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以土地利用更新调查生产中的体会.从工作前期准备、技术路线、正射影像图制作、权属界线调查几种特殊情况和表示方法的处理,提出了土地利用更新调查需要注意的几个问题和建议。  相似文献   
一维地面沉降模型及其求解   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
张云 《工程地质学报》2002,10(4):434-437
推导了以垂向有效应力为基本变量的一维地面沉降的普遍模型 ,并用半解析方法予以求解。模型考虑了土体变形过程中渗透系数和压缩性随有效应力的变化而变化的特性 ,反映了土体变形的非线性特征。计算实例表明 ,该模型的计算结果比太沙基方法的计算结果有了很大程度的改善 ,与实际情况非常接近。  相似文献   
北京精细下垫面信息引入对暴雨模拟的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
首先根据2000年环北京实际的精细下垫面布局资料(500m分辨率),按美国USGS陆面资料分类标准(25类)对其提供的全球30 s经纬分辨率(≈1 km)下垫面分类资料进行了更新设计.进而针对一个北京夏季暴雨过程,利用10:3.3km双向双重嵌套的MM5V3.6-Noah LSM陆气耦合模式进行24h数值对比试验,研究了北京精细下垫面信息引入对暴雨的影响.分析表明:新设计的陆面资料更真实地反映了环北京区域的下垫面结构,尤其针对北京城区面积迅增特征;同时还修正了原资料将亚洲中纬度区域落叶阔叶林下垫面类型归属为热带(或亚热带)稀疏大草原类型的问题.其在数值天气模式中的引入会对短期暴雨过程的发生发展产生重要影响.对此次暴雨主要降水中心的模拟,12h差值分布范围远达30km以上,中心值相对差异可达30%.研究发现在城市下垫面和大气相互间存在一个重要的相互影响机制,即由于城区面积的扩大会导致自然植被减少,进而会减少地表蒸发及相应局地大气水分供应、加深边界层高度并增强大气水汽混合,这不利于降水的发生发展.  相似文献   
Urban land use information plays an important role in urban management, government policy-making, and population activity monitoring. However, the accurate classification of urban functional zones is challenging due to the complexity of urban systems. Many studies have focused on urban land use classification by considering features that are extracted from either high spatial resolution (HSR) remote sensing images or social media data, but few studies consider both features due to the lack of available models. In our study, we propose a novel scene classification framework to identify dominant urban land use type at the level of traffic analysis zone by integrating probabilistic topic models and support vector machine. A land use word dictionary inside the framework was built by fusing natural–physical features from HSR images and socioeconomic semantic features from multisource social media data. In addition to comparing with manual interpretation data, we designed several experiments to test the land use classification accuracy of our proposed model with different combinations of previously acquired semantic features. The classification results (overall accuracy = 0.865, Kappa = 0.828) demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy that blends features extracted from multisource geospatial data as semantic features to train the classification model. This method can be applied to help urban planners analyze fine urban structures and monitor urban land use changes, and additional data from multiple sources will be blended into this proposed framework in the future.  相似文献   
莱州市国土资源局土地管理办公自动化系统采用工作流技术,基于浏览器/服务器(B/S)三层体系结构设计,实现了土地管理办公自动化和国土信息的对外发布。系统采用可视化流程设计,并预留GIS接口,方便今后系统的扩展和升级。系统建成后,大大提高了莱州市国土资源局各业务部门的业务处理速度和协同工作效率。  相似文献   
Coastal area is the region with the highest degree of economic and social development and the largest ecological stress in current China, where the proportions and the spatial patterns of developed coastal resource and environment are determined by projects planning. Ecological carrying capacity evaluation is the necessary prerequisite for sustainable utilization of natural resources and protecting ecological environment to ensure healthy and sustainable economic and social development to project planning. Based on the pressure types of projects planning on resources and environment, the concept and contents of coastal ecological carrying capacity were redefined for enhancing the practical value of ecological carrying capacity evaluation. The domestic and foreign research progress and advances related with coastal ecological carrying capacity evaluation were reviewed, which included habitat suitability evaluation, suitability assessment of construction land development, reclamation suitability evaluation and assessment of sea water environmental capacity. The conclusion noted that domestic research of coastal ecological carrying capacity needs to build a complete system of ecological carrying capacity evaluation methodology based on extensive reference to foreign research results, and quantitative evaluation and spatial visualization research related with coastal ecological carrying capacity should be carried out to provide strong support for ecological civilization process of economy and society in coustal areas.  相似文献   
