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Sustainable use of groundwater must ensure not only that the future resource is not threatened by overuse, but also that natural environments that depend on the resource, such as stream baseflows, riparian vegetation, aquatic ecosystems, and wetlands are protected. To properly manage groundwater resources, accurate information about the inputs (recharge) and outputs (pumpage and natural discharge) within each groundwater basin is needed so that the long-term behavior of the aquifer and its sustainable yield can be estimated or reassessed. As a first step towards this effort, this work highlights some key groundwater recharge studies in the Kansas High Plains at different scales, such as regional soil-water budget and groundwater modeling studies, county-scale groundwater recharge studies, as well as field-experimental local studies, including some original new findings, with an emphasis on assumptions and limitations as well as on environmental factors affecting recharge processes. The general impact of irrigation and cultivation on recharge is to appreciably increase the amount of recharge, and in many cases to exceed precipitation as the predominant source of recharge. The imbalance between the water input (recharge) to the High Plains aquifer and the output (pumpage and stream baseflows primarily) is shown to be severe, and responses to stabilize the system by reducing water use, increasing irrigation efficiency, adopting water-saving land-use practices, and other measures are outlined. Finally, the basic steps necessary to move towards sustainable use of groundwater in the High Plains are delineated, such as improving the knowledge base, reporting and providing access to information, furthering public education, as well as promoting better understanding of the publics attitudinal motivations; adopting the ecosystem and adaptive management approaches to managing groundwater; further improving water efficiency; exploiting the full potential of dryland and biosaline agriculture; and adopting a goal of long-term sustainable use.
Resumen El uso sostenible de aguas subterráneas debe garantizar tanto que el recurso futuro no esté amenazado por sobreutilización como que los ambientes naturales dependientes del recurso sean protegidos (ie el flujo base de los arroyos, la vegetación ripariana, los ecosistemas acuáticos y los pantanos). El manejo adecuado de los recursos de aguas subterráneas requiere información precisa con respecto a los influjos (recarga) y descargas (bombeo y descarga natural) en cada cuenca de aguas subterráneas de tal manera que se pueda estimar o reevaluar el comportamiento de largo plazo del acuífero y su tasa de sotenibilidad. En un primer paso hacia esta meta, este trabajo destaca algunos estudios claves de recarga de aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Dichos estudios se concentran en diferentes escalas: estudios regionales del presupuesto para aguas del suelo y modelos de aguas subterráneas, estudios de recarga de aguas subterráneas a nivel provincial y estudios locales experimentales de terrenos que incluyen algunos interesantes descubrimientos nuevos. Estas investigaciones comparten el énfasis en los presupuestos de partida y las limitaciones así como en los factores ambientales que afectan los procesos de recarga. El impacto general de las irrigaciones y cultivos sobre la recarga es un obvio incremento en el monto de recarga y en muchos casos excede a la precipitación como la fuente principal de recarga. Se puede observar que el desequilibrio entre el influjo de agua (recarga) del acuífero de las llanuras altas y la descarga (bombeo y flujos base de los arroyos principalmente) es severo. Asimismo, se describen las respuestas para estabilizar el sistema a través de la reducción del uso de agua por medio del incremento de la eficiencia de las irrigaciones y de la adopción de las prácticas de ahorro de agua y del uso de tierras así como otras medidas adicionales. Finalmente se describen los pasos básicos necesarios para evolucionar hacia el uso sostenible de las aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Estos pasos están constituidos por una mejora del conocimiento base, comunicar y proporcionar fácil acceso a la información, mejorar el conocimiento público general así como promover un mejor entendimiento de las motivaciones para las actitudes de la comunidad, adoptar los enfoques administrativos de ecosistemas y administración adaptable en el manejo de las aguas subterráneas, continuar las mejoras del uso eficiente del agua, explotar el potencial de la agricultura de terrenos áridos y biosalina y adoptar como meta el uso sostenible a largo plazo.

