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Land cover change is increasingly affecting the biophysics, biogeochemistry, and biogeography of the Earth's surface and the atmosphere, with far-reaching consequences to human well-being. However, our scientific understanding of the distribution and dynamics of land cover and land cover change (LCLCC) is limited. Previous global land cover assessments performed using coarse spatial resolution (300 m–1 km) satellite data did not provide enough thematic detail or change information for global change studies and for resource management. High resolution (∼30 m) land cover characterization and monitoring is needed that permits detection of land change at the scale of most human activity and offers the increased flexibility of environmental model parameterization needed for global change studies. However, there are a number of challenges to overcome before producing such data sets including unavailability of consistent global coverage of satellite data, sheer volume of data, unavailability of timely and accurate training and validation data, difficulties in preparing image mosaics, and high performance computing requirements. Integration of remote sensing and information technology is needed for process automation and high-performance computing needs. Recent developments in these areas have created an opportunity for operational high resolution land cover mapping, and monitoring of the world. Here, we report and discuss these advancements and opportunities in producing the next generations of global land cover characterization, mapping, and monitoring at 30-m spatial resolution primarily in the context of United States, Group on Earth Observations Global 30 m land cover initiative (UGLC).  相似文献   
Advanced site-specific knowledge of grain protein content of winter wheat from remote sensing data would provide opportunities to manage grain harvest differently, and to maximize output by adjusting input in fields. In this study, remote sensing data were utilized to predict grain protein content. Firstly, the leaf nitrogen content at winter wheat anthesis stage was proved to be significantly correlated with grain protein content (R2 = 0.36), and spectral indices significantly correlated to leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage were potential indicators for grain protein content. The vegetation index, VIgreen, derived from the canopy spectral reflectance at green and red bands, was significantly correlated to the leaf nitrogen content at anthesis stage, and also highly significantly correlated to the final grain protein content (R2 = 0.46). Secondly, the external conditions, such as irrigation, fertilization and temperature, had important influence on grain quality. Water stress at grain filling stage can increase grain protein content, and leaf water content is closely related to irrigation levels, therefore, the spectral indices correlated to leaf water content can be potential indicators for grain protein content. The spectral reflectance of TM channel 5 derived from canopy spectra or image data at grain filling stage was all significantly correlated to grain protein content (R2 = 0.31 and 0.37, respectively). Finally, not only this study proved the feasibility of using remote sensing data to predict grain protein content, but it also provided a tentative prediction of the grain protein content in Beijing area using the reflectance image of TM channel 5.  相似文献   
Based on Landsat 8 remote sensing images, a combination of an unsupervised classification algorithm and artificial review was used to extract areas for Chinese offshore raft and cage aquaculture in 2018. The results of the extraction showed that China’s 2018 coastal zone raft aquaculture area comprised 194,110 ha, of which the province having the largest raft aquaculture area was Jiangsu (28.77 %), followed by Fujian (20.42 %) and Shandong (13.11 %). The cage aquaculture area covered 57,847,799 square meters, of which the provinces with the largest cage aquaculture area were Fujian (64.81 %), Guangdong (17.45 %), and Liaoning (5.63 %). In addition, by combining high-resolution remote sensing image visual interpretation and field investigation, the classification of 1200 sample points in four regions was determined, and the accuracy of the aquaculture area extraction was found to be 87.35 %. The extraction results can be used not only to evaluate China’s aquaculture production but also offer significant reference value for scientific planning related to sea use, ecological environmental protection, and marine disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   
