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Boron, chloride, sulfate, δD, δ18O, and 3H concentrations in surface water and groundwater samples from the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM), California, USA were used to examine geochemical processes and provide constraints on evaporation and groundwater flow. SBMM is an abandoned sulfur and mercury mine with an underlying hydrothermal system, adjacent to Clear Lake, California. Results for non-3H tracers (i.e., boron, chloride, sulfate, δD, and δ18O) identify contributions from six water types at SBMM. Processes including evaporation, mixing, hydrothermal water input and possible isotopic exchange with hydrothermal gases are also discerned. Tritium data indicate that hydrothermal waters and other deep groundwaters are likely pre-bomb (before ~1952) in age while most other waters were recharged after ~1990. A boron-based steady-state reservoir model of the Herman Impoundment pit lake indicates that 71–79% of its input is from meteoric water with the remainder from hydrothermal contributions. Results for groundwater samples from six shallow wells over a 6–month period for δD and δ18O suggests that water from Herman Impoundment is diluted another 3% to more than 40% by infiltrating meteoric water, as it leaves the site. Results for this investigation show that environmental tracers are an effective tool to understand the SBMM hydrogeologic regime.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Résumé Les concentrations en bore, chlorure, sulfate, δD, δ18O, et 3H d’échantillons d’eaux de surface et souterraine prélevés dans le banc de soufre de la mine de mercure (SBMM en anglais) en Californie, USA, ont été utilisées pour étudier les processus géochimiques et pour fournir des contraintes à l’évaporation et à l’écoulement des eaux souterraines. La SBMM est une mine de soufre et de mercure abandonnée, adjacente au lac Clear en Californie et sous laquelle se trouve un système hydrothermal.Les résultats des traceurs autres que le tritium (bore, chlorure, sulfate, δD, et δ18O) ont permis d’identifier des contributions de six types d’eaux à SBMM. Des processus tels que l’évaporation, le mélange, l’entrée d’eau hydrothermale et de possibles échanges isotopiques avec des gaz hydrothermaux ont également été identifiés. Les données de tritium montrent que les eaux hydrothermales et d’autres eaux profondes sont probablement d’age antérieure à la bombe (avant ~1952), alors que la plupart des autres eaux sont issues de la recharge après ~1990. Un modèle de réservoir représentant le lac situé dans la partie Herman Impoundment de l’ancienne mine, en régime permanent et basé sur le bore, montre que 71–79% de l’eau provient des précipitations, le reste provenant de contributions hydrothermales. Les résultats de δD et δ18O pour des échantillons d’eau souterraine de six puits peu profonds sur une période de 6 mois suggèrent que l’eau de Hermann Impoundment est encore diluée entre 3% jusqu’à plus de 40% lorsqu’elle quitte le site du fait de l’infiltration d’eau météorique. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les traceurs environnementaux constituent un outil efficace pour comprendre le régime hydrogéologique de la SBMM.

Resumen Se han utilizado datos de concentraciones de boro, cloruros, sulfatos, δD, δ18O, y 3H en muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas procedentes de la Mina de Mercurio Sulphur Bank (SBMM), California, USA, para estudiar los procesos geoquímicos y caracterizar la evaporación y el flujo del agua subterránea. SBMM es una mina abandonada de azufre y mercurio con un sistema hidrotermal subyacente, cercano al Lago Clear, California.Los resultados de los trazadores que no son 3H (por ejemplo, boro, cloruros, sulfatos δD, y δ18O) identifican las contribuciones de seis tipos de agua en la SBMM. Se han identificado diversos procesos, como evaporación, mezcla, entrada de agua hidrotermal y la posibilidad de intercambios isotópicos con gases hidrotermales. Los datos de tritio indican que las aguas hidrotermales y otras aguas subterráneas profundas son probablemente pre-bombas (previas a ~1952) en edad mientras que la mayoría de las otras aguas se han recargado después de ~1990. Un modelo estacionario basado en el boro de la fosa del lago Herman Impoundment indica que el 71–79% de su entrada procede de agua meteórica con restos de contribución hidrotermal. Los resultados para las muestras de aguas subterráneas procedentes de seis pozos superficiales en un periodo de 6 meses para δD y δ18O sugieren que el agua procedente de Herman Impoundment se diluye en otro 3% hasta más del 40% debido a la infiltración de agua meteórica., que sale del sitio. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que los trazadores ambientales son una herramienta efectiva para entender el régimen hidrogeológico de la SBMM.
A hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was conducted on a shallow alluvial aquifer, Wadi Wajj, in western Saudi Arabia to assess the influence of protection measures on groundwater quality. The hydrochemistry was assessed up-gradient and down-gradient from potential contamination sources in the main city in dry and wet seasons prior to and after the installation of major drainage and wastewater facilities. Wadi Wajj is an unconfined aquifer where water is stored and transmitted through fractured and weathered bedrock and the overlying alluvial sediments. Natural recharge to the aquifer is about 5% of rainfall-runoff. Hydrochemistry of the aquifer shows temporal and seasonal changes as influenced by protection measures and rainfall runoff. Both groundwater and runoff showed similar chemical signature, which is mostly of chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate and sodium-calcium type. Groundwater downstream of the city, though of poorer quality than upstream, showed significant improvement after the installation of a concrete runoff tunnel and a wastewater treatment plant. Concentrations of many of the groundwater quality indicators (e.g., TDS, coliform bacteria, and nitrate) exceed US Environmental Protection Agency drinking-water standards. Heavy metal content is, however, within allowable limits by local and international standards. The chemical analyses also suggest the strong influence of stream runoff and sewage water on the groundwater quality.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Résumé Une étude hydrogéologique et géochimique a été menée sur l’aquifère phréatique alluviale Wadi Wajj dans l’Ouest de l’Arabie Saoudite afin d’évaluer l’influence de mesures de protection sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau a été étudiée en amont et en aval de sources potentielles de contamination dans la ville principale, pendant les saisons sèches et humides, avant et après l’installation de réseaux majeurs de drainage et d’eaux usées. L’aquifère Wadi Wajj est libre, l’eau est stockée et s’écoule dans les sédiments alluviaux et dans le socle fracturé et altéré sous-jacent. La recharge naturelle de l’aquifère représente 5% des eaux de pluie et de ruissellement. L’hydrogéochimie de l’eau de l’aquifère montre que les changements saisonniers et temporaires sont influencés par les mesures de protection et par le ruissellement des eaux pluviales. L’eau souterraine et l’eau de ruissellement ont présenté le même faciès chimique, de type bicarbonatée-sulfatée-chlorée et calco-sodique. En aval de la ville, l’eau souterraine, bien que de moins bonne qualité qu’en amont, a présenté une nette amélioration après l’installation d’un système de récupération et d’une station de traitement des eaux usées. Les concentrations de plusieurs paramètres indicateurs de la qualité de l’eau (tels que la charge totale dissoute, les coliformes, et les nitrates) dépassent les normes de potabilité de l’eau de consommation de l’agence américaine de la protection de l’environnement. Les teneurs en métaux lourds en revanche n’excèdent pas les normes locales et internationales. Les analyses chimiques indiquent aussi l’influence importante de l’écoulement par ruissellement et des eaux usées sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine.

Resumen Un estudio hidrogeológico e hidroquímico fue hecho en un acuífero somero de Wadi Wajj, en Arabia Saudi oeste para evaluar la influecia de medidas de protección en la calidad del agua subterránea. La hidroquímica fue evaluada gradiente-arriba y gradiente-abajo de las fuentes potenciales de contaminación de la ciudad principal durante las estaciones seca y lluviosa, antes y después de la instalación de sistemas principales de drenaje y aguas servidas. Wadi Wajj es un acuífero no-confinado donde el agua es almacenada y transmitida a través de roca fracturada y meteorizada, y los sedimentos aluviales que le sobreyacen. La recarga natural del acuífero es de cerca del 5% de la precipitación-escorrentía. La hidroquímica del acuífero muestra cambios temporales y estacionales influenciados por las medidas de protección y la escorrentía de precipitación. Ambas, agua subterránea y escorrentía mostraron composición química similar, siendo mayoritariamente de tipos cloruro-sulfato-bicarbonato y sodio-calcio. El agua subterránea aguas arriba de la ciudad, aunque de calidad más pobre que aguas abajo, mostró significante mejoría después de la instalación de un tunel de concreto para escorrentía y una planta de tratamiento de aguas servidas. Las concentraciones de muchos de los indicadores de calidad de agua subterránea (e.g., STD, coliformes, y nitrato) exceden los estándares de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental USA para agua potable. El contenido de metales pesados está, sin embargo, dentro de los límites permisibles de los estándares locales e internacionales. Los análisis químicos también sugieren la fuerte influencia de la escorrentía y aguas residuales en la calidad del agua subterránea.
