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Characterizing spatial and temporal variability of soil salinity is tremendously important for a variety of agronomic and environmental concerns in arid irrigation areas. This paper reviews the characteristics and spatial and temporal variations of soil salinization in the Ili River Irrigation Area by applying a geostatistical approach. Results showed that:(1) the soil salinity varied widely, with maximum value of 28.10 g/kg and minimum value of 0.10 g/kg, and was distributed mainly at the surface soil layer. Anions were mainly SO_4~(2-) and Cl~-, while cations were mainly Na~+ and Ca~(2+);(2) the abundance of salinity of the root zone soil layer for different land use types was in the following order: grassland cropland forestland. The abundance of salinity of root zone soil layers for different periods was in the following order: March June September;(3) the spherical model was the most suitable variogram model to describe the salinity of the 0–3 cm and 3–20 cm soil layers in March and June, and the 3–20 cm soil layer in September, while the exponential model was the most suitable variogram model to describe the salinity of the 0–3 cm soil layer in September. Relatively strong spatial and temporal structure existed for soil salinity due to lower nugget effects; and(4) the maps of kriged soil salinity showed that higher soil salinity was distributed in the central parts of the study area and lower soil salinity was distributed in the marginal parts. Soil salinity tended to increase from the marginal parts to the central parts across the study area. Applying the kriging method is very helpful in detecting the problematic areas and is a good tool for soil resources management. Managing efforts on the appropriate use of soil and water resources in such areas is very important for sustainable agriculture, and more attention should be paid to these areas to prevent future problems.  相似文献   
Fuzzy process capability indices for quality control of irrigation water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water covers over 70% of the Earth surface and is a very important resource to people and the environment. Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment. Water pollution can also affect the crops. So, water pollution is an important issue for humanity. Therefore, the control of irrigation water is a necessity. In this paper, a methodology based on process capability indices (PCIs) has been presented to control the levels of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature (T) in dam’s water for irrigation. Fuzzy PCIs have been proposed for this aim. The fuzzy estimates of $ \hat C_p Water covers over 70% of the Earth surface and is a very important resource to people and the environment. Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment. Water pollution can also affect the crops. So, water pollution is an important issue for humanity. Therefore, the control of irrigation water is a necessity. In this paper, a methodology based on process capability indices (PCIs) has been presented to control the levels of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature (T) in dam’s water for irrigation. Fuzzy PCIs have been proposed for this aim. The fuzzy estimates of and are obtained for pH, DO, and T based on Buckley’s interval estimation approach and based on fuzzy specification limits. An application has been made for Kesikk?prü Dam in Ankara, Turkey. In this paper, Buckley’s approach is re-arranged to obtain a triangular fuzzy membership function because it cannot be obtained from Buckley’s approach in some situation.  相似文献   
Remote sensing techniques allow monitoring the Earth surface and acquiring worthwhile information that can be used efficiently in agro-hydrological systems. Satellite images associated to computational models represent reliable resources to estimate actual evapotranspiration fluxes, ETa, based on surface energy balance. The knowledge of ETa and its spatial distribution is crucial for a broad range of applications at different scales, from fields to large irrigation districts. In single plots and/or in irrigation districts, linking water volumes delivered to the plots with the estimations of remote sensed ETa can have a great potential to develop new cost-effective indicators of irrigation performance, as well as to increase water use efficiency. With the aim to assess the irrigation system performance and the opportunities to save irrigation water resources at the “SAT Llano Verde” district in Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was applied on cloud-free Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images, processed by cubic convolution resampling method, for three irrigation seasons (May to September 2006, 2007 and 2008). The model allowed quantifying instantaneous, daily, monthly and seasonal ETa over the irrigation district. The comparison between monthly irrigation volumes distributed by each hydrant and the corresponding spatially averaged ETa, obtained by assuming an overall efficiency of irrigation network equal to 85%, allowed the assessment of the irrigation system performance for the area served by each hydrant, as well as for the whole irrigation district. It was observed that in all the investigated years, irrigation volumes applied monthly by farmers resulted generally higher than the corresponding evapotranspiration fluxes retrieved by SEBAL, with the exception of May, in which abundant rainfall occurred. When considering the entire irrigation seasons, it was demonstrated that a considerable amount of water could have been saved in the district, respectively equal to 26.2, 28.0 and 16.4% of the total water consumption evaluated in the three years.  相似文献   
Six sections of a residential road (75 mm bituminous macadam over 200mm lean mix concrete over 100 mm hoggin with a recent surface dressing of 10 mm granite chippings and K1-70 binder) that drain to individual instrumented gully pots were irrigated along the kerb and then over the whole road approximately monthly for a year. The aim was the determination of terminal infiltration losses, initial losses, percentage runoff, and infiltration curves for the kerb and road surface. The results were not as expected from the literature. There is an annual cycle of infiltration losses at the kerb with a winter peak caused by frost action that is 3.2 times greater than the terminal loss rate at kerbs in summer. The terminal loss rate for an ‘average catchment’ was 6.4251 min?1 from the road surface and 14.251 min?1 in summer and 46.281 min?1 in winter at the kerb. Evaporation was usually more than an order of magnitude less significant than infiltration. The wide variation in initial losses before runoff commenced was inexplicable. Two sections of road behaved in the classic manner with initial losses averaging 0.8 mm, two other catchments had highly variable initial losses in the range 1.2 to 8.8mm, and the last two pieces of road were even more erratic. The percentage runoff for those irrigations of over 15 mm of equivalent rainfall was never more than 10 per cent. The maximum per cent runoff was around 50 per cent following 10 mm of equivalent rainfall for kerbside irrigation and only 5 mm of irrigation over the whole road. There were no significant simple or multiple regression relationships between percentage runoff from the kerb or the whole road irrigations and irrigation amount, slope, UCWI, and SMD. Infiltration curves, for kerb and road irrigation, were so diverse that they do not represent the ‘simple impervious surfaces’ envisaged at the start of the experiment and described in the literature. Since the artificial irrigation of kerbs and roads has failed to substantiate existing theory, these experiments should be repeated at a variety of sites with a high rate of irrigation.  相似文献   
沉水植物在湖泊生态系统中具有重要作用,它不仅是湖泊生态系统食物链中重要的生产者,同时还对湖泊的营养物沉积和循环有着重要的意义,并由此影响着湖泊的富营养化进程.本文以黄河内蒙古段河套灌区湖泊中常见的3种沉水植物篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、穿叶眼子菜(Potamogeton perfoliatus)和狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum)为研究对象,对其种子休眠及萌发特性进行了初步研究.结果表明:狐尾藻种子休眠率较高但休眠易破除,通过切破种皮、低温层积、硝酸钾和赤霉素处理均可显著提高萌发率;篦齿眼子菜种子休眠性较强,低温层积及赤霉素浸泡处理能够显著提高其萌发率;穿叶眼子菜有较深的休眠特性,破除硬实、硝酸钾、赤霉素及低温层积处理均不能有效解除其休眠.  相似文献   
Solute recycling from irrigation can be described as the process that occurs when the salt load that is extracted from irrigation wells and distributed on the fields is returned to the groundwater below irrigated surfaces by deep percolation. Unless the salt load leaves the system by means of drains or surface runoff, transfer to the groundwater will take place, sooner or later. This can lead to solute accumulation and thus to groundwater degradation, particularly in areas where extraction rates exceed infiltration rates (semi-arid and arid regions). Thus, considerable errors can occur in a predictive solute mass budget if the recycling process is not accounted for in the calculation. A method is proposed which allows direct simulation of solute