在350~450之间。在南部构造活动较为激烈的昆仑褶皱系,Q0呈现出较低的值,约为200~250。在构造活动最为激烈的帕米尔地区,Q0值在170~200之间。在北部的天山褶皱系,Q0值约为220~270。准葛尔褶皱系比天山褶皱系的Q0值略高,约为260~290。  相似文献   
In continent Lg is usually one of the predominant phases recorded by short-period or broad-band seismometers. A ray-theoretical approach shows that Lg wave is the superposition of higher-mode surface waves propagating in the continental crust[1—4]. The g…  相似文献   
本文利用Sato单次散射模型,研究1999年至2007年辽宁海城-岫岩地区尾波Q值随时间的变化情况及1999年岫岩5.4级地震和2000年5.1级两次中强地震发生阶段该地区的尾波Q值变化。计算结果表明:该区在地震活跃阶段,Qc值随时间变化起伏较大,平均值相对较高,在岫岩5.4级主震前有短时升高现象,之后Qc值并没有明显的降低,直到强余震序列结束之后Qc值逐步降低,趋于平稳,通过对比该区在地震活跃阶段与平静阶段的Qc值变化,可以为未来该区的强震预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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