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A small thrust sheet, named Pedda Gutta thrust sheet, consisting of calcareous to cherty argillites and cherts, and juxtaposed against tidal-intertidal cross-bedded quartzites and stromatolitic and sileceous limestone in the eastern Proterozoic belt, Godavari Valley, exhibits structures comparable in style to those of the external zone of a fold-thrust mountain belt. A wide spectrum of periodic and aperiodic mesoscopic folds varying from upright ones with rounded hinges and attenuated limbs, through noncylindrical kinks to whalebacks and sheath-like forms have developed within the small volume of the thrust sheet, the preserved thickness of which is of the order of 50 metres (comparable in scale to cleavage duplexes). Cleavage development is also heterogeneous across the width of the sheet. Displacement transfer from faults to folds and vice-versa is a common feature. On the basis of the distribution of the mesoscopic structures of varying style within the sheet and localization of fault rocks, three slices (wedges) have been recognized, each bounded on the east by a thrust which is steep at the current erosion level but interpreted to be of listric form making the thrust network comparable in architecture, though not in scale, to a hinterland (west) dipping imbricate fan.  相似文献   
We used an isotopic mass-balance model to examine how the hydrogeologic setting of lakes influences isotopic response of evaporating lake water to idealized hydroclimatic changes. The model uses a monthly water and isotope balance approach with simplified water-column structure and groundwater exchanges. The framework for comparative simulations is provided by lakes in a region of the Northern Rocky Mountains that display high interlake geochemical variability, thought to be controlled by groundwater hydraulics. Our analysis highlights several isotopic effects of flow between aquifers and lakes, leading to possible divergence of isotopic paleorecords formed under a common climate. Amplitude of isotopic variation resulting from simulated climate forcing was greatly damped when high groundwater fluxes and/or low lake volume resulted in low lake fluid residence time. Differing precipitation and evaporation scenarios that are equivalent in annual fluid balance (P−E) resulted in different isotopic signatures, interpreted as a result of evaporation kinetics. Concentrating low-δ groundwater inflow during spring months raised springtime lake δ values, a counterintuitive result of coincidence between times of high groundwater inflow and the evaporation season. Transient effects of reduced fluid balance caused excursions opposite in sign from eventual steady-state isotopic shifts resulting from enhanced groundwater inflow dominance. Lags in response between climate forcing and isotopic signals were shortened by high groundwater fluxes and resulting short lake residence times. Groundwater-lake exchange exerts control over patterns of lake isotopic response to evaporation through effects on lake residence time, inflow composition, and seasonal timing of inflow and outflow. Sediments from groundwater-linked lakes, often used for paleoenvironmental analysis, should be expected to reflect isotopic complexities of the type shown here. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A mechanistic exploration of how ozone formation in the Lower Fraser Valley (LFV) has changed over a 20-year (1985–2005) retrospective period was performed using numerical models, observations, and emissions data from four key episodes selected from the 20-year period. The motivation for this study was the observed differences in trends in summertime episodic ozone concentrations recorded at various monitoring stations within the valley; stations in the western part of the valley have generally shown a noticeable reduction in episodic ozone concentrations whereas stations in the eastern part of the valley have shown little or no improvement in their maximum 8-hour averaged ozone concentrations. Concurrent with these air quality changes, there has been a well-documented reduction in ozone precursor emissions along with an observed shift in the population patterns within the valley over the 20-year period. Ozone formation for four episodes, encompassing the different meteorological regimes that occur during LFV ozone events and spanning the retrospective period, were investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission (SMOKE)-Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system. For each episode, two simulations, intended to isolate the effects of emission changes from meteorological changes, were performed: one with emissions set at the 1985 level and the other with emissions set at the 2005 level. Based on analysis of the model output, observational data, and precursor emission inventories, we find that the Port Moody station in the western LFV remains a volatile organic compound (VOC)-sensitive location; the central part of the LFV around the town of Chilliwack has generally changed from being VOC-limited to being NOx-limited; the easternmost part of the valley around the town of Hope has been and remains NOx-limited. Furthermore, based on the observational data and numerical model output, ozone production efficiency as a function of NO has increased noticeably at Chilliwack and likely in the other eastern parts of the valley. This efficiency increase has likely offset some of the benefits resulting from local NOx emission reductions.

