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山东荣成市成山头南侧发育了一条沙坝和一系列的湖 ,组成成山卫湖链 ,以面积最大的天鹅湖有关资料为主 ,运用粒度分析、软体动物鉴定、14 C测年等方法 ,对So5 ,Sh5 ,Sh1和Sh6孔岩心进行分析 ,揭示了该湖链的形成过程 :距今 70 0 0a左右 ,海水开始入侵 ,形成了荣成湾 ,距今 6 0 0 0a左右 ,沙坝和坝内的一系列半封闭湖形成 .根据沙坝层理的观测资料分析了湖形成后自然作用下的演化动态 ,并指出近年来由于人类活动加剧 ,严重影响了湖的演化过程  相似文献   
洞庭湖水沙变化分析及影响初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李正最  谢悦波  徐冬梅 《水文》2011,31(1):45-53,40
水沙变化是洞庭湖演变和江湖关系调整的关键因子。综合运用数理统计、小波分析、Mann-Kendall法和累加过滤器等方法,分析1956~2008年洞庭湖入湖和出湖径流和输沙量的变化特征。结果表明:①洞庭湖入湖水量以湘、资、沅、澧四水入流为主,洞庭湖入湖泥沙以荆江三口分沙为主。四水年均入湖水量约占洞庭湖出湖总水量的59.2%;三口入湖沙量约占入湖总沙量的80.9%。②由于荆江裁弯、葛洲坝工程运用、三峡水库拦蓄以及长江上游的水土保持措施的影响,从三口河道进入洞庭湖的水沙呈现明显的衰减趋势,入湖水量所占比重已由荆江裁弯前的42.6%下降到了三峡水库运用初期的21.7%;入湖沙量所占比重已由荆江裁弯前的87.7%下降到了三峡水库运用初期的59.6%。③近50年洞庭湖的泥沙沉积总量达52.9×108t,但泥沙沉积比已由荆江裁弯前的73.3%下降到了三峡水库运用初期的34.0%,洞庭湖泥沙淤积的趋势明显减弱,有利于保持洞庭湖的调洪湖容,延长洞庭湖的寿命;但三峡水库运用初期,三口分流的衰减将加剧洞庭湖区西部地区枯水供水的紧张态势,并使水环境容量下降;同时城陵矶下游长江河道的淤积导致洞庭湖洪水位抬升。  相似文献   
The Malter Reservoir is situated about 30 km south of Dresden (eastern Germany) in a historical mining area of the eastern Erzgebirge. It was built in 1913 for the protection from floodwaters, droughts and for generating electricity. The river Rote Wei?eritz is the main source of clastic input into the lake. Geochemical and sedimentological data of gravity-and piston-cores, recovered from the deepest point of the lake, document the environmental history of the drainage area since 1963. 137Cs dating gives an average sedimentation rate of ∼2.9 cm/year. Within the whole core, heavy metals are strongly enriched (parentheses refer to enrichment factors as compared with average shale): cadmium (290), silver (140), bismuth (90), antimony (25), lead (21), zinc (14), tin (13), uranium (9), tungsten (9), molybdenum (5), copper (4), thallium (3) and chromium (2). Enrichments are detectable for the whole registered time-period of 81 years. Peaks of up to 27 mg/kg silver, 37 mg/kg bismuth, 91 mg/kg cadmium, 410 mg/kg chromium, 240 mg/kg copper, 20 mg/kg molybdenum, 14000 mg/kg phosphorus, 740 mg/kg lead, 6,5 mg/kg antimony, 74 mg/kg tin, 52 mg/kg tungsten and 1900 mg/kg zinc reflect local events caused by human impact. Inputs from different pollution sources at different times are represented by highly variable elemental concentrations and ratios within the core. High pH values within the water and the sediment column, the large adsorption capacity of the fine-grained Corg.-rich sediment, and the presence of low Eh-values and sulphide ions in the sediment prevent the remobilisation of the toxic elements. Erosion of these contaminated sediments during floods, channel flows or resuspension during removal of the sediments may lead to a downstream transfer of pollutants. Contents of P and Corg., as well as diatom abundance, indicate a change from oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions in the lake during ∼1940–1950. This was mainly caused by high agricultural activity in the drainage area. Reduced contents of Cu, Zn, Cd and Cr since the reunification of East and West Germany are obviously caused by increasing environmental protection measures, such as wastewater purification and especially the closing of contaminating industries. Revision received: 23 September 1999 · Accepted: 17 December 1999  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of using Landsat TM data to retrieve