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Solute recycling from irrigation can be described as the process that occurs when the salt load that is extracted from irrigation wells and distributed on the fields is returned to the groundwater below irrigated surfaces by deep percolation. Unless the salt load leaves the system by means of drains or surface runoff, transfer to the groundwater will take place, sooner or later. This can lead to solute accumulation and thus to groundwater degradation, particularly in areas where extraction rates exceed infiltration rates (semi-arid and arid regions). Thus, considerable errors can occur in a predictive solute mass budget if the recycling process is not accounted for in the calculation. A method is proposed which allows direct simulation of solute recycling. The transient solute response at an extraction well is shown to be a superposition of solute mass flux contributions from n recycling cycles and is described as a function of the travel time distribution between a recycling point and a well. This leads to an expression for a transient ‘recycling source’ term in the advection–dispersion equation, which generates the effect of solute recycling. At long times, the ‘recycling source’ is a function of the local capture probability of the irrigation well and the solute mass flux captured by the well from the boundaries. The predicted concentration distribution at steady state reflects the maximum spatial concentration distribution in response to solute recycling and can thus be considered as the solute recycling potential or vulnerability of the entire domain for a given hydraulic setting and exploitation scheme. Simulation of the solute recycling potential is computationally undemanding and can therefore, for instance, be used for optimisation purposes. Also, the proposed method allows transient simulation of solute recycling with any standard flow and transport code.  相似文献   
Oasis is the core area of social and economic development in the arid western regions, and is also a territory with prominent ecological environmental problems. Because of the unreasonable development and utilization of soil and water resources, the ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is threatened by soil salinization, shrinkage of lakes and wetlands, and deterioration of water environment. As for these environmental problems, the direct cause is the loss of regulation of groundwater depth or serious pollution of water caused by man-made irrational exploitation, and the root cause lies in shortage of water resources and unreasonable allocation of water resources. In this regard, it is believed that the primary task for the construction ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is to adjust the allocation structure of water resources and to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, for which the direct means is to carry out dynamic control of water and salt based on the ecological landscape structure and land type in the Irrigation District in accordance with local conditions.  相似文献   
Groundwater is a major source of water supply for domestic and irrigation uses in semiarid, remote but rapidly developing Kilasaifullah district part of Zhob River Basin, located at Pakistan–Afghanistan Border. Zhob River is among few major rivers of perennial nature in Balochistan, which flows from WSW to ENE and falls in Gomal River, a tributary of Indus River. Keeping in view the important geopolitical position and rapid development of the region, this study is primarily focused on groundwater chemistry for contamination sources as well as agriculture development. Water samples from open and tube wells are analyzed and calculated for electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, pH, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO, Cl?, NO, SO, PO, sodium percent (Na%), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Kelly's index (KI), and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, and Mn). On the basis of the chemical constituents two zones within the study area are identified and possible causes of the contaminants are pointed out. Two recharge areas were responsible for the different chemical results in groundwater, e.g., zone A was recharged from NNW saline geological formations (Nisai, Khojak, Multana, Bostan formations, and Muslim Bagh ophiolites), which are concentrated with high sodium and chloride. On the other hand Zone B was sourced from SSW from carbonate rich rocks (Alozai, Loralai, Parh formations, and Muslim Bagh ophiolites). The groundwater is classified as C2–S1, C3–S1, C3–S2, C4–S2 on the basis of EC and SAR values which indicate that most of the water of both zones can be used for irrigation safely except the samples plotted in C3–S2 and C4–S2 categories which could be dangerous for soil and crops. Groundwater samples are plotted in good to permissible limits with some samples excellent to good and few samples belong to doubtful category based on sodium percent. Groundwater of zone A is unsuitable for irrigation use due to higher values of KI (more than one) but water of zone B are good for irrigation based on KI. In general, water of both zones is suitable for irrigation but care should be taken during the selection of crops which are sensitive to alkalinity or sodium hazards particularly in zone A.  相似文献   