Résumé Lutilisation durable de leau souterraine doit permettre non seulement que la pérennité de leau ne soit pas menacée, mais aussi que les environnements naturels qui dépendent de cette ressource, tels que la végétation riveraine, les écosystemes aquatiques et les milieux humides, soient protégés. Afin dassurer une gestion appropriée des ressources en eau souterraine, une information précise concernant les entrées (recharge) et les sorties (décharge naturelle et pompage) deau dans chacun des bassins est nécessaire afin que le comportement à long terme de laquifère et le taux de pompage durable puissent être estimés. En guise dinitiative, ce travail illustre certaines études clé concernant la recharge de leau souterraine à plusieurs échelles dans les hautes plaines du Kansas. Ces études comprennent le bilan sol-eau et la modélisation numérique à léchelle régionale, létude de la recharge des nappes souterraines à léchelle du comté, des études expérimentales à petite échelle et certaines découvertes originales. Lors de la présentation de ces études, lemphase est portée sur les hypothèses et limitations ainsi que sur les facteurs environmentaux qui affectent les processus de recharge. En général, les effets de lirrigation et de lagriculture sur la recharge sont daugmenter considérablement le taux de recharge, et dans plusieurs cas, dexcéder les précipitations comme principale source de recharge. Le déséquilibre entre les intrants deau (recharge) et entrants (pompage et écoulement de base dans les rivières) dans laquifère des hautes plaines est très important. Les résultats des efforts de stabilisation du système aquifère en diminuant lutilisation deau, en améliorant lefficacité des techniques dirrigation, en adoptant des pratiques dutilisation du territoire qui réduisent lutilisation deau et en adoptant certaines autres mesures sont présentés. Enfin, les étapes de base nécessaires afin datteindre une utilisation durable de leau souterraine dans les hautes plaines sontexposées. Elles comprennent lamélioration des connaissance de base, lapromotion dune meilleure compréhension de la motivation et de lattitudedu public, ladoption dune approche de gestion de leau souterraineadaptable et basée sur les écosystèmes, lamélioration de lefficacitédutilisation de leau, lexploitation du plein potentiel de lagriculturebiosaline et en milieu aride, et ladoption dun objectif pourlutilisation durable à long terme.
Climate change impacts the quantity and seasonality of rainfall, threatening Africans' ability to maintain satisfactory yields on rain-fed farms. On the semi-arid northwestern slopes of Mount Kenya, irrigation systems structured around Community Water Projects (CWPs) provide households with piped water, which helps mitigate drought impacts and enhances resilience to increasingly variable rainfall patterns. The vision of these irrigation systems is to equitably distribute water resources among CWP members both for household consumption and to maintain or improve agricultural yields. However, not all households receive equal quantities of water from their CWPs, and little is known about the impact of water provisioning on farmers' opinions or perceptions of CWP performance.In this study, we relate respondents' satisfaction with their CWPs to the quantity of water delivered. Not surprisingly, farmers who received low quantities of water from their CWPs expressed above-average rates of concern regarding drought. In contrast, satisfaction with one's CWP was unrelated to the absolute quantity of water received (log liters/minute), but it was strongly associated with relative measures of water delivery: respondents who received less water than other members of the same water project experienced high rates of dissatisfaction, as did respondents who received less water than in the past. These results suggest that Kenyan farmers may feel particularly dissatisfied—and, perhaps, particularly driven to demand improved water governance—when they perceive inadequate water delivery relative to some reference group.Because relative water quantity dictates satisfaction even after controlling for factors that can be resolved internally at the CWP level (by, for example, striving for uniformity of water flows across and within households), water project managers are limited to some degree in their ability to improve satisfaction through better governance. That said, governance actions that prevent declines in flows over time (e.g. maintaining infrastructure to reduce leaks) could ostensibly lead to meaningful improvements in member satisfaction.  相似文献   
