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程珂 《水文》2020,40(1):46-51
水汽效率放大法广泛应用于我国一级大型土石坝水电工程和核工程的短历时可能最大暴雨计算。为了研究该方法的基本原理并更好地适用于实际工程,对该方法涉及各参数的物理含义进行了详细阐述,对极大化参数的选取和合理性分析进行了说明,并应用于金沙江流域1d PMP计算。结果表明:水汽效率放大法对降水的两个基本物理因子(水汽因子和动力因子)同时进行了放大,一般可采用该方法推求的成果作为推荐成果;推求可降水量时代表性露点的选择应在时间和地区上具有代表性;该方法中暴雨效率间接反应了设计流域空气辐合上升运动的情况,是目前动力因子中最容易计算且精度较高的方法;该方法推求的PMP成果与选取的典型暴雨量无关,只与设计流域最大可降水量、可能最大暴雨效率和降水时段有关。  相似文献   
基于福建省土地利用背景与现状,遵循一定的科学原则,构建土地利用效益评价指标体系,利用层次分析法和变异系数法相结合确定指标权重,采用TOPSIS法对福建省1997—2007年土地利用效益动态变化进行评价分析.结果表明:1997—2007年,福建省土地利用综合效益呈逐年递增趋势且增速越来越快,各分项效益中,经济效益、社会效...  相似文献   
武汉市土地利用效益演变及问题分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
城市化进程的加快及城市土地利用剧烈变化使城市土地利用问题成为研究的重点。在重新界定城市土地利用效益内涵的基础上,以特大城市武汉市为例,对城市化进程中我国城市土地利用效益的演变情况进行分析,总结城市土地利用效益演变的规律及趋势,并对长期以来城市土地利用效益低下的原因进行剖析,提出提高城市土地利用效益、优化城市土地利用的对策。  相似文献   
塔里木河流域绿洲城镇发展与水土资源效益分析(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper examines the spatial pattern of land and water resources as well as urbanization and their interactions in the Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang, China. In order to do so, we extract the data associated with efficiency of land and water resources and urbanization for the years of 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008. Specifically the paper investigates the extent to which agglomeration of population and economic activities varies geographically and interplays with spatial pattern of resources efficiency through computation of Global Moran’s I index, Getis-Ord Gi* index and a coordinated development model. The method used provides clear evidence that urbanization, land and water resources efficiency have shown uneven spatial pattern due to oasis distribution, climate, and initial phase of urban development. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows.(1) Agglomeration and dispersion of urbanization are not consistent with those of land and water resources efficiency.(2) Evolution of the hot and cold spots of urbanization, and land and water resources efficiency, in different trajectories, indicate that there are no significant interactions between them.(3) The evidence that numbers of hot and cold spots of the three factors present varying structures reveals the dominance of unequal urban development in the study area.(4) Significant differences are also found between sub-river basins in terms of the three factors, which is a reflection of the complex physical geography of the area.(5) The degree of coordinated development of cities in the Tarim River Basin is generally low in part as a reflection of difference in spatial patterns of the three factors. It is also shown that the pattern of the degree of coordinated development is relatively stable compared with evolution of hot and cold spots of the three factors.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the migration and accumulation efficiency of hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, and to provide new evidence for the classification of its genesis, a source rock pyrolysis experiment in a closed system was designed and carried out. Based on this, kinetic models for describing gas generation from organic matter and carbon isotope fractionation during this process were established, calibrated and then extrapolated to geologic conditions by combining the thermal history data of the Xushen-1 Well. The results indicate that the coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression are typical "high-efficiency gas sources", the natural gas generated from them has a high migration and accumulation efficiency, and consequently a large-scale natural gas accumulation occurred in the area. The