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In the southern part of the French Armorican massif, the Ligerian domain is located along the boundary between Gondwana and Armorica. Lithological, geochemical and structural data on the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit, which is the northern part of the Ligerian domain, allow us to distinguish two sub-units. A southern sub-unit, formed by various blocks (chert, limestone, sandstone, rhyolite, mafic rocks) of Silurian to Middle Devonian age included as olistoliths in a Middle-Late Devonian terrigeneous matrix, overthrusts a sandstone-pelite northern sub-unit. Both units experienced two deformation events. The first one is a top-to-the-NW thrusting and the second one is a left-lateral wrenching. The Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit is an accretionary prism formed during the Late Devonian closure of the Layon rift, coeval with the main phase of the Variscan orogeny. The Layon rift, which according to the mafic olistoliths was partly floored by oceanic crust, appears as a buffer structural zone that accounts for the lack in Central Brittany of any tectonic or sedimentary echo of the closure of the Medio-European Ocean. The tectonic evolution of the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit supports a polyorogenic model for this part of the Variscan Belt.  相似文献   
Geothermobarometric and geochronological work indicates a complete Eocene/early Oligocene blueschist/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Naxos Island in the Aegean Sea region. Using the average pressure–temperature (P–T) method of thermocalc coupled with detailed textural work, we separate an early blueschist facies event at 576 ± 16 to 619 ± 32°C and 15.5 ± 0.5 to 16.3 ± 0.9 kbar from a subsequent greenschist facies overprint at 384 ± 30°C and 3.8 ± 1.1 kbar. Multi‐mineral Rb–Sr isochron dating yields crystallization ages for near peak‐pressure blueschist facies assemblages between 40.5 ± 1.0 and 38.3 ± 0.5 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint commonly did not result in complete resetting of age signatures. Maximum ages for the end of greenschist facies reworking, obtained from disequilibrium patterns, cluster near c. 32 Ma, with one sample showing rejuvenation at c. 27 Ma. We conclude that the high‐P rocks from south Naxos were exhumed to upper mid‐crustal levels in the late Eocene and early Oligocene at rates of 7.4 ± 4.6 km/Ma, completing a full blueschist‐/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle soon after subduction within c. 8 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint of the blueschist facies rocks from south Naxos resulted from rapid exhumation and associated deformation/fluid‐controlled metamorphic re‐equilibration, and is unrelated to the strong high‐T metamorphism associated with the Miocene formation of the Naxos migmatite dome. It follows that the Miocene thermal overprint had no impact on rock textures or Sr isotopic signatures, and that the rocks of south Naxos underwent three metamorphic events, one more than hitherto envisaged.  相似文献   
用TRMM资料研究江淮、华南降水的微波特性   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
热带测雨卫星TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) 于1997年11月发射成功, 其首次携带了空载雷达, 有关资料已在网上对公众发布。利用热带测雨卫星上的微波成像仪TMI (TRMM Microw ave Imager) 资料以及其和测雨雷达TRMM/PR (Precipitation Radar) 资料联合反演的地面瞬时降水产品, 采用散射指数 (Is) 法从理论上探讨了我国江淮、华南降水尤其是暴雨的微波特性, 其中Is表达式通过江淮、华南晴空TMI资料统计回归得到。以联合反演的地面瞬时降水产品为真值, 用面积相当法对14个降水个例求Is降水阈值, 研究了阈值和降水面积以及85.5 GHz垂直通道最低亮温的关系, 并寻求了Is和降水的相关特征。研究表明:Is降水阈值随降水面积的增大或85.5 GHz垂直通道最低亮温的降低有增高的趋势; Is与强对流性降水瞬时雨强对应很好, Is≥60 K是一个好的暴雨指标。最后进行了初步的雨强反演试验研究, 由于TMI资料分辨率的提高以及时空配合较好的真值, 反演的地面瞬时降水与真值相关效果大大提高。  相似文献   
在713C天气雷达实时扫描资料定时存盘的基础上,713C天气雷达图即时共享系统利用.NET框架下新的图形接口技术GD I ,实现图形文件的格式转换和传输;在ASP.NET环境下,利用VB.NET开发语言,实现基于W eb服务器的雷达图像共享。  相似文献   
1901~2013年GPCC和CRU降水资料在中国大陆的适用性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1901~2013年中国大陆地区的气象台站实测降水资料,对东英吉利(East Anglia)大学气候研究中心(Climatic Research Unit,CRU)和全球降水气候中心(Global Precipitation Climatology Centre,GPCC)的降水资料分别从季节、年际和年代际尺度上进行了评估。结果表明:1961~2013年CRU与GPCC降水资料均能较准确地描述中国大陆地区的降水特征,且在东部较西部地区、夏季较冬季与站点实测降水情况更为一致。将中国大陆划分为不同区域并在其季节、年际和年代际时间尺度上通过比较降水偏差绝对值的百分比、均方根误差和相关系数等统计量后发现:CRU在青藏高原和其它较大的山脉附近与站点实测降水的差别较大,且年均降水趋势在西北一带的阿尔金山脉、黄土高原、东南地区和长江下游地区,比实测降水的年均趋势小、甚至出现趋势相反的情况。此外,CRU降水的年代际变化趋势也偏小。而GPCC数据不论是降水量还是降水趋势都更接近实际情况。在1901~1961年,通过与65个长期气象观测站点的降水时间序列比较发现,CRU在110°E以西地区与站点观测的降水资料间的差别较大,而GPCC与站点观测资料的吻合较好。最后,利用1961~2013年两套降水资料和站点实测资料分别计算了标准化降水指数(SPI),简单分析了中国大陆地区的干旱变化,发现GPCC对旱涝的时空变化特征的描述比CRU更接近站点实际观测;并且CRU也没有反映出1997年夏季中国地区出现的严重干旱情况,而GPCC较为准确地反映出了这一干旱事件特征。因此,本文的研究结果认为,就中国大陆地区长时期降水资料而言,GPCC的适用性优于CRU。  相似文献   
