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岩心差应变分析法是汶川地震断层科学钻探(WFSD)项目地应力测量的主要手段之一, 该技术通过高压容器对取之于钻孔不同深度的实验样品施加围压, 观察先前由于失去地层应力而膨胀产生的裂纹重新闭合, 并通过裂纹闭合过程差应变曲线分析, 确定主应力大小和方向。WFSD-1孔12个岩心样品的DSA测试结果表明:断层上下盘的应力状态有明显差异, 区域地应力不仅随深度增加, 还与地质结构和岩石的物理性质等因素有关。   相似文献   
Systems of two parallel linear faults of the same length with the angle of inclination =45° were investigated under uniaxial linearly increasing load. Perspex plates were used as models. For each treated fault configuration the morphology of tensile cracks and the sequence of seismoacoustic events of shear and tensile origin were studied.It is shown that the seismic regime of a fault system is strongly influenced by the contact conditions on a fault plane; it is different in the faults with the aseismic contact, represented by open slits, and in the faults with the seismoactive contact, represented by filled slits, respectively.The experiments proved the dominating role of a fast shear displacement of the stick-slip type in the regime of seismic energy release of a fault system. The tensile crack generation seems to be only of little—if not negligible—importance. On the other hand, the existence of tensile cracks in a fault system can play an important role in the course of subsequent loading cycles because the stick-slip displacements can take place not only along the primary faults but also along the planes of tensile cracks.A comparison of some results of model experiments and the already published results of geological and seismological investigations indicated that the way of seismic energy relase on faults in nature and in the laboratory could be of the same character. Several analogies between the seismic regime of a fault model and of real seismic regions were found concerning the morphology of faults, off-fault fore- and aftershocks, and earthquake doublets, respectively.  相似文献   
Fault dimensions,displacements and growth   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Maximum total displacement (D) is plotted against fault or thrust width(W) for 65 faults, thrusts, and groups of faults from a variety of geological environments. Displacements range from 0.4 m to 40 km and widths from 150 m to 630 km, and there is a near linear relationship betweenD andW 2. The required compatibility strains (e s) in rocks adjacent to these faults increases linearly withW and with and ranges frome s=2×10–4 toe s=3×10–1. These are permanent ductile strains, which compare with values ofe s=2×10–5 for the elastic strains imposed during single slip earthquake events, which are characterised by a linear relationship between slip (u) andW.The data are consisten with a simple growth model for faults and thrusts, in which the slip in successive events increases by increments of constant size, and which predicts a relationship between displacement and width of the formD=cW 2. Incorporation of constant ductile strain rate into the model shows that the repreat time for slip events remains constant throughout the life of a fault, while the displacement rate increases with time. An internally consistent model withe s=2×10–5, giving repeat times of 160 years and instantaneous displacement rates of 0.02 cm/yr, 0.2 cm/yr, and 2.0 cm/yr when total displacement is 1 m, 100 m, and 10 km, and slip increasing by 0.5 mm with each event, gives a good approximation of the data. The model is also applicable to stable sliding, the slip rate varying with ductile strain rate and withW 2.  相似文献   
In this study, we described a 14km-long paleoearthquakes surface rupture across the salt flats of western Qaidam Basin, 10km south of the Xorkol segment of the central Altyn Tagh Fault, with satellite images interpretation and field investigation methods. The surface rupture strikes on average about N80°E sub-parallel to the main Altyn Tagh Fault, but is composed of several stepping segments with markedly different strike ranging from 68°N~87°E. The surface rupture is marked by pressure ridges, sub-fault strands, tension-gashes, pull-apart and faulted basins, likely caused by left-lateral strike-slip faulting. More than 30 pressure ridges can be distinguished with various rectangular, elliptical or elongated shapes. Most long axis of the ridges are oblique(90°N~140°E)to, but a few are nearly parallel to the surface rupture strike. The ridge sizes vary also, with heights from 1 to 15m, widths from several to 60m, and lengths from 10 to 100m. The overall size of these pressure ridges is similar to those found along the Altyn Tagh Fault, for instance, south of Pingding Shan or across Xorkol. Right-stepping 0.5~1m-deep gashes or sub-faults, with lengths from a few meters to several hundred meters, are distributed obliquely between ridges at an angle reaching 30°. The sub-faults are characterized with SE or NW facing 0.5~1m-high scarps. Several pull-apart and faulted basins are bounded by faults along the eastern part of the surface rupture. One large pull-apart basins are 6~7m deep and 400m wide. A faulted basin, 80m wide, 500m long and 3m deep, is bounded by 2 left-stepping left-lateral faults and 4 right-stepping normal faults. Two to three m-wide gashes are often seen on pressure ridges, and some ridges are left-laterally faulted and cut into several parts, probably owing to the occurrence of repetitive earthquakes. The OSL dating indicates that the most recent rupture might occur during Holocene.
