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I.BRIEFINTRODUCTIONInthechainofhydroelectricpowerstationsalongthemiddleandlowerreachesofLancangiiangforer,Jinghongpowerstationisthe6thonewiththemultipleeconomicbenefitofelectricalgenerationandnavigation.Thepowerstationconsistsof3x300MWunitsandeachturbinehasamaximumintakingflowof390m'/s.Arrangedfromtherighttoleflbankofthedamisashipelex,ator.ti7hichisaccessibleto300tonboats,thespillwa}'damsectionandthepowerhouse.Ontheright,middleandleftsideofthepotverhouserespectively.therearethreebotto…  相似文献   
Surficial sediments of three northern Egyptian lakes (Manzala, Burullus and Edku) show differences in diatom assemblages deposited in different sites of these lakes. A total of 172 species and varieties belonging to 58 genera were identified and counted from 62 samples. Of these, 163 diatom taxa were recorded from Manzala Lake sediments, 147 taxa were found in Burullus Lake sediments, and 117 taxa were identified in Edku Lake sediments. The considerable variation in the composition and distribution of the diatom assemblages among these lakes was mainly related to differences in the water quality, salinity, the concentration of nutrients and climatic changes. The planktonic diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana was dominant in the majority of the samples from Manzala Lake, but dominant in only a few samples from the middle parts of Burullus and Edku lakes. The non-planktonic epiphytic taxa Cocconeis placentula and Epithemia sorex were the subdominant species in the surface sediments, especially in shallow and marginal parts of the lakes. Multivariate statistical techniques (hierarchical ascending clustering and canonical correspondence analysis) were used to identify ecological groups of diatoms and to investigate which environmental variables were important in explaining the variation between these groups. Eight ecological groups containing distinctive diatom assemblages reflect current environmental conditions; especially saltwater intrusion in the north and nutrient-rich freshwater in the south.  相似文献   
基于遥感技术的三峡库区土壤侵蚀量评估及影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于遥感和地理信息系统技术,利用修正通用土壤流失方程对三峡库区的土壤侵蚀进行定量评估,并进一步分别利用MODIS、TRMM遥感数据对其变化影响的主要因子植被覆盖和降雨侵蚀力变化进行了分析.结果表明:2005年土壤侵蚀总量为11 979.19×104t,平均土壤侵蚀模数为2 087 t/(km2·a),与2000年土壤侵蚀模数2 381 t/(km2·a)相比,减少了294 t/(km2·a).库区东部长江两岸大部分地区植被出现增长趋势,位于研究区边缘附近植被变化不明显;库区降雨侵蚀力总体呈增加趋势,同时降雨侵蚀力年际变化存在较明显的空间差异性.  相似文献   
三峡水库蓄水对库区孕震环境及潜在震源影响研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
三峡水库蓄水对库首区孕震环境影响有多大,是否需要对潜在震源的划分方案及现行地震危险性分析方法做出调整、改进,是一个亟待解决的问题。综合分析了三峡水库蓄水前后形变、重力等同步观测资料;论述了蓄水对库首区孕震环境与潜在震源可能的影响.并提出了一些研究设想。  相似文献   
1 IN T R O D U C T IO NM ostofthepastw aterm anagem enthasfocused on pointsource pollution,w ith less attention to nonpointsourcepollution.A fterpointsourcesofpollution have been al-ready heavily controlled, nonpoint source pollution(N PSP) has becom e th…  相似文献   
Shibanqiao Reservoir (25°56′56.5′′ N, 105°26′44.5′′ E and ∼1400 m a.s.l.), southwest Guizhou Plateau, SW China, was built in 1958. It lies in an area of sub-tropical monsoon humid climate in a carbonate-rock-dominated catchment of 6 km2. Two sediment cores (24 and 23 cm long) were retrieved from the reservoir, and four soil profiles were sampled in the catchment. Mineral magnetism was measured on all sediment and soil samples. Soil and sediment magnetic measurements together with analyses of sediment 137Cs activity, particle-size, TOC, and C/N revealed changes in soil erosion between 1960 and 2002. During some phases, erosion (probably as splashing and/or sheeting) was relatively low and tended to take place only in the topsoil as indicated by high ARM/SIRM of the sediments. During other phases, erosion (probably as rilling and/or initial gullying) was relatively intense and thus disturbed the deeper soils, as expressed by high IRM−100mT/SIRM. Most of the changes in relative intensity of erosion can be ascribed to fluctuations in precipitation. Changes in land use/land cover or human activities may account, in part, for changes in soil erosion inferred for four more roughly identified periods.