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柯坪塔格断裂西段古地震初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪塔格断裂位于西南天山柯坪塔格推覆构造的最前缘,以皮羌断裂为界分成东西两段。在柯坪塔格断裂西段开挖了6个规模较大的探槽,6个探槽都揭露出断层,但其中3个探槽的古地震事件不清晰,另外3个探槽有古地震遗迹。通过分析研究,共确定了全新世以来的4次古地震事件:第1次古地震事件发生于距今约12ka,第2次事件发生于距今约8·6ka,第3次事件大致发生于距今约5ka,第4次事件发生于距今(1·73±0.15)ka以来,很可能是1961年西克尔6·8级地震。这4次古地震事件具有约3~5ka的准周期重复特征。天山南麓有5~6排推覆体,每排推覆体的前缘都发育活动逆断裂,它们向下收敛于寒武系底部的滑脱面,因此,天山南麓的地震破裂非常复杂,这4次古地震事件的震级、发震构造等问题都有待于今后的深入研究  相似文献   
针对河北省地震局前兆观测台网3G无线网络使用过程中出现的典型故障进行了系统的分析,给出了处理方法.通过总结这些典型故障案例的排障过程,提出了一种排除故障的模型流程,为今后实际工作中台站网络维护提供参考依据.  相似文献   


在以前的工作中,考虑直立走滑型断层地震,假设断层面微元破裂强度遵循Weibull概率分布,由细观力学方法推导出断层面的宏观本构关系是一个非线性函数,表现为弹性-软化塑性特征,在此基础上用稳定性理论研究了地震稳定性问题.而实际断层大多是倾斜的,为此,本文首先建立了由围岩和倾斜断层构成的平面地震力学模型,采用宏观的断层载荷-变形的全过程曲线,详细讨论了倾斜断层地震的不稳定性问题.结果表明,远场一旦施加位移,断层也同时错动,这可能与实际情况不符合.为了更好的模拟断层的初始能量累计过程,进一步对断层本构模型进行改进.考虑断层面破裂强度,采用Coulomb破裂准则,则断层表现为刚塑性本构关系,只有当断层面剪应力达到一个临界值时,断层才开始错动.研究表明,对于倾斜断层地震,与直立走滑型断层地震一样,系统刚度比β(围岩切线刚度与断层刚度最大值之比)是决定地震失稳的重要参数,只有当ββ≥1时,仅仅是断层无震滑动,不会发生地震.在远场应施以位移形式边界条件,以致地震失稳发生在平衡路径的位移转向点并伴有应力突跳.  相似文献   
In order to track the space-time variation of regional strain field holistically(in a large scale) and to describe the regional movement field more objectively,the paper uses a nonlinear continuous strain model focused on extracting medium-low frequency strain information on the basis of a region with no rotation.According to the repeated measurements(1999~2001~2004) from GPS monitoring stations in the Sichuan and Yunnan area obtained by the Project of "China Crust Movement Measuring Network",and with the movement of 1999~2001(stage deformation background) as the basic reference,we separated the main influencing factors of the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake in 2001 from the data of 2001 and 2004,and the results indicate:(1) the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake has a discriminating effect on the Sichuan and Yunnan area,moreover,the deformation mode and background had not only certain similitude but also some diversity;(2) The movement field before the earthquake was very ordinal,while after the earthquake,order and disorder existed simultaneously in the displacement field;The displacement quantities of GPS monitoring stations were generally several millimeters;(3) The principal strain field before earthquake was basically tensile in an approximate EW direction and compressive in the SN direction,and tension was predominant.After the earthquake,the principal strain field in the Sichuan area was compressive in the EW direction and tensile in the SN direction,and the compression was predominant.In the Yunnan area,it was tensional in the NE direction and compressive in the NW direction,and tension was predominant;(4) The surficial strain before the earthquake was dominated by superficial expansion,the contractive area being located basically in the east boundary of Sichuan and Yunnan block and its neighborhood.After the earthquake,the Sichuan area was surface contractive(the further north,the greater it was),and south of it was an area of superficial expansion.Generally speaking,the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake played an active role in the accumulation of energy in the Sichuan and Yunnan area.Special attention shall be focused on the segment of Xichang-Dongchuan and its neighborhood.  相似文献   
More attention has been paid to the late Quaternary activity of the boundary fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan block in eastern Tibet. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe Fault (LXF) locates along the boundary of the northwest Sichuan and central Yunnan sub-blocks in the Sichuan-Yunnan block. Clear displaced landforms show that the fault has undergone strong late-Quaternary activity. However there is no surface-rupturing earthquake occurring on the LXF in the historical record. The LXF crosses the city of Lijiang, one of the most important tourist cities in Southwest China. The rupture behavior on this fault remains unclear and it is hard to assess its seismic hazard in the future. In this study, on the base of the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, we chose the middle segment of the LXF and dug three trenches at Muzhuda, Hongxing, and Gantangzi sites to constrain the ages of paleoearthquakes combined with radiocarbon dating and OxCal modeling. The Muzhuda trench shows that at least three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF