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In southeastern South Australia, the River Murray debouches through a coastal barrier separating euryhaline estuarine-lagoonal waters from the Southern Ocean. Depending upon the relative freshwater outflow of the river and ingress of the ocean, water salinity varies greatly within the lower estuary. Ammonia beccarii and Elphidium articulatum are euryhaline species of foraminifera that characterize the estuary and back-barrier Coorong Lagoon. The inner-shelf marine environment hosts an assemblage in which Discorbis dimidiatus, E. crispum, E. macelliforme, and various cibicidid species predominate. In cored sediments recovered from the shallow lower estuary, the relative abundance of A. beccarii + E. articulatum was compared with that of D. dimidiatus + E. crispum + E. macelliforme + other species. These data, and AMS radiocarbon ages determined for foraminifera and ostracods, provide evidence of a change from maximum oceanic influence (5255 ± 60 yr B.P.) to maximum estuarine influence (3605 ± 70 yr B.P.). Over this same time interval, sea level fell relatively by about 2 m. However, the event was also contemporaneous with falling water levels in several Victorian lakes, and it is thus attributed to onset of climatic aridity. Reduced precipitation in the River Murray catchment and reduced freshwater outflow enhanced development of the flood-tide delta and constriction of the mouth.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes were measured in the carbonate and organic matter of palaeosols in the Somma–Vesuvius area, southern Italy in order to test whether they are suitable proxy records for climatic and ecological changes in this area during the past 18000 yr. The ages of the soils span from ca. 18 to ca. 3 kyr BP. Surprisingly, the Last Glacial to Holocene climate transition was not accompanied by significant change in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate. This could be explained by changes in evaporation rate and in isotope fractionation between water and precipitated carbonate with temperature, which counterbalanced the expected change in isotope composition of meteoric water. Because of the rise in temperature and humidity and the progressive increase in tree cover during the Holocene, the Holocene soil carbonates closely reflect the isotopic composition of meteoric water. A cooling of about 2°C after the Avellino eruption (3.8 ka) accounts for a sudden decrease of about 1‰ in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate recorded after this eruption. The δ13C values of organic matter and pedogenic carbonate covary, indicating an effective isotope equilibrium between the organic matter, as the source of CO2, and the pedogenic carbonate. Carbon isotopes suggest prevailing C3 vegetation and negligible mixing with volcanogenic or atmospheric CO2. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用冲沟、山脊等断错构造地貌的DEM影像资料和详实的野外踏勘,详细分析了昔格达断裂的晚第四纪活动特征。结果显示:断裂线两侧的河沟和山脊地貌呈"S"或反"Z"形或以多个首尾连接的"S"形雁列式斜列,断裂活动为左行左列式,断层上发育多个拉分盆地和断裂湖;该断裂最新活动时间晚于(12.83±1.09)ka,为全新世走滑活动断裂,倾滑分量不大,倾向总体西倾,且晚更新世以来的左旋走滑速率约为1.70 mm/a;依据断裂线地震遗迹及断裂活动特征,断裂强活动复发间隔大致为10~12 ka或更短。  相似文献   
Despite increased application of subsurface datasets below the limits of seismic resolution, reconstructing near‐surface deformation of shallow key stratigraphic markers beneath modern alluvial and coastal plains through sediment core analysis has received little attention. Highly resolved stratigraphy of Upper Pleistocene to Holocene (Marine Isotope Stage 5e to Marine Isotope Stage 1) alluvial, deltaic and coastal depositional systems across the southern Po Plain, down to 150 m depth, provides an unambiguous documentation on the deformation of previously flat‐lying strata that goes back in time beyond the limits of morphological, historical and palaeoseismic records. Five prominent key horizons, accurately selected on the basis of their sedimentological characteristics and typified for their fossil content, were used as highly effective stratigraphic markers (M1 to M5) that can be tracked for tens of kilometres across the basin. A facies‐controlled approach tied to a robust chronology (102 radiocarbon dates) reveals considerable deformation of laterally extensive nearshore (M1), continental (M2 and M3) and lagoon (M4 and M5) marker beds originally deposited in a horizontal position (M1, M4 and M5). The areas where antiformal geometries are best observed are remarkably coincident with the axes of buried ramp anticlines, across which new seismic images reveal substantially warped stratal geometries of Lower Pleistocene strata. The striking spatial coincidence of fold crests with the epicentres of historic and instrumental seismicity suggests that deformation of marker beds M1 to M5 might reflect, in part at least, syntectonically generated relief and, thus, active tectonism. Precise identification and lateral tracing of chronologically constrained stratigraphic markers in the 14C time window through combined sedimentological and palaeoecological data may delineate late Quaternary subsurface stratigraphic architecture at an unprecedented level of detail, outlining cryptic stratal geometries at the sub‐seismic scale. This approach is highly reproducible in tectonically active Quaternary depositional systems and can help to assess patterns of active deformation in the subsurface of modern alluvial and coastal plains worldwide.  相似文献   
This paper describes palynological evidence for what appears to be comparatively large-scale human impact in the catchment of the Sungai Niah in the wet tropical lowland swamp forests of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo close to the Great Cave of Niah. Pollen associated with cleared landscapes and rice cultivation is evident in the sedimentary record from before 6000 cal yr B.P. Human activity seems to have been associated with changes in sedimentary regime, with peat-dominated environments being replaced diachronously by clay-dominated deposition. This may reflect anthropogenic soil erosion in the catchment of the Sungai Niah.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the relationship between patterns of human settlements and environmental change during the Holocene along the northwestern margins of the equatorial rain forest of central Africa. Palaeoenvironmental data from high-resolution sediment cores from lacustrine deposits, plant macro-remains from forest soils, and archaeological data are harnessed to discuss the differential impact of climate and/or humans on the central African rain forest. It is shown that climate change impacted the rain forest well before the widespread expansion of human settlements all over the study area.  相似文献   
The fossil remains of 43 bowhead whales were mapped on the raised beaches of western Wollaston Peninsula, Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic, near the historic summer range limit of the Bering Sea stock in the Beaufort Sea. The elevations and radiocarbon ages of the remains demonstrate that the bowhead ranged commonly into the region following the submergence of Bering Strait at ca. 10,000 14C yr B.P. until ca. 8500 14C yr B.P. During the same interval, bowheads ranged widely from the Beaufort Sea to Baffin Bay. Subsequently, no whales reached Wollaston Peninsula until ca. 1500 14C yr B.P. Late Holocene populations evidently were small, or occupations were brief, in comparison to those of the early Holocene. Although the late Holocene recurrence may relate to the expansion of pioneering Thule whalers eastward from Alaska, there are few Thule sites and limited evidence of Thule whaling in the area surveyed to support this suggestion.  相似文献   