Up-to-date forest inventory information relating the characteristics of managed and natural forests is fundamental to sustainable forest management and required to inform conservation of biodiversity and assess climate change impacts and mitigation opportunities. Strategic forest inventories are difficult to compile over large areas and are often quickly outdated or spatially incomplete as a function of their long production cycle. As a consequence, automated approaches supported by remotely sensed data are increasingly sought to provide exhaustive spatial coverage for a set of core attributes in a timely fashion. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the integration of current remotely-sensed data products and pre-existing jurisdictional inventory data to map four forest attributes of interest (stand age, dominant species, site index, and stem density) for a 55 Mha study region in British Columbia, Canada. First, via image segmentation, spectrally homogenous objects were derived from Landsat surface-reflectance pixel composites. Second, a suite of Landsat-based predictors (e.g., spectral indices, disturbance history, and forest structure) and ancillary variables (e.g., geographic, topographic, and climatic) were derived for these units and used to develop predictive models of target attributes. For the often difficult classification of dominant species, two modelling approaches were compared: (a) a global Random Forests model calibrated with training samples collected over the entire study area, and (b) an ensemble of local models, each calibrated with spatially constrained local samples. Accuracy assessment based upon independent validation samples revealed that the ensemble of local models was more accurate and efficient for species classification, achieving an overall accuracy of 72% for the species which dominate 80% of the forested areas in the province. Results indicated that site index had the highest agreement between predicted and reference (R2 = 0.74, %RMSE = 23.1%), followed by stand age (R2 = 0.62, %RMSE = 35.6%), and stem density (R2 = 0.33, %RMSE = 65.2%). Inventory attributes mapped at the image-derived unit level captured much finer details than traditional polygon-based inventory, yet can be readily reassembled into these larger units for strategic forest planning purposes. Based upon this work, we conclude that in a multi-source forest monitoring program, spatially localized and detailed characterizations enabled by time series of Landsat observations in conjunction with ancillary data can be used to support strategic inventory activities over large areas.  相似文献   
计璐艳  尹丹艳  宫鹏 《遥感学报》2019,23(4):717-729
准确提取湖泊围网区域的时空分布信息对湖泊的保护和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以阳澄湖为研究区域,收集该地区1984年—2017年所有的Landsat 5和Landsat 8影像(共计396景),提出了结合光谱和纹理特征的围网提取新算法,同时利用时间序列滤波消除年际间因数据不一致造成的偏差。以高清影像人工解译作为参考,阳澄湖围网提取结果的生产者精度在72.57%—88.53%,用户者精度在79.79%—98.10%,围网面积变化与文献记录吻合。结果表明,阳澄湖围网经历了"无围网期"(1984年—1994年)、"快速增长期"(1994年—1998年)、"巅峰期"(1999年—2002年)、"快速下降期"(2003年—2006年)和"稳定期"(2007年—2017年)5个阶段,最高达到100 km2,目前稳定在30 km2;通过研究围网区植被指数发现,2002年之后围网区浮水植物的种植面积增大;通过对比水质数据发现,2002年至今持续15年的围网拆除并未使阳澄湖恢复到80年代无围网养殖时期的II类水,其水质依然处于Ⅲ—Ⅳ类。因此在湖泊养殖开发过程中,政府应该坚持可持续发展道路,在不破坏湖泊水质的基础上发展湖泊经济。  相似文献   
Tongyu County in Northeast China is highly prone to land degradation due to its fragile physical settings characterized by a flat topography, a semi-arid climate, and a shallow groundwater table. This study aims to determine the causes of land degradation through detecting the long-term trend of land cover changes. Degraded lands were mapped from satellite images recorded in 1992 and 2002. These land cover maps revealed that the area subject to land degradation in the form of soil salinization, waterlogging and desertification increased from 2400 to 4214 km2, in sharp contrast to most severely degraded land that decreased by 122.5 km2. Newly degraded land stems from productive farmland (263 km2), harvested farmland (551 km2), and grassland (468 km2). Therefore, the worsened degradation situation is attributed to excessive reclamation of grassland for farming, over cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation. Mechanical, biological, ecological and engineering means should be adopted to rehabilitate the degraded land.  相似文献   
