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Evaporation dominates the removal of water from Lake Tanganyika, and therefore the oxygen isotope composition of lake water has become very positive in comparison to the waters entering the lake. The surface water in Lake Tanganyika has remained relatively unchanged over the last 30 years with a seasonal range of +3.2 to +3.5 VSMOW. Water from small rivers entering the lake seems to have a 18O value between –3.5 and –4.0, based on scattered measurements. The two largest catchments emptying into the lake deliver water that has a 18O value between these two extremes. This large contrast is the basis of a model presented here that attempts to reconstruct the history of runoff intensity based on the 18O of carbonate shells from Lake Tanganyika cores. In order to use biogenic carbonates to monitor changes in the 18O of mixing-zone water, however, the oxygen isotope fractionation between water and shell carbonate must be well understood. The relatively invariant environmental conditions of the lake allow us to constrain the fractionation of both oxygen and carbon isotope ratios. Although molluskan aragonitic shell 18O values are in agreement with published mineral-water fractionations, ostracode calcite is 1.2 more positive than that of inorganic calcite precipitated under similar conditions. Ostracode shell 18O data from two cores from central Lake Tanganyika suggest that runoff decreased in the first half of this millennium and has increased in the last century. This conclusion is poorly constrained, however, and much more work needs to be done on stable isotope variation in both the waters and carbonates of Lake Tanganyika. We also compared the 13C of shells against predicted values based solely on the 13C of lake water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The ostracode Mecynocypria opaca is the only ostracode or mollusk that falls within the predicted range. This suggests that M. opaca has potential for reconstructing the carbon isotope ratio of DIC in Lake Tanganyika, and may be a useful tool in the study of the history of the lakes productivity and carbon cycle.  相似文献   
A nearshore core (LT03-05) from the north basin of Lake Tanganyika provides diatom, pollen, and sedimentary time series covering the last ca. 3800 yr at 15-36 yr resolution. A chronology supported by 21 AMS dates on terrestrial and lacustrine materials allows us to account for ancient carbon effects on 14C ages and to propose refinements of the region's climatic history. Conditions drier than those of today were followed after ca. 3.30 ka by an overall wetting trend. Several century-scale climate variations were superimposed upon that trend, with exceptionally rainy conditions occurring 1.70-1.40 ka, 1.15-0.90 ka, 0.70-0.55 ka, and 0.35-0.20 ka. Around 0.55-0.35 ka, during the Spörer sunspot minimum, drier conditions developed in the northern Tanganyika basin while more humid conditions were registered at Lakes Victoria and Naivasha. This indicates significant variability in the nature and distribution of near-equatorial rainfall anomalies during much of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
