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Based on an environmental geochemistry case study carried out in the neighbourhood of a W–Sn abandoned mine, the pollution in stream sediments was modelled through a Global Contamination Index. Such an index permits one to summarize the combination of deleterious elements in a single variable, obtained by the projection of samples onto the first axis of a PCASD (Principal Components Analysis of Standardized Data) applied to the entire n × p matrix containing the available concentrations of p = 16 elements in the set of n = 220 collected samples.In order to provide a sound basis for a coherent planning of the remediation process which will be put in operation in the affected area, it is necessary to balance the costs of reclaiming with the probabilities of exceeding the upper limits accepted for concentrations of environmentally harmful elements in sediments. Given these limits, they are back-transformed in the index values, providing a practical threshold between ‘clean’ and ‘contaminated’ samples. On the other hand, the minimum dimension of the cell to be reclaimed is restrained by the selected remediation process to be applied in the affected area. Hence, to meet the constraints of such a remediation process, it is required to estimate the probabilities of exceeding the index threshold in technologically meaningful sub-areas. For this end, the Indicator Block Kriging technique was applied, producing a series of maps where sub-areas to be reclaimed can be spotted for different probability levels. These maps, on which the decision making remediation agency can rely for its cost-benefit analysis, take into account both the spatial structure of ‘clean’ vs. ‘contaminated’ samples and the constraints of the reclaiming process.  相似文献   
陈庆 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):476-480
石门坎—保和地区位于云南个旧多金属成矿区西南部,成矿背景复杂,成矿作用具有多期性和多样性。利用研究区1∶1万土壤化探数据,采用泛克里格法和因子分析相结合的方法,提取不同层次的成矿异常信息。结果表明:主因子F_3包含Mo-Au-Sb等元素,反映成矿过程中的岩体和热液相关信息;主因子F_4包含Sn-Bi-W元素,指示中低温热液矿化环境; Sb沿杨家田断裂呈串珠状分布,反映了由北东向构造控制的空间变化特征,与已知矿点对应良好; Sn元素异常在研究区北部呈双峰状环形分布,推测受隐伏岩体或者断层控制。根据元素组合异常F_3和F_4的分布规律,结合地质资料圈定出2个找矿靶区,为进一步找矿工作提供了方向。  相似文献   
开门德廷铜多金属矿位于那拉提铜镍金铁成矿带内,发育于斜长花岗斑岩体外接触带上,围岩蚀变由矿体向外发育绢英岩化、青磐岩化、硅化,矿体发育于绢英岩化带内.通过对矿体原生晕特征研究,确立矿体原生晕分带序列.矿体原生晕R型因子模型分析显示为多期热液成矿作用,与典型斑岩矿床因子特征一致.由此建立了矿体指示元素组合评价指标,有利于预测深部盲矿体.  相似文献   
Triple diagram method for the prediction of wave height and period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many formulations have been developed so far to predict the wave height and period from fetch length and wind blowing duration for a constant wind speed. This study aimed to predict wave parameters from fetch length and meteorological factors by using triple diagram methodology based on Kriging principles. Proposed model results were compared with Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) model which is used so commonly in the ocean and coastal engineering studies. For the implementation of the methodology hourly wave and wind data were obtained from a buoy located in Lake Ontario. Numerical and graphical comparisons demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms the classical formulation.  相似文献   
The mapping of saline soils is the first task before any reclamation effort. Reclamation is based on the knowledge of soil salinity in space and how it evolves with time. Soil salinity is traditionally determined by soil sampling and laboratory analysis. Recently, it became possible to complement these hard data with soft secondary data made available using field sensors like electrode probes. In this study, we had two data sets. The first includes measurements of field salinity (ECa) at 413 locations and 19 time instants. The second, which is a subset of the first (13 to 20 locations), contains, in addition to ECa, salinity determined in the laboratory (EC2.5). Based on a procedure of cross-validation, we compared the prediction performance in the space-time domain of 3 methods: kriging using either only hard data (HK) or hard and mid interval soft data (HMIK), and Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) using probabilistic soft data. We found that BME was less biased, more accurate and giving estimates, which were better correlated with the observed values than the two kriging techniques. In addition, BME allowed one to delineate with better detail saline from non-saline areas.  相似文献   
