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A multi-layered aquifer, typical of riverbank alluvial deposits in Korea, was studied to determine the hydrologic properties. The geologic logging showed that the subsurface of the study site was comprised of four distinctive hydrogeologic units: silt, sand, highly weathered and fresh bedrock layers. The electrical resistivity survey supplied information on lateral extension of hydrogeologic strata only partially identified by a limited number of the geologic loggings. The laboratory column tracer test for the recovered core of the sand layer resulted in a hydraulic conductivity of 5.00×10−2 cm/s. The slug tests performed in the weathered rock layer yielded hydraulic conductivities of 4.32–7.72×10−4 cm/s. Hydraulic conductivities for the sand layer calculated from the breakthrough curves of bromide ranged between 2.08×10−3 and 2.44×10−2 cm/s with a geometric mean of 6.89×10−3 cm/s, which is 7 times smaller than that from the laboratory column experiment. The trend of increasing hydraulic conductivity with an increase in tracer travel length is likely a result of the increased likelihood of encountering a high conductivity zone as more of the aquifer is tested. The combined hydrogeologic site characterization using hydraulic tests, tracer tests, and column test with geologic loggings and geophysical survey greatly enhanced the understanding of the hydrologic properties of the multi-layered alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   
In the underground waste isolation projects such as the ANDRA'one in the site of Bure, the transport properties of the surrounding rock mass is of fundamental importance. To measure very low permeability, we use the modified version of the pulse test proposed by Hsieh et al. [Hsieh, P.A., Tracy, J.V., Neuzil, C.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., Silliman, S.E., 1981. A transient laboratory method for determining the hydraulic properties of ‘tight’ rocks — I. Theory. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 245-252] which enables the intrinsic permeability, k, and the specific storage coefficient, Ss, of rocks such as mudstone to be characterized. In this paper, the special effort performed on the laboratory apparatus design, to ensure a good sensitivity of the rock response with respect to both parameters, k and Ss, is presented. In addition, two parameters identification procedures are proposed: the graphical method given by Hsieh et al. [Hsieh, P.A., Tracy, J.V., Neuzil, C.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., Silliman, S.E., 1981. A transient laboratory method for determining the hydraulic properties of ‘tight’ rocks — I. Theory. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 245-252] and a parameter identification based on the solution of an inverse problem. The efficiency of the apparatus design and the parameters identification procedures is then demonstrated though some pulse tests performed on the Meuse/Haute-Marne mudstone.  相似文献   
空间邻近性是地理学第一定律,近邻旅游地相互作用定量化研究对丰富旅游地理学理论与实践意义重大.以近邻旅游地黄山、西递和宏村作为案例地,在格兰杰因果分析的基础上,运用当前经济研究中使用极为广泛的DY溢出指数(Diebold&Yilmaz spillover index)分析近邻旅游地的溢出效应.结果表明:宏村和黄山、西递和...  相似文献   
载荷试验检测复合桩基承载力的影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对桩基检测中水泥土桩复合地基检测承载力实测值与设计值差别很大,从工程地质条件、地基处理情况、检测方法出发,通过实例分析了复合地基承载力取值的影响因素。分析表明:桩设计参数取值偏低、地基土的力学性能未充分利用、设计的安全储备偏大是影响承载力取值的主要因素,检测时桩间土含水量的变化也有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
设计制作了基础隔震软碰撞限位实验模型与3种类型的钢螺旋弹簧限位器,给出了实测的限位器力学特性参数。进行9种工况的振动台模型实验,分析实验数据得出了软碰撞限位器参数对结构反应的影响规律,优选出了适用于本隔震实验模型的软碰撞限位工况。  相似文献   
双塔连体高层混合结构抗震性能研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
外钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构体系被认为是适合我国国情的高层建筑结构体系之一,我国已有多个采用这种结构体系的单塔楼工程实例,但对双塔连体高层混合结构的研究较少。本文针对上海国际设计中心不等高双塔连体混合结构,进行了7度多遇地震、基本烈度、罕遇地震和8度罕遇地震阶段的模拟地震振动台试验研究,得到了结构的破坏模式,并对模型结构和原型结构的动力反应进行了详细的分析,最后提出了此类结构设计的一些建议。研究表明,高位连体的竖向地震反应比较明显,设计中应适当考虑动力放大效应;在各水准地震作用下结构整体变形均呈现弯曲型;主塔楼核心筒在中震下可以保证"不坏",但结构小震下的层间位移略超过规范限值。  相似文献   
The electromagnetic mass damper (EMD) control system, as an innovative active control system to reduce structural vibration, offers many advantages over traditional active mass driver/damper (AMD) control systems. In this paper, studies of several EMD control strategies and bench-scale shaking table tests of a two-story model structure are described. First, two structural models corresponding to uncontrolled and Zeroed cases are developed, and parameters of these models are validated through sinusoidal sweep tests to provide a basis for establishing an accurate mathematical model for further studies. Then, a simplified control strategy for the EMD system based on the pole assignment control algorithm is proposed. Moreover, ideal pole locations are derived and validated through a series of shaking table tests. Finally, three benchmark earthquake ground motions and sinusoidal sweep waves are imposed onto the structure to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of using this type of innovative active control system for structural vibration control. In addition, the robustness of the EMD system is examined. The test results show that the EMD system is an effective and robust system for the control of structural vibrations.  相似文献   
免棱镜全站仪测距性能的测试及精度分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了免棱镜全站仪的基本特点和性能;对Nikon DTM-352免棱镜全站仪在无反射棱镜条件下的测距性能进行了多方面的测试,包括照准不同材质和不同颜色的反射目标测距、以不同的入射角(激光束与目标面之间的夹角)测距、瞄准不同透明度的反射面测距以及对物镜加罩测距,并通过对大量的测试结果进行精度分析,得出了一些对实际工作有参考价值的结论。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONEmpiricalorthogonalfunction (EOF)isastatisticalmethodwidelyusedtoquantitativelyexam inemeteorologicalandoceanicdata (PreisendorferandBarnett,1 977;Rasmussonetal.,1 981 ;KnappenbergerandMichaels,1 993 ;LeeandCornillon ,1 995) .Themethodseeksoutthefirstfeworth…  相似文献   
灌注桩基础是珠江三角洲地区工业与民用建筑广泛采用的基础形式之一,但由于各种原因,发生质量问题的灌注桩基础屡见不鲜.本文简明地介绍了灌注桩基础工程质量事故概况、灌注桩质量检测和评价方法以及灌注桩质量事故处理的常用方法.  相似文献   
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