中巴经济走廊是贯通南北丝路的关键枢纽。在全球变暖的背景下, 区域内冰川变化情况复杂, 部分冰川出现前进或跃动现象, 冰湖溃决的风险在不断上升, 进而威胁中巴经济走廊的建设与民生安全。基于1990—2018年Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像, 利用目视解译方法提取了中巴经济走廊3期冰湖编目数据, 并分析了28年来该区域内冰湖的总体变化趋势、 空间异质性以及成因。结果表明: 中巴经济走廊目前共发育有2 380个冰湖, 总面积为(131.76±19.08) km2, 集中分布于喀喇昆仑山脉和喜马拉雅山脉; 1990—2018年期间, 冰湖总体面积扩张速度为0.48%·a-1, 但各个山脉不同规模冰湖面积变化差异较大。中巴经济走廊在气温和降水的共同作用下, 区内冰湖面积呈扩张趋势, 同时气温和降水变化率的空间差异使得冰湖面积变化存在空间差异; 冰川的快速退缩增加了区内冰湖溃决的风险。  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic (AM) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data from the south-central Zimbabwe Craton have been processed for the purpose of regional structural mapping and thereby to develop strategic models for groundwater exploration in hard-rock areas. The lineament density is greater on TM than on AM images, partly due to the resolution of the different datasets, and also because not all TM lineaments have a magnetic signature. The derived maps reveal several previously undetected lineaments corresponding to dykes, faults, shear zones and/or tectonically-related joints, striking predominantly NNE, NNW and WNW. We suggest the possible hydrogeological significance of some of these patterns as follows: the aeromagnetic data can be used to map faults and fractures of considerable depth which are likely to be open groundwater conduits at depth (typically under tension), while TM lineaments, although not necessarily open (mostly under compression), represent recharge areas.The interpreted persistent lineation and well developed fracture patterns are correlated with existing boreholes and indicate a spatial relationship between regional structures and high borehole yields (> 3 m3/h). This relationship is combined with other lithological and hydrogeological information to identify potential regional groundwater sites for detailed ground investigations. These are defined as dyke margins, faults, fractures/joints or intersections of any combination of these structures. Priority should be given to coincident AM/TM lineaments (e.g., NNW and NNE fractures) and continuous structures with large catchment areas (e.g., NNE and WNW faults). The late Archaean (2.6 Ga) granites are considered the most favourable unit because of their associated long and deep brittle fractures between numerous bornhardts (inselbergs) and kopjes. Several small-scale TM lineaments also form important local sources of groundwater for hand-dug wells. Based on measured rock susceptibilities from the area, we present a model of the typical magnetic responses from the possible groundwater exploration targets. The developed magnetic model could be applicable to similar terrains in other Archaean Cratons.  相似文献   
不透水面作为反应城市表征变化和区域城镇化的重要技术指标,其位置、图斑大小、空间分布等信息在地表水热循环和能量平衡等领域被广泛需求。传统方法大都基于单一时相信息提取不透水面,而忽略多时相所蕴含的丰富信息。因此,本文提出多时相信息融合的不透水面级联提取方法,利用Landsat-8 OLI遥感影像分析归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)、改进的归一化水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, MNDWI)和归一化建筑指数(Normalized Difference Building Index, NDBI)年内时序变化特点和典型地物间多时相波谱曲线的协同特征,并归纳不透水面多时相变化规律;再根据先验知识所获取的有效地表信息,进行多时相分级提取不透水面信息。此外,基于实地考察数据和同期2 m GF-1遥感影像屏幕数字化生成30 m不透水面图斑,进行精度验证、分析和对比单时相、四季相及多时相3种时序情况下的提取精度。结果表明:单时相提取不透水面总精度最低,四季相提取精度优于单时相,而多时相提取精度最高(精度可达93.66%,Kappa系数为0.81)。本方法在偏远城镇不透水面的有效识别中显露潜在优势,可为不透水面提取方法融合时序波谱特征提供新思路。  相似文献   
Using the NASA Earth Exchange platform, the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) project mapped forest history wall-to-wall, annually for the contiguous US (1986–2010) using the Vegetation Change Tracker algorithm. As with any effort to identify real changes in remotely sensed time-series, data gaps, shifts in seasonality, misregistration, inconsistent radiometry and cloud contamination can be sources of error. We discuss the NAFD image selection and processing stream (NISPS) that was designed to minimize these sources of error. The NISPS image quality assessments highlighted issues with the Landsat archive and metadata including inadequate georegistration, unreliability of the pre-2009 L5 cloud cover assessments algorithm, missing growing-season imagery and paucity of clear views. Assessment maps of Landsat 5–7 image quantities and qualities are presented that offer novel perspectives on the growing-season archive considered for this study. Over 150,000+ Landsat images were considered for the NAFD project. Optimally, one high quality cloud-free image in each year or a total of 12,152 images would be used. However, to accommodate data gaps and cloud/shadow contamination 23,338 images were needed. In 220 specific path-row image years no acceptable images were found resulting in data gaps in the annual national map products.  相似文献   
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