highly/over matured coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression generate coaliferous gas with a high δ^13C1 value (〉 -20‰) at the late stage, making the carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases abnormally heavy. In addition, the mixing and dissipation through the caprock of natural gas can result in the negative carbon isotope sequence (δ^13C1 〉δ^13C2 〉δ^13C3 〉δ^13C4) of organic alkane gases, and the dissipation can also lead to the abnormally heavy carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases. As for the discovery of inorganic nonhydrocarbon gas reservoirs, it can only serve as an accessorial evidence rather than a direct evidence that the hydrocarbon gas is inorganic. As a result, it needs stronger evidence to classify the hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression as inorganic gas.  相似文献   
考虑回归水重复利用的灌区用水评价指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了正确评价灌区用水效率及用水效益,构建了考虑回归水重复利用的灌区用水效率及效益指标。利用地表水-地下水耦合模型、SWAP模型和线性模型对柳园口灌区的水量和作物产量进行了分布式模拟,在此基础上,对柳园口灌区不同用水模式以及田间不同节水灌溉模式下的灌区用水效率及效益指标进行了计算,分析不同节水措施对灌区用水效率及效益指标的影响规律。结果表明,井渠结合调控模式和田间节水灌溉模式对柳园口灌区不同区域用水效率及效益的影响效果不同,但均能提高灌区总体的用水效率及效益。  相似文献   
页岩储层中的裂缝和微纳米级孔隙是页岩油的主要赋存空间。岩心样品高效无损洗油是页岩孔隙结构表征和页岩油赋存研究的关键,但是目前的实验方案并不统一。通过调研总结常用的洗油方法,针对现行广泛使用的浸泡抽提法、快速萃取法以及气驱+索氏抽提法对大港油田沧东凹陷孔二段页岩(块样,1 cm×1 cm×1 cm)进行洗油测试,利用Rock-Eval 热解仪和气相色谱仪对洗油前后的样品以及萃取出的可溶有机质进行了实验效果对比和三种方法之间的优劣性分析。研究结果表明,随着实验时间的延长萃取物中重烃含量逐渐增加,且低孔低渗的页岩岩心在常温常压下难以达到理想的洗油效果。升温和增压可以提高洗油效率,但长时间的高温作用会使部分重烃和吸附组分裂解,当裂解的速度大于轻烃组分被萃取的速度时,S1值会出现随着洗油时间上升的现象;合适的压力条件可以有效促进洗油速率,但如果条件控制不好会造成样品破碎或者内部孔隙被破坏。建议在洗油过程中采用较低的压力、常温或者稍微加温以加快实验速度,驱替法和抽提法结合会有更好的效果。  相似文献   
中国城市土地利用效率评价   总被引:53,自引:3,他引:53  
城市土地利用效率状况直接影响城市的社会经济发展和人居环境建设。基于数据包络法对全国655 个城市土地投入产出效率和规模效率进行了分析,结果发现:① 目前中国城市土地投入产出效率普遍较低,呈现出东部地区高、中西部低的空间分布格局;存在规模等级递增效应,但小城市表现出明显的特殊性。② 影响中国城市土地投入产出效率较低的因素较多,其中,第二、三产业从业人员投入过多尤为突出,固定资产投资和建设用地也存在一定冗余,环境产出效益相对不足。③ 中国大部分城市土地规模效率处于递增状态;城市土地规模效率空间分布亦呈现出东部地区高、中西部低的格局,且存在规模等级递减效应。对不同空间尺度和不同规模等级城市土地利用效率评价及其影响因子分析,对各级政府制定城市发展政策具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
Diverted sediment causes a wide range of problems at small diversion works.The difference in water levels between low flows and floods,low investment capital and presence of cohesive sediment and fine non-cohesive sediment coupled with a requirement for a high level of supply assurance makes the design of such hydraulic structures complex.Vortex settling basins(VSBs)offer a promising alternative to conventional settling structures or hydro-cyclones.In the current study,parameters affecting the trapping of particles>75 mm were numerically investigated using ANSYS Fluent and were validated by physical modeling.It was established that the inlet velocity needs to be maintained at 0.26 m/s,the underflow to inflow ratio should be between 0.05 and 0.10,the cylinder height to cylinder diameter ratio should be greater than 0.5,and the positioning of the inlet pipe to cylinder height ratio should be greater than 0.7,with a cone of slope ratio of 2:1(V:H)and the cylinder diameter to inlet diameter ratio should be 8.2.These parameters form the basic design guidelines for VSB use at small diversion works(<100 L/s duty capacity).  相似文献   
干旱和复水对羊草碳氮分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物的碳氮营养及其相互关系是最重要的基本生物过程之一,阶段性干旱对植物碳氮分配的影响研究甚少。实验以中国北方草原的典型植物羊草为材料,研究不同干旱持续期复水对羊草碳氮含量、分配及其相互关系的影响。结果表明:短期和中期干旱使植株生物量、氮素水平和单株总氮量增加,但长期干旱使之降低。水分处理对碳含量的影响不显著。干旱后复水降低了各器官特别是绿叶的碳氮比。中度持续干旱的氮素利用率(NUE)最高、短期干旱最低。羊草各器官氮素绝对量占整株的百分比从大到小依次为:绿叶、根茎、根、枯叶和茎鞘,其中叶片的氮素总量占植株的一半以上;随着干旱持续期的增加,氮素对根部的投资亦加大。羊草受到适当干旱驯化后复水引发的超补偿作用可促进羊草植株生长、提高氮素水平,并在一定程度上通过碳氮分配的调节作用来适应于阶段性的干旱胁迫。  相似文献   
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