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基于WRF模式数据和CASA模型的青海湖流域草地NPP估算研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
植被净初级生产力(NPP)是研究陆地碳循环过程的核心内容, 而高海拔区域由于气象观测数据的缺乏造成模型对其估算的不准确.在WRF模式气象数据和SPOT-VEGETATION遥感影像的基础上, 利用CASA模型对青海湖流域2000-2010年的草地NPP进行了估算, 经过实地样方数据和其他模型数据的验证后, 分析了青海湖流域近11 a来草地NPP的空间分布格局和时间变化特征.结果表明: 1)在气象观测资料缺乏的青海湖流域, WRF模式的气象数据能较好地应用到模型中, CASA模型对该区域草地NPP的模拟精度较高; 2)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地年均NPP为2.71×1012gC·a-1, 单位面积草地NPP为145.71 gC·m-2·a-1; 空间分布上呈现出由东南向西北随着海拔升高逐渐下降的格局, 在海拔3 200~3 500 m的区域草地单位面积的NPP达到最大; 3)2000-2010年青海湖流域草地NPP年际变化明显, 近11 a呈现出明显的增加趋势, 增加区域主要分布在环湖地区; 年内季节变化显著, 夏季NPP占到全年的57.36%; 4)对NPP和气象站点太阳辐射、 气温、 降水数据进行相关性分析, 发现影响青海湖流域草地NPP变化的主要驱动力是气温.  相似文献   
洱海近代沉积物中碳-氮-硫-磷的地球化学记录   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
在^210Pbex和^137Cs计年基础上,对采自洱海深水湖区沉积物柱芯进行了C inorg(无机碳)、Corg(有机碳)、N、S含量和P开矿分析。Corg生趣剖面具“沉降-降解-堆积”三阶段分布特征,沉降和堆积通量分别为12.7g/(m^2.a)和7.20g/(m^2.a);降解速率常数为0.017a^-1,寄宿时间为40a。N的生趣分布与Corg相似,沉降和堆积通量分别为2.62g/(m^2.a  相似文献   
洞庭湖区第四纪气候变化的初步探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
探讨了洞庭湖区第四纪以来的气候变化,初步得出以下规律:更新世气候变化剧烈,气候组合暖湿(温湿)与冷干;全新世气候转为温凉,主要气候组合为温湿与凉干;历史时期气候主要仍温湿与凉干交替,但15 世纪以来出现短暂的温干与凉温期;15世纪以来,气候波动频繁,有愈来愈不稳定的趋向,进入20世纪,旱涝灾害更加。在全球变暖的背景下,预计该区未来气候趋向于暖湿,但不排除暖干的可能性。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代鄱阳湖洪水特征的分析   总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8  
闵骞 《湖泊科学》2002,14(4):323-330
20世纪90年代,鄱阳湖平均水位超过近50年来的任何10年,年最高水位出现近100年来的最大值,灾害性洪水年年都有,大洪水接二连三;洪水位明显偏高,大洪水显著偏多,是有水文资料记载以来典型的丰水时期;本文从水文,统计角度分析这10年里的洪水特征,探讨高水位形成的原因。  相似文献   
坝上高原安固里淖粒度年纹层与环境变化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在安固里淖湖心区获取一未扰动沉积物样柱,分析发现了由冬季风搬运物与湖心沉积共同形成的粒度年纹层,建立了纹层年表,恢复了安固里淖湖区8507aB.P,以来的环境变化过程。8507-5429aB.P。冬季风活动较弱,后期的所波动;5429-3244aB.P.冬季风活动较强,3244-2494aB.P。冬季风活动减弱;2494-1165aB.P。冬季风活动略有增强;1165aB.P以来,冬季风活动减弱。安固里小淖粒度年纹层反映的冬季风变化情况与我国北方地区同期的环境变化和海平面变化有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis of longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from a eutrophic lake to its river downstream and determine the length of the transition zone, we applied functional groups as well as taxonomical methods to this coupled aquatic system, which is composed of the Dianchi Lake upstream and the Tanglang River downstream, by sampling at 9 stations during Microcystis blooms in the Dianchi Lake in 2013. The longitudinal variations in phytoplankton compositions from lacustrine species to fluvial species were reflected by: (1) the shift from Microcystis to Chlorococcales green algae and centric diatoms; (2) the shift from the dominance of codon M to the coexistence of a variety of coda without one outstanding codon; and (3) except for codon M, the shift from lacustrine coda (H1, LO, T) towards coda that are adapted to both lacustrine and fluvial circumstances (MP, X1, X2). The prominent difference of phytoplankton compositions between the Dianchi Lake and the lower reaches of the Tanglang River revealed that there was a transition zone in between. The upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River with a length of approximately 26.4 km were considered the transition