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非饱和带水-气二相流数值模拟研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对近年来水-气二相流数值模拟情况的分析,总结了在水-气二相流模拟过程中,各个主要参数或物理过程的数学概化方法,以及近年来求解水-气二相流方程和污染物运移方程的各种方法,论述了各种方法的优点和不足.并提出了需进一步研究解决的问题.  相似文献   
地下水系统径流带的模糊划分模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了径流带划分的模糊划分模式,为准确进行水文地质参数分区和建立水文地质概念模型创造了条件.结合某水文地质单元的实际进行了应用,取得了满意的结果.  相似文献   
包气带水气二相流国外研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与传统的包气带中水流研究相比,水气二相流更准确地描述了包气带中的水与空气的流动情况,这对更好地了解固体废物处置场中污染物的运动规律具有重要的意义.与一相流明显不同的是,二相流考虑了空气的运动及其对水流的作用.根据国外近几十年来不同研究者的研究结果,总结了入渗过程中水的流动、空气对水流的影响及空气本身的压力变化情况,并分析了不同作者研究结果的差别.  相似文献   
胡余忠  顾李华  舒雷  陈健  丁克亮 《水文》2021,41(1):61-65
聚焦新形势下水资源监测预警、生态流量监测等\"水利行业强监管\"的要求,以及实时流量监测的迫切需要,基于影响流量的内在水力要素关联,利用已有的实时要素监测信息,架构流量实时监测的通用算法,实现流量\"软在线\",成果在安徽普遍应用.与既有以流速传感为基础的流量在线监测\"硬在线\"方法互为补充,探索结果提示新一轮规划应拓宽视野,必...  相似文献   
酉阳河流域典型年汛期的基流分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷宇宽 《水文》2021,41(1):35-41
基流分割是水文学研究中的重难点问题之一,目前基流分割也存在许多方法.基于酉阳河典型年汛期实测日平均流量资料,分别采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法一次滤波(参数N=1)以及二次滤波(参数N=2)、BFI(f)法、HYSEP固定步长法、HYSEP滑动步长法、HYSEP局部最小值法进行基流分割并对其结果进...  相似文献   
论述了满足地图可视化的基本条件和载负量限制;论述了地图比例尺、地图概括及其相关概念的派生逻辑。阐释了由相似比较派生的地图学概念和地图学概念在科学技术发展中不断增加和丰富的必然逻辑。  相似文献   
热带扰动在大尺度经圈中的行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
巢纪平  徐昭 《地球物理学报》2008,51(6):1657-1662
在赤道β平面上经圈流的背景流场内,利用等值浅水模式来分析波动的不稳定性.结果显示,在经圈半地转假设下,扰动信号通过变性的Rossby波来传递.对于大洋西部,由于向极地方向经圈流的引入,赤道对称的扰动模态对所有的波数k都是不稳定的.对于大洋东部的向赤道流,对赤道对称的扰动却是稳定的.由于一般来讲,扰动倾向于对赤道对称,因此西边界的向极流,如黑潮,比东边界的向赤道流,如加尼福尼亚洋流,更易因扰动的不稳定而产生涡旋.  相似文献   
赵明  滕斌 《中国海洋工程》2004,18(2):267-280
The incompressible viscous uniform and shear flow past a circular cylinder is studied. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a finite element method. The governing equations are discretized by a weighted residual method in space. The stable three-step scheme is applied to the momentum equations in the time integration. The numerical model is firstly applied to the computation of the lid-driven cavity flow for its validation. The computed results agree well with the measured data and other numerical results. Then, it is used to simulate the viscous uniform and shear flow over a circular cylinder for Reynolds numbers from lO0 to lO00. The transient time interval before the vortex shedding occurs is shortened considerably by introduction of artificial perturbation. The computed Strouhal number, drag and lift coefficients agree well with the experimental data. The computation shows that the finite element model can be successfully applied to the viscous flow problem.  相似文献   
An experimental study of temperature cycles and the heat budget in the Duplin River, a tidal creek bordered by extensive intertidal salt marshes, was carried out in late summer of 2003 and spring of 2004 near Sapelo Island on the central Georgia coast in the southeastern US. Three water masses are identified with differing temperature and salinity regimes, the characteristics of which are dictated by channel morphology, tidal communication with the neighboring sound, ground water hydrology, the extent of local intertidal salt marshes and side channels and the spring–neap tidal cycle (which controls both energetic mixing and, presumably, ground water input). For the first experiment, heat budgets are constructed for the upper (warmer) and lower (cooler) areas of the Duplin River showing the diminishing importance of tidal advection away from the mouth of the creek along with the concomitant increase in the importance of both direct atmospheric fluxes and of interactions with the marsh and side creeks. The second experiment, in the spring of 2004, reexamines the heat budget on seasonal and daily averaged scales revealing the decreased importance of advective fluxes relative to direct atmospheric fluxes on this scale but the constant importance of marsh/creek interactions regardless of time scale or season. Short period temperature fluctuations which affect larval development are examined and analogies are drawn to use heat to understand the marsh as a source of sediment, carbon and other nutrients.  相似文献   
尼日尔三角洲深水勘探研究面临的挑战及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对深水勘探开发钻井和工程难度大、经济投资成本高的特点,针对深水区复杂油气藏,本文首先在深水研究区从深水重力构造形成机制和深水沉积储层研究入手,创新了深水研究区成藏规律认识.在深水重力构造研究方面,发现其由陆向海的演化模式,按演化和特征分成3种类型,建立深水沉积和重力控制下的构造模式;在深水沉积研究方面,以刻画深水沉积特征为基础,分析了海平面升降影响和重力流密度对深水沉积的控制作用,建立了两种深水沉积模式;然后通过研究重力构造、深水沉积与油气成藏三者的关系,确立了重力构造对深水油气成藏的主控作用,以及深水沉积储层与油气富集规律的关系,建立了深水油气成藏模式.在此基础上,提出了以断层为线索,落实构造,追踪油气,以沉积为单元,计算储量和资源量,进行深水高效勘探评价的新方法.并将上述思路应用到深水复杂油气藏勘探研究中,取得了较好的实际效果.  相似文献   
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