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes of H2O are used to define the hyporheic–hypolentic boundary in Ledbetter Creek as it discharges to Kentucky Lake, a constructed reservoir in western Kentucky, USA. High-resolution (centimeter-scale) sample collection and analysis were utilized to determine one-dimensional variations in δ2H and δ18O of H2O and chloride (Cl) across the boundary. During reservoir low stand in winter, the hyporheic–hypolentic zone contains water from Ledbetter Creek and groundwater separated by an interface at ~10 cm below the channel bottom. Following reservoir-stage increase in spring and summer, water from Kentucky Lake infiltrates into the hyporheic–hypolentic zone to a depth of at least 18 cm below the channel bottom. Reservoir-stage decline in autumn causes source-water mixing, largely obscuring the hyporheic–hypolentic boundary. Stable isotopes provide an effective complement to conventional tracers for delineation of water masses within the hyporheic–hypolentic zone.
Resumen Se han utilizado isótopos estables del agua para definir el límite hiporreico-hipoléntico en Ledbetter Creek, que constituye una zona de descarga del lago Kentucky, una presa construida al Oeste de Kentucky, USA. Se ha llevado a cabo una recogida de muestras de alta resolución (a escala centimétrica) y se utilizaron los resultados para determinar las variaciones unidimensionales en δ2H y δ18O del H2O y los cloruros (Cl) alrededor del límite. Durante la época de niveles bajos en invierno, la zona hiporreica-hipolentica tiene agua procedente de Ledbetter Creek y de agua subterránea separada por una interfase de ~10 cm debajo del límite del canal. Siguiendo el incremento de los niveles en la presa en primavera y verano, el agua del Lago Kentucky se infiltra en la zona hiporreica-hipoléntica hasta una profundidad de, al menos, 18 cm bajo el límite hiporreico-hipoléntico. Los isótopos estables aportan un complemento efectivo a los trazadores convencionales para la delimitación de masas de agua dentro de la zona hiporreica-hipoléntica.

Résumé L’utilisation des isotopes stables de la molécule d’eau a permis de définir l’interface hyporhéique-hypolentique dans la Ledbetter Creek, au point de déversement dans le réservoir artificiel que constitue le Kentucky Lake (Ouest du Kentucky, Etats-Unis). Une campagne de prélèvements à haute résolution (échelle centimétrique) a contribué à déterminer les variations unidimensionnelles des valeurs de δ2H et de δ18O de la molécule d’eau et de la concentration en chlorures (Cl) de part et d’autre de l’interface. En hiver, lorsque le niveau du réservoir est minimal, la zone hyporhéique-hypolentique contient de l’eau de la Ledbetter Creek et de l’eau souterraine, séparées par un interface situé environ 10 cm sous le fond du chenal. Suite aux recharges printanières et estivales, l’eau du Kentucky Lake envahit la zone hyporhéique-hypolentique sur plus de 18 cm sous le fond du chenal. En automne, la baisse de niveau dans le réservoir occasionne un mélange des eaux, rendant diffus l’interface hyporhéique-hypolentique. Les isotopes stables constituent ainsi un complément efficace aux traceurs conventionnels pour la délimitation des masses d’eau dans la zone hyporhéique-hypolentique.