民勤湖区水资源与农业发展浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
贡小虎 《中国沙漠》1995,15(1):84-87
本文从湖区水资源现状出发, 论述了水、盐碱是湖区发展农业生产的主要限制因素。探讨了地下水利用, 因水种植与土地弃耕和轮歇以及储水灌溉定额等问题。提出了解决水的措施; 干旱、盐碱、风沙应统筹考虑, 农林牧水综合治理的观点。建议从有限的水资源中拨出一定数量的水用于种草种树。  相似文献   
Located in the Basin of Mexico, the eastern shore of former Lake Texcoco sustained a variety of human occupations throughout the Holocene, including preceramic hunter-gatherers, incipient agriculturalists, and a variety of settlements in the ceramic periods. Nonetheless, the environmental dynamics of occupations on the lakeshore have not been fully addressed. The Archaic preagricultural Texcoco Man site (>5000 B.C.E.) and the Late Formative TX-LF-14 site (c. 550-200 B.C.E.), among others, occupy this fluvio-lacustrine transitional environment. Few stratigraphic works in and around the sites have been performed. Consequently, it is difficult to understand the dynamics of the sedimentary system in space and time. This work highlights and describes the fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary dynamics and the resulting landscape that past societies inhabited on the eastern shore of Texcoco Lake. Because the study area has been altered by historic and modern draining, our work employs Lake Santiaguillo and its main tributary, the Tejamen River in the Durango state, as a modern analog to study their sedimentary dynamics. The analyses of surface geomorphology in the Texcoco study area were employed to corroborate the modern analog interpretation. To achieve these goals, we conducted a GIS-based morphometric analysis and LANDSAT-8 imagery to study the variations in landforms through wet and dry events. The results indicate an increase in the lake volume, low bifurcation in the active fluvial channels, few inundated surfaces, and the presence of bird-foot deltaic channels during high precipitation events. In contrast, low precipitation events are characterized by reduced lake volume, increased fluvial channel bifurcation, and expanded floodplains. This heterogeneous landscape thus provided a rich source of diverse natural resources of saline and freshwater aquatic habitats. Simultaneously, constant or recurring flooding events generated a challenging landscape for prehistoric settlers who implemented diverse technologies, such as the construction of tlateles, on the levees of deltaic channels to reduce the risk and impact of flooding events.  相似文献   