Assessment of recharge in a structurally complex upland karst limestone aquifer situated in a semi-arid environment is difficult. Resort to surrogate indicators such as measurement of spring outflow and borehole discharge, is a common alternative, and attempts to apply conventional soil moisture deficit analysis may not adequately account for the intermittent spate conditions that arise in such environments. A modelling approach has been made using the West Bank Mountain Aquifer system in the Middle East as a trial. The model uses object oriented software which allows various objects to be switched on and off. Each of the main recharge processes identified in the West Bank is incorporated. The model allows either conventional soil moisture deficit analysis calculations or wetting threshold calculations to be made as appropriate, and accommodates both direct recharge and secondary recharge. Daily time steps enable recharge and runoff routing to be calculated for each node. Model runs have enabled a series of simulations for each of the three aquifer basins in the West Bank and for the whole of the West Bank. These provide recharge estimates comparable to those prepared by earlier workers by conventional means. The model is adaptable and has been successfully used in other environments.  相似文献   
An in situ method of estimating the effective diffusion coefficient for a chemical constituent that diffuses into the primary porosity of a rock is developed by abruptly changing the concentration of the dissolved constituent in a borehole in contact with the rock matrix and monitoring the time-varying concentration. The experiment was conducted in a borehole completed in mudstone on the campus of the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Numerous tracer tests were conducted at this site, which left a residual concentration of sodium chloride in boreholes that diffused into the rock matrix over a period of years. Fresh water was introduced into a borehole in contact with the mudstone, and the time-varying increase of chloride was observed by monitoring the electrical conductivity (EC) at various depths in the borehole. Estimates of the effective diffusion coefficient were obtained by interpreting measurements of EC over 34 d. The effective diffusion coefficient at a depth of 36 m was approximately 7.8×10?6 m2/d, but was sensitive to the assumed matrix porosity. The formation factor and mass flux for the mudstone were also estimated from the experiment.  相似文献   
In many cases, the development of groundwater resources to boost agricultural production in dry areas has led to a continuous decline in groundwater levels; this has called into question the sustainability of such exploitation. In developing countries, limited budgets and scarce hydrological data often do not allow groundwater resources to be assessed through groundwater modeling. A case study is presented of a low-cost water-balance approach to groundwater resource assessments in a 1,550 km2 semi-arid region in northwestern Syria. The past development of irrigated agriculture and its effect on the groundwater system were studied by analysis of Landsat images and long-term groundwater level changes, respectively. All components of the groundwater balance were determined. Groundwater recharge was estimated using the chloride mass balance method. Over the past three decades, groundwater levels have declined, on average, 23 m, coinciding with a two-fold increase in the groundwater-irrigated area. Groundwater resources are currently depleted by a value that lies between 9.5×106 and 118×106 m3 year?1, which is larger than can be compensated for by a future decrease in natural discharge or changes in boundary conditions. However, groundwater resources are likely to be sufficient to supply domestic and livestock needs in the area.  相似文献   
The best planting alternatives for satisfying high water use demands of forage and fodder crops in a region of Inner Mongolia, China, were determined by a multiobjective distributed-parameter groundwater management model. These alternatives took account of different cropping patterns and pumping decisions associated with both temporal and spatial aspects of water allocation. The model was developed for phreatic, homogenous, and isotropic aquifers using the response matrix technique of quadratic programming theory and, in this case, using the alternative direction implicit (ADI) scheme. Model solutions using effective rainfall with a probability of 50%, show that average water table drawdown in the planning period (2006–2017) is 0.22 m and the groundwater fluctuation in each pumping well is very low. In order to evaluate the pumping decisions under an effective rainfall with a probability of 75%, a sensitive analysis was also conducted. Analysis shows that it is useful to apply the results from the proposed model to control the landscape degradation due to overgrazing and overpumping activities.  相似文献   
