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Management of the coastal zone often focuses on “islands” of high value ecosystems, in terms of economic value or conservation. However, integrated management requires landscape-level analysis of all ecosystem values. The biodiversity portfolio analysis (BPA) method is derived from the logic used in share (equity) portfolio management in terms of balancing within a portfolio the returns with the risks. Optimising the returns from a share portfolio, or a suite of ecosystems in a landscape, is dependent on the relationship between the units in terms of risk and return. Three case studies are then presented to test the applicability of the BPA method at the international (North West Europe), regional (Durham Heritage Coast, UK) and local (part of South Uist, Outer Hebrides, UK) spatial scale. The Biodiversity Portfolio Analysis for NW Europe showed that risk and return were highly correlated in the studied Member States. The ranking of risk and return, with the highest first, was Ireland > UK > France=Netherlands > Belgium. For these Member States the risks to ecosystem service provision were positively correlated with GNI (r=0.97, P<0.01); suggesting that the higher the economic importance of coastal and marine resources in a Member State the more at risk the resources are. The regional and local case studies were more focussed on providing information on which to base Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) decision making; both case studies used stakeholder participation to determine risks and returns. The conclusions from these two case studies show how the BPA method can be useful in terms of setting ICZM priorities and in addressing local coastal issues. The BPA involves making a number of assumptions, however, it does provide coastal managers with a potential tool to strategically plan due to increased awareness of the interaction between the ecosystems in the portfolio.There is a need for such techniques, which involve stakeholder participation and which create objective outcomes, to support the implementation of ICZM.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the approach taken by several UK coastal partnerships in developing research strategies and programmes. It reports on the status of these research initiatives and describes how the co-ordination and communication of scientific research have been approached through active partnerships with universities and the wider research community. Results of semi-structured interviews are followed by in-depth case studies of research networks on the Sefton Coast (focusing on coastal morphology) and the Severn Estuary (focusing on coastal change and climate change impacts). The results reveal the constraints and opportunities that exist in bringing together a variety of knowledge holders in the coastal zone. The paper identifies key elements of these initiatives and highlights lessons that can be applied to the development of other research initiatives in order to achieve science supported, ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   
唐贵荣  王根生 《湖南地质》2001,20(4):287-290
长沙市交警支队技术综合大楼地质条件复杂,水量丰富,流砂严重,基坑施工相当困难。经采用安全可靠的“综合制导”措施处理,成为地解决了坑壁坍塌等问题,获得了建设方、质监方、设计方的好评,交警大楼竣工后被评为优良工程。  相似文献   
从麦克斯韦第一、二方程出发,经过变量替换,将二维电磁问题线性化,得到不同测点、不同浓度下关于导电率微小变化的线性方程组,用Gauss-Seidel迭代法求解。实现了整体对二维大地电磁数据的反演,由于对各个测点下的数据同时反演,克服了以往用一维方法来反演二维问题时固有的缺点,讨论了不同的初始模型对反演结果的影响,提出了一种简便实用的初始值的给定方法,数值模拟结果表明该方法有一定的抗噪能力。  相似文献   
The Central Andean gravity high, a relic of an old subduction complex?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Central Andean gravity high (CAGH) is a positive anomaly in isostatic residual gravity with its center located at the western flank of the Central Andes at about 24°S. The gravity was analyzed by various methods to draw quantitative conclusions about the sources of this anomaly and their process of formation. Methods include the analysis of the gravity gradients, power spectrum, wavelength filters, and Euler deconvolution.Numerical investigations of gravity field in the area of the CAGH indicate the presence of a dense body of nearly 400 km length and about 100–140 km width, that masses lie at varying depths between 10 and 38 km. A correlation between the location of the residual anomalies and the topographic lows in the area between the Salars de Atacama and Pipanaco is observed, which indicates the strong influence of the anomalous-causing rocks of the CAGH within the formation process of the Andean orogen. An influence of these causing bodies of rock on the trend of Holocene volcanic arc is likely. Genesis of the anomalous dense formations of rock could be traced back to Ordovician–Silurian time when a pre-Andean subduction zone is postulated in the region of northern Chile with its corresponding volcanic arc in the region of the CAGH.


