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Research into the music industry has for a long time been almost exclusively dominated by a focus on the production of albums and songs. In recent years, however, cities such as Stockholm have seen the growth of a profitable and varied music services industry producing everything from remixes to music marketing strategies. Standing at the forefront of this growth industry are a large number of firms attempting to combine in innovative ways music and ICT. This can take a variety of forms, for instance: selling and distributing music over the internet; web design and computerised advertising services tailored to music products; software design focused on multimedia products and virtual instruments; high-tech post-production and mixing services; and virtual centres and communities of music industry actors. The article will examine these activities within the city in attempt to measure the direction and cohesiveness of the emerging sector. The article concludes by arguing that these type of new industrial synergies tell us much about the way industrial innovations are formed in an interindustry and inter-cluster environment, and the future competitiveness and shape of the music industry. In particular, the article argues that evidence from Stockholm points to the emergence of a post-industrial musical economy.  相似文献   
以互联网技术为代表的新信息与通信技术已经重构了时空关系,其中网络空间对传统时空观的颠覆最为典型。网络空间的地理研究包括外部、内部与相互作用三个层面。在界定网络空间的空间归属前提下,提出了其物质性构建的体系框架,并在此基础上进一步分析了其外部物质层面所蕴含的地理内涵。研究表明:网络空间的本质是一个由信息组成的虚拟空间,其既属于社会空间,也在地理空间研究范畴内;信息基础设施、网民、建设与管理实体是构建网络空间的三大物质性组分,也是进行网络空间外部层面地理学研究的主要对象;网络空间构建的物质基础在地点与地理位置、距离与尺度、障碍与边界、区域与区域分异等传统地理关注领域仍具有重要地理意义;城市本身演变为了信息城市甚至是智慧城市,且其与信息基础设施一起成为城市网络分析的新要素;网络空间制图是帮助我们理解和认知网络空间地理涵义的关键环节。  相似文献   
Interpersonal sharing of food has been an omnipresent feature of human civilisation from hunter-gatherer societies to the present, both as a mechanism through which sustenance is secured and as a means to cement social relations. While the evolutionary dynamism of this food sharing is relatively well documented, critical scholarship has tended to examine contemporary food sharing practices beyond family and friends through case studies of individual initiatives. A broader view of food sharing practices is absent. In addition, there has been little examination of the role that emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) are having on food sharing, despite claims that such technologies offer transformative potential to achieve more secure, sustainable and just food systems. In response, this paper presents a novel landscape level analysis of more than 4000 ICT-mediated urban food sharing activities operating across 100 cities in six continents. Adopting conceptual insights from the intersection of social and economic practice-oriented approaches, the resulting foodsharing database progresses understanding of, and makes visible, the ways in which food (and food-related skills, stuff and spaces) is being shared across diverse urban settings. To conclude, it is argued that the database plays an important productive and performative role in mapping and comparing diverse food sharing economies. Importantly, it provides a springboard for further explanatory research to fine-tune our understanding of the evolution, governance and sustainability potential of urban food sharing.  相似文献   
X射线ICT能谱硬化的校正研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论X射线ICT中,由于X射线束的非单色性而引起的能谱硬化问题,这种能谱硬化应该被校正,从实验中,我们获得了校正曲线,并给出了相应的数学模型,我们建议采用了专门的软件来进行这种校正。  相似文献   
信息化在区域经济发展特别是老工业基地改造中的作用问题是信息地理学关注的焦点之一。在初步分析了信息化可促进老工业基地产业结构优化和区域空间重组的角色后,通过世界上较成功的德国鲁尔区、法国洛林区和英国东北部的老工业区改造实践.具体展示了信息化在振兴老工业基地中的重要作用。研究表明.以信息化提升传统产业并积极发展信息产业是推动老工业基地产业转型成功的重要动力.但信息化不能完全解决老工业基地难题.它只是其中最重要的一环而不是全部.  相似文献   
The development of information and communications technologies (ICT) has facilitated the emergence of a complex global urban system in which many formerly lower-order cities have been carving out “niche” specialist functions serving urban fields of transnational dimension. This is illustrated in the case of Dublin, which in recent years has been transcending its traditional role as Ireland’s national metropolis through the development of a range of functions servicing mainly European markets. One such function comprises pan-European telephone call centre operations. The development and characteristics of this newly-emerging sector are described. It is argued that the growth of the sector confirms Dublin’s — and Ireland’s — dependent position in the international division of labour, and that its long-term sustainability is open to question.  相似文献   
高能X射线工业CT关键技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们在现有的HLRT-1型高低能X射线通用实时X射线图像处理系统成熟的基础上,参考国外工业CT领域的研究经验,对实现高能X射线工业CT成像的方法进行了研究,并且已经取得了阶段性的进展。目前,我们使用的射线源是X射线、25Mev的电子感应加速器及9Mev直线加速器,在下一步的研究中,我们将准备向低能X射线工业CT方向发展,力图研制出高低能通用的工业CT系统。  相似文献   
在工业X射线CT检测系统中,当对某一物体进行检测的时候,系统中的载物台机架会进行不断的旋转,在旋转过程中,机架将会伴随有机械径跳,径跳会影响到探测器接收到的光子数,最后对投影数据有一定的影响,进而影响重建出的物体图像。本文主要分析了载物台机架发生机械径跳的原因,以及径跳对探测器接收X射线光子的影响;在对以上原因进行分析的基础上,提出了在考虑CT机架径跳时的CT投影公式,并对这一投影进行仿真。  相似文献   
针对ICT图像序列,研究了基于Facet模型和基于矩的亚体素表面检测算法,并通过引入基于Otsu的阈值分割预处理环节,大大减少了待处理体素的数目,在很大程度上提高了原始算法的处理速度。最后在对航空发动机叶片仿真数据的实验中,对比了算法处理效果,结果表明两算法检测精度均可达1/5个像素以内,预处理环节的引入可将原始算法速度提高约4倍。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,信息技术的蓬勃发展对全球的社会经济活动及其空间过程产生了深刻的影响。其中,尤其值得地理学家关注的是,各个国家和地区的信息化发展水平(尤其是信息技术基础设施)的空间不均衡分布(即所谓的"数字鸿沟"),这将影响社会经济活动的区位选择。信息时代,良好的区位意味着可接近、快速沟通与高收益的网络,即高信息化发展水平。在这种背景下,本文通过模糊层次分析法建立信息化评价指标体系,测算全球154个国家和地区的信息化发展水平,并计算洲际层面和国家层面的变差系数CV,系统研究世界信息化发展进程、空间格局及存在的数字鸿沟。另外,还分析并揭示了我国信息化发展与发达国家之间的差距,以期对中国信息化发展提出政策和建议。  相似文献   
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