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This paper is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific, the oceanic region centered on the eastern Pacific warm pool, but also including the equatorial cold tongue and equatorial current system, and summarizes what is known about oceanographic influences on seabirds and cetaceans there. The eastern tropical Pacific supports on the order of 50 species of seabirds and 30 species of cetaceans as regular residents; these include four endemic species, the world’s largest populations for several others, three endemic sub-species, and a multi-species community that is relatively unique to this ecosystem. Three of the meso-scale physical features of the region are particularly significant to seabirds and cetaceans: the Costa Rica Dome for blue whales and short-beaked common dolphins, the Equatorial Front for planktivorous seabirds, and the countercurrent thermocline ridge for flocking seabirds that associate with mixed-species schools of spotted and spinner dolphins and yellowfin tuna. A few qualitative studies of meso- to macro-scale distribution patterns have indicated that some seabirds and cetaceans have species-specific preferences for surface currents. More common are associations with distinct water masses; these relationships have been quantified for a number of species using several different analytical methods. The mechanisms underlying tropical species–habitat relationships are not well understood, in contrast to a number of higher-latitude systems. This may be due to the fact that physical variables have been used as proxies for prey abundance and distribution in species–habitat research in the eastern tropical Pacific.Though seasonal and interannual patterns tend to be complex, species–habitat relationships appear to remain relatively stable over time, and distribution patterns co-vary with patterns of preferred habitat for a number of species. The interactions between seasonal and interannual variation in oceanographic conditions with seasonal patterns in the biology of seabirds and cetaceans may account for some of the complexity in species–habitat relationship patterns.Little work has been done to investigate effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation cycles on cetaceans, and results of the few studies focusing on oceanic seabirds are complex and not easy to interpret. Although much has been made of the detrimental effects of El Niño events on apex predators, more research is needed to understand the magnitude, and even direction, of these effects on seabirds and cetaceans in space and time.  相似文献   
夏威夷群岛是世界上著名的岛屿旅游地,是以休闲、娱乐为主要旅游目的的地区之一.通过美国夏威夷州2003 Annual Visitor Research Report,获得第二手关于夏威夷旅游者的详细数据资料,依据旅游者行为特征的研究方法,对数据进行技术处理,找出夏威夷群岛主要客源地(Major Market Areas,MMA)游客行为特征,旨在对我国海岛旅游业发展有所启示.  相似文献   
根据对卫星观测的海平面高度资料的分析,进一步证实了在北太平洋副热带两支向东的流(副热带逆流和夏威夷背风逆流)所在的区域内,海平面高度的70~210天周期振荡是主要的低频变化.发现在这两支向东的逆流区Rossby波的特性不同:副热带逆流区70~210天周期振荡对应的Rossby波西传过程中增幅,在台湾以东振幅达到最大;而在夏威夷背风逆流区,70~210天周期Rossby波在西传过程中不出现增幅现象.依据2.5层海洋模式得到的关于Rossby波振幅、频率与海洋层结之间的关系,揭示了周期为70~210天的Rossby波为不稳定波,这是由于副热带逆流海域模态水存在使得密度的垂直梯度变小的缘故;而在夏威夷背风逆流区位于表层逆流下的北赤道流西深东浅,70~210天周期Rossby长波在逆流的东部有可能不稳定,但其在逆流的西部是稳定的,因此不出现在西传过程中增幅现象;发现在北太平洋副热带两个向东流的海域,年周期Rossby波是稳定的,因此,在该海域海平面周期为70~210天的振荡的振幅要比年周期振荡的振幅大.  相似文献   
A numerical study of stably stratified flow over a three-dimensional hill is presented. Large-eddy simulation is used here to examine in detail the laboratory experimental flows described in the landmark work of Hunt and Snyder about stratified flow over a hill. The flow is linearly stratified and U/Nh is varied from 0.2 to 1.0. Here N and U are the buoyancy frequency and freestream velocity respectively, and h is the height of the hill. The Reynolds number based on the hill height is varied from 365 to 2968. The characteristic flow patterns at various values of U/Nh have been obtained and they are in good agreement with earlier theoretical and experimental results. It is shown that the flow field cannot be predicted by Drazin's theory when recirculation exists at the leeside of the hill even at UNh 1. The wake structure agrees well with a two-dimensional wake assumption when U/Nh 1 but lee waves start to influence the wake structure as U/Nh increases. The dividing-streamline heights obtained in the simulation are in accordance with experimental results and Sheppard's formula. The energy loss along the dividing streamline due to friction/turbulence approximately offsets the energy gained from pressure field. When lee waves are present, linear theory always underestimates the amplitude and overestimates the wavelength of three-dimensional lee waves. The simulated variations of drag coefficients with the parameterK (=ND/ U) are qualitatively consistent with experimental data and linear theory. Here D is the depth of the tank.  相似文献   
