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董岳  滕辉  邱云  林新宇 《海洋学报》2022,44(6):37-47
本文主要利用1958–2016年GECCO2等资料通过超前/滞后相关分析方法,分析了南印度洋海表温度距平(SSTA)冬季−冬季重现的时空特征,并探讨了海洋和大气强迫对其形成的贡献。结果显示,SSTA冬季−冬季重现主要发生在南印度洋15ºS以南海域,特别是在马达加斯加岛至澳大利亚西南部之间的海域(15º~45ºS,70º~100ºE)重现信号最为显著。重现信号除了主要发生在次年冬季外,在部分海域重现信号发生较早,可在次年秋季发生并持续至随后的冬季。进一步分析表明,混合层深度冬深夏浅的变化(即海洋重现机制)是研究海域SSTA冬季重现的主因。另外,在马达加斯加岛南部海域和澳大利亚西南部海域海面净热通量对SSTA的重现也有直接的贡献。  相似文献   
利用西藏高原地区1987-2016年的逐月夏季降水资料和印度洋偶极子指数资料分析了两者的关系,结果表明:高原地区盛夏降水与表征西印度洋异常海温的西极子指数表现出良好的相关关系,在西极子指数正异常年时高原降水偏多10%~30%,其中高原中部偏多最为显著,而在负异常年时与之相反。分析其机理研究发现,在正西极子异常年,南海和西太暖池区域的深对流加强、西太副高偏西偏南和印度热低压的减弱使得来自热带的水汽更容易深入高原腹地,其次,南亚高压东体异常增强,配合低空异常辐合,都使得高原降水偏多。同时,高原上空局地纬圈环流在高原中部(90°E附近)上空(400 hPa以上)有异常辐合上升区,使得高原中部更容易发展暖湿切变线、高原低涡等中尺度涡旋低值系统,造成更多的降水。本研究从高原气候变化响应海洋年际变化的角度分析了区域降水的季节差异,可以为高原气候预测提供新的思路。  相似文献   
Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation(BSISO) of lower tropospheric ozone is observed in the Indian summer monsoon(ISM) region on the basis of ERA-Interim reanalysis data and ozonesonde data from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre. The 30–60-day intraseasonal variation of lower-tropospheric ozone shows a northwest–southeast pattern with northeastward propagation in the ISM region. The most significant ozone variations are observed in the Maritime Continent and western North Pacific. In the tropics, ozone anomalies extend from the surface to 300 hPa; however, in extratropical areas, it is mainly observed under 500 hPa. Precipitation caused by BSISO plays a dominant role in modulating the BSISO of lower-tropospheric ozone in the tropics, causing negative/positive ozone anomalies in phases 1–3/5–6. As the BSISO propagates northeastward to the western North Pacific, horizontal transport becomes relatively more important, increasing/reducing tropospheric ozone via anticyclonic/cyclonic anomalies over the western North Pacific in phases 3–4/7–8.As two extreme conditions of the ISM, most of its active/break events occur in BSISO phases 4–7/1–8 when suppressed/enhanced convection appears over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean and enhanced/suppressed convection appears over India, the Bay of Bengal, and the South China Sea. As a result, the BSISO of tropospheric ozone shows significant positive/negative anomalies over the Maritime Continent, as well as negative/positive anomalies over India, the Bay of Bengal,and the South China Sea in active/break spells of the ISM. This BSISO of tropospheric ozone is more remarkable in break spells than in active spells of the ISM, due to the stronger amplitude of BSISO in the former.  相似文献   
利用美国联合台风警报中心JTWC发布的自1972年以来的北印度洋风暴数据,美国国家环境预测中心和国家大气研究中心NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料和日本气象厅JMA月平均海表面温度SST资料,分析了初夏4、5月孟加拉湾风暴活动与前期印度洋海温的关系。结果表明:4、5月孟加拉湾TS活动与前期1—3月澳大利亚以西海域海温呈显著的负相关,即冬末春初海温偏高时,4、5月孟加拉湾(简称孟湾,下同)TS爆发偏少、爆发时间偏晚或者不发生;而关键区海温偏低时,如果30°S以北的印度洋海温稍偏冷(暖),而西南印度洋和东南印度洋海温则稍偏暖(冷),则初夏孟湾TS不爆发(多发、早发)。进一步分析显示由东南印度洋海温偏高(低),引起的局地环流变化导致了马斯克林高压偏弱(强),从而引起东半球越赤道气流偏弱(强),是初夏孟湾TS爆发晚(早)、不(多)发生的可能的主要原因。而且,当索马里越赤道气流和新几内亚越赤道气流存在弱的反位相协同变化时,对孟湾TS有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
Although the identification of the moisture sources of a region is of prominent importance to characterize precipitation, the origin and amount of moisture towards the Indian Subcontinent and its relationship with the occurrence of precipitation are still not completely understood. In this article, the origin of the atmospheric water arriving to the Western and Southern India during a period of 5 years (1 January 2000–31 December 2004) is investigated by using a Lagrangian diagnosis method. This methodology computes budgets of evaporation minus precipitation by calculating changes in the specific humidity of thousands of air particles aimed to the study area following the observed winds. During the summer monsoon, the main supply of moisture is the Somali Jet, which crosses the equator by the West Indian Ocean. The recycling process is the main water vapour source in winter. Two additional moisture sources located over northwestern India and the Bay of Bengal are identified. A 30% increase in the moisture flux from the Indian Ocean has been related to the occurrence of strong precipitation in the area, and at the end of the monsoon, the recycling became a significant contribution to the last part of the wet season of Western and Southern India. