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《Basin Research》2018,30(5):895-925
Kilometre‐scale geobodies of diagenetic origin have been documented for the first time in a high‐resolution 3D seismic survey of the Upper Cretaceous chalks of the Danish Central Graben, North Sea Basin. Based on detailed geochemical, petrographic and petrophysical analyses, it is demonstrated that the geobodies are of an open‐system diagenetic origin caused by ascending basin fluids guided by faults and stratigraphic heterogeneities. Increased amounts of porosity‐occluding cementation, contact cement and/or high‐density/high‐velocity minerals caused an impedance contrast that can be mapped in seismic data, and represent a hitherto unrecognized, third type of heterogeneity in the chalk deposits in addition to the well‐known sedimentological and structural features. The distribution of the diagenetic geobodies is controlled by porosity/permeability contrasts of stratigraphic origin, such as hardgrounds associated with formation tops, and the feeder fault systems. One of these, the Top Campanian Unconformity at the top of the Gorm Formation, is particularly effective and created a basin‐wide barrier separating low‐porosity chalk below from high‐porosity chalk above (a Regional Porosity Marker, RPM). It is in particular in this upper high‐porosity unit (Tor and Ekofisk Formations) that the diagenetic geobodies occur, delineated by “Stratigraphy Cross‐cutting Reflectors” (SCRs) of which eight different types have been distinguished. The geobodies have been interpreted as the result of: (i) escaping pore fluids due to top seal failure, followed by local mechanical compaction of high‐porous chalks, paired with (ii) ascension of basinal diagenetic fluids along fault systems that locally triggered cementation of calcite and dolomite within the chalk, causing increased contact cements and/or reducing porosity. The migration pathway of the fluids is marked by the SCRs, which are the outlines of high‐density bodies of chalk nested in highly porous chalks. This study, thus, provides new insights into the 3D relationship between fault systems, fluid migration and diagenesis in chalks and has important applications for basin modelling and reservoir characterization.  相似文献   
本文研究了位于西南极菲尔德斯半岛海豹粪土的沉积泥芯HN1的分子地球化学组成特征.HN1沉积物的正烷烃以短链及n-C23为主,主要来源可能为湖相沉积的藻类、细菌和苔藓的输入.醇类组分以高浓度的植物甾醇和粪便甾醇为主,分别代表了植被和海豹粪土沉积的输入,指示了研究区域历史时期的生态变化.脂肪酸组分偶奇优势明显,以C16,C...  相似文献   
The levels and temporal trend of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and non-ortho substituted PCBs (c-PCBs, i.e. CB77, CB126 and CB169) were determined in ringed seal blubber from central East Greenland collected in 1986, 1994, 1999 and 2003, respectively. Since 1986 the concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs and c-PCBs all show a decreasing trend. The annual decreases were estimated to 5.2% and 5.3% for pg/g WHO-TEQ ww of PCDD/Fs and c-PCB, respectively. The annual median concentrations of PCDDs ranged from 5.4 to 24.4 pg/g WHO-TEQ ww and those of PCDFs from 2.5 to 5.1 pg/g WHO-TEQ ww. Compared to PCDD/Fs concentrations in ringed seals from other Arctic areas the levels of PCDD/Fs found in 1986 were the highest recorded. The annual median concentrations of c-PCBs decreased 24.2 to 9.1 pg/g WHO-TEQ ww. The levels of c-PCBs observed