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1989年3月13日太阳耀斑事件产生了丰富的地球物理效应。耀斑激波和耀斑粒子流引起强烈地磁暴。在武昌地区,磁暴急始发生于地方时3月13日09h30min,其初相期持续10小时(3月13日09h30min-19h20min),主相期持续13小时(3月13日19h20min-3月14日08h20min),至3月16日05h20min始恢复平静(图1)。 相似文献
Extended periods of very low geomagnetic activity as described by very quiet intervals (VQI's) occur only at those times when the solar wind velocityV has a generally decreasing trend, i.e., they mainly occur either after the velocity peak of a high speed solar stream has passed the Earth, or at times when the Earth is immersed in a low speed solar plasma provided that the daily mean value ofdV/dt is negative. The VQI's most frequently start whendV/dt<0 anddBZ/dt>0 (BZ is the geocentric solar magnetrospheric-GSMZ-component of the IMF) and end most likely whendV/dt>0 anddBZ/dt<0. The temporal trends of the solar wind (SW) velocity affect the variation of theap index only when the level of geomagnetic activity is generally low.It is suggested that a gradual expansion or contraction of the magnetosphere, associated with a slow variation of the SW pressure, plays a role in the modification of the reconnection-driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluctuations in the magnetosphere. 相似文献
本文对1986年1月北京地区Pc3地磁脉动进行了偏振特征的分析,分别找出了北京地区Pc3地磁脉动在磁静日期间和磁扰日期间偏振旋转方向随地方时变化的规律,以及偏振主轴方向随地方时变化的规律。 根据Pc3地磁脉动的偏振分析,可以了解北京地区Pc3脉动的激发机制,为进一步磁层诊断提供科学依据。 相似文献
应用神经网络建立加速度峰值衰减规律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在假定了加速度峰值衰减规律的形式后,本采用人工神经网络拟合实际加速度峰值观测资料来求取方程中的待定系数。为加速神经网络的训练,本设计了基于BP学习算法的目标分段网络训练法。 相似文献
研究“源兆”的若干问题及途径分析 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0
从位场理论的观点讨论了场和源的概念,建议将“场兆”改称为构造前兆,将“源兆”称为震源前兆。文中还分析了震源体与各种前兆观测方法探测的深度,并根据地磁与重力观测方法不同的物理基础和地质基础,指出震磁效应对于研究震源前兆的特殊意义,文中还介绍了1976唐山地震观测到震源前兆的部分实际地磁资料。 相似文献
本文研究了1986年2月强磁暴对我国中低纬地区电波闪烁活动的影响。着重分析了在武昌接收到的136MHz卫星信号的反常闪烁现象,计算了武昌暴时闪烁的极大熵功率谱密度。发现8日闪烁的幂律谱大都在约500m尺度附近呈现出明显的“膝(knee)”;谱指数比平时大,以膝为界,较大尺度上的谱指数值在2.6至3.6之间,平均为3.1,较小尺度上的谱指数平均为5.1,最大可达5.9;且在同一谱图上,有时出现不止一个“膝”,出现双膝时,最大谱指数可达8.9日的闪烁谱与8日有较大差异,但与非暴时的多数谱类似,大多未出现明显的“膝”,且谱指数较小,平均为2.8。本文还对引起闪烁的电离层不规则结构的起源机制作了初步讨论,以解释上述现象。 相似文献
肇庆地磁台磁通门磁力仪对比分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对2003年肇庆地磁台GM3和Flare-plus磁通门磁力仪的H、D、Z分量观测数据.进行了趋势变化、均值、方差一致性检验以及基线值分析,认为两台磁力仪的观测数据具有同等观测精度和一致的变化趋势,仅均值存在较小的差别,已达到了国内高精度地磁观测的水平.与英国产的Flare-plus磁力仪相比,国产GM3磁力仪的观测精度和稳定性部分性能已达到世界上高精度数字地磁观测仪器的水平,但仪器的总体稳定性,传感器探头受温度影响的程度、仪器零漂等指标还需进一步提高. 相似文献
In the current state of geomagnetic instrument testing, some aspects of geomagnetic instrument performance are difficult to test in the laboratory. If laboratory test results are inadequate, the instrument will have multiple problems while operating in the field, where a geomagnetic instrumentation test platform with a stable natural magnetic field is critical. Here, the magnetic field feedback circuit for geomagnetic field compensation control is studied in detail. That is, the magnetic field measured by the feedback magnetic sensor and the required working magnetic field are compared as input to the system, and the electric signal is transmitted to the feedback coil through an analog circuit to form a closed loop control, which provides compensation to control the magnetic field. Compared with the existing magnetic shielding method, the analog control circuit can achieve the realization of any working magnetic field, and it is not limited to a null magnetic field. The experimental result shows that the system compensates the earth''s magnetic field of 10,000nT with an average error of 10.6nT and average compensation error of 0.106%, providing a high compensation accuracy. The system also shows high sensitivity and excellent stability. The feedback circuit has achieved effective compensation control for the earth''s magnetic field. 相似文献