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Constructing concrete jackets is a common technique when strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) columns, particularly in seismic regions. However, there are many uncertainties concerning the behavior of the composite specimen, particularly at the interface between the old and new concrete. In this paper, monotonic finite element (FE) analyses are performed to examine the behavior of strengthened columns under monotonic and cyclic loading. Through investigating two independent series of experimental results, it is demonstrated that monotonic FE analysis with appropriate assumptions can simulate both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions to a reasonable degree of accuracy. According to the results of this study, it is found that a simulation of the interface between the old and the new concrete is vital and cannot be ignored by simply considering a perfect bond at the interface. In the case of strengthened RC columns subjected to cyclic loading, strength degradation at the interface has to be included and can be effectively modeled by reducing the coefficients of friction and adhesion by using a proposed formula. Finally, the effect of jacket concrete shrinkage is simulated that leads to a reduced maximum load and stiffness of strengthened columns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Using a zonally averaged, one-hemispheric numerical model of the thermohaline circulation, the dependence of the overturning strength on the surface equator-to-pole density difference is investigated. It is found that the qualitative behavior of the thermohaline circulation depends crucially on the nature of the small-scale vertical mixing in the interior of the ocean. Two different representations of this process are considered: constant vertical diffusivity and the case where the rate of mixing energy supply is taken to be a fixed quantity, implying that the vertical diffusivity decreases with increasing stability of the water column. When the stability-dependent diffusivity parameterization is applied, a weaker density difference is associated with a stronger circulation, contrary to the results for a fixed diffusivity. A counterintuitive consequence of the stability-dependent mixing is that the poleward atmospheric freshwater flux, which acts to reduce the thermally imposed density contrast, strengthens the thermally dominated circulation and its attendant poleward heat transport. However, for a critical value of the freshwater forcing, the thermally dominated branch of steady states becomes unstable, and is succeeded by strongly time-dependent states that oscillate between phases of forward and partly reversed circulation. When a constant vertical diffusivity is employed, on the other hand, the thermally dominated circulation is replaced by a steady salinity-dominated state with reversed flow. Thus in this model, the features of the vertical mixing are essential for the steady-state response to freshwater forcing as well as for the character of flow that is attained when the thermally dominated circulation becomes unstable.Responsible Editor: Jin-Song von Storch 相似文献
Subtidal nearshore sandbars may exhibit cyclic net offshore migration during their multi‐annual lifetime along many sandy coasts. Although this type of behavior can extend continuously for several kilometers, alongshore variations in cross‐shore bar position and bar amplitude are commonly observed. Alongshore variability is greatest when bars display km‐scale disruptions, indicative of a distinct alongshore phase shift in the bar cycle. An outer bar is then attached to an inner bar, forming a phenomenon known as a bar switch. Here, we investigate such large‐scale alongshore variability using a process‐based numerical profile model and observations at 24 transects along a 6 km section of the barred beach at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. When alongshore variability is limited, the model predicts that the bars migrate offshore at approximately the same rate (i.e. the bars remain in phase). Only under specific bar configurations with high wave‐energy levels is an increase in the alongshore variability predicted. This suggests that cross‐shore processes may trigger a switch in the case of specific antecedent morphological configurations combined with storm conditions. It is expected that three‐dimensional (3D) flow patterns augment the alongshore variability in such instances. In contrast to the observed bar behaviour, predicted bar morphologies on either side of a switch remain in different phases, even though the bars are occasionally located at a similar cross‐shore position. In short, the 1D model is not able to remove a bar switch. This data‐model mismatch suggests that 3D flow patterns are key to the dissipation of bar switches. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
伊通盆地莫里青断陷地层压力演化与油气运聚 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以伊通盆地莫里青断陷现今压力场特征及单井超压演化历史的研究为基础,应用2D盆地模拟方法,对伊通盆地莫里青断陷地层压力演化进行了模拟恢复,并探讨了压力演化与构造运动及油气运聚的关系。研究结果表明:莫里青断陷地层压力演化明显经历了始新世早-中期(57.8~39 Ma)、中始新世-晚渐新世(39~23.7 Ma)、晚渐新世-现今(23.7~0 Ma)3个“增压-泄压”旋回,现今地层压力基本为常压,仅靠山凹陷底部发育弱超压;压力演化的旋回性主要受控于构造运动的旋回性;地层压力演化对油气运聚具有重要的影响作用,超压释放期油气运聚活跃,断裂是超压释放与油气运移的主要通道,与断裂输导体系有关的区带为有利的油气勘探对象。 相似文献
Foliation fields and 3D cartography in geology: Principles of a method based on potential interpolation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A modeling method that takes into account known points on a geological interface and plane orientation data such as stratification
or foliation planes is described and tested. The orientations data do not necessarily belong to one of the interfaces but
are assumed to sample the main anisotropy of a geological formation as in current geological situations. The problem is to
determine the surfaces which pass through the known points on interfaces and which are compatible with the orientation data.