in 1986 are similar to levels found in ringed seals from Svalbard in 1990 and from eastern Hudson Bay in 1989–1992. The dominant and most TEQ-contributing PCDD congener was 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD. CB126 was the dominating and most TEQ-contributing c-PCB congener. The concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs and c-PCBs were highly significantly inter-correlated. Principal component analysis of the PCDD/PCDF congeners and c-PCBs was performed to analyse the pattern of compounds during time.  相似文献   
海洋环境中天然气水合物层是理想的毛细管封闭层,游离气被抑制在水合物层下,游离气层的气体压力随气体聚集和气层厚度的增加而升高,当气压超过封闭层的毛细管力时,游离气会克服毛细管进入压力、刺入上伏封闭层孔隙空间,毛细管封闭作用随之消失,从而形成水合物下伏游离气向海底的渗漏.通过对该过程进行的数值模拟计算表明:渗漏气体是以活塞式驱动上伏沉积层中的孔隙水向海底排出,水合物稳定带内流体渗漏速度随水流柱高度的减小而增加,当水流阻抗大于相应沉积层段的静岩压力时,沉积层将转变为流沙,流沙沉积被海流移除后便在海底留下凹陷麻坑.麻坑形成后流体运移通道演化为气体通道,气体快速排放.麻坑深度主要取决于游离气层的厚度和水合物封闭层(底界)的深度,而与沉积层的渗透率无关.麻坑深度一定程度上指示了渗漏前水合物层下伏游离气层的资源量.对布莱克海台海底麻坑深度的数值模拟计算表明,形成4 m深的海底麻坑需要至少22 m厚的游离气层.  相似文献   
文章以上海洋山港工程区域为例,对其海量、多源、多尺度影像数据的组织和管理进行了初步研究。并以影像金字塔算法为基础,重点对遥感影像的分级分块、存储、索引以及影像元数据等关键技术进行了探讨。最后简要介绍了洋山港区遥感影像系统的整体架构。  相似文献   
海水中的磷以三种形式存在:颗粒磷(POP)(生命有机体内的磷和有机碎屑的磷)、溶解有机磷(DOP)和溶解无机磷(DIP)。浮游植物不仅可以吸收溶解无机磷,一些种类还可以吸收溶解有机磷[1];不同粒径的浮游植物对磷酸盐的吸收能力也有所不同,单位叶绿素a的浮游植物对磷酸盐的吸收速率:0.2~3μm浮游植物的吸收速率最大,3~20μm浮游植物的居中,20~200μm浮游植物的最小[2]。磷进入浮游植物以后,又因浮游动物的摄食沿着两条不同的途径向更高的营养级传递。  相似文献   
近年来风暴潮等海洋灾害的频发,对沿海大型工程的防御能力提出了更高的要求。本研究结合广西北海港石步岭港区项目海岸防御工程的设计标准及现状,进行风暴潮和海浪灾害的风险性评估,把推算得到的防御工程应达到的理论顶高程与实测高程进行对比,评估该工程项目抵御海洋灾害的能力。研究发现考虑海平面上升之后的极端高潮位评估结果跟设计值相当;无论是设计高潮位还是极端高潮位下的N向波高的理论值均高于设计值;码头及其他防护岸段的实测最低高程均低于考虑波浪爬高影响之后的理论顶高程,存在一定风险,建议项目业主单位立即采取措施以降低海洋灾害风险。  相似文献   
This paper studies two participatory processes to manage the interactions between seals and coastal fishing in Finland. One was a deliberative multi-stakeholder process, in which the stakeholders in a region approached the problem solving by joint problem definition. The other process was a technology development project to reduce the damage by seals and seal by-catch. This paper discusses the contribution of the processes to maintain economic viability of the coastal fishery without jeopardising the conservation of seals. It concludes that both processes address important aspects of maintaining a dynamic stability in a socio-ecological system of coastal fishing, but a combination of the approaches would better allow dealing with the problem's political aspects and fishing practices that are intertwined in various ways.  相似文献   
近22年来象山港海域水环境变化趋势及R/S预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择CODMn、DIN、PO4-P作为反映象山港海域水环境状况的主要环境参数,建立22 a来(1984—2005)象山港海域CODMn、DIN和PO4-P年平均浓度的时间序列,用平均差值法、最小二乘法和自回归滑动平均法3种趋势分析方法,统计检验了其变化趋势,并用重标极差分析法(R/S分析法),预测了在当前情景下象山港海域未来各项水环境参数的变化趋势特征。结果表明:近22 a来象山港海域CODMn年平均浓度则呈降低的趋势,而DIN和PO4-P的年平均浓度则呈增加的趋势,CODMn降低比DIN和PO4-P增加更明显;根据R/S预测分析,未来象山港海域CODMn的降低趋势可能会出现逆转,呈现升高的趋势,而DIN和PO4-P可能仍将保持逐渐升高的趋势,N:P比值将会进一步扩大,N和P的比例失调状况会进一步加剧。  相似文献   
东营港海域表层沉积物分布及其运移趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年10月东营港海域表层沉积物粒度取样,结合水文观测和相关波浪资料,通过粒度分析以及粒径趋势矢量和掀沙动力等计算,探讨了沉积物的分布特征及其运移趋势。研究表明:东营港海域表层沉积物以黏土质粉砂为主,由岸向海呈"粗-细-粗-细"的条带状分布,相应地形成了沿岸最粗、近岸次细、远岸次粗和外海最细的4个沉积区,呈现出沉积物由粗沉积区向细沉积区运移的趋势;引堤阻隔了两侧潮流运动和波浪传播的连续性,引起引堤-引桥连接部位水流的辐聚或辐散,对于来自NE向的常强浪,引堤北侧为迎波区,南侧为波影区,致使沿岸和近岸的局部水动力场改变,从而造成了引堤南北侧沉积物分布和运移的差异。进一步研究显示,沉积物在总体上呈离岸运移,与余流呈偏东向的离岸流动基本一致。  相似文献   
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