In this paper we assess the ways in which the topography of glaciated northern Britain has affected the siting and operations of water mills, and compare those factors and mill locations for mills in unglaciated southern Britain. We then explore the impacts of these findings on the potential downstream impacts of mill dam failure.We used a GIS to plot the locations of all 1712 localities in Britain's Ordnance Survey Gazetteer that include “mill”, “milton” (‘milltown’) and “miln” in their name. We then examined the geomorphology of mill locations in two study areas, one in northeast Scotland (glaciated; 421 localities) and one in southern England (unglaciated; 438 localities), assessing (i) mill location within the drainage net, and (ii) the steepness of an adjacent stream within a radius of 500 m of the mill locality. The large majority of mills are located within the first 10 km of the drainage net in both study areas, presumably on relatively stable bedrock channels. The data for most of the mills in both study areas indicate that catchment areas of less than 200 km2 are sufficient to supply the water necessary for operation of a mill, but the higher rainfalls and runoff in Scotland (almost twice the values in the England study area) mean that mill dams in S England must have been higher and of higher capacity than those in NE Scotland. That finding is consistent with the results related to channel steepness, which show that mills in Scotland are associated with steeper channels than is the case in England. The generally greater channel steepness in Scotland (and the greater downstream extent of those steeper channels, as also confirmed by the data) reflect both the many glacially steepened bedrock channel reaches in Scotland and the steepening of Scotland's coastal bedrock channels as a result of glacio-isostatic rebound.The technical requirements of water mill operation favour situations where water can be delivered to the top of, or at least part-way up, the mill wheel. Scotland's steeper rivers and its higher rainfalls mean that Scotland's mills require smaller mill dams, if they are needed at all. It would therefore be expected that catastrophic or managed failure of mill dam walls in northern Britain would release lower volumes of trapped sediment to the downstream fluvial system. These lower volumes would in turn result in lower geomorphological impacts downstream of the dam, both in terms of changing channel patterns and burial of the bed. Such dam failure is a key current issue in geomorphology and one case study of a small failed mill dam in western Scotland confirms the minimal downstream impacts of that failure.  相似文献   
The Yudonghe landslide is located in a upcoming reservoir region of a 233-m-high Shuibuya rockfill dam, 2,300 m away from the dam site. It consists of a massive landslide with upper and lower segments and two secondary slides, i.e. an eastern secondary slide and a western secondary slide. In this paper, values of factor of safety (FS) for various masses were calculated in a scenario of reservoir impounding-induced increase in groundwater levels, using a method of three-dimensional (3D) limit equilibrium. Results showed that the smallest value of FS for the massive landslide is 1.12 computed on the presupposition of reactivating along a bottom slide zone in case of an earthquake. The smallest FS value of the lower slide mass is 1.12 in a possible direction, given earthquake occurrence and a groundwater level of 225 m above the sea level. This FS value shows that the lower slide mass is stable in case of groundwater increasing. In addition, by the calculation of the 3D limit equilibrium method, the FS value of the east secondary slide is approximately 1.0 in different groundwater levels under consideration of earthquake occurrence, which reflects that this mass is prone to reactivate when external factors are taken into effect.  相似文献   
蒋海昆  宋金  吴琼  李金  曲均浩 《地球物理学报》2012,55(07):2341-2352
针对ETAS模型参数估计方法(MLE)中的初值敏感性问题,提出GA+MLE算法,以GA结果作为MLE算法的初始输入,对结果进行精细计算.通过ETAS模型研究三峡库区微震活动在快速加载及缓慢卸载两种状态下的流体触发、地震自激发及微震活动衰减特征,讨论库水渗透及加卸载过程的可能影响.结果显示:(1)库水快速加载阶段ETAS模型参数μ、α、p及流体触发地震所占比例Rb均显示由小变大、又由大变小的变化过程,但p值的统计差异不显著;在库水缓慢卸载阶段,μ与Rb持续减小;(2)平均来看,库水快速加载阶段流体对微震活动显示较强的外因触发作用,同一条件下序列地震自激发明显增强、衰减相对较慢;水位缓慢卸载阶段,流体对地震活动的触发影响相对较弱,地震自激发不强、衰减相对较快;(3)分阶段来看,蓄水初期库水作用对微震活动的外因触发影响较弱,随库水位的升高及作用时间的增长,流体渗透逐渐发挥作用,孔隙压逐渐增大,流体外因触发作用明显增强,大多数微震活动缘于流体的直接触发(Rb≥95%);足够长的时间之后,由于地下数公里范围在新的载荷及渗透条件下趋于新的平衡,流体渗透影响趋于稳定,孔隙压趋于常数,孔隙压变化趋于0,流体对微震活动的触发作用逐渐减弱.  相似文献   
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