Southwestwards the rupture trace disappears a few hundred meters north of a south dipping thrust scarp bounding uplifted and folded Plio-Quaternary sediments to the south. Thrust scarps can be followed southwestward for another 12km and suggest a connection with the south Pingding Shan Fault, a left-lateral splay of the main Altyn Tagh Fault. To the northeast the rupture trace progressively veers to the east and is seen cross-cutting the bajada south of Datonggou Nanshan and merging with active thrusts clearly outlined by south facing cumulative scarps across the fans. The geometry of this strike-slip fault trace and the clear young seismic geomorphology typifies the present and tectonically active link between left-lateral strike-slip faulting and thrusting along the eastern termination of the Altyn Tagh Fault, a process responsible for the growth of the Tibetan plateau at its northeastern margin. The discrete relation between thrusting and strike-slip faulting suggests discontinuous transfer of strain from strike-slip faulting to thrusting and thus stepwise northeastward slip-rate decrease along the Altyn Tagh Fault after each strike-slip/thrust junction.  相似文献   
The Bolokenu-Aqikekuduk fault zone(B-A Fault)is a 1 000km long right-lateral strike-slip active fault in the Tianshan Mountains. Its late Quaternary activity characteristics are helpful to understand the role of active strike-slip faults in regional compressional strain distribution and orogenic processes in the continental compression environment, as well as seismic hazard assessment. In this paper, research on the paleoearthquakes is carried out by remote sensing image interpretation, field investigation, trench excavation and Quaternary dating in the Jinghe section of B-A Fault. In this paper, two trenches were excavated on in the pluvial fans of Fan2b in the bulge and Fan3a in the fault scarp. The markers such as different strata, cracks and colluvial wedges in the trenches are identified and the age of sedimentation is determined by means of OSL dating for different strata. Four most recent paleoearthquakes on the B-A Fault are revealed in trench TC1 and three most recent paleoearthquakes are revealed in trench TC2. Only the latest event was constrained by the OSL age among the three events revealed in the trench TC2. Therefore, when establishing the recurrence of the paleoearthquakes, we mainly rely on the paleoearthquake events in trench TC1, which are labeled E1-E4 from oldest to youngest, and their dates are constrained to the following time ranges: E1(19.4±2.5)~(19.0±2.5)ka BP, E2(18.6±1.4)~(17.3±1.4)ka BP, E3(12.2±1.2)~(6.6±0.8)ka BP, and E4 6.9~6.2ka BP, respectively. The earthquake recurrence intervals are(1.2±0.5)ka, (8.7±3.0)ka and(2.8±3)ka, respectively. According to the sedimentation rate of the stratum, it can be judged that there is a sedimentary discontinuity between the paleoearthquakes E2 and E3, and the paleoearthquake events between E2 and E3 may not be recorded by the stratum. Ignoring the sedimentary discontinuous strata and the earthquakes occurring during the sedimentary discontinuity, the earthquake recurrence interval of the Jinghe section of B-A Fault is ~1~3ka. This is consistent with the earthquake recurrence interval(~2ka)calculated from the slip rate and the minimum displacement. The elapsed time of the latest paleoearthquake recorded in the trench is ~6.9~6.2ka BP. The magnitude of the latest event defined by the single event displacement on the fault is ~MW7.4, and a longer earthquake elapsed time indicates the higher seismic risk of the B-A Fault.  相似文献   
