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Although many species in the pelagic ocean are widespread, they are not randomly distributed. These species may have associations with particular water masses or habitats, but to best understand patterns in the ocean, these habitats must be identified. Previous efforts have produced static or seasonal climatologies, which still represent smearing over habitats. The Eastern Tuna and Billfish Longline Fishery (ETBF) targets a range of high trophic level species in oceanic waters off eastern Australia. In this study, dynamic ocean habitats in the region were identified for each month based on cluster analysis of five oceanographic variables averaged at a monthly time scale and a spatial scale of 0.5° for the period 1995-2006. A total of seven persistent habitats were identified off eastern Australia with intra and interannual variation in size and location, indicating the importance of spatial and temporal variation in the dynamics of the region. The degree to which these dynamic habitats were distinguished was tested using (i) stable isotope analysis of top fish predators caught in the region and (ii) estimates of variation in estimated abundance generated from catch data from the fishery. More precise estimates (measured as lower total CV) of isotopic values from swordfish (Xiphias gladius), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) were obtained for 4 of 6 isotope comparisons using the dynamic habitat groupings, which indicate that stratifying by pelagic habitat improved precision. Dynamic habitats produced more precise abundance estimates for 7 of 8 large pelagic species examined, with an average reduction in total CV of 19% compared to when abundance was estimated based on static habitat stratification. These findings could be used to guide development of effective monitoring strategies that can distinguish patterns due to environmental variation, and in the longer term, climate change.  相似文献   
We conducted a manipulative experiment to investigate the influential factors of locomotor ability in steppe toad-headed lizards. By using a video-base method, we measured running speed of the lizards when they run on sands of different grain sizes. We also considered body condition, tail length and sex as fixed factors to analyze their effects on running speed of the lizard. Results showed that running speed of the lizard significantly differed among different trials of sand grain size. Specifically, the peak and the nadir values of the running speed were found on sands of 0.5-1 mm and 0.075-0.25 mm grains, respectively. When lizards ran on sands of different grain size their running speed changed significantly. Body condition and tail length also had significant effects on running speed. The findings indicated that locomotor ability of lizards depended on both body condition and the external environment. We hypothesized that sand grain size is one of the factors that influence the habitat selection in steppe toad-headed lizards. Moreover, this lizard may be used as an indicator of the development of sand dunes.  相似文献   
万山群岛海域生态环境日益恶化、渔业资源持续衰退,因此建设万山群岛海洋牧场,修复海域生态环境、实现渔业资源可持续利用迫在眉睫。针对现阶段基于海洋生物资源的海洋牧场适宜性评估的研究较少,本研究利用渔业资源调查和全球物种数据库记录数据及13个环境因素数据,采用物种分布模型MaxEnt对选择的白姑鱼、日本金线鱼、红星梭子蟹和浅缝骨螺潜在分布区进行预测,探讨海洋生物地理分布与海洋环境因素之间的关系进而进行万山海洋牧场生境适宜性评估,结果表明:(1)各模型AUC值均大于0.9,说明构建的模型对这些物种潜在分布的模拟效果较好,后续可采用MaxEnt模型对4种生物的栖息地分布区进行预测;(2)海底浮游植物密度、海底温度以及海底硅酸盐浓度是影响这4种海洋生物栖息地分布的关键环境因子;(3)基于该4种海洋物种MaxEnt模型的HSI分布区所存在重叠区域来看,海洋牧场拟建设区域应为纬度21.85°N~22.15°N,经度113.6°E~114.2°E。研究结果可为万山海洋牧场规划和建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The term wood-pastures is usually applied to areas with trees or other woody vegetation, scattered through a mainly grazed grassland area, and reflects one of the oldest land use types in Europe, which plays important ecological, agricultural and socio-cultural roles. However, a rapid decline in their area due to changes in land use and a lack of tree regeneration has recently been observed all over Europe, which has led to the necessity of a deeper understanding of their behaviour in relation to different factors via a detailed analysis of the history of the changes in their distribution over space and time. Despite the recent increase in the number of related studies, information on historic patterns of wood-pastures in many European locations, such as Czechia, remains incomplete. The goal