RÉSUMÉ?[Traduit par la rédaction] Nous avons effectué une exploration mécaniste de la façon dont la formation de l'ozone dans la vallée du bas Fraser (VBF) a changé au cours d'une période rétrospective de 20 ans (1985–2005) en nous servant de modèles numériques, d'observations et de données sur les émissions pour quatre épisodes clés choisis dans la période de 20 ans. Ce sont les différences observées entre les tendances dans les concentrations épisodiques d'ozone enregistrées à certaines stations de surveillance dans la vallée qui ont motivé cette étude : les stations dans la partie ouest de la vallée ont généralement affiché une réduction notable des concentrations épisodiques d'ozone alors que les stations dans la partie est de la vallée n'ont montré que peu ou pas d'amélioration dans les valeurs maximales des concentrations moyennes d'ozone sur 8 heures. Concurremment avec ces changements dans la qualité de l'air, il s'est produit une réduction bien documentée dans les émissions de précurseurs de l'ozone en même temps qu'un déplacement observé dans les configurations de population dans la vallée au cours de la période de 20 ans. Nous avons étudié la formation d'ozone au cours de quatre épisodes, englobant les différents régimes météorologiques survenus lors des événements d'ozone dans la VBF et couvrant la période rétrospective, à l'aide du système de modélisation SMOKE (Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions) – CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) du WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting). Pour chaque épisode, nous avons effectué deux simulations visant à isoler l'effet des changements dans les émissions de l'effet des changements météorologiques, l'une avec les émissions réglées au niveau de 1985 et l'autre avec les émissions réglées au niveau de 2005. En nous basant sur l'analyse de la sortie du modèle, les données d'observation et les inventaires des émissions de précurseurs, nous trouvons que la stations de Port Moody dans l'ouest de la VBF demeure un endroit sensible aux composés organiques volatiles (COV); la partie centrale de la VBF, autour de la ville de Chilliwack, a généralement changé de « limitée par les COV » à « limitée par les NOx »; la partie la plus à l'est de la vallée, autour de la ville de Hope, était et est restée « limitée par les NOx ». De plus, d'après les données d'observation et la sortie du modèle numérique, l'efficacité de la production d'ozone en fonction de NO a notablement augmenté à Chilliwack et vraisemblablement dans les autres parties de l'est de la vallée. Cette augmentation d'efficacité a probablement annulé certains gains provenant des réductions dans les émissions locales de NOx.  相似文献   
重点分析了研究区潜水、浅层承压水、泉水及地表水δD、δ18O的分布特征, 并对5组水文钻探井地下水样品进行分析. 潜水δD变化范围为-97.32‰~-67.51‰, 平均值为-80.34‰; δ18O为-15.85‰~-10.66‰, 平均值为-12.08‰. 浅层承压水δD为-111.93‰~-68.38‰, 平均值为-84.79‰; δ18O为-16.01‰~-10.52‰, 平均值为-12.30‰. 泉水δD为-102.06‰~-71.63‰, 平均值为-84.10‰; δ18O为-14.21‰~-9.70‰, 平均值为-12.24‰. 地表水δD为-90.53‰~-60.99‰, 平均值为-72.58‰; δ18O在-13.20‰~-9.54‰, 平均值为-11.21‰. 地下水δ13C为-9.4‰~-5.6‰, 平均值为-8.3‰, 极差为3.8‰. 结果表明: 地下水与地表水均起源于当地大气降水. 潜水与浅层承压水水力联系较强, 潜水与浅层承压水属于同一含水系统. 与浅层承压水相比, 深层承压水年龄较大, 在20 ka左右, 属于沉积埋藏水. 深层承压水与浅层承压水的水力联系较弱. 潜水与浅层承压水的δ13C值较为接近, 且接近大气CO2的δ13C值-7‰. 研究区地下水中碳的主要来源为大气CO2.  相似文献   
