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Early Cambrian and Mid-Late Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks in China are widespread on several Precambrian continental blocks,which had aggregated to form part of the Rodinia supercontinent by ca.900 Ma....  相似文献   
地下深部封存CO2已经被公认是人类削减温室气体排放的一条有效而又科学的途径。深部咸含水层CO2地质封存因封存潜力巨大,技术可行,且已有实际的工程运行,因而备受关注。松辽盆地是中国潜在的CO2储存场地之一,选择松辽盆地为大尺度模拟研究对象,选取姚家组砂岩层为储层,选取嫩江组泥岩为盖层,运用TOUGH-MP并行计算代码建立了覆盖整个松辽盆地的三维地质模型,在中央凹陷区开展大尺度CO2注入模拟研究,包括CO2运移、储存、地层压力提升以及储存安全性等问题。模拟结果表明:持续注入100a后形成的CO2羽远小于产生的压力积聚区影响范围。注入产生的压力抬升将在注入停止后迅速消散,不会对区域地层压力和浅层地下水系统产生显著影响。在千年之内注入的CO2将随着时间持续,逐渐溶解于水中,而不会因盖层微弱的渗透性而逃逸。  相似文献   
There is a correlation of global large igneous province (LIP) events with zircon age peaks at 2700, 2500, 2100, 1900, 1750, 1100, and 600 and also probably at 3450, 3000, 2000, and 300 Ma. Power spectral analyses of LIP event distributions suggest important periodicities at 250, 150, 100, 50, and 25 million years with weaker periodicities at 70–80, 45, and 18–20 Ma. The 25 million year periodicity is important only in the last 300 million years. Some LIP events are associated with granite-forming (zircon-producing) events and others are not, and LIP events at 1900 and 600 Ma correlate with peaks in craton collision frequency. LIP age peaks are associated with supercontinent rifting or breakup, but not dispersal, at 2450–2400, 2200, 1380, 1280, 800–750, and ≤200 Ma, and with supercontinent assembly at 1750 and 600 Ma. LIP peaks at 2700 and 2500 Ma and the valley between these peaks span the time of Neoarchaean supercraton assemblies. These observations are consistent with plume generation in the deep mantle operating independently of the supercontinent cycle and being controlled by lower-mantle and core-mantle boundary thermochemical dynamics. Two processes whereby plumes can impact continental assembly and breakup are (1) plumes may rise beneath supercontinents and initiate supercontinent breakup, and (2) plume ascent may increase the frequency of craton collisions and the rate of crustal growth by accelerating subduction.  相似文献   
Phlogopite-amphibole pyroxenite xenoliths contained in an Early Palaeozoic alkali subvolcanic lam-prophyre complex in Langao County, Shaanxi Province, are metasomatized mantle xenoliths, composed mainly of clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, apatite, pervoskite, ilmenite and sphene with well-developed subsolidus metamorphism-deformation textures, such as "triple points" and "cataclastic boundaries" . Minerological studies indicate that clinopyroxene is rich in SiO2 and MgO and poor in TiO2 and Al2O3, which is notably different from magmatogenic deep-seated megacrysts and phenocrysts formed in the range of mantle pressure. Amphibole and phlogopite have the compositional feature of mantle-derived amphibole and phlogopite. Sm-Nd isotope studies suggest that the metasomatized mantle beneath Langao County is the product of metasomatism of primitive mantle by melt (fluid) derived from the mantle plume, and the mantle metasomatism occurred 650 Ma ago. The process of mantle metasomatism changed from mantle me  相似文献   
地幔柱及其成矿系统研究是当前地学领域的热点之一,在我国已取得了较大进展,发表了大量论著。但对环太平洋极性超级地幔柱成矿系统的研究,目前还处于起步阶段。文章在前人研究成果的基础上,从以下几方面作了简要论述:1)地幔柱研究历史的回顾;2)地幔柱类型划分与成矿场;3)常规地幔柱判别标志;4)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱的厘定;5)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱成矿效应;6)华南亚地幔柱与成矿;7)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱的动力学讨论。笔者认为,中-新生代濒太平洋洲际性成矿域及其成矿大爆发,导源于太平洋超级地幔柱对成矿的响应。  相似文献   
大龙现代热泉是沿沘江断裂带分布的众多温泉之一,其喷流-沉积成矿作用较为直观地展示了热泉堆积泉华成矿过程,佐证了新生代在兰坪盆地热泉成矿的可能性和普遍性。热泉"热循环"作用形成三种成矿模式:喷出贯入陷沟和湖泊形成致密块状、角砾状矿体——兰坪"金顶式"Pb-Zn矿床;于构造带中沿一系列构造界面形成脉状矿体——兰坪"白秧坪式"Ag-Pb-Zn多金属矿床;喷流的地表沟谷形成热泉型——云龙"大龙式"Ag-Pb-Zn多金属矿床(低品位)。  相似文献   
Re-Os同位素对峨眉山大火成岩省成因制约的探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
史仁灯  郝艳丽  黄启帅 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2515-2523
峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)主要由玄武岩、玄武质火山碎屑岩及少量的苦橄岩(包括越南的科马提岩)、长英质岩石以及层状岩体和岩墙组成,其物质来源直接关系到其成因是否与地幔柱活动有关。Re-Os同位素体系是地核、地幔和地壳物质的最佳示踪剂。前人对ELIP内的Re-Os同位素研究表明,低Ti玄武岩的Os含量为0.006×10^-9-0.40010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1371~1.403,并提出其与地幔柱活动有关;而高Ti玄武岩的Os含量为0.00410^-9~0.56010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1271~5.19,认为起源于大陆岩石圈地幔或地幔柱上升过程中受到大量岩石圈地幔“混染”(xu JF et al.,2007);科马提岩的0s含量为1.2410^-9~7.0010^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1251~0.1261,苦橄岩的Os含量为0.3210^-9~2.32910^-9,^187Os/^188Os初始值为0.1233~0.1266,指示苦橄岩和科马提岩均来自亏损地幔源区(Hanski et al.,2004;陈雷等,2007)。本文利用Os含量最低、^187Os/^188Os最高的高Ti玄武岩作为地壳端员,用铁质陨石、原始上地幔(PUM)和亏损地幔(DMM)作为地核和各种地幔端员,分别做二元混合计算,结果显示绝大多数玄武岩和所有苦橄岩及科马提岩均落在地壳和DMM混合曲线附近,并且邻区特提斯洋地幔岩与DMM具有相近的Os含量和^187Os/^188Os组成,据此推测峨眉山火成岩的形成与特提斯洋的活动有关,主要受控于地壳和亏损地幔的相互作用。  相似文献   
区域成矿研究从简单到复杂,从地表到地壳深部,现在已经向众多学科,纵深领域渗透.壳幔作用是现代地球动力学研究的一个关注点.本文对壳幔动力作用与区域成矿关系进行探讨,分别讨论了俯冲、底侵、拆沉和地幔柱对区域成矿作用的影响和作用.初步建立了深部动力作用与区域成矿之间的关系,为研究区域成矿的深部机理和规律提供依据.  相似文献   
在特提斯喜马拉雅带东部江孜-康马一带发育大量近东西向展布的辉绿岩体/墙,研究表明这些基性岩至少可分为三期:(1)形成于~140Ma的辉绿岩具有OIB型地球化学特征,部分样品Sr-Nd同位素组成与其东部~132Ma错美-班布里大火成岩省中基性岩相当,部分高镁样品具有Nb-Ta负异常和Pb正异常,εNd(t)值小于0;(2)形成于~120Ma的辉绿岩显示N-MORB型地球化学特征;(3)形成于~90Ma的辉绿岩显示E-MORB型地球化学特征。后两期基性岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成均显示与印度洋MORB相关。结合同时期的Kerguelen地幔柱活动轨迹及东冈瓦纳大陆裂解事件,本文认为江孜-康马地区~140Ma基性岩代表Kerguelen地幔柱及其与上覆东冈瓦纳大陆岩石圈地幔相互作用产物,是Kerguelen地幔柱长期潜伏于东冈瓦纳大陆下的证据,在前人研究基础上将该地幔柱影响的范围从错美向西拓展了约200km;之后随着东冈瓦纳大陆裂解和印度洋的开启及扩张,印度板块逐渐北移并远离Kerguelen地幔柱,江孜-康马地区~120Ma和~90Ma两期基性岩代表新生印度洋软流圈部分熔融的产物,与Kerguelen地幔柱无关。该区识别出的三期基性岩浆活动表明:特提斯喜马拉雅带的东部在白垩纪经历了与东冈瓦纳大陆裂解、印度洋的开启和扩张相关的多期基性岩浆活动。这些基性岩为深入了解和限定特提斯喜马拉雅带自140Ma以来的古地理位置和构造演化过程提供了新的岩石记录和时间坐标。  相似文献   
The Baikal Rift is a zone of active lithospheric extension adjacentto the Siberian Craton. The 6–16 Myr old Vitim VolcanicField (VVF) lies approximately 200 km east of the rift axisand consists of 5000 km3 of melanephelinites, basanites, alkaliand tholeiitic basalts, and minor nephelinites. In the volcanicpile, 142 drill core samples were used to study temporal andspatial variations. Variations in major element abundances (e.g.MgO = 3·3–14·6 wt %) reflect polybaric fractionalcrystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. 87Sr/86Sri(0·7039–0·7049), 143Nd/144Ndi (0·5127–0·5129)and 176Hf/177Hfi (0·2829–0·2830) ratiosare similar to those for ocean island basalts and suggest thatthe magmas have not assimilated significant amounts of continentalcrust. Variable degrees of partial melting appear to be responsiblefor differences in Na2O, P2O5, K2O and incompatible trace elementabundances in the most primitive (high-MgO) magmas. Fractionatedheavy rare earth element (HREE) ratios (e.g. [Gd/Lu]n > 2·5)indicate that the parental magmas of the Vitim lavas were predominantlygenerated within the garnet stability field. Forward major elementand REE inversion models suggest that the tholeiitic and alkalibasalts were generated by decompression melting of a fertileperidotite source within the convecting mantle beneath Vitim.Ba/Sr ratios and negative K anomalies in normalized multi-elementplots suggest that phlogopite was a residual mantle phase duringthe genesis of the nephelinites and basanites. Relatively highlight REE (LREE) abundances in the silica-undersaturated meltsrequire a metasomatically enriched lithospheric mantle source.Results of forward major element modelling suggest that meltingof phlogopite-bearing pyroxenite veins could explain the majorelement composition of these melts. In support of this, pyroxenitexenoliths have been found in the VVF. High Cenozoic mantle potentialtemperatures (1450°C) predicted from geochemical modellingsuggest the presence of a mantle plume beneath the Baikal RiftZone. KEY WORDS: Baikal Rift; mafic magmatism; mantle plume; metasomatism; partial melting  相似文献   
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