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利用Landsat TM6数据反演大亚湾海水表层温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Landsat TM6数据,采用覃志豪单窗算法(MW)、Jiménez-Mu(n)oz单通道算法(SC)和Weng算法计算了大亚湾海域的海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST),分析比较了3种算法反演的海温空间分布特征,并选取12个样本点与实测数据进行了比较.结果表明:3种算法反演的海温分布特征基本一致,在3幅海温图像上可以清晰地观察到大亚湾核电站的热废水扩散特征;反演温度与实测温度的差值平均值分别为-2.21℃、0.19℃和-4.68℃,以SC算法误差最小.  相似文献   
Maximum likelihood (ML) and artificial neural network (ANN) classifiers were applied to three Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image sub-scenes (termed urban, agricultural and semi-natural) of Cukurova, Turkey. Inputs to the classifications comprised (i) spectral data and (ii) spectral data in combination with texture measures derived on a per-pixel basis. The texture measures used were: the standard deviation and variance and statistics derived from the co-occurrence matrix and the variogram. The addition of texture measures increased classification accuracy for the urban sub-scene but decreased classification accuracy for agricultural and semi-natural sub-scenes. Classification accuracy was dependent on the nature of the spatial variation in the image sub-scene and, in particular, the relation between the frequency of spatial variation and the spatial resolution of the imagery. For Mediterranean land, texture classification applied to Landsat TM imagery may be appropriate for the classification of urban areas only.  相似文献   
Surface fires are common in coalfields where coal is mined or exposed to sunlight for long durations of time. The heat energy emitted from these fires affects the signal recorded by sensors operating in the shortwave infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Landsat TM/ETM+ band-7 is sensitive to solar reflected radiation as well as emitted radiation from a target. The ‘maximum solar reflection threshold’ method proposed in this study uses the highest spectral radiance that can be attributed to solar reflection as the conservative threshold to segregate the pixels with emitted component from those with reflected component of the EM energy. Investigations with Landsat TM/ETM+ data indicate a reflectance value of 0.23–0.25 as the most representative highest reflectance (threshold) in coal mining areas. The method apparently has the advantage that it is based on the reflectance characteristics of materials (sandstone-shale mixtures) typically found in coal mining areas.  相似文献   
Landsat 8数据地表温度反演算法对比   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着卫星遥感技术的发展,利用遥感反演地表温度的方法不断出现,如劈窗法、双角度法和单通道算法等。Landsat系列卫星的遥感数据是地表温度反演的重要数据之一。本文选择无锡周边区域为研究区,利用Landsat 8卫星遥感数据,对两种劈窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法)和两种单窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法和覃志豪单窗算法)的地表温度反演精度进行了对比和敏感性分析。采用太湖16个浮标站的实测数据来验证了4种算法的反演精度。结果表明:两种劈窗算法的精度较高且较为接近,误差为0.7 K左右;覃志豪单窗算法和Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法精度较低,误差分别为1.3 K和1.4 K左右。Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法对参数的敏感性最低,Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法次之,覃志豪单窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法敏感性相对最高。其中Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法只适用于一定的水汽含量范围,有一定的局限性。  相似文献   
Large remote sensing datasets, that either cover large areas or have high spatial resolution, are often a burden of information mining for scientific studies. Here, we present an approach that conducts clustering after gray-level vector reduction. In this manner, the speed of clustering can be considerably improved. The approach features applying eigenspace transformation to the dataset followed by compressing the data in the eigenspace and storing them in coded matrices and vectors. The clustering process takes the advantage of the reduced size of the compressed data and thus reduces computational complexity. We name this approach Clustering Based on Eigen-space Transformation (CBEST). In our experiment with a subscene of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery, CBEST was found to be able to improve speed considerably over conventional K-means as the volume of data to be clustered increases. We assessed information loss and several other factors. In addition, we evaluated the effectiveness of CBEST in mapping land cover/use with the same image that was acquired over Guangzhou City, South China and an AVIRIS hyperspectral image over Cappocanoe County, Indiana. Using reference data we assessed the accuracies for both CBEST and conventional K-means and we found that the CBEST was not negatively affected by information loss during compression in practice. We discussed potential applications of the fast clustering algorithm in dealing with large datasets in remote sensing studies.  相似文献   