leaf area index (LAI). To get a LAI retrieval model based ground reflectance and vegetation index, detailed field data were collected in the study area of eastern China, dominated by bamboo, tea plant and greengage. Plant canopy reflectance of Landsat TM wavelength bands has been inversed using software of 6S. LAI is an important ecological parameter. In this paper, atmospheric corrected Landsat TM imagery was utilized to calculate different vegetation indices (VI), such as simple ratio vegetation index (SR), shortwave infrared modified simple ratio (MSR), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Data of 53 samples of LAI were measured by LAI-2000 (LI-COR) in the study area. LAI was modeled based on different reflectances of bands and different vegetation indices from Landsat TM and LAI samples data. There are certainly correlations between LAI and the reflectance of Tm3, TM4, TM5 and TM7. The best model through analyzing the results is LAI = 1.2097*MSR + 0.4741 using the method of regression analysis. The result shows that the correlation coefficient R2 is 0.5157, and average accuracy is 85.75%. However, whether the model of this paper is suitable for application in subtropics needs to be verified in the future.  相似文献   
近200年来黑河下游天鹅湖湖泊沉积记录的环境变迁   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
根据2002-2004年洞庭湖水质监测数据,参照GB3838-2002中Ⅲ类水质标准,选用内梅罗水污染指数法和黄浦江污染指数对洞庭湖水质现状进行评价,结果表明:(1)洞庭湖水体的主要污染指标是总磷,总氮和粪大肠菌群;(2)黄浦江污染指数平均值为0.27,所以洞庭湖12个断面水质无黑臭现象发生;(3)枯水期西洞庭湖和南洞庭湖水质污染最严重,平水期西洞庭湖水质污染最严重,洞庭湖丰水期的污染程度小于平水期;(4)洞庭湖的大部分水体的水质主要处于轻度污染的状态,局部水体的水质在枯水期达到重污染的状态.  相似文献   
山东荣成湾月湖口门落潮干道的推移质输运   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
改进了Gao等 ( 1 994)方法 ,并用以计算潮汐汊道口门落潮干道的垂线平均流速。利用月湖潮汐汊道系统冬、夏季各一个月的潮位资料 ,计算落潮干道的潮流流速和推移质输运率。结果表明 ,流速的计算值和实测值呈良好的相关性 ,落潮干道内落潮流的输沙能力高于涨潮流输沙能力  相似文献   
淀山湖蓝藻水华高发期叶绿素a动态及相关环境因子分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
根据2008年5-9月专项监测数据,分析蓝藻水华高发期淀山湖叶绿素a浓度的动态变化,及其与pH、溶解氧、TN、TP等环境因子的相互关系.结果表明,淀山湖蓝藻水华高发期叶绿素a存在明显的时间变化和空间分异,特别是叶绿素a的峰值共对应了3次水华暴发过程.其叶绿素a对数与总磷对数呈极显著正相关,与硝酸盐氮、TN/TP呈负相关...  相似文献   
基于长时间序列遥感数据的鄱阳湖水面面积监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国产高分辨率卫星的快速发展可有效弥补遥感湖泊监测中影像分辨率不足的问题,更加及时、准确地实现湖泊动态监测。利用1996~2012年155景Landsat影像和2013~2016年34景GF影像为数据源,结合湖口站水位监测数据,分别选用改进的归一化差异水体指数MNDWI和归一化差异水体指数NDWI方法提取卫星遥感影像的水体信息,同时采用统计分析的方法建立了4个时间段的鄱阳湖水体面积-水位关系模型。结果表明:在空间上,鄱阳湖水体面积整体呈现缓慢缩小的趋势;在时间上,除秋季鄱阳湖面积有明显下降趋势外,其他季节整体趋势变化不大;经验证,鄱阳湖四季水体面积-水位呈现二次函数关系。  相似文献   
洱海近代沉积物中碳-氮-硫-磷的地球化学记录   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
在^210Pbex和^137Cs计年基础上,对采自洱海深水湖区沉积物柱芯进行了C inorg(无机碳)、Corg(有机碳)、N、S含量和P开矿分析。Corg生趣剖面具“沉降-降解-堆积”三阶段分布特征,沉降和堆积通量分别为12.7g/(m^2.a)和7.20g/(m^2.a);降解速率常数为0.017a^-1,寄宿时间为40a。N的生趣分布与Corg相似,沉降和堆积通量分别为2.62g/(m^2.a  相似文献   
曹驰程  王友权  章奇  张晖 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1004-1011
采用荧光滴定法研究四环素(tetracycline,TC)与太湖溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)和玄武湖DOM的相互作用.三维荧光光谱结合平行因子分析显示,2个湖泊的DOM含有3个荧光组分:类富里酸组分C1、类色氨酸组分C2和类络氨酸组分C3.其中C2的荧光强度远高于C1和C3,是DOM的主要荧光组成.3个荧光组分与TC发生了不同程度的静态猝灭,特别当TC浓度为45.5μmol/L时,类蛋白组分的荧光强度完全被猝灭(100%),并且猝灭作用改变了DOM分子的微环境极性.同步荧光光谱联合二维相关图谱进一步表明类色氨酸组分优先和TC发生猝灭作用,其次为类络氨酸组分和类富里酸组分.Ryan-Weber方程适于拟合DOM与TC的猝灭过程,2个湖泊的DOM中3个荧光组分的络合常数lg K值范围为5.05~5.85,大小顺序为C2C3C1.因此,类蛋白组分为主的DOM对TC的络合作用大于类腐殖组分为主的DOM,影响抗生素在湖泊水体中的生物有效性和生态毒性.  相似文献   
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