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Internet 下多数据源、超媒体空间信息的分布式调度与管理   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在综述当代Internet GIS各种实现模式基础上,提出了多数据源、超媒体空间信息的分布式管理与可视化调度的策略,使各种纷繁芜杂的空间信息相互协调为有机联系的整体,从而实现了空间信息的分布式处理和信息共享。  相似文献   
Franck Lavigne 《GeoJournal》1999,49(2):173-183
Yogyakarta urban area (500,000 inhab.) is located in Central Java on the fluvio-volcanic plain beside Merapi volcano, one of the most active of the world. Since the last eruption of Merapi in November 1994, the Code river, which goes across this city, is particularly threatened by lahars (volcanic debris flows). Until now, no accurate hazard map exists and no risk assessment has been done. Therefore, we drew a detailed hazard map (1/2,000 scale), based on morphometric surveys of the Code channel and on four scenarios of discharge. An additional risk assessment revealed that about 13,000 people live at risk along this river, and that the approximate value of likely loss is US $ 52 millions. However, the risk level varies between the urban suburbs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Vision Earth System is a interactive system by employing B/S model. The system has the function of query display and mutuaUy displays relevant geologic information, integrating image information of one outcrop and realizing 3D geologic visualization. In this system, the basis is effective store, transmitting, display and quick query of enormous images and their properties data. From Java technology, this essay researches the elementary realization of Vision Earth System by adopting store formality of enormous images database,quick display image of website and quick image storage method.  相似文献   
JAVA编制地理信息系统软件的研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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 Volcanoes in humid tropical environments are frequently cloud covered, typically densely vegetated and rapidly eroded. These factors complicate field and laboratory studies and even the basic identification of potentially active volcanoes. Numerous previous studies have highlighted the potential value of radar remote sensing for volcanology in equatorial regions. Here, cloud- and vegetation-penetrating LHH-band (λ≈24 cm) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS-1) are used to investigate persistently active volcanoes and prehistoric calderas in East Java, Indonesia. The LHH-band JERS-1 SAR produces high-spatial-resolution (18 m) imagery with relatively high incidence angle that highlights structures and topographic variations at or greater than the wavelength scale while minimising geometrical distortions such as layover and foreshortening. These images, along with Internet browse data derived from the Canadian RADARSAT mission, provide new evidence relating regional tectonics to volcanism throughout East Java. Volcanic events, such as caldera collapse at the Tengger caldera, appear to have been partly controlled by northwest-aligned faults related to intra-arc sedimentary basins. Similar regional controls appear important at historically active Lamongan volcano, which is encircled by numerous flank maars and cinder cones. A previously undocumented pyroclastic sheet and debris avalanche deposit from the Jambangan caldera complex is also manifested in the synoptic radar images. At the currently active Semeru volcano these data permit identification of recent pyroclastic flow and lahar deposits. Radar data therefore offer a valuable tool for mapping and hazard assessment at late Quaternary volcanoes. The criteria developed in the analysis here could be applied to other regions in the humid tropics. Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 20 January 1999  相似文献   
Acid water from the Banyuputih river (pH  3.5) is used for the irrigation of agricultural land in the Asembagus coastal area (East Java, Indonesia), with harmful consequences for rice yields. The river water has an unusual composition which is caused by seepage from the acidic Kawah Ijen crater lake into the river. This unique irrigation setting allows the study of soil acidification in situ. This paper assesses the effects of volcanogenically contaminated irrigation water on the chemical properties of the agricultural soils.The changes in soil properties were evaluated by comparing samples taken from the topsoil and sub-soil (1–3 m depth) from areas irrigated with acid water and areas irrigated with neutral water. The field survey thus resulted in four soil categories. Bulk soil composition, organic matter content, moisture content and particle size distribution were determined. Reactive phases were quantified with the selective extractions 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate and 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (AAO).By comparing the four soil categories it is shown that the use of the naturally polluted irrigation water has had a large influence on the chemical composition of the topsoil. The composition of the soil solution has changed over the entire investigated soil profile. Furthermore the acid irrigation water has strongly modified the composition of the reactive phases, extracted as KCl, pyrophosphate, and AAO extractable elements, and also the bulk soil composition has been significantly modified. Overall this has resulted in the net dissolution of some elements and the net precipitation of others. The changes in the reactive phases and bulk soil composition are only apparent in the topsoil (0–20 cm) but not in the deeper soil.  相似文献   
A field survey of the June 3, 1994 East Java earthquake tsunami was conducted within three weeks, and the distributions of the seismic intensities, tsunami heights, and human and house damages were surveyed. The seismic intensities on the south coasts of Java and Bali Islands were small for an earthquake with magnitudeM 7.6. The earthquake caused no land damage. About 40 minutes after the main shock, a huge tsunami attacked the coasts, several villages in East Java Province were damaged severely, and 223 persons perished. At Pancer Village about 70 percent of the houses were swept away and 121 persons were killed by the tsunami. The relationship between tsunami heights and distances from the source shows that the Hatori's tsunami magnitude wasm=3, which seems to be larger for the earthquake magnitude. But we should not consider this an extraordinary event because it was pointed out byHatori (1994) that the magnitudes of tsunamis in the Indonesia-Philippine region generally exceed 1–2 grade larger than those of other regions.  相似文献   
基于SuperMap IS的WebGIS开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张贺  孙德军  朱虹 《测绘工程》2007,16(3):56-58
WebGIS是将Web技术和GIS技术相结合的新技术,有着广泛的应用。通过WebGIS技术,客户端仅需使用浏览器(不一定包含专门插件)就可以对分布在Web上的GIS数据进行查询、分析等交互操作。探讨了利用Super-Map网络GIS技术,以SuperMap DeskPro作为后台GIS服务平台,通过SuperMap IS实现用户利用浏览器获得一个地理信息系统中的数据和功能的服务,论述开发和建设WebGIS的过程。  相似文献   
台站设备故障响应和风险排除是地震监测工作的基本内容,针对其便捷性和高时效性要求,采用Java语言,开发基于Android平台的地震地球物理数据监控软件.该软件整合重庆市地震局监测工作中的各项业务需求,采用云服务、Tomcat服务器及百度地图等技术,实现了数据实时查看及历史数据波形浏览等功能,及时获取仪器设备工作状态,及...  相似文献   
基于J2EE的WebGIS结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WebGIS是GIS社会化、大众化的必经之路。首先分析对比了常见WebGIS模型的特点及其存在的一些不足,在此基础上提出了WebGIS要解决的关键问题。进而通过研究J2EE组件化的多层体系结构在构建WebGIS方面的优势。提出并设计了一个基于J2EE多层体系结构的WebGIS的解决方案。该方案不但弥补了常见的WebGIS的不足,而且具有功能强大、应用广泛、跨平台、组件化多层体系等特点。  相似文献   
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