利用吉林通榆半干旱区农田站和退化草地站2008年的外场试验观测资料,对比分析了不同土地利用方式对蒸散和地表水分收支的影响。结果表明:从全年来看,尽管两个站点相距仅5 km,但农田站的全年总蒸散量比代表自然土地覆盖状况的退化草地站高28.2 mm;且生长季两种下垫面的蒸散量较为接近,差异主要发生在非生长季。同时,农田站的年水分收支总量为51.1 mm,比退化草地站低35.6%。具体来说,生长季,两个站点的水分收支均有盈余;但在非生长季,退化草地站的水分收支仍有盈余,而农田站则处于水分亏损状态。这说明在半干旱区,代表人为土地利用状况的农田站面临着更大的水分供给压力,人类活动导致的土地利用会加剧该地区的干旱化趋势。
  进一步的分析表明,水分盈余并不代表地表的水分状况良好。从 Priestley-Taylor 系数来看,两个站点的Priestley-Taylor系数均远小于1.0,说明在半干旱区,由于表层土壤水分条件的限制,实际蒸散量远未达到平衡蒸散量,土壤面临着水分供给的压力。其可能的原因是,对半干旱区而言,尽管水分收支有盈余,但是由于土壤沙化严重,土壤孔隙度大,大气降水很容易下渗,并以地下水的形式存储起来,使得表层土壤水分供应反而不足。  相似文献   
We synthesize the study of coupled natural and human systems across sites and cultures through a process of simplification and abstraction based on multiple dimensions of human-nature connectedness: satisfaction of basic needs, psycho-cultural connectedness and regulation of use of natural resources. We thus provide both a place-based and general understanding of value-driven anthropogenic environmental change and response. Two questions guide this research: what are the crucial stakeholder values that drive land use decisions and thus land cover change? And how can knowledge of these values be used to make decisions and policies that sustain both the human and natural systems in a place? To explore these questions we build simulation models of four study sites, two in the State of Texas, United States, and two in Venezuela. All include protected areas, though they differ in the specifics of vegetation and land use. In the Texas sites, relatively affluent individuals are legally converting forests to residential, commercial, and industrial uses, while in Venezuela landless settlers are extra-legally converting forests for purposes of subsistence agriculture. Contemporary modeling techniques now facilitate simulations of stakeholder and ecosystem dynamics revealing emergent patterns. Such coupled human and natural systems are currently recognized as a form of biocomplexity. Our modeling framework is flexible enough to allow adaptation to each of the study sites, capturing the essential features of the respective natural and anthropogenic land use changes and stakeholder reactions. The interactions between human stakeholders are simulated using multi-agent models that act on forest landscape models, and receive feedback of the effects of these actions on ecological habitats and hydrological response. The multi-agent models employ a formal logic-based method for the Venezuelan sites and a decision analysis approach using multi-attribute utility functions for the Texas sites, differing more in style and emphasis than in substance. Our natural-systems models are generic and can be tailored according to site-specific conditions. Similar models of tree growth and patch transitions are used for all the study sites and the differing responses to environmental variables are specified for each local species and terrain conditions.  相似文献   
陆面过程模式是气候模式和天气模式的核心组成部分之一.在土壤-植被-大气耦合模式(Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Model, SPAM)的基础上,发展了新一代北京大学陆面过程模式PKULM(Peking University Land Model).本文首先介绍了PKULM的辐射传输、湍流输送、光合作用、土壤水热输送等过程的参数化方案;采用隐式迭代计算框架,发展并应用了一个快速的线性方程组求解算法,提高了模式计算稳定性;提出并使用了二分搜索算法计算气孔阻抗,避免了CLM(Community Land Model)等使用的迭代方法在干旱区不稳定的情况,提高了模式的适用性;采用水势为基础的土壤水分扩散方程,使模式能够模拟土壤饱和区的水分输送过程,为进一步与水文过程模式耦合奠定了基础;还发展了一个地表积水与径流过程的机理模型,提高了模式对地表水分平衡过程的模拟能力;最后,使用"中国西北干旱区陆-气相互作用观测试验"平凉站的资料对模式进行了检验并与NOAH(National Center for Environmental Prediction, Oregon State University, Air Force, and Hydrology Lab model)陆面过程模式的模拟结果进行了比较,结果表明PKULM能够较好地模拟西北半干旱区农田下垫面地气交换过程.  相似文献   
 采用可以有效控制环境因子的室内土壤培养试验,初步研究了科尔沁沙地30种植物叶凋落物的CO2释放量及释放速率。结果表明:①在28 d培养期内,不同植物叶凋落物释放的CO2量差异很大,其中,多年生植物叶凋落物CO2释放量平均值大于一年生植物,但二者之间的差异不显著;禾本科植物叶凋落物CO2释放量平均值明显小于其他植物,二者之间呈显著差异。②在28 d培养期内,不同植物叶凋落物每四天CO2释放速率差异很大。一年生与多年生植物叶凋落物28 d内每四天释放CO2的速率无显著差异;禾本科与其他植物叶凋落物每四天释放CO2的速率在培养的前16 d差异呈显著,而后差异消失。③植物叶凋落物的全碳含量,氮含量,C/N,灰分/N及灰分含量不同造成CO2释放量及释放速率的差异。叶凋落物28 d释放CO2的量与叶凋落物初始碳含量及灰分含量均无相关关系,与叶凋落物初始氮含量呈显著正相关,与叶凋落物C/N及灰分/N呈显著负相关。叶凋落物培养期内每四天释放CO2的速率与叶凋落物初始碳含量无相关关系;叶凋落物0\_20天释放CO2的速率与叶凋落物初始氮含量呈显著正相关,与叶凋落物C/N呈显著负相关;叶凋落物9\_28天CO2释放速率与灰分/N呈显著负相关;培养后期(17\_28天)的CO2释放速率与灰分含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
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