ChinaisoneOfthecountrieswhichsufferfromthemostserioussoilerosionintheworld,andthehillyandgullyareasof~PlateauinthemiddlereachesOftheYellowRiverarethemostseriouserosionareainChina.Inthisarea,themainerosivefactorsarerainfallandrunoff.Sometimes,thesedimentyieldinasinglefloodeventcanbe40%oftheannualsedimentload.Therefore,itisveryimPOrtanttostudytheyieldandgraphOfSedimentOfsinglefindevent.Forthispn~,thispaperiswritten.AInongsedimentmodelsforsinglefloodevent,moreandmoreattentionwaspaidtOunitse…  相似文献   
Brush Creek drains a 76·1 km2 watershed within urban Kansas City, Missouri and eastern Kansas. A concrete-lined reach trending 6·1 km through the Plaza District of Kansas City, Missouri has been the focus for several major floods over the past ten years. Channel geometry, slope, and floodwater elevations were determined in the field for segments of the concrete-lined section of Brush Creek for a flood event that occurred on September 18, 1986. Discharge was computed by indirect methods and compared to a value determined from a rating curve established by the Water Resources Division of the U.S.G.S. Boundary shear stress, unit stream power, and average velocity were also computed in order to establish a quantitative relationship between sediment distribution, volume, and size fractions; and flow dynamics operating throughout the channel during this event. Boundary shear stress ranged from 91-96 Nm?2, stream power was 528-557 Wm?2, while average velocity was 5-8 ms?1. These values were sufficient to displace concrete slabs as large as 5 m long by 4·6 m wide by 0·23 m thick weighing an estimated 12 245 kg. As the channel was sediment free and unsecured prior to the flood, the distribution of deposits and subsequent channel scour provide valuable evidence for potentially hazardous sections of this urban stream.  相似文献   
Recognizing that simple watershed conceptual models such as the Nash cascade ofn equal linear reservoirs continue to be reasonable means to approximate the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH), it is natural to accept that random errors generated by climatological variability of data used in fitting an imprecise conceptual model will produce an IUH which is random itself. It is desirable to define the random properties of the IUH in a watershed in order to have a more realistic hydrologic application of this important function. Since in this case the IUH results from a series of differential equations where one or more of the uncertain parameters is treated in stochastic terms, then the statistical properties of the IUH are best described by the solution of the corresponding Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE's). This article attempts to present a methodology to derive the IUH in a small watershed by combining a classical conceptual model with the theory of SDE's. The procedure is illustrated with the application to the Middle Thames River, Ontario, Canada, and the model is verified by the comparison of the simulated statistical measures of the IUH with the corresponding observed ones with good agreement.  相似文献   
孕震系统宏观层次的单元体应力水平群体涨落模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孕震系统是一个开放的复杂巨统统,系统具有层次结构。因此应分层次建立孕震系统的力学模型。作者从地球整体现出发,提出了单元体应力水平群体涨落模型,该模型为孕震系统宏观层次上的力学模型。这一模型可以作为几个地震带或几个地块内,地震活动频度、相关转移、时空分布及各类定点观测手段异常台项数群体涨落、时空转移、震后异常等研究的物理基础。  相似文献   
Estimating overland flow erosion capacity using unit stream power   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil erosion caused by water flow is a complex problem. Both empirical and physically based approaches were used for the estimation of surface erosion rates. Their applications are mainly limited to experimental areas or laboratory studies. The maximum sediment concentration overland flow can carry is not considered in most of the existing surface erosion models. The lack of erosion capacity limitation may cause over estimations of sediment concentration. A correlation analysis is used in this study to determine significant factors that impact surface erosion capacity. The result shows that the unit stream power is the most dominant factor for overland flow erosion which is consistent with experimental data. A bounded regression formula is used to reflect the limits that sediment concentration cannot be less than zero nor greater than a maximum value. The coefficients used in the model are calibrated using published laboratory data. The computed results agree with laboratory data very well. A one dimensional overland flow diffusive wave model is used in conjunction with the developed soil erosion equation to simulate field experimental results. This study concludes that the non-linear regression method using unit stream power as the dominant factor performs well for estimating overland flow erosion capacity.  相似文献   
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