The method is based on the interpolation of a scalar field defined in the space the gradient in which is orthogonal to the
orientations, given that some points have the same but unknown scalar value (points of the same interface), and that scalar
gradient is known on the other points (foliations). The modeled interfaces are represented as isovalues of the interpolated
field. Preliminary two-dimensional tests carried-out with different covariance models demonstrate the validity of the method,
which is easily transposable in three dimensions. 相似文献
金属矿电法勘探由于受限于探测深度和复杂矿体形态的解释,在深部矿产资源勘探中难受重视.安徽庐江泥河铁矿床是长江中下游成矿带中最主要的矿床类型之一,矿区复杂的地质结构和矿体形态以及矿体的大深度赋存状态给地球物理勘探特别是电法勘探带来了很大的挑战.为了研究电阻率/极化率法在大深度复杂金属矿体探测中的应用效果,本文以泥河铁矿某勘探剖面为例,在实际矿区的地质模型基础上通过简化建立了相应的地球物理模型,采用偶极-偶极装置及二极装置,对矿区进行直流电阻率/极化率数值模拟.提出采用有限元-无限元耦合法以解决传统有限元法截断边界所引起的问题.理论和计算结果表明:有限元-无限元耦合法相比传统有限元法,能显著提高计算的效率和精度.偶极-偶极装置的视电阻率断面图较二极装置能更好的区分不同地层及磁铁矿异常,而根据铁矿高极化特性,探测深度相对较大的二极装置的视极化率断面图能够更好的反映出异常体位置及范围. 相似文献
针对拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对地下水影响问题,选择赣江三角洲为代表区,采用资料收集、野外调查、统计分析和数值模拟等方法进行研究。依据地质钻探资料、地下水与河流动态关系、区域数字高程模型,结合鄱阳湖历史形成与演化过程确定研究区边界条件,运用GMS模拟软件建立了研究区地下水三维运动模型。依据推荐的枢纽调度方案,利用数值模型计算枢纽运行后对地下水运动影响的时空变化规律。结果表明:枯水年份影响大,距离河流、坝址近的地方影响大,反之亦然。影响幅度范围0~2m,地下水径流交替因此减弱,丰水年份土壤潜育化面积增加9.3%。 相似文献
测井数据是一种准确可靠的先验信息。在层析反演方程组中加入井数据信息一定程度上提高了反演精度和效率,但仍无法精确描述微幅构造地质体。针对这一特点,笔者提出了基于井数据约束的高精度层析速度反演方法。首先进行常规的井约束层析速度反演,假定测井处的网格速度不更新,建立井约束反演方程组,更新速度场,得到初步的偏移成像结果;然后在此基础上利用测井速度信息约束偏移深度,对更新后的速度场进行速度分析及精细化建模,提高速度建模精度,同时减少了反演迭代更新次数,提高了反演效率。模型试算及实际资料处理结果表明,该方法具有更高的反演精度和计算效率。 相似文献
沉积盆地流体—岩石相互作用研究的现状 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
沉积盆地流体-岩石相互作用研究主要是通过实验地球化学和岩石学,地球化学模拟方法开展的,综述了这一领域的研究现状,主要包括有机酸来源和分布及期 对矿物稳定性的影响,地层水成因与演化、烃类与岩石间的氧化还原反应、以及储层润湿性的变化等,并展望了其 发展趋势。 相似文献