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The solar atmosphere displays a wide variety of dynamic phenomena driven by the interaction of magnetic fields and plasma. In particular, plasma jets in the solar chromosphere and corona, coronal heating, solar flares and coronal mass ejections all point to the presence of magnetic phenomena such as reconnection, flux cancellation, the formation of magnetic islands, and plasmoids. While we can observe the signatures and gross features of such phenomena we cannot probe the essential physics driving them, given the spatial resolution of current instrumentation. Flexible and well-controlled laboratory experiments, scaled to solar parameters, open unique opportunities to reproduce the relevant unsteady phenomena under various simulated solar conditions. The ability to carefully control these parameters in the laboratory allows one to diagnose the dynamical processes which occur and to apply the knowledge gained to the understanding of similar processes on the Sun, in addition directing future solar observations and models. This talk introduces the solar phenomena and reviews the contributions made by laboratory experimentation.  相似文献   
长期以来,研究者在探讨土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解及修复过程中,缺乏简便有效的手段对化合物的降解动态进行定量研究。前人尝试用投加实验、对比采用降解措施前后污染物的浓度变化、模型计算等方法研究PAHs的降解过程,其结果常互相矛盾,或不能真实反映复杂的实际环境。本文应用单体碳同位素技术对农田土壤中多环芳烃的植物降解过程进行定量表征,采集了某地农田表土作为供试土壤,选择玉米作为供试作物,开展了作物对土壤中PAHs降解及消除过程的研究。气相色谱-质谱分析结果表明,培养所用的玉米原始土及分4批收集的空白土、根际土、非根际土样品中16种PAHs的浓度总和(∑PAHs)平均分别为380.8 ng/g、(281.5±34.7) ng/g、(272.2±11.6) ng/g和(299.8±37.9) ng/g;玉米生长期间,各土壤样品 的∑PAHs均比原始土壤有所下降,但除3环化合物(苊烯、苊、芴、菲、蒽)外,其他化合物并未随玉米的生长表现出显著趋势。与玉米根、叶倾向于富集低环PAHs化合物相对应,可以判断植物对土壤中的低环化合物去除作用最为显著。各采样时期玉米根际土、非根际土和空白土壤样品中多环芳烃单体化合物的碳同位素分馏值(δ13C)在-34.31‰~-23.95‰之间,且除芘外的其他化合物的δ13C值随时间呈现逐步变轻的趋势,波动值位于-0.6‰~-9.0‰之间;本文对于PAHs单体化合物,尤其是4、5环化合物,在玉米降解过程中的碳同位素分馏与浓度变化之间未发现明显关系。考虑3环以下的PAHs化合物更倾向于被降解和清除,且其碳、氢同位素分馏情况更容易被观察到,因此稳定同位素分析更有助于探明该类单体多环芳烃污染物在环境中的迁移、转化规律。  相似文献   
罗志才  周浩  钟波  李琼 《地球物理学报》2015,58(9):3061-3071
考虑到不同坐标系下各个方向观测值对反演地球重力场的频谱贡献不同,建立了顾及多方向观测值权比的动力积分法,并利用该方法反演了高精度的GOCE HL-SST卫星重力场模型.首先,分析了不同坐标系下各个方向观测值与地球重力场信息的响应关系,其中惯性系(IRF)下X、Z方向的观测值分别对扇谐系数、带谐系数最为敏感,Z方向的解算精度在全频段均略高于X、Y方向;地固系(EFRF)下各个方向的独立解算精度均与能量守恒法的解算精度相当;局部指北坐标系(LNOF)下X、Z和Y三个方向的解算精度依次递减,且Y方向在47阶附近有明显"驼峰"现象.其次,比较了不同坐标系下顾及三个方向观测值权比的加权解算模型,其中加权联合解算模型精度在20至70阶次均明显优于等权解算模型,在带谐项和共振阶次精度提升明显,且LNOF下的加权联合解算精度要优于IRF和EFRF.最后,比较了GOCE和CHAMP卫星的模型解算精度,采用本文计算方法,仅利用2个月GOCE轨道观测值解算的模型精度优于包含更长观测时段信息的AIUB-CHAMP01S和EIGEN-CHAMP03S模型,且略优于ASU-GOCE-2months模型.  相似文献   
苏北沿岸流对浒苔暴发及漂移过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢健  张启龙  李安春 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):83-89
根据2009年5月的温度、盐度和溶解氧观测数据,应用"对应分析法"对水团的分布范围和特性进行了分析,并探讨了苏北沿岸流对浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)暴发及漂移过程的影响。结果表明,春季苏北沿岸流向东南流动过程中,可以将海水中悬浮的浒苔繁殖体向南输运至长江冲淡水与苏北沿岸流交汇处,此处的浒苔繁殖体在适宜的条件下生长繁殖。在夏季风的作用下,长江口北部的浒苔与苏北沿岸海域的浒苔,随表层海流向北漂移,在地球偏转力作用下,漂移路径不断向右偏转,并最终在山东半岛南部海域聚集堆积。苏北沿岸流在浒苔暴发初期将繁殖体输送到条件适宜的生长区,并对浒苔向北漂移起到了重要作用。长江冲淡水向北扩展范围的增大对于浒苔的生长和繁殖起到了促进作用。查明浒苔扩散路径及输运机制不仅具有重要环境意义,而且对深入了解沿岸和河口区泥沙及污染物的扩散和输运机制具有指示作用。  相似文献   