The region known as Pampa Plain, in Argentina, is a vast area characterized by slopes of less than 0.05%. The surface sediment is silty sand, mainly Aeolian, referred to as Pampean Loess, which is a phreatic aquifer unit of utmost importance for the water supply of the region. On account of the slight gradient, hydrogeological analyses using only hydraulic measurements are difficult to perform, often leading to confusing results. Thus, the study presented relies on hydrochemical modeling and isotopic determinations as well. The study area comprises three catchments in the inter-mountainous area corresponding to El Moro, Tamangueyú and Seco creeks, and covering 2,570 km2 in the province of Buenos Aires. Measurements of piezometric levels and samples of groundwater, surface water and rainwater were carried out between January and March 2005. Major ion results were analyzed by means of hydrochemical graphs and hydrogeochemical modelling using NETPATH. The resulting data show that it is possible to identify local changes in recharge, flow direction and stream/groundwater relationship by using hydrochemical and isotopic information, which may become a useful and more precise tool for the study of particularly flat landscapes.  相似文献   
Information on the distribution of subsurface temperature and hydraulic heads at 24 observation wells in and around the Tokyo Lowland, the eastern part of the Tokyo Metropolitan area, were examined to make clear the relationship between groundwater and the subsurface thermal environment in the urban area. Minimums in temperature–depth logs due to subsurface temperature increasing at shallow parts were recognized in 21 wells. This fact shows subsurface temperature is affected by ground surface warming in almost all of this area. Deeper than minimums, where the effects of surface warming became relatively small, regional variation is observed as follows: high temperatures are shown in the central part to the southern part, and low temperatures shown in the inland to eastern part. The high temperature area corresponds to an area where the lower boundary of groundwater flow is relatively shallow. This area corresponds also to an area with severe land subsidence resulting from excessive groundwater pumping. It is considered that this high temperature area is formed by the effects of upward groundwater flow affected by hydrogeological conditions and pumping. On the other hand, a comparison between past data (1956–1967) and present data (2001–2003) revealed widespread decreasing temperature in the inland area. This is explained by downward groundwater flow based on an analysis of temperature–depth logs. This fact suggests that subsurface temperature is not only increasing from the effects of surface warming but also decreasing from the effects of groundwater environment change due to pumping.  相似文献   
This paper uses the results of landscape evolution models and morphometric data from the Andes of northern Peru and the eastern Swiss Alps to illustrate how the ratio between sediment transport on hillslopes and in channels influences landscape and channel network morphologies and dynamics. The headwaters of fluvial- and debris-flow-dominated systems (channelized processes) are characterized by rough, high-relief, highly incised surfaces which contain a dense and hence a closely spaced channel network. Also, these systems tend to respond rapidly to modifications in external forcing (e.g., rock uplift and/or precipitation). This is the case because the high channel density results in a high bulk diffusivity. In contrast, headwaters where landsliding is an important sediment source are characterized by a low channel density and by rather straight and unstable channels. In addition, the topographies are generally smooth. The low channel density then results in a relatively low bulk diffusivity. As a consequence, response times are greater in headwaters of landslide-dominated systems than in highly dissected drainages. The Peruvian and Swiss case studies show how regional differences in climate and the litho-tectonic architecture potentially exert contrasting controls on the relative importance of channelized versus hillslope processes and thus on the overall geomorphometry. Specifically, the Peruvian example illustrates to what extent the storminess of climate has influenced production and transport of sediment on hillslopes and in channels, and how these differences are seen in the morphometry of the landscape. The Swiss example shows how the bedding orientation of the bedrock drives channelized and hillslope processes to contrasting extents, and how these differences are mirrored in the landscape. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
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