In the Aral Sea Basin, where the Central Asian countries compete for limited water resources, reliable information on the actual water use for eight million ha of irrigated land are rare. In this study, spatially distributed land use data, seasonal actual evapotranspiration, and reference evapotranspiration derived from multitemporal MODIS data were combined with in situ water flow measurements for irrigation performance assessments in the upper Amu Darya Delta. The functioning of the major irrigation and drainage which supplies an agricultural area of 270,000 ha in the Uzbek province Khorezm was analysed using water balancing and adequacy indicators of irrigation water use.An average relative evapotranspiration of 95% indicated fulfilled water demands and partly over-irrigation, whereas values below 75% disclosed inadequate water supply in distant parts of the irrigation system. On the other hand, immense water withdrawals of approximately 24,000 m3 ha−1 recorded at the system boundaries between April and September 2005 clearly exceeded the field water demands for cotton cultivation. Only 46% of the total irrigation amounts were consumed for crop production at field level. Throughout the vegetation period, approximately 58% of the total available water left the region as drainage water. Monthly observations of the depleted fraction and the drainage ratio highlighted drainage problems and rising groundwater levels at regional scale. In the most distant downstream subsystem, a high risk of groundwater and soil salinity during the main irrigation phase was found.A combination of high conveyance losses, hydraulic problems, direct linkages between irrigation and drainage, and low field application efficiencies were identified as major reasons for underperforming irrigation. The findings underlined the necessity of water saving and of reconsidering water distribution in Khorezm. The remote sensing approach was concluded as a reliable data basis for regular performance assessments for all irrigation systems in Central Asia.  相似文献   
以河北省石津灌区为研究对象,以2007-2009年两季冬小麦生育期为研究时段,基于Hydrus-1D和Modflow模型模拟分析了井渠结合灌溉模式下冬小麦的净入流量水分生产率和净灌溉水分生产率的尺度效应(作物、田间、分干、干渠和灌区尺度)。结果表明:①从作物尺度到灌区尺度,损失水量越来越多,使得净入流量水分生产率和净灌溉水分生产率分别减少了9.49%和16.59%;②由于研究区地下水埋深较大,冬小麦生育期内渗漏补给地下水库的重复利用水量很小,而净灌溉水分生产率因为考虑了这一小部分重复利用水量,比传统的灌溉水分生产率有了小幅提升;③在多年时间尺度上,由于渗漏水量能够全部进入地下水库被重复利用,净入流量水分生产率随尺度增大而增大,而不同空间尺度的净灌溉水分生产率也比冬小麦生育期时间尺度上提高37%~65%。  相似文献   
In Bangladesh, development of the groundwater resource for irrigation is a vital component of the government’s agricultural strategy to attain food self-sufficiency. Amidst reports of falling groundwater levels in many parts of Bangladesh, the potential of groundwater use has been investigated in the Teesta Barrage Project (TBP) in which large-scale groundwater development for dry-season irrigation has taken place in the recent past. Several techniques and tools have been applied such as the combination of analysis of groundwater hydrographs and mathematical modelling to derive key hydrogeological variables, calculation of net irrigation requirement and the use of geographical information systems. The results show that the economically attractive high-yielding variety (HYV) Boro (dry season) rice cultivation during the groundwater irrigation season may not be sustained in large parts of the project area if the current trends in abstraction are continued. However, due to spatial variation in abstraction, nine thanas (sub-districts)—out of a total of 21 in the project area—may still be able to expand groundwater-irrigated cropland and a groundwater-use potential of 40 mm/year may be created if deep-set shallow tubewells are used by the farmers to abstract groundwater. A structured approach, based on zoning of potential areas, is recommended for groundwater development and use.
Resumen En Bangladesh, el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas para riego es un componente vital del la estrategia agrícola del Gobierno para obtener la auto-suficiencia alimentaria. Un informe intermedio evidencia un descenso de los niveles de aguas subterráneas en muchas partes de Bangladesh, el uso potencial de aguas subterránea ha sido investigado en el Proyecto Tessta Barrage (TBP) en el cual ha tenido lugar el desarrollo de las aguas subterráneas a gran escala para el riego en la estación seca en un pasado reciente. Se ha aplicado algunas técnicas y herramientas, como la combinación del análisis de datos gráficos de aguas subterráneas y modelización matemática para obtener variables hidrogeológicas clave, el cálculo de la necesidad neta de riego y el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica. El resultado muestra que el cultivo, económicamente atractivo, de arroz HYV Boro (estación seca) durante la estación de riego con aguas subterráneas puede no ser sostenible en gran parte del área del proyecto si continúan las tendencias actuales en las extracciones. Sin embargo, debido a la variación espacial en la extracción, nueve thanas (subdistritos)—de un total de 21 en el área del Proyecto—pueden todavía sufrir un aumento de la tierra cultivable regada con aguas subterráneas y que se puede asumir un uso potencial de agua subterránea de 40 mm/estación si los granjeros utilizan sondeos someros instalados en fosas para la extracción. Se recomienda una aproximación estructurada para el desarrollo y uso de las aguas subterráneas, basada en la zonificación de áreas potenciales.