The optimal spatial allocation of irrigation water under uncertainty has become a serious concern because of irrigation water shortage and uncertain factors that affect irrigation water allocation. In this study, an optimal multi-objective model for irrigation water allocation under uncertainty is developed to maximise the economic benefit of crops and minimise the operation cost and water deficit of crop irrigation. The original and optimal plantation structure, irrigation mode and soil water content are acquired through geospatial technology. A bilayer nested optimisation (BLNO) algorithm is designed to produce multiple individuals of design vectors using an ant colony neural network algorithm for an outer optimisation. Meanwhile, a continuous adaptive ant colony (CAAC) algorithm is used for inner optimisation to calculate the interval values of the uncertain model. The crop distribution and irrigation mode are obtained to parameterise the planting area and the water demand of each crop and each block in the multi-objective model. This model is then solved and analysed. Compared to the optimal schemes obtained from an inexact two-stage fuzzy-stochastic programming and the CAAC, respectively, BLNO can effectively and efficiently solve the optimal spatial allocation of irrigation water under uncertainty. This method can spatially maximise the economic benefit of crops and minimise the operation cost and water deficit of crop irrigation using lower and upper bound maps whilst visually obtaining the exact crop type, reasonable irrigation method and precise water demand for each block and for the entire irrigated area.  相似文献   
AWiFS sensor on board IRS-P6 (Resourcesat-1), with its unique features—wide swath and 5-day revisit capability provides excellent opportunities to carry out in-season analysis of irrigated agriculture. The study carried out in Hirakud command area, Orissa State indicated that the progression of rice crop acreage could be mapped through analysis of time series AWiFS data set. The spectral emergence pattern of rice crop was found useful to identify the period of rice transplantation and its variability across the command area. This information, integrated with agro-meteorological data, was used to quantify 10-daily canal-wise irrigation water requirement. A comparison with field measured actual irrigation supplies indicated an overall supply adequacy of 88% and showed wide variability at lateral canal level ranging between 18% and 109%. The supply pattern also did not correspond with the chronological variations associated with crop water requirement, supplies were 15% excess during initial part of season (December and January) and were 20.1% deficit during later part of season (February to April). Rescheduling the excess supplies of the initial period could have reduced the deficit to 15% during peak season. The study has demonstrated the usefulness of AWiFS data to generate the irrigation water requirement by mid-season, subsequent to which 38% supplies were yet to be allocated. This would support the irrigation managers to reschedule the irrigation water supplies to achieve better synchronization between requirement and supply leading to improved water use efficiency.  相似文献   
Sodium (Na+) in poor quality irrigation water participate in ion-exchange processes results in the displacement of base cations into solution and a raised concentration in groundwater. Knowledge of the rate of decrease of nutrients from soils resulting from poor water quality application is essential for long-term planning of crop production while minimizing the impact on groundwater quality. In this study, we examined the effect of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of irrigation water on nutrients leaching and groundwater quality in columns of sandy soil. Three types of irrigation waters at three NaCl–CaCl2 solutions with the following levels of SAR (5, 15, and 30) were synthesized in laboratory. With the application of solutions, exchange occurred between solution Na+ and exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+), resulting in the displacement of these cations and anions into solution. Increasing the level of SAR from 5 to 15 and 30 resulted in increase in the average exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of the soil from 10.4 to 20.3, and 32.5, respectively. Adverse effect of high Na+ concentration in the solutions on raising ESP was less pronounced in solution having low SAR. Leaching of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and P from soil with the application of solutions represents a significant loss of valuable nutrients. This sandy soil showed the high risk for nutrients transfer into groundwater in concentrations exceeding the groundwater quality standard. Irrigation with poor quality water, which is generally more sodic and saline than regional groundwater, increases the rate of sodification and salinization of shallow groundwater.  相似文献   