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Kohistan–Ladakh Arc in the Himalaya–Karakoram region represents a complete section of an oceanic arc where the rocks from mantle to upper crustal levels are exposed. Generally this arc was regarded as of Jurassic–Cretaceous age and was welded to Asia and India by Northern and Southern Sutures respectively. Formation of this arc, timings of its collisions with Asia and India, and position of collision boundaries have always been controversial. Most authors consider that the arc collided with Asia first during 102–75 Ma and then with India during 55–50 Ma, whereas others suggest that the arc collided with India first at or before 61 Ma, and then the India–arc block collided with Asia ca 50 Ma. Recently published models of the later group leave several geological difficulties such as an extremely rapid drifting rate of the Indian Plate (30 ± 5 cm/year) northwards between 61–50 Ma, absence of a large ophiolite sequence and accretionary wedge along the Northern Suture, obduction of ophiolites and blueschists along the Southern Suture, and the occurrence of a marine depositional environment older than 52 Ma in the Indian Plate rocks south of the Southern Suture. We present a review based on geochemical, stratigraphic, structural, and paleomagnetic data to show that collision of the arc with Asia happened first and with India later.  相似文献   
The northeastern sector of the Rub' al-Khali desert in the eastern United Arab Emirates (UAE) is dominated by large NE-SW trending dune ridges orientated perpendicular to the currently prevailing northwesterly wind regime. In this study, extensive use has been made of artificially exposed sections through these major dune ridges that reveal internal sedimentary structures and allow an intensive, high-resolution sampling programme to be carried out. Here, we present the optical dating results for samples from 7 sections. The results indicate that dune activity and preservation occurred within the periods 7-3 ka, 16-10 ka and 22-20 ka with evidence of earlier preservation during marine oxygen isotope stages MIS 3 and 5, with net accumulation rates in the range 2.2-25 m.ka− 1. In several instances, hiatuses in the preserved record of dune accumulation coincide with stratigraphic bounding surfaces visible in the exposed section profiles with associated truncation of internal sedimentary structures. Caution must be exercised when interpreting such gaps in the recorded accumulation chronologies of these dunes since these may simply constitute phases of low preservation potential rather than phases of low aeolian activity. Other factors such as sediment supply and availability in relation to sea-level dynamics may be significant and are also considered.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic phytoplankton such as diatoms and prymnesiophytes produce biogenic halocarbons in the ocean that serve as important sources of chlorine and bromine to the atmosphere, but the role of cyanobacteria in halocarbon production is not well established. We studied distributions of chloroform (CHCl3), carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), methylene bromide (CH2Br2) and bromoform (CHBr3) in relation to phytoplankton composition, determined from pigment analysis complemented by microscopic examination, for one month in coastal waters of the eastern Arabian that experienced a Trichodesmium bloom that typically occurs during the Spring Intermonsoon season. High concentrations of zeaxanthin (23 μg l−1), alpha beta betacarotene (6 μg l−1) and chlorophyll a (67 μg l−1) were found within the bloom whereas the marker pigment concentrations were low outside the bloom. CHCl3 and CCl4 occurred in relatively high concentrations in surface waters whereas CH2Br2 and CHBr3 were restricted to the subsurface layer. Chlorinated halocarbons were positively inter-correlated and with CHBr3. The observed spatial and temporal trends in brominated compounds appear to be related to the abundance of Trichodesmium although correlations between concentrations of brominated compounds with various marker pigments were poor and statistically non-significant. The results support the existence of multiple sources and sinks of halogenated compounds, which might obscure the relationship between halocarbons and phytoplankton composition.  相似文献   
中南半岛是亚洲南部的三大半岛之一,是东南亚重要的组成部分。其中的缅甸、老挝、越南与中国有接壤。在世界联系日益紧密的大背景下,中南半岛作为我国“三环外交”中第一环的一个重要环节,由于其特殊地理位置,丰富的自然资源,使中国与中南半岛具有区域合作、国家安全等诸方面的地缘战略考虑。  相似文献   
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