Résumé Au Bangladesh, l’exploitation des ressources en eau souterraines pour l’irrigation est une composante vitale de la stratégie agricole gouvernementale pour atteindre l’auto-suffisance alimentaire. Parmi les baisses de niveaux piézométriques rapportées sur de nombreuses régions du Bangladesh, le potentiel d’utilisation des eaux souterraines a été étudié sur le Projet de Barrage de Teesta (TBP), où, dans un passé récent, les eaux souterraines ont été massivement exploitées pour l’irrigation en saison sèche. De nombreux outils et techniques ont été utilisés, comme l’analyse combinée des chroniques piézométriques et des modèles mathématiques pour dégager les variables hydrogéologiques clés, le calcul des besoins nets pour l’irrigation, et l’utilisation des systèmes d’information géographique. Les résultats démontrent que la culture en saison d’irrigation de la variété de riz HYV Boro (saison sèche), économiquement attrayante, n’est potentiellement pas viable sur de nombreux secteurs de la zone étudiée si les prélèvements perdurent selon la tendance actuelle. Cependant, du fait de la variation spatiale des prélèvements, neuf thanas (sous-districts)—sur un total de 21 sur le secteur d’étude—pourraient encore augmenter les surfaces irriguées, et une disponibilité en eau de 40 mm/saison pourrait être générée si les agriculteurs utilisaient des puits peu profonds pour exploiter les ressources souterraines. Une approche structurée, basée sur le zonage des secteurs potentiels, est recommandée pour l’exploitation et l’utilisation des eaux souterraines.
This study was conducted to investigate technical and socio-political attributes that lead to the underperformance of two selected irrigation schemes (Shina and Bebeks) in the Lake Tana floodplains, Ethiopia. Irrigation application efficiency (AE) at nine experimental fields showed a wide range, from 20 to 80%, but was mostly between 40 and 60%. Irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE) varied from 1.9 to 7.2 kg m?3 for onion and 0.9 to 1.2 kg m?3 for maize. The lined and earthen canal conveyance losses in Bebeks were 0.037 and 0.047 l s?1 m?1, whereas in Shina they were 0.033 and 0.044 l s?1 m?1, respectively. The overall consumed ratio (OCR) of water was 0.58 for Bebeks and varied from 0.73 to 1.2 in Shina. Both schemes are performing below the standard based on technical performance indicators. Irrigation water user associations (WUAs) were not implemented, but irrigation committees (ICs), composed of local political leaders, are managing both schemes. Canal and reservoir sedimentation from erosion of upstream catchment areas during the rainy season was the major problem.  相似文献   
应用NCAR的非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5V3.6,设计了三种不同土壤湿度对金塔绿洲边界层的特征影响的敏感性试验。结果表明:土壤灌溉后地表温度和气温升温率较灌溉前有所减小。土壤湿度越大,绿洲温度越低,绿洲的“冷岛效应”越显著。绿洲灌溉后地面感热通量较灌溉前偏低,潜热通量比灌溉前高;土壤湿度越大,这种差异越显著。土壤湿度为0.35时,绿洲能够很好地表现绿洲特性,维持其自身的发展。绿洲边界层高度在灌溉前后有很大的变化。随着土壤湿度的增加,绿洲的边界层高度逐渐降低。这种较低的边界层对绿洲起到了保护作用,它将绿洲的能量与水分保存任较低的边界层中,促进了绿洲的进一步维持和发展。  相似文献   
Acid water from the Banyuputih river (pH  3.5) is used for the irrigation of agricultural land in the Asembagus coastal area (East Java, Indonesia), with harmful consequences for rice yields. The river water has an unusual composition which is caused by seepage from the acidic Kawah Ijen crater lake into the river. This unique irrigation setting allows the study of soil acidification in situ. This paper assesses the effects of volcanogenically contaminated irrigation water on the chemical properties of the agricultural soils.The changes in soil properties were evaluated by comparing samples taken from the topsoil and sub-soil (1–3 m depth) from areas irrigated with acid water and areas irrigated with neutral water. The field survey thus resulted in four soil categories. Bulk soil composition, organic matter content, moisture content and particle size distribution were determined. Reactive phases were quantified with the selective extractions 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate and 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (AAO).By comparing the four soil categories it is shown that the use of the naturally polluted irrigation water has had a large influence on the chemical composition of the topsoil. The composition of the soil solution has changed over the entire investigated soil profile. Furthermore the acid irrigation water has strongly modified the composition of the reactive phases, extracted as KCl, pyrophosphate, and AAO extractable elements, and also the bulk soil composition has been significantly modified. Overall this has resulted in the net dissolution of some elements and the net precipitation of others. The changes in the reactive phases and bulk soil composition are only apparent in the topsoil (0–20 cm) but not in the deeper soil.  相似文献   
不同环节灌溉用水效率及节水潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以漳河灌区为例,在对灌区渠系进行等效概化的基础上,采用经验公式法进行不同工况下不同环节灌溉用水效率的分析计算.结果表明总干及干渠环节和分、斗、农渠环节的渠道水利用系数较大,而支干、分干和支渠环节的渠道水利用系数偏小,渠道断面大小、长度及防渗率是导致渠道水利用系数差异的主要原因.计算分析了不同条件下的灌溉用水效率阈值,达到相应阈值时的投资,以及净节水量和节水率,分析了投资与灌溉用水效率阈值及节水率的关系.表明随投资的增加灌溉用水效率及节水率均提高,但其过程符合报酬递减规律,且节水率的报酬递减速度更快.  相似文献   
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