元谋干热河谷区的土桥地貌是当地常见的一种潜蚀地貌,是区域地貌的重要组成部分。元谋土桥是造成当地水土流失的重要原因之一,研究其形态特征及演化过程对于认识区域地貌演化及生态地质环境的治理具有重要的现实意义。2009―2013年,通过多次对土桥形态特征、分布区域的地形地貌的现场测定,对土层进行了分析。结果表明:1)元谋土桥大部分分布于冲沟中上游的沟底,少部分分布于冲沟边缘的峭壁下,有连续出现,也有单独出现;2)土桥发育的土层具有层间差异性,即桥洞所在土层较其顶部土层抗崩解性弱,易受侵蚀;3)地层构造节理及冲沟坡度的变化等因素对土桥的形成具有一定的影响作用;4)元谋土桥的形态、结构与一般天生桥或人工桥梁具有相同的桥体结构,形态规模一般都不大;5)演化过程遵循一般事物的发展规律,分为萌芽期、年轻期、成熟期、消亡期4个阶段;6)元谋土桥与陷穴、冲沟等地貌具有一定的耦合关系。  相似文献   
珠江流域岩石风化作用消耗大气/土壤CO2量的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以流域的岩性、径流量和水化学分析数据为主要资料,利用基于GIS空间分析的GEM-CO2模型,估算珠江流域陆地岩石风化作用消耗大气/土壤空气中的CO2,评价河流流域的碳汇能力。结果表明,珠江流域因岩石溶蚀和风化作用消耗大气/土壤中的CO2量为252×109 mol·a-1(571×103 mol·km-2·a-1),从岩性分析,碳酸盐岩区大气/土壤CO2消耗量为180×109 mol·a-1(1030×103 mol·km-2·a-1),占总量的71.4%。二级流域以西江流域CO2消耗量最大,占珠江流域总CO2消耗量79.4%,北江、东江分别占总量的13.0%、4.9%。珠江流域大气/土壤CO2消耗量大约为世界大河流域平均值的2.3倍。  相似文献   
等熵位涡在一次淮河流域大暴雨分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴迪  何艳娜  楚志刚 《气象科学》2016,36(6):732-741
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°逐日再分析资料、常规气象观测资料,通过等熵位涡理论对淮河流域2009年9月24—25日的大暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:淮河流域对流层低层的中尺度低涡的发生发展与此次暴雨密切相关;315 K等熵位涡高值中心的移动和强度变化很好地反映出中尺度低涡系统的发展变化情况,其移动方向与雨带走向一致,降水落区主要位于等熵位涡高值中心轴线移动方向右侧的强西南气流处,对应于345 K等熵面上干冷空气移动方向前部的暖湿区内;在暴雨发展强盛时期,淮河流域暴雨区上空从对流层高层至低层均存在明显的正等熵位涡平流,干冷空气的侵入使得低涡加强发展,辐合上升运动增强,有利于暴雨的增幅,这是引发此次暴雨过程重要的触发机制。  相似文献   

Although numerous ages have been obtained for the Chinese southwestern Tianshan high pressure/ultrahigh pressure-low temperature (HP/UHP-LT) metamorphic belt in the past two decades, its exhumation history is still controversial. The poor age constraint was related to the appealing low metamorphic temperatures and excess Ar commonly present under HP/UHP conditions. This study aims to provide new age constraints on the orogen’s exhumation by obtaining 40Ar/39Ar mica ages using the conventional step-heating technique, with emphasis on the avoidance of excess Ar contamination. From a cross section along the Kekesu Valley, four samples, three from the HP-LT metamorphic belt (TK050, TK051, and TK081) and one from the southern margin of the low pressure metamorphic belt (TK097), were selected for 40Ar/39Ar dating. Phengites from garnet glaucophane schist TK050 and the surrounding rock garnet phengite schist TK051 yield comparable plateau ages of 321.4 ± 1.6 and 318.6 ± 1.6 Ma, respectively, while epidote mica schist TK081 gives a younger plateau age of 293.3 ± 1.5 Ma. Considering the chemical compositions of phengites, mineral assemblages, and microstructures in the thin slices, we suppose that the former represents the time the HP rocks retrograded from the peak stage (eclogite facies) to the (epidote)-blueschist facies, whereas the latter reflects greenschist facies overprinting. Biotite and muscovite from two-mica quartzite TK097 give similar plateau ages of 253.0 ± 1.3 and 247.1 ± 1.2 Ma, interpreted to date movement on the post collisional transcrustal South Nalati ductile shear zone. By combining our new ages with published data, a two-stage exhumation model is suggested for the Chinese southwestern Tianshan HP/UHP-LT metamorphic belt: initial fast exhumation to a depth of about 30–35 km by ~320 Ma was followed by relatively slow (~1 mm year–1) uplift to ~10 km by ~293 Ma.  相似文献   