of this study is to assess the habitat continuity of current wood-pastures and to analyse the land-use/land-cover changes of historical and current wood-pastures in lowlands and warm landscapes of hills and basins of Czechia. To achieve this, nine sites covering a total area of 98.6 km2 were studied in Czechia. The situation on three time horizons (1820–1840s, the early 1950s and today) was analysed. The results have shown that almost all wood-pastures from the 1st half of the 19th century have now been lost and most of the currently existing ones were formed from the 1950s till today. Most wood-pastures, which were lost by the 1950s, were turned into open habitats, such as arable lands, and the ones lost from 1950 were turned into forest. New wood-pastures are mostly formed from open habitats, often in former military areas.  相似文献   
With the degeneration of environment and acceleration of urbanization,human environment has attracted great attention worldwide.This paper sets up the Human Settlements Environment Index(HEI) model and evaluates the natural environment suitability for Human Settlements in China based on GIS technology.The results show that the HEI of China decreases from southeast to northwest in general,HEI is significantly correlated with population density at grid size and the correlation coefficient(r) between them reaches 0.93,which indicates that natural environment suitability for Human Settlements has a significant influence on population distribution.Most people in China mainly concentrate in areas with high natural environment suitability.The total suitable area is 430.47×104 km2,which accounts for nearly 45% of the total land area in China,while the proportion of people living in the area reaches 96.56%.With a population density of 18 people per square kilometer,the critical area is the transitional region for people to live in China.The critical area covers 225.11×104 km2 with a population of 41.12 million.The non-suitable area covers 304.42×104 km2 with a population of only 2.49 million.  相似文献   
基于地理探测器的大熊猫生境适宜度评价模型及验证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动物生境适宜度评价对于野生动物生境保护十分重要。基于物种活动点来建模的生态位模型是目前应用最广泛的动物生境评价方法,但该方法不能直接表达生境适宜度与环境因子间具有生态学意义的数量关系。本文以雅安地区为例,提出一种新的大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)生境适宜度评价方法,选取海拔、坡度、坡向、地形指数、距水源距离、植被类型、主食竹及距公路距离8个环境因子,引入地理探测器,在分别基于MAXENT模型和层次分析法(The Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)所构建生境适宜度模型的基础上,通过4个地理探测器(风险探测器、因子探测器、生态探测器和交互作用探测器)探寻大熊猫生境与各环境因子间的关系以及环境因子对大熊猫生境的影响机理,并将其预测结果与单一MAXENT模型和AHP法进行对比。结果表明:(1)AHP、AHP-Geogdetector、MAXENT和MAXENT-Geogdetector模型总体评价精度分别为85.6%、86.5%、91.3%和94.2%,kappa系数分别为0.699、0.718、0.821和0.882,AUC值分别为0.902、0.928、0.949和0.966,模型所预测的适宜和较适宜区与实际分布区重叠比分别为63.66%、61.30%、76.70%和90.10%,说明AHP-Geogdetector和MAXENT-Geogdetector模型精度均比相应的单一模型有所提高,且MAXENT-Geogdetector模型精度最高;(2)基于地理探测器的大熊猫生境适宜度评价模型能以“生境适宜度和环境因子间具有生态学意义的数量关系”的形式直接体现环境因子对动物生境利用的生态学作用,具有较好的生态学可解释性。因此,用地理探测器进行大熊猫生境适宜度评价具有较好的可行性。  相似文献   
城市增长边界是管控城市建设用地无序扩张的有效手段,科学合理划定城市增长边界是当前研究关注的重要课题。本研究试图引入百度动态交通时间和POI数据改进FLUS模型,以长沙市中心城区为例,采用2000、2010和2018年3期土地利用数据对比验证改进FLUS模型模拟精度,并利用改进FLUS模型设置2种情景,模拟2030年长沙市中心城区土地利用变化,结合用地适宜性评价划定城市增长边界。结果显示:① 纳入动态数据的改进FLUS模型模拟2010年和2018年土地利用相比原模型KAPPA系数提高了2.90%和2.74%,总体精度提高了1.79%和1.83%,表明改进模型具有更高模拟精度;② 利用改进FLUS模型模拟的2030年长沙市中心城区土地利用变化,基准情景和生态保护情景建设用地规模分别为930.06 km2和881.36 km2,均以耕地转为建设用地比例最大;③ 长沙市中心城区刚性增长边界范围为1479.59 km2,占中心城区总面积的37.38%,边界内包含了芙蓉区、天心区、雨花区、岳麓区和开福区的大部分区域;④ 基准情景和生态保护情景下,长沙市中心城区弹性增长边界面积分别为799.35 km2和742.92 km2,建设用地扩张空间主要为长沙县和望城区,结果与2010版长沙市城市总体规划拓展方向一致。纳入动态数据的改进FLUS模型多情景模拟划定城市增长边界,能更高精度的为规划决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
安徽省夏玉米气候适宜性及时空格局特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛绍学  张建军  王晓东 《地理研究》2014,33(8):1467-1476
利用安徽省60个气象站1961-2010年的气象资料,结合已有研究成果,利用加权平均法构建了夏玉米气候适宜指数模型,并分析了气温、降水、日照及其适宜指数的变化趋势,重点分析表征各要素综合影响的气候适宜指数的时空变化特征。结果表明:夏玉米生长季内的温度适宜指数呈现微弱上升趋势,日照适宜指数显著下降,降水适宜指数呈现不显著的下降趋势。不同发育阶段,气温、降水及其适宜指数上升或下降的趋势不尽一致,日照及其适宜指数下降趋势显著,自然状况下降水是制约夏玉米生长的主要限制因素。夏玉米全生育期的气候适宜指数下降趋势显著。近50年来安徽省夏玉米气候适宜指数空间分布特征发生明显变化,北部尤其是西北部夏玉米气候适宜性下降明显。  相似文献   
根据地形地貌、地质构造、水文地质条件将青岛市划分为6个工程地质亚区,论述了各亚区地质环境特征,结合不同城市建筑工程特点,进行了工程场地适应性和选择性分析评价,为充分合理利用城市地质环境提供良好依据  相似文献   
利用定性、半定量相结合的层次分析法(AHP),建立地埋管换热系统适宜性递阶层次结构模型,在野外试验、室内测试等基础数据的基础上,选取地下水埋藏深度、砂层厚度、成孔难易程度、地面沉降、热扩散率、比热容、综合热导率等7个评价指标,将东营市浅层地热能开发利用划分为适宜区、较适宜区。这是东营地区第一次利用实测数据开展浅层地热能适宜性评价,为今后的合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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