湖泊藻华问题已成为全球水生态环境领域面临的长期挑战,风力条件变化和引调水工程的水力调度能改变湖体水动力结构,对藻类的生长和聚集过程产生影响,进行该过程的精细化监测和机制分析对于湖泊藻华预报预警和应急处置具有重要意义。本研究基于Hiamwari-8/AHI卫星遥感高频监测数据,对比分析了归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)、增强植被指数(EVI)和浮游藻类指数(FAI) 3种不同指数对太湖藻华的反演效果,开展了典型风力条件下和水力调度下太湖藻华生消过程的持续监测分析。结果表明,FAI对藻华区域和非藻华区域的区分更加明显,其阈值提取的藻华面积与基于MODIS图像解译的藻华面积的相对误差最低,为-2.27%。当营养盐充足且水温持续保持在蓝藻大量生长增殖的阈值以上时,风力条件是导致太湖藻类迁移聚集的关键因子,风向主要影响藻类的水平迁移,使其进行方向性迁移并逐渐形成大面积藻华区域。风速主要影响藻类的垂向迁移并存在临界阈值,当风速低于约2.5 m/s的临界风速时,藻华面积随风速增加而增加;当风速高于临界风速时,藻华面积随风速增加而降低。水力调度对距离较近的贡湖湾区域具有显著影响,主要通过水动力扰动来影响...  相似文献   
随着长江禁渔国策的持续实施,长江干流和沿线通江湖泊中刀鲚资源及其关键栖息地将有可能得到恢复。为了确证长江禁渔后的2020年在鄱阳湖永修瓢头水域所采集到21尾刀鲚的洄游履历和资源类型,本研究采用电子探针微区分析技术(EPMA)对其耳石元素锶(Sr)和钙(Ca)的微化学特征进行了测定和分析。结果显示,所有个体耳石的Sr/Ca值变化较为复杂。自耳石核心至边缘Sr/Ca值分别出现了对应淡水生境的低值(<3)和对应河口半咸水或海水生境的中高值(>3),最后边缘部分再次出现了对应洄游返回淡水生境的低Sr/Ca值(<3)。Sr含量面分析图中也呈现出了对应淡水—河口半咸水—海水—淡水的蓝色—黄绿色、红色—蓝色变化的图谱;证明上述个体均具有明显的江海洄游特征,为典型溯河洄游型刀鲚。鄱阳湖永修瓢头水域是一处尚未曾正式报道过的洄游型刀鲚分布区。根据性成熟度和摄食情况可将瓢头水域刀鲚分为产卵场群体和非产卵群体两类。通过与鄱阳湖其他水域刀鲚情况的比较分析可以推定,两类刀鲚可能起源于鄱阳湖内两个不同区域的产卵场。对于产卵场群体而言,瓢头水域可能更主要起到产卵场的作用;而对于非产卵群体来说,瓢头水...  相似文献   
湿地植物演替对土壤微生物量具有显著影响,但不同土壤理化环境下的植物演替对湿地土壤微生物量影响的具体差异还不清楚。以鄱阳湖土壤理化性质不同的4个碟形子湖(包括相对肥沃的东湖和白沙湖以及相对贫瘠的蚌湖和大湖池)为研究对象,运用空间代替时间的方法,在泥滩带、湿生植被带(苔草)和挺水植被带(南荻或芦苇)采集0~10 cm表层土壤,分析不同土壤理化性质条件下植物群落演替对土壤微生物量的影响。采用土壤微生物量碳(MBC)和微生物熵(qMB)指示土壤微生物量。蚌湖、大湖池、东湖和白沙湖洲滩湿地表层土壤MBC的平均值分别为1077.27、888.29、942.45和1162.46 mg/kg,土壤qMB的平均值分别为6.07%、6.17%、3.60%和3.79%。在泥滩—苔草—南荻植物演替洲滩,土壤MBC先增加后减少;但是在泥滩—苔草—芦苇植物演替洲滩,土壤MBC持续增加。植物演替没有显著改变土壤qMB。尽管植物的生长会增加所有洲滩湿地的土壤MBC,但增加的幅度在相对贫瘠的蚌湖和大湖池明显强于相对肥沃的东湖和白沙湖。蚌湖和大湖池的土壤qMB也显著高于东湖和白沙湖。在植被演替梯度上,洲滩湿地土壤MBC和...  相似文献   
柴达木盆地盐湖对维系区域生态平衡、保障农业安全和国民经济发展具有重要的作用。受青藏高原气候暖湿化影响,盆地湖泊格局发生了一系列变化。为分析盆地盐湖变化特征,本文以小柴旦湖为例,基于长时间序列卫星数据,利用随机森林法提取盐湖水域范围并解构、评估“点—线—面”形态变化,同时构建矿化度指数表征盐湖资源禀赋。结果表明:(1) 1990—2022年小柴旦湖面积呈“缓减—缓增—快增”的阶段性变化特征,岸线长度呈阶段性变化(2016年后增长明显),湖泊质心总体向西北方向迁移,截止2022年湖泊质心累计迁移距离为2363.49 m。(2) 1990—2022年矿化度指数波动下降,呈“淡化”态势。(3)气象数据显示研究区年平均气温升高、年降水量增多、年潜在蒸散量下降,处于暖湿化轻度转型期,降水增多、蒸发下降、增温引起的冰雪融水增加综合叠加效应引起区域水资源增加,进而导致湖泊扩张和“淡化”。(4)小柴旦湖扩张和“淡化”对社会经济和生态平衡影响明显,一方面,影响湖区周边基础设施,近70 km2区域受淹没直接影响,包括德小高速公路、柳格高速公路部分路段;另一方面,作为资源型湖泊,小柴旦湖...  相似文献   
湖泊水色遥感研究进展   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
从卫星传感器、大气校正、光学特性测量、生物光学模型及水体辐射传输、水质参数反演方法等方面,系统分析了湖泊水色遥感的发展现状.湖泊水体物质组份的复杂性以及卫星传感器与实际需求的矛盾决定了湖泊水色遥感的难度.目前湖泊水色遥感在一些关键问题上仍没有实质性进步,离水色遥感监测的业务化尚有一段距离.令人欣慰的是,卫星传感器以及水色遥感反演算法的不断发展和进步,让我们看到了胜利的曙光.  相似文献   
太湖流域西氿湖沉积岩芯中重金属污染及潜在生态风险   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对太湖流域西沈湖沉积物岩芯XJ2中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr等5种重金属元素总量的分析,结合测年结果,揭示了不同时间段重金属污染物的分布特征,并利用Hakansen潜在生态风险评价法对沉积物岩芯的污染状况及潜在生态风险的历史变化进行了研究.结果表明岩芯受Cd元素污染最重,其它4种元素较Cd则轻得多,因此Cd元素是影响该地区沉积物潜在生态风险的绝对主导因素.从20世纪初叶开始,沉积物中的重金属元素污染及其相应的潜在生态风险开始上升,并且上升幅度不断加剧,到20世纪90年代达到最大值,沉积物污染及潜在生态风险级别均为"很高",随后便开始迅速下降,然而直到2004年这两个参数仍然维持在"很高"级别.  相似文献   
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