El campo de gravedad alto de los Andes Centrales (CAGH) consiste en una pronunciada anomalía positiva de la gravedad isostática, cuyo centro se encuentra en el borde oeste de los Andes Centrales a los 24°S. En este estudio se analizó el campo de gravedad mediante distintos métodos, de manera de poder establecer conclusiones cuantitativas sobre el causante de esta anomalía y el proceso de formación de este causante.La investigación numérica de las anomalías gravimétricas del CAGH indica la presencia de un cuerpo de alta densidad con aproximadamente 400 km de largo y 100–140 km de ancho, que se encuentra a profundidades variables entre 10 y 38 km. Se observa una correlación entre la posición de la anomalía residual y los bajos topográficos en los areas de Salares de Atacama, Arizaro, Antofalla y Pipanaco, la cual indica una fuerte influencia de rocas productoras de la anomalía en el CAGH, dentro del proceso de formación del orógeno andino. Es probable que estos cuerpos de rocas causantes de la anomalía tengan incluso influencia en el alineamiento del arco volcánico holocénico. La generación de cuerpos de rocas con una densidad anómala puede remontarse al Ordovícico–Silúrico, tiempo para el que postula una subducción pre-Andina en la región del norte de Chile y que corresponde con el arco volcánico en la región del CAGH.  相似文献   
Interactions between surface and groundwater are a key component of the hydrologic budget on the watershed scale. Models that honor these interactions are commonly based on the conductance concept that presumes a distinct interface at the land surface, separating the surface from the subsurface domain. These types of models link the subsurface and surface domains via an exchange flux that depends upon the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient across the interface and a proportionality constant (a measure of the hydraulic connectivity). Because experimental evidence of such a distinct interface is often lacking in field systems, there is a need for a more general coupled modeling approach.  相似文献   
The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change concluded that there can be “no doubt” the economic risks of business-as-usual (BAU) climate change are “very severe” [Stern, 2006. The Economics of Climate Change. HM Treasury, London, p. 188]. The total cost of climate change was estimated to be equivalent to a one-off, permanent 5–20% loss in global mean per-capita consumption today. And the marginal damage cost of a tonne of carbon emitted today was estimated to be around $312 [p. 344]. Both of these estimates are higher than most reported in the previous literature. Subsequently, a number of critiques have appeared, arguing that discounting is the principal explanation for this discrepancy. Discounting is important, but in this paper we emphasise that how one approaches the economics of risk and uncertainty, and how one attempts to model the very closely related issue of low-probability/high-damage scenarios (which we connect to the recent discussion of ‘dangerous’ climate change), can matter just as much. We demonstrate these arguments empirically, using the same models applied in the Stern Review. Together, the issues of risk and uncertainty on the one hand, and ‘dangerous’ climate change on the other, raise very strongly questions about the limits of a welfare-economic approach, where the loss of natural capital might be irreversible and impossible to compensate. Thus we also critically reflect on the state-of-the-art in integrated assessment modelling. There will always be an imperative to carry out integrated assessment modelling, bringing together scientific ‘fact’ and value judgement systematically. But we agree with those cautioning against a literal interpretation of current estimates. Ironically, the Stern Review is one of those voices. A fixation with cost-benefit analysis misses the point that arguments for stabilisation should, and are, built on broader foundations.  相似文献   
李家  张烜  周丽丽  刘颖 《现代测绘》2007,30(1):13-15
本文介绍了在AutoCAD环境中,对椭圆和样条曲线以面积为逼近指标调整偏移距离,用B样条函数处理偏移后样条曲线的控制数据,生成多段线逼近原椭圆或样条曲线的方法.解决了房产测量和建筑设计中将椭圆和椭圆弧精确地转化为多段线的问题.  相似文献   
An integrated wavelet concept of physical geodesy   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
For the determination of the earth's gravity field many types of observations are nowadays available, including terrestrial gravimetry, airborne gravimetry, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gradio-metry, etc. The mathematical connection between these observables on the one hand and gravity field and shape of the earth on the other is called the integrated concept of physical geodesy. In this paper harmonic wavelets are introduced by which the gravitational part of the gravity field can be approximated progressively better and better, reflecting an increasing flow of observations. An integrated concept of physical geodesy in terms of harmonic wavelets is presented. Essential tools for approximation are integration formulas relating an integral over an internal sphere to suitable linear combinations of observation functionals, i.e. linear functionals representing the geodetic observables. A scale discrete version of multiresolution is described for approximating the gravitational potential outside and on the earth's surface. Furthermore, an exact fully discrete wavelet approximation is developed for the case of band-limited wavelets. A method for combined global outer harmonic and local harmonic wavelet modelling is proposed corresponding to realistic earth's models. As examples, the role of wavelets is discussed for the classical Stokes problem, the oblique derivative problem, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gravity gradiometry and combined satellite-to-satellite tracking and gradiometry. Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   
Despite the fact that Sustainable Fisheries Management (SFM) has long been proposed internationally, it remains controversial. Practical and successful applications are scarce, especially in developing countries with a recent history of massive overfishing, such as Mexico. Although SFM has been adopted at the highest level of the Mexican legal framework during the last two decades, its successful implementation still faces a series of complex challenges. At present, important changes in the Mexican political regime are at a breaking point, motivating the academic discussion about the national implications of adopting SFM approaches. Through the analysis of a series of deep interviews of key actors, combined with published material, the article illustrates how the fast-track adoption of SFM approaches has fared in a national fisheries context, the current situation being largely dysfunctional with regard to the challenges of SFM. A complicated mixture between unbeaten management and academic vestiges caused the present circumstances of an enhanced but limited fisheries system. The article proposes academic initiatives required to improve the implementation of SFM in Mexico based on an enhanced understanding of domestic historic conditions and challenges.  相似文献   
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