新元古代沂沭海峡位于郯庐断裂带昌邑—大店断层西侧宽60~90,km、长300,km的区域内,其分布范围基本与郯庐断裂带中段一致。新元古代,该海峡盆地先后沉积了青白口系、南华系及震旦系的滨—浅海相陆源碎屑、泥质及碳酸盐沉积物,其岩石地层称之为土门群。本次研究从该海峡盆地土门群佟家庄组(由石英砂岩、泥灰岩和页岩组成,属南华系)、浮来山组(由细—粉砂岩夹页岩组成,属震旦系)及石旺庄组(主要由碳酸盐岩组成,下部夹页岩,属震旦系)中鉴别出了一系列地震触动软沉积物形成的变形构造,包括液化砂墙和砂脉、负载构造、火焰构造、球枕构造、软布丁构造、底辟构造、滑塌褶曲和同沉积断层等。它们是地震事件的记录——震积岩。新元古代中晚期(约800—600,Ma)沂沭海峡盆地拉张裂陷是它们形成的动力机制。根据石旺庄组中的微亮晶方解石脉与地震成因的变形构造(如负载、火焰、软布丁及同沉积断层等)共(伴)生的事实,并结合模拟地震试验结果分析,认为微亮晶方解石脉很可能是地震引发的饱和灰泥(方解石微粒)液化脉。微量化学元素分析结果表明,这些震积岩中的w(La)/w(Sc)和 w(La)/w(Th)值高于上地壳平均值和正常沉积层,而w(Th)/w(Sc)值则较低,深源微量元素Ni和Cr的含量也高于上地壳平均值及正常沉积层。这些微量元素特征是当时的盆地基底不稳定、快速沉积且伴有深部物质元素混入的反映,强地震很可能是快速沉积和促进深源物质混入的主要动力。土门群中发育的一系列地震引起的软沉积物变形(震积岩),再次证明了古郯庐断裂带的存在,由它们记录的地震事件也是晋宁运动乃至Rodinia超大陆的裂解的响应。  相似文献   
Bora Uzel 《Geodinamica Acta》2016,28(4):311-327
Linking of normal faults forms at all scales as a relay ramp during growth stages and represents the most efficient way for faults to lengthen during their progressive formation. Here, I study the linking of normal faulting along the active K?rka?aç Fault Zone within the west Anatolian extensional system to reconstruct fault interaction in time and space using both field- and computer-based data. I find that (i) connecting of the relay zone/ramp occurred with two breaching faults of different generations and that (ii) the propagation was facilitated by the presence of pre-existing structures, inherited from the ?zmir-Bal?kesir transfer zone. Hence, the linkage cannot be compared directly to a simple fault growth model. Therefore, I propose a combined scenario of both hangingwall and footwall fault propagation mechanisms that explain the present-day geometry of the composite fault line. The computer-based analyses show that the approximate slip rate is 0.38 mm/year during the Quaternary, and a NE–SW-directed extension is mainly responsible for the recent faulting along the K?rka?aç Fault Zone. The proposed structural scenario also highlights the active fault termination and should be considered in future seismic hazard assessments for the region that includes densely populated settlements.  相似文献   
徐家围子断陷位于松辽盆地北部,其深层中生代火石岭组为致密火山岩气藏,天然裂缝发育,地应力分布非均质性强。结合诱导裂缝法与井径崩落法进行单井现今地应力方向分析,利用声波测井法计算现今地应力大小的纵向分布。依据火石岭组构造顶底面图、火山岩相组及断层分布特征建立非均质三维地质模型;在动、静态岩石物理参数拟合校正的基础上,结合实验测试及已有研究成果,确定不同岩相组和断层岩石物理参数,建立三维力学模型;利用Ansys有限元数值模拟软件建立火石岭组三维数学模型并进行相关运算获得三维现今地应力分布模型。计算结果表明在火石岭组地层中,水平最大主应力方向主要为东西向,应力值范围在86~110 MPa;水平最小主应力方向主要为南北向,应力值范围在67~84 MPa。分析模拟结果可知火山岩相、断层和构造起伏三者对火石岭组现今地应力分布影响较大。其中水平主应力的方向主要受断层和近火山口相分布的影响,而水平主应力的大小则是受三者综合作用。在构造低部位,近火山口相组发育处,断层上盘及断层端部皆为主应力的集中区域。依据现今地应力研究成果可为徐家围子断陷下一步开发井网部署、压裂改造方案和水平井的设计以及注水管理提供重要指导。   相似文献   
We report for the first time the occurrence of polygonal faults in sandstone, which is compelling given that layer-bound polygonal fault systems have been observed so far only in fine-grained sediments such as clay and chalk. The polygonal faults are shear deformation bands that developed under shallow burial conditions via strain hardening in dm-wide zones. The edges of the polygons are 1–5 m long. The shear deformation bands are organized as conjugate faults along each edge of the polygon and form characteristic horst-like structures. The individual deformation bands have slip magnitudes ranging from a few mm to 1.5 cm; the cumulative average slip magnitude in a zone is up to 10 cm. The deformation bands heaves, in aggregate form, accommodate a small isotropic horizontal extension (strain <0.005). The individual shear deformation bands show abutting T-junctions, veering, curving, and merging where they mechanically interact. Crosscutting relationships are rare. The interactions of the deformation bands are similar to those of mode I opening fractures. The documented fault networks have important implications for evaluating the geometry of km-scale polygonal fault systems in the subsurface, top seal integrity, as well as constraining paleo-tectonic stress regimes.  相似文献   
王铨宇  杨树元 《云南地质》2005,24(3):298-302
异常形态、分布严格受推覆断裂控制,范围大、浓集中心明显,浓度变化及因子载荷表明。区内找Ag、Pb有利,而Sb又为其最佳指示元素。  相似文献   
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