Potential chromite ore deposits of India are situated in Sukinda, Odisha, which may also be considered as a potential resource for platinum group elements (PGEs). This paper reports on PGE geochemistry in twenty six samples covering chromite ores, chromitites and associated ultramafic rocks of the Sukinda ultramafic complex. Platinum group element contents range from 213 to 487 ppb in the chromite ore body, from 63 to 538 ppb in rocks that have chromite dendrites or dissemination and from 38 to 389 ppb in associated olivine–peridotite, serpentinite, pyroxenite and brecciated rocks. The PGEs are divided into two sub‐groups: IPGE (Ir, Os, and Ru) and PPGE (Pd, Pt, and Rh) based on their chemical behaviour. The IPGE and PPGE in these three litho‐members show a contrasting relationship e.g. average IPGE content decreases from chromite to chromitite and associated rocks while PPGE increases in the same order. Appreciable Ag in chromitite (270–842 ppb) is recorded. Positive correlation between IPGE with Cr2O3 and with Al2O3 is observed while these are negatively correlated with MgO. Covariant relationships between Au and Mg in rocks devoid of chromite and between Ag and Fe in chromitite sample are observed. Chromite in all seams and some chromitite samples exhibit an IPGE‐enriched chondrite normalized pattern while PPGE are highly fractionated and show a steep negative slope, thereby indicating that PGE in the parental melt fractionates and IPGE‐compatible elements prefer to settle with chromite. The rocks devoid of chromite and rocks containing accessory chromite exhibit a nearly flat pattern in chondrite‐normalized PGE plots and this suggests a limited fractionation of PGE in these rocks. Variation in the distribution pattern of PGE and Ag in three typical litho‐members of the Sukinda Valley may be related to multiple intrusion of ultramafic magma, containing variable volume percentage of chromite.  相似文献   
宁芜盆地闪长玢岩的形成时代及对成矿的指示意义   总被引:16,自引:24,他引:16  
范裕  周涛发  袁峰  张乐骏  钱兵  马良 《岩石学报》2010,26(9):2715-2728
宁芜盆地是长江中下游成矿带的重要组成部分和玢岩型铁矿床的主要产地,盆地内广泛产出闪长玢岩,这类岩体与铁矿床的形成关系密切,但其精确的成岩成矿时代及其形成构造背景的研究仍十分薄弱。本次工作在详细野外地质工作的基础上,系统开展了盆地内与铁矿床有关的7个闪长玢岩体的年代学研究,通过对闪长玢岩锆石LA-ICP-MS同位素定年方法,确定了盆地内主要闪长玢岩体,凹山岩体、陶村岩体、和尚桥岩体、东山岩体、白象山岩体、和睦山岩体和姑山岩体的成岩时代分别为130.2±2.0Ma、130.7±1.8Ma、131.1±1.5Ma、131.1±3.1Ma、130.0±1.4Ma、131.1±1.9Ma和129.2±1.7Ma。定年结果表明盆地内闪长玢岩成岩年龄均为130Ma左右,其成岩年龄可以近似代表铁矿床的成矿年龄。长江中下游地区存在145~136Ma、135~127Ma、126~123Ma三期成岩(成矿)作用,宁芜盆地内闪长玢岩是第二期岩浆活动的产物,其形成时代明显晚于长江中下游成矿带断隆区内与斑岩型-矽卡岩型铜(铁)、金矿床有关的高钾钙碱性岩体。宁芜盆地内闪长玢岩及玢岩型铁矿床形成于区域岩石圈伸展构造环境。  相似文献   
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