Earth System Models (ESMs) are fundamental tools for understanding climate-carbon feedback. An ESM version of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS) was recently developed within the IPCC AR5 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) modeling framework, and we describe the development of this model through the coupling of a dynamic global vegetation and terrestrial carbon model with FGOALS-s2. The performance of the coupled model is evaluated as follows. The simulated global total terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) is 124.4 PgC yr-I and net pri- mary production (NPP) is 50.9 PgC yr-1. The entire terrestrial carbon pools contain about 2009.9 PgC, comprising 628.2 PgC and 1381.6 PgC in vegetation and soil pools, respectively. Spatially, in the tropics, the seasonal cycle of NPP and net ecosystem production (NEP) exhibits a dipole mode across the equator due to migration of the monsoon rainbelt, while the seasonal cycle is not so significant in Leaf Area Index (LAI). In the subtropics, especially in the East Asian monsoon region, the seasonal cycle is obvious due to changes in temperature and precipitation from boreal winter to summer. Vegetation productivity in the northern mid-high latitudes is too low, possibly due to low soil moisture there. On the interannual timescale, the terrestrial ecosystem shows a strong response to ENSO. The model- simulated Nifio3.4 index and total terrestrial NEP are both characterized by a broad spectral peak in the range of 2-7 years. Further analysis indicates their correlation coefficient reaches -0.7 when NEP lags the Nifio3.4 index for about 1-2 months.  相似文献   
禹城沙地水分动态规律及其影响因子   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
冯起  高前兆 《中国沙漠》1995,15(2):151-157
通过对禹城沙河地沙土土壤水分动态监测,分析其土壤水分剖面变化,得出本沙地土壤水分动态变化规律:依据降水、植被、地下水和土壤将土壤水分垂直剖面划分为表层0-10m或0-20cm干沙层,20-40cm土壤水分变化剧烈层,40-80cm土壤水分活跃层,80-120cm以下土壤水分深部稳定层;沙地土壤水分随季节变化划分为,春季水分变化较微──弱失水阶段,夏季水分剧烈变化──降水补给阶段,秋季水分变化缓慢——失水阶段,冬季水分变化较微弱──调整阶段。  相似文献   
黄光明  侯鹏飞  江冶 《江苏地质》2013,37(1):159-168
介绍了20世纪80年代末以来WDXRF和EDXRF在我国土壤岩石检测领域的应用情况,包括样品的前处理中的薄样制样,粉末压片法制样和溶融法制样3种主要的样品前处理技术,同时介绍了样品基体效应、元素间吸收-增强效应、谱线干扰的处理方法,简单介绍了便携式荧光仪在土壤、岩石分析中的应用以及X射线荧光仪及其测定技术的应用发展。  相似文献   
地震前兆含义,科学问题与研究途径的研讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
张肇诚  王贵宣 《地震》1997,17(4):429-439
地震前兆的研究已经取得了很大的进展,地震前兆的复杂性引起了广泛的关注,对地震预报、有关科学问题和探索途径的研究现状及其前景有各种评价。文章认为由于一些科学问题没有解决,尽管对中缅边境1995年7月连7.3级地震作出了成功预报,经验性预报有一定的局限性,文中讨论了广义地震前兆和狭义地震前兆,广义地震前兆包含二类前兆:场兆和源兆;而狭义前兆仅指后者。大陆震例前兆的系统研究证实了广义地震前兆的存在,然而  相似文献   
湿地生态补偿是指由湿地环境受益主体补偿给湿地生态服务的生产者与提供者。沉湖湿地自然保护区是武汉市目前唯一的省级湿地自然保护区,是浅湖和沼泽湿地草甸相连续的湿地生态系统。在对沉湖湿地的生态功能和生态补偿必要性分析的基础上,开展了生态补偿的前期调查,对沉湖湿地补偿原则、范围、对象、标准、资金来源等提出一些想法,以供探讨。  相似文献   
On the basis of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA), and considering the moderate intrusion of specific block boundaries to different extents, the first-order block motion model is established for the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) block and the kinematical model for depicting deformation of small regions as well by using GPS observations of three periods (1991, 1999 and 2001). By simulating, we obtained the motion features of the firstorder blocks between the large WWN faults on the sides of the studied region, the distribution features of the principal strain rate field and the inhomogeneous motion features with spacetime of the faults in the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block.  相似文献   
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