The sequential algorithm is widely used to simulate Gaussian random fields. However, a rigorous application of this algorithm is impractical and some simplifications are required, in particular a moving neighborhood has to be defined. To examine the effect of such restriction on the quality of the realizations, a reference case is presented and several parameters are reviewed, mainly the histogram, variogram, indicator variograms, as well as the ergodic fluctuations in the first and second-order statistics. The study concludes that, even in a favorable case where the simulated domain is large with respect to the range of the model, the realizations may poorly reproduce the second-order statistics and be inconsistent with the stationarity and ergodicity assumptions. Practical tips such as the multiple-grid strategy do not overcome these impediments. Finally, extending the original algorithm by using an ordinary kriging should be avoided, unless an intrinsic random function model is sought after.  相似文献   
恒河-雅鲁藏布江流域雪线场的建立及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用冰川编目最新数据资料,计算恒河-雅鲁藏布江冰川平均高度(Hme)与测量雪线(ELAh)之间的回归方程,发现冰川系统越大,样本数越多,则相关性越好,从而建立大系统的回归方程计算系统内所有冰川样点的计算雪线高度(ELAhc).对所求得的ELAhc采用10’×10’的格网覆盖区域,对格网内样点的经纬度和计算雪线高度进行算术平均,用Kriging插值生成一定间隔的雪线分布图,即雪线高度场.把所得结果与该区域已有研究对比,发现它除具有共同的基本规律外,还更能体现出西藏南部雪线场的详尽分布规律,如全流域从下游向上游按照平均雪线高度的大小可以分为4个区,不同区域的雪线分布反映了影响区域雪线分布的主导因素.此方法可应用于其它已进行冰川编目的地区,也可建立不同尺度的温度场、积累场、降水场等冰川特征值场.  相似文献   
为提高Kriging近似模型在船舶结构性能多维度响应预测方面的适用性,对常规Kriging近似模型进行分区间泛化改进:一是对设计样本点的各个维度(分量)进行划区,并在每一个分区间内采用最优拉丁超立方(OLhd)取样;二是引入比例系数w1组合高斯与指数型相关函数提高模型对数据的泛化能力,从而在每个划分的区间内建立泛化的Kriging近似模型。通过SCH测试函数,验证了构造的分区间泛化Kriging模型有效性。结合参数化建模和改进Kriging近似模型对某过渡肘板和舱口角隅边界进行形状优化,优化第一阶段由改进的近似模型通过多岛遗传算法得到全局初步的最优解,第二阶段在初步解的基础上缩小优化变量范围,由少量的FEM计算即可在小范围内搜寻到精确的最优设计变量。结果表明:分区间泛化Kriging近似模型在预测多维度响应时较常规Kriging模型预测精度更高;分阶段的形状优化流程在保证极小误差和缩小计算成本的情况下能够得到理想的应力分布和重量优化结果,有助于船舶结构的轻量化研究。  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial rainfall patterns were analysed to describe the distribution of daily rainfall across a medium‐sized (379km2) tropical catchment. Investigations were carried out to assess whether a climatological variogram model was appropriate for mapping rainfall taking into consideration the changing rainfall characteristics through the wet season. Exploratory, frequency and moving average analyses of 30 years' daily precipitation data were used to describe the reliability and structure of the rainfall regime. Four phases in the wet season were distinguished, with the peak period (mid‐August to mid‐September) representing the wettest period. A low‐cost rain gauge network of 36 plastic gauges with overflow reservoirs was installed and monitored to obtain spatially distributed rainfall data. Geostatistical techniques were used to develop global and wet season phase climatological variograms. The unscaled climatological variograms were cross‐validated and compared using a range of rainfall events. Ordinary Kriging was used as the interpolation method. The global climatological variogram performed better, and was used to optimize the number and location of rain gauges in the network. The research showed that although distinct wet season phases could be established based on the temporal analysis of daily rainfall characteristics, the interpolation of daily rainfall across a medium‐sized catchment based on spatial analysis was better served by using the global rather than the wet season phase climatological variogram model. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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