关中东部连续性冰雹特征分析   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
利用关中东部各气象站和各县防雹站(点)建站以来的连续性降雹资料,统计分析了连续性降雹的时空分布、环流形势、物理量场以及强回波移动規律,总结出影响关中东部连续性降雹的重要天气特征及渭北多雹和多连续性降雹的重要原因是特殊地形与秦岭背风波相叠加的结果。  相似文献   
为了研究风场对背风波的影响,针对边界层附近为弱稳定层结的背风波,建立了一个三维三层的理论模型和线性计算模式,分析了各层中风速和风向的变化对背风波特征的影响,揭示了气流过孤立山脉产生背风波的有利风场条件。结果表明:背风波的波长、振幅等特征对各层风速和风向的变化具有相当的敏感性,波长随着低、高层风速的增大而增大,随着中层风速的增大先减小后增大;振幅随着低、中层风速的增大先增大后减小,随着高层风速的增大而增大。此外,风速和上下层风向切变的增大均使背风波的形态逐渐由横波型转为辐散型,但是上下层风向的切变对背风波形态的影响比风速更为显著。  相似文献   
We report Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions for 17 bulk-rocksamples from the submarine Hana Ridge, Haleakala volcano, Hawaii,collected by three dives by ROV Kaiko during a joint Japan–USHawaiian cruise in 2001. The Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope ratios forthe submarine Hana Ridge lavas are similar to those of Kilauealavas. This contrasts with the isotope ratios from the subaerialHonomanu lavas of the Haleakala shield, which are similar toMauna Loa lavas or intermediate between the Kilauea and MaunaLoa fields. The observation that both the Kea and Loa componentscoexist in individual shields is inconsistent with the interpretationthat the location of volcanoes within the Hawaiian chain controlsthe geographical distribution of the Loa and Kea trend geochemicalcharacteristics. Isotopic and trace element ratios in Haleakalashield lavas suggest that a recycled oceanic crustal gabbroiccomponent is present in the mantle source. The geochemical characteristicsof the lavas combined with petrological modeling calculationsusing trace element inversion and pMELTS suggest that the meltingdepth progressively decreases in the mantle source during shieldgrowth, and that the proportion of the recycled oceanic gabbroiccomponent sampled by the melt is higher in the later stagesof Hawaiian shields as the volcanoes migrate away from the centralaxis of the plume. KEY WORDS: submarine Hana Ridge; isotope composition; melting depth; Hawaiian mantle plume  相似文献   
The commonest eruption styles of basaltic volcanoes involve Hawaiian lava fountaining or intermittent Strombolian explosions. We investigate the ways in which magma rise speed at depth, magma volatile content and magma viscosity control which of these eruption styles takes place. We develop a model of the degree of coalescence between gas bubbles in the magma which allows us to simulate the transition between the two extreme styles of activity. We find that magma rise speed is the most important factor causing the transition, with gas content and viscosity also influencing the rise speed at which the transition occurs. Counter to intuitive expectations, a decrease in gas content does not cause a transition from Hawaiian to Strombolian activity, but instead causes a transition to passive effusion of vesicular lava. Rather, a change from Hawaiian to Strombolian style requires a significant reduction in magma rise speed.  相似文献   
引发四川盆地东部暴雨的西南低涡结构特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江玉华  杜钦  赵大军  何跃  李江 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1562-1573
利用1951-2008年四川盆地(27°-32°N,105°-110°E)54个地面气象观测站网监测的日雨量资料,分析了四川盆地东部暴雨发生的气候特征。结果表明,四川盆地东部暴雨(或伴有雷雨大风、冰雹大风等)多发生在6-9月,川东北和渝东北是单站暴雨的高发区,重庆西部是大范围暴雨的多发区;引发四川盆地东部(宜宾、南充和重庆西部)暴雨的主要天气系统是西南低涡。对2007-2010年6次西南低涡暴雨过程进行了合成分析,分析表明,西南低涡热力结构特征具有200hPa存在明显增暖现象,对流层中低层则由暖转冷;西南低涡初期大气对流性不稳定明显;西南低涡动力结构特征具有200hPa西风急流在36°N附近,500hPa低槽东移,槽前正涡度加强,从对流层底垂直伸展到300hPa以上,正涡度中心随高度向西倾斜,850~500hPa平均正涡度大值区与低涡中心对应,对流层中低层北风大值区与南风大值区在低涡中心附近形成强水平风切变,同时低涡中心附近的垂直风切变也较明显。促使西南低涡发展的水汽主要来自南海,低空急流由南向北输送水汽,将对流层低层到大气边界层内的水汽输送到低涡中心附近。西南低涡发生、发展过程中在红外卫星云图上具有MCC等中-α尺度特征,发展强盛的西南低涡在多普勒天气雷达回波上有"列车效应"和中气旋特征。  相似文献   
利用兰州和民勤两站干年(1995年)、湿年(1994年)的5~6月08:00和20:00气象观测资料,采用Scorer背风波参数等方法对兰州小高压的形成、发展机制进行动力和热力学诊断分析。分析表明,兰州存在明显的背风波效应和下沉逆温;民勤有较强的逆温层特征,逆温频数多且强度大,辐射和扰动逆温较明显,它们的背风波和逆温层特征影响着兰州小高压的形成、尺度和位置。兰州小高压是青藏高原大地形和大气环流共同作用的一种边界层现象,与青藏高原北部较强的逆温和背风波效应有着重要的关系,运用中尺度天气学方法得出兰州小高压的预报流程,以建立其诊断和预报的概念模型。  相似文献   
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