史前人类与其生存环境,特别是与植被之间的相互作用一直是人们关注的焦点。气候变化与人类活动对植被覆盖格局的塑造均有重要影响,厘清植被分布及其植被变化背后的气候或人为因素,有助于更好地认识人类活动对植被环境的影响程度与范围。本研究对青藏高原松属(Pinus spp.)植被适生区分布动态历史进行了物种分布模型模拟,并结合环境考古学、古生态学等多学科方法,探究青藏高原松属植被分布变化历史及其驱动因素。结果表明,基于最大熵(MaxEnt)算法并结合R语言包ENMeval来优化参数设置的模型性能表现良好且稳健,较为准确模拟松属在青藏高原地区不同时期的适生区分布动态。高原上松属适生区在末次冰盛期(LGM)分布最小,仅在东缘的河谷局地;在全新世早、中期分布达到最大值,到全新世晚期部分区域分布缩小,高原东北部高度适生区向2500 m a. s. l.上下的低海拔谷地收缩,整体上与高原气候变化趋势大体一致。结合化石花粉、木炭等证据表明,全新世中晚期以前,人类对高原松属植被影响总体尚不显著;进入全新世晚期,农业技术的进步促使高原东北部人口快速增加,高原上现已发现的古遗址也高度集中在此。结合多项考古证据表明,人类对松属为代表的林木资源规模化开发行为开始显著干扰了当地植被,人类对松属等针叶林木材资源的利用可能是该地区树种向阔叶林树种演替的重要驱动因素之一。


琼北地区铺前−清澜断裂是一条关系到1605年琼山7½级大地震发震构造判断的重要断裂。为准确厘定该断裂的最新活动特征,针对琼北地区第四纪玄武岩盖层和巨厚海相砂沉积等地质条件,采用大吨位震源的浅层人工地震勘探和小间距钻孔联合地质剖面探测相结合的方法,分别在海口江东三江镇岐山头村和东寨村展开探测。结果表明:(1) 铺前−清澜断裂断错了多个标志地层,最浅断错至全新统烟墩组淤泥层,上断点埋深10 m左右,钻探所揭示的断层面明显具有走滑兼具逆冲性质,是一条具有一定宽度、多分支、多期次活动的大规模断裂带;(2)钻孔联合地质剖面所揭示的地层深度范围内,被断错地层的位移量随着深度增加而加大,铺前−清澜断裂自8 346~7 153 a cal BP以来有过活动,全新世累计垂直位移量4~5 m,垂直位移速率为0.53~0.63 mm/a,推断其为1605年琼山大地震的发震断裂。本研究取得的铺前−清澜断裂全新世活动的新证据,为国土空间规划和区域地震危险性评价提供了科学依据。

干旱区晚第四纪已有较多高湖面与湖泊演化的报道和研究,对于认识区域环境变化有重要意义,但高湖面出现的时间尚存争议,高分辨率的气候环境记录仍相对缺乏。本文通过青海共和盆地达连海湖岸地貌考察和AMS 14C 年代学研究,讨论达连海古湖晚第四纪高湖面出现的可能时间; 并通过达连海DLH99孔岩芯年代和高分辨率代用指标,讨论高原东北缘末次冰消期以来的气候环境变化。达连海周围存在6级高湖面岸线或台地,14C 测年结果显示,最低的两级湖岸堤形成于全新世,其余湖岸台地年代均老于44cal.kaB.P.,当时在达连海地区形成一个较大的古湖泊。DLH99孔显示达连海近15cal.kaB.P.沉积了40.92m的湖相沉积物,平均沉积速率高达2.7mm/a。孢粉资料揭示出,现代干旱的共和盆地在末次冰消期以来存在两个山地针叶林发育阶段,分别位于末次冰消期和全新世早中期。全新世早中期是适合山地针叶林植被发育的气候最宜期,而晚全新世山地森林植被整体衰退。粒度分析结果显示,达连海全新世低水位时期对应于岩芯中部山地森林植被发育的晚期,出现较强烈干旱事件(岩芯深13~15m段),这种湖泊水位与植被所指示的气候变化不一致现象(即低水位时期盆地内耐旱植物和山地乔木花粉同时增加),可能揭示出干旱区山地与盆地环境对区域气候不同响应。达连海存在的系列高湖面和冰消期以来的完整气候记录,为理解晚第四纪季风边缘区气候变化过程及其机制提供了条件。  相似文献   
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