在干旱区,以农田为核心的绿洲规模过大,对绿洲的稳定性产生了广泛而深刻的影响。论文以位于塔里木盆地的渭干河为例,分析渭干河灌区当前所面临的主要风沙灾害,揭示了绿洲规模过大、农业耗水量过大。生态用水被侵占是导致农田生态环境恶化的重要原因。在此基础上,以水热平衡、水盐平衡理论分别计算了灌区适宜的规模与耕地面积。根据模型计算结果,提出了控制耕地规模、确保生态用水的宏观对策。  相似文献   
阿克苏河灌区是中纬度干旱区典型的绿洲灌溉系统,同时也是新疆第二大灌区,了解灌区作物需水量可为灌区种植结构调整、水资源优化配置提供科学依据。本研究基于联合国粮农组织(FAO)的Penman-Monteith蒸散发模型,结合作物系数法估算了阿克苏灌区作物需水量的时空变化及其对气候因子和作物种植结构的敏感性。结果表明,1960—2015年阿克苏灌区多年平均作物需水量为586 mm,且呈显著上升趋势,上升速率为38.43 mm/10 a。随着气候变化和作物种植结构的改变,1990—2015年间作物需水量急剧增加,增加速率高达99.37 mm/10 a。对于不同作物类型,果林的需水量最大,高达829.8 mm,其次是棉花、水稻和玉米,小麦需水量最低。阿克苏灌区的作物需水量对日最高气温和日照时数较为敏感,而对最低气温、风速和水汽压的敏感度较低。当日最高气温升高2℃时,作物需水量增加4%,当日照时数增加10%时,作物需水量将增加3.2%。另外,作物需水量对作物种植结构非常敏感,当果林的种植面积比例增加10%时,作物需水量增加了12.1%。  相似文献   
This study describes the groundwater quantity and quality conditions in the Damghan aquifer in Iran. The quantitative analysis of data obtained from observation wells indicates overexploitation of groundwater during recent years, which has resulted in deterioration of water quality. The mean water level has declined about 7.4 m between years of 1966 and 2010. The hydrochemical facies of water collected from sampling wells were investigated though Piper and Chadha diagrams, and the general dominant type of water in the study area was determined as Na-Cl. The quality assessment examined the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. Compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water, all regions were found to have unpotable groundwater. Furthermore, unsuitability of groundwater for agricultural applications due to high salinity was observed through analysis of major quality indicators. The saltwater intrusion was investigated by ionic ratio analyses and was determined to be the main factor contributing to high salinity and deterioration of the groundwater quality in the Damghan basin.  相似文献   
This paper examines, first, the conditions under which irrigating farmers are being alienated from their water through a state-led process of dispossession, and then, second, details the dialectical process of farmers’ resistance to these efforts. The paper advances recent scholarship on water grabbing and ‘accumulation by dispossession’ by drawing on a case from northwestern India to explore the connections between non-agrarian economic growth, irrigated agriculture and farmer livelihoods. Specifically, it examines an urban water infrastructure development project that aims to provide water to Jaipur, the Indian state of Rajasthan’s capital city, through the appropriation of an existing rural dam/reservoir complex built for irrigation and redirecting it to domestic, commercial and industrial uses. Drawing on an examination of policy documents and interviews with farmers and state planners, this paper argues that these transfers must be understood as a supply-side solution to support economic growth, where the lack of stable water supplies is a barrier to capital accumulation. The paper contributes to critical scholarship by showing that the processes underpinning water’s reallocation are specific acts of ongoing ‘dispossession’ through extra-economic means under advanced neoliberal capitalism, which alienates water away from peasant producers towards new centers of capital accumulation, dialectically creating peasant resistance to these efforts.  相似文献   
An estimation model of farm field irrigation water demand is developed. The model is based on the lumped kinematic wave model considering soil water balance. The lumped model approach reduces the computational load in rainfall-runoff analysis and allows application to large river basins. Evapotranspiration is estimated on hourly basis by the improvement of FAO’s method. Not only water volume necessary for farm field irrigation but also the number of the water charge and its interval can be estimated by the combined use of the lumped runoff model and the hourly evapotranspiration model.  相似文献   
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