recycling. The transient solute response at an extraction well is shown to be a superposition of solute mass flux contributions from n recycling cycles and is described as a function of the travel time distribution between a recycling point and a well. This leads to an expression for a transient ‘recycling source’ term in the advection–dispersion equation, which generates the effect of solute recycling. At long times, the ‘recycling source’ is a function of the local capture probability of the irrigation well and the solute mass flux captured by the well from the boundaries. The predicted concentration distribution at steady state reflects the maximum spatial concentration distribution in response to solute recycling and can thus be considered as the solute recycling potential or vulnerability of the entire domain for a given hydraulic setting and exploitation scheme. Simulation of the solute recycling potential is computationally undemanding and can therefore, for instance, be used for optimisation purposes. Also, the proposed method allows transient simulation of solute recycling with any standard flow and transport code.  相似文献   
节水灌溉理论与技术发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阎星 《地下水》2003,25(3):156-159
水资源日益短缺是全球性的问题。农业节水潜力较大,从长远战略角度看,发展节水灌溉对缓解我国水资源的供需矛盾意义重大,本文通过节水灌溉理论研究进展情况的介绍,提出了西北地区发展节水灌溉应注意的问题。  相似文献   
Stable isotope data and concentrations of the major cations and anions of groundwater from the northern part of the Volta Region, Ghana, were used to determine the source of recharge and the suitability of groundwater in the area for irrigation. This study finds that the delta deuterium (δD) and delta Oxygen-18 (δ18O) data from the area fall along the global meteoric water line (GMWL). An equation of regression derived for the relationship between δD and δ18O bears very close semblance to the equation which describes the GMWL. On the basis of this, groundwater in the study area is probably meteoric and fresh. The apparently low salinities and sodicities of the groundwater seem to support this interpretation. The suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes is related to its source, which determines its constitution. A plot of the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and electrical conductivity (EC) data on a semilog axis, suggests that groundwater serves good irrigation quality in the area. Sixty percent (60%), 20% and 20% of the 67 data points used in this study fall within the medium salinity–low sodicity (C2–S1), low salinity–low sodicity (C1–S1) and high salinity–low sodicity (C3–S1) fields, which ascribe good irrigation quality to groundwater from this area. Salinities range from 28.1 to 1,956 μS/cm, whilst SAR values fall within the range 0–3. Extremely low sodicity waters of this kind, with salinities lower than 600 μS/cm, have the tendency to affect the dispersive properties of irrigation soils when used for irrigation. About 50% of the groundwater in the study area fall within this category and need prior treatment before usage.  相似文献   
Oasis is the core area of social and economic development in the arid western regions, and is also a territory with prominent ecological environmental problems. Because of the unreasonable development and utilization of soil and water resources, the ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is threatened by soil salinization, shrinkage of lakes and wetlands, and deterioration of water environment. As for these environmental problems, the direct cause is the loss of regulation of groundwater depth or serious pollution of water caused by man-made irrational exploitation, and the root cause lies in shortage of water resources and unreasonable allocation of water resources. In this regard, it is believed that the primary task for the construction ecological environment of oasis in Qingtongxia Irrigation District is to adjust the allocation structure of water resources and to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, for which the direct means is to carry out dynamic control of water and salt based on the ecological landscape structure and land type in the Irrigation District in accordance with local conditions.  相似文献   
两系法杂交稻安全制种的水热传输模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对两系杂交稻制种易遇夏季低温危害制种纯度的技术瓶颈,为正确采用以水调温预防技术,本文依据热量平衡原理,建立了制种稻田的水热传输多层模型。经实测资料检验,模型稳定、可靠。对模型输入不同灌水参数的计算结果表明:20 cm气温(不育系敏感期的幼穗高度)随着净辐射通量、灌水深度、进水及出水口水温的升高而增加,增温幅度受这些因子的综合影响。要合理的利用水资源必须考虑多种因子的相互作用。对育性的实测表明,以水调温对防御夏季低温,提高制种纯度效果良好。  相似文献   
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