zone because: (1) the dominant lentic codon M in the Dianchi Lake disappeared at the lower reaches of the river; (2) the amount of codon P that is sensitive to stratification rose at the beginning of the river; and (3) the codon T, which is well adapted to the persistently mixed layer or epilimnia of lakes, lost a large number of biomass at the upper and middle reaches of the Tanglang River. In this study, we found that the eutrophic lake had a significant influence on the river downstream. In addition, we found that functional groups were sensitive to the changes of external aquatic conditions and helpful in determining the length of the transition zone.  相似文献   

We report results of three field campaigns conducted at 39 stations. At each station, we measured reflectance spectra in situ and collected water samples for measuring chlorophyll a (CHL) and suspended solids (SS) concentrations in the laboratory. To identify the indicative bands and develop suitable estimation models for CHL (C CHL) and SS (C SS) concentrations in Taihu Lake, a spectral-feature method and a derivative method were applied. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) the critical C CHL and C SS probably causing their spectral variation are, respectively: 0, 10, 50 and 75 μg L?1, and 0, 10, 50 and 100 mg L?1; (b) the derivative method is better than the spectral-feature method for estimating C CHL and C SS; (c) the optimal variable for CHL is a reflectance second-order derivative at 501 nm or a reflectance first-order derivative at 698 nm; the optimal variable for SS can change when its concentration is low and the range is narrow; otherwise, the optimal variable is a reflectance first-order derivative at 878 nm; and (d) the CHL and SS have an effect on one another's retrieval. The C CHL estimation accuracy would benefit from narrowing the C SS range. With C CHL increasing and its range broadening, the corresponding C SS estimation accuracy decreases gradually.  相似文献   
天山北坡乌鲁木齐河1号冰川与土尤克苏冰川物质平衡观察表示80年代比以前出现大的亏损。青海湖与伊赛克湖在近百年一直处于萎缩状态。从小冰期最盛时以来,乌鲁木齐河谷中冰川面积已缩去44%。上述及其他冰川与湖泊变化证据清楚地指示本世纪气候干暖化趋势增强了,并可能延续到下世纪初。但如由于CO_2及其他痕量气体增加所致的温室效应使下世纪重现全新世早、中期那样的高温,则亚洲中部有可能转为潮湿。  相似文献   
陈端吕  陈哲夫  彭保发 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1692-1703
土地利用生态服务价值体现了土地通过集约利用与空间优化所发挥生态效益的大小,可在一定程度上反映土地利用与与经济发展的协调关系。以西洞庭湖区为研究对象,在ArcGIS软件支持下,通过评价与分析生态服务价值变化,分析生态经济协调发展水平及其空间差异,探讨土地利用生态服务价值与区域经济发展的互动响应与耦合协调关系。研究表明:① 2000年以来西洞庭湖区土地利用生态服务价值呈下降趋势,2000年西洞庭湖区生态服务价值为1292.13×106元·a-1,2011年为953.03×106元·a-1,损失339.10×106元。② 从整个研究区来看,整个研究阶段处于低度冲突的县有6个,分别为常德市辖区、安乡县、汉寿县、澧县、临澧县、津市市,只有桃源县处于潜在危机状态。从数量上看,整个区域内大多为冲突状态,区域在经济发展中存在的潜在危机较大。③ 从空间分异来看,2008年与2011年土地利用生态经济协调度基本上为低度冲突状态,需采取生态服务供给恢复与重建措施,控制生态服务消费需求的过快增长。整个区域只有桃源县与汉寿县由不协调转换为协调状态,主要原因是森林覆盖率相对较高,林地类型面积大,水土保持与水源涵养生态服务功能较强,提高了生态服务价值。  相似文献   
太湖春季浮游植物群落对不同形态氮的吸收   总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4  
杨柳  章铭  刘正文 《湖泊科学》2011,23(4):605-611
为研究太湖春季浮游植物群落氮吸收特征及其与浮游植物群落结构和环境因子的关系,于2010年5月中旬采集太湖6个点位水样,利用15N稳定同位素示踪技术,测定太湖浮游植物群落对硝态氮,铵态氮和尿素的吸收,结果表明:太湖浮游植物群落对铵态氮的吸收速率均值最高,占几种氮总吸收量p(DN)的62.8%,各点位值在0.181 -1....  相似文献   
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