The influence of illumination effects on the optimality of the dNBR (differenced Normalized Burn Ratio) was evaluated for the case of the 2007 Peloponnese (Greece) wildfires using a pre/post-fire Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) image couple. Well-illuminated pixels (south and south-east facing slopes) exhibited more optimal displacements in the bi-spectral feature space than more shaded pixels (north and north-west exposed slopes). Moreover, pixels experiencing a small image-to-image difference in illumination obtained a higher optimality than pixels with a relatively large difference in illumination. To correct for illumination effects, the c-correction method and a modified c-correction technique were applied. The resulting median dNBR optimality of uncorrected, c-corrected and modified c-correction data was respectively 0.58, 0.60 and 0.71 (differences significant for p < 0.001). The original c-correction method improved the optimality of badly illuminated pixels while deteriorating the optimality of well-illuminated pixels. In contrast, the modified c-correction technique improved the optimality of all the pixels while retaining the prime characteristic of topographic correction techniques, i.e. detrending the illumination–reflectance relationship. For a minority of the data, for shaded pixels and/or pixels with a high image-to-image difference in illumination, the original c-correction outperformed the modified c-correction technique. In this study conducted in rugged terrain and with a bi-temporal image acquisition scheme that deviated up to two months from the ideal anniversary date scheme the modified c-correction technique resulted in a more reliable change detection.  相似文献   
旨在研究受人类经济活动影响的植被资源及其动态变化趋势的程度,采用基于归一化植被指数的像素二分模型,利用2002—2010年(武汉市每年8月)的卫星遥感数据,对武汉地区6年间的植被覆盖变化进行监测分析。结果表明,植被覆盖度变化与武汉GDP增长率有着紧密联系:2002—2007年,武汉经济较缓慢上升,植被覆盖度基本维持在55%左右;而2007—2008年武汉GDP总值增长率高达26.06%,但随之而来的是植被覆盖度由高峰期的61.68%下降到49.18%,是历年来的最低水准; 2008—2010年经济发展放缓,植被指数有小幅度回升。人类经济活动是影响植被资源的重要因素。  相似文献   
Data fused from distinct but complementary satellite sensors mitigate tradeoffs that researchers make when selecting between spatial and temporal resolutions of remotely sensed data. We integrated data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the Terra satellite and the Operational Land Imager sensor aboard the Landsat 8 satellite into four regression-tree models and applied those data to a mapping application. This application produced downscaled maps that utilize the 30-m spatial resolution of Landsat in conjunction with daily acquisitions of MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) that are composited and temporally smoothed. We produced four weekly, atmospherically corrected, and nearly cloud-free, downscaled 30-m synthetic MODIS NDVI predictions (maps) built from these models. Model results were strong with R2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.85. The correlation coefficients (r ≥ 0.89) were strong for all predictions when compared to corresponding original MODIS NDVI data. Downscaled products incorporated into independently developed sagebrush ecosystem models yielded mixed results. The visual quality of the downscaled 30-m synthetic MODIS NDVI predictions were remarkable when compared to the original 250-m MODIS NDVI. These 30-m maps improve knowledge of dynamic rangeland seasonal processes in the central Great Basin, United States, and provide land managers improved resource maps.  相似文献   
Satellite data holds considerable potential as a source of information on rice crop growth which can be used to inform agronomy. However, given the typical field sizes in many rice-growing countries such as China, data from coarse spatial resolution satellite systems such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are inadequate for resolving crop growth variability at the field scale. Nevertheless, systems such as MODIS do provide images with sufficient frequency to be able to capture the detail of rice crop growth trajectories throughout a growing season. In order to generate high spatial and temporal resolution data suitable for mapping rice crop phenology, this study fused MODIS data with lower frequency, higher spatial resolution Landsat data. An overall workflow was developed which began with image preprocessing, calculation of multi-temporal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) images, and spatiotemporal fusion of data from the two sensors. The Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model was used to effectively downscale the MODIS data to deliver a time-series of 30 m spatial resolution NDVI data at 8-day intervals throughout the rice-growing season. Zonal statistical analysis was used to extract NDVI time-series for individual fields and signal filtering was applied to the time-series to generate rice phenology curves. The downscaled MODIS NDVI products were able to characterize the development of paddy rice at fine spatial and temporal resolutions, across wide spatial extents over multiple growing seasons. These data permitted the extraction of key crop seasonality parameters that quantified inter-annual growth variability for a whole agricultural region and enabled mapping of the variability in crop performance between and within fields. Hence, this approach can provide rice crop growth data that is suitable for informing agronomic policy and practice across a wide range of scales.  相似文献   
单窗算法的大气参数估计方法   总被引:95,自引:10,他引:95  
根据地表热辐射传导方程,提出了一个简单可行且精度较高的专门用于从TM6数据中演算地表温度的方法——单窗算法.这一算法把大气和地表状态对地表热传导的影响直接包括在演算公式中.该方法需要两个大气参数进行地表温度的演算,即大气平均作用温度和大气透射率.本文论述这两个大气参数的估计方法:根据大气水分含量或地表附近空气湿度来估计大气透射率;通过分析标准大气剖面资料,尤其是大气水分和气温随高程的变化规律,根据地表温度推算大气平均作用温度.  相似文献   
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