at 7 940~6 540a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~420a BP, respectively. The Hongxing trench indicates that the LXF underwent two events at 5 120~3 200a BP and 2 100~1 220a BP. The Gantangzi trench reveals at least three paleoearthquakes at 44 980~17 660a BP, 7 210~3 810a BP and 2 540~1 540a BP, respectively. The events in the Gantangzi trench might be incomplete because of stratigraphic gap. These three trenches indicate that three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF in the Holocene at 7 940~7 210a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~1 540a BP, respectively. Large earthquakes on the middle segment of the LXF appear to fit the quasi-periodic model with the mean recurrence interval of~3 000a and the estimated magnitude 7.5. Given the strong late-Quaternary activity of the middle segment of the LXF and a long elapsed time, we propose that the middle segment of the LXF might have a high seismic hazard potential in the near future.  相似文献   
Palaeoseismological and archaeoseismological studies in the Kurai fault zone, along which the Kurai Range is thrust onto Cenozoic deposits of the Chuya intramontane basin, led to the identification of a long reverse fault scarp 8.0 m high. The scarp segments are primary seismic deformations of large ancient earthquakes. The scarp’s morphology, results of trenching investigations, and deformations of Neogene deposits indicate a thrusting of the piedmont plain onto the Kurai Range, which is unique for the Gorny Altai. Similarly for Northern Tien Shan, we explain this by the formation of both a thrust transporting the mountain range onto the depression and a branching thrust dislocation that forms the detected fault scarp. In a trench made in one of the scarp segments, we identified the parameters of the seismogenic fault – a thrust with a 30° dipping plane. The reconstructed displacement along the fault plane is 4.8 m and the vertical displacement is 2.4 m, which indicates a 7.2–7.6 magnitude of the ancient earthquake. The 14C age of the humus-rich loamy sand from the lower part of the colluvial wedge constrains the age of the earthquake at 3403–3059 years BP. Younger than 2500 years seismogenic displacements along the fault scarp are indicated by deformations of cairn structures of the Turalu–Dzhyurt-III burial mound, which was previously dated as iron age between the second half of I BC and I AD.  相似文献   
朱光  王薇  顾承串  张帅  刘程 《岩石学报》2016,32(4):935-949
郯庐断裂带晚中生代的演化历史是华北克拉通破坏过程的重要记录。中侏罗世末(燕山运动A幕),郯庐断裂带局部发生左行平移活动,而华北克拉通上出现了一系列北北东走向的缩短构造,指示了西太平洋伊泽奈崎板块俯冲的开始。晚侏罗世期间,郯庐断裂带没有发生活动,而华北克拉通出现局部伸展与岩浆活动及区域性隆升,应为弧后弱拉张背景。早白垩世初(燕山运动B幕),郯庐断裂带再次发生强烈的左行平移活动,华北克拉通北部与东部出现了一系列近南北向挤压产生的构造,应是鄂霍茨克洋最终关闭与伊泽奈崎板块高速俯冲双重作用的结果。随后的早白垩世期间,华北克拉通在弧后拉张背景下发生峰期破坏,郯庐断裂带呈现为强烈的伸展活动。早白垩世末的区域性挤压作用,结束了华北克拉通的峰期破坏,并使郯庐断裂带再次发生了一期左行平移活动。这期挤压作用出现在太平洋板块接替伊泽奈崎板块这一重大板块调整的背景之中。  相似文献   
Fault and fracture patterns associated with domal structures are observed around the world both at outcrop and in the subsurface. However, the structural evolution of domes and the influence of previous fault and fracture sets are not yet fully understood. This study provides the first structural evolution analysis of Jebel Madar, a domal outcrop in the Adam Foothills of Northern Oman, and evaluates the role of multiple local tectonic events and the associated salt diapirism on fracture and fault distribution pattern development of a salt-cored domal outcrop.Analyses at Jebel Madar suggest that three local tectonic events with different stress regimes that are tentatively linked to three regional tectonic events resulted in a salt-cored, domed, reactivated fault complex: 1) initial dome-formation and NE–SW oriented mode 1 opening fractures and subsequent grabens; 2) E–W oriented dextral strike-slip faulting; and 3) reactivation and inversion of faults, and final dome formation. Salt emplacement is associated with the first and last tectonic events.This integrated study highlights the complicated evolution of fault and fracture distribution patterns at a salt-cored dome. Caution is therefore required in interpretation of similar structural patterns on top of and around salt-cored domes.  相似文献   
为了给鞍山市抗震设防区划提供依据,我们采用了以浅层人工地震为主的综合地球物理探测技术,包括浅层人工地震、电法和地质雷达等方法,同时收集了城市已有的物探和钻井资料,并结合野外调查及样品年龄测试对断裂的活动性进行了研究。结果表明,鞍山市存在5条隐伏或半隐伏的断裂,北西向的大石头-宋三台断裂、宁远屯断裂、大阳气断裂和北东向的汤岗子断裂为中更新世断裂,北西向的二台子断裂为早更新世或前第四纪断裂,按活断层义  相似文献   
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