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张赤军  方剑 《地球物理学报》1996,39(Z1):114-120
根据西藏与南亚地区重力大地水准面的分布,对其相应的场源作了分析.其中除分别来自地球表层的地质构造和深部的核幔起伏外,剩下的主要部分可能是由密度较小的地幔热柱所形成,地幔热柱中心位置处于东经82°和纬度0°附近,这和该处的热流密度异常位置十分吻合.所反演的热柱有关参数:上顶深100km,下底深2850km,半径100km,与周围地幔的密度差为30kg/m;另外,还讨论了在对流状态下该地幔热柱引起的动力效应,计算出对流速度和剪切力分别为4.8-48cm/a和11-110MPa,该力对我国岩石层应力场的构成和青藏高原的隆起有重要影响.  相似文献   
The continental tectosphere and Earth's long-wavelength gravity field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To estimate the average density contrast associated with the continental tectosphere, we separately project the degree 2–36 non-hydrostatic geoid and free-air gravity anomalies onto several tectonic regionalizations. Because both the regionalizations and the geoid have distinctly red spectra, we do not use conventional statistical analysis, which is based on the assumption of white spectra. Rather, we utilize a Monte Carlo approach that incorporates the spectral properties of these fields. These simulations reveal that the undulations of Earth's geoid correlate with surface tectonics no better than they would were it randomly oriented with respect to the surface. However, our simulations indicate that free-air gravity anomalies correlate with surface tectonics better than almost 98% of our trials in which the free-air gravity anomalies were randomly oriented with respect to Earth's surface. The average geoid anomaly and free-air gravity anomaly over platforms and shields are significant at slightly better than the one-standard-deviation level: −11±8 m and −4±3 mgal, respectively. After removing from the geoid estimated contributions associated with (1) a simple model of the continental crust and oceanic lithosphere, (2) the lower mantle, (3) subducted slabs, and (4) remnant glacial isostatic disequilibrium, we estimate a platform and shield signal of −8±4 m. We conclude that there is little contribution of platforms and shields to the gravity field, consistent with their keels having small density contrasts. Using this estimate of the platform and shield signal, and previous estimates of upper-mantle shear-wave travel-time perturbations, we find that the average value of ∂lnρ/∂lnνs within the 140–440 km depth range is 0.04±0.02. A continental tectosphere with an isopycnic (equal-density) structure (∂lnρ/∂lnνs=0) enforced by compositional variations is consistent with this result at the 2.0σ level. Without compositional buoyancy, the continental tectosphere would have an average ∂lnρ/∂lnνs≈0.25, exceeding our estimate by 10σ.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the application of a multi-scale model of permeability evolution to the simulation of permeation tests of lead nitrate solutions in a compacted natural bentonite. In a previous work, the weathered hydraulic conductivity has been measured for different pollutant concentrations. Textural and structural evolutions induced by heavy metal sorption have also been investigated, therefore giving us information about the various pore spaces that may be encountered during the process of pollutant leaching. Such knowledge has been exploited during the construction of the numerical microstructures. First of all, pure water permeability tests have been simulated, this has allowed us to ascertain the representation of compacted clay before pollutant permeation. For both Prrenjas and Wyoming clays, permeation tests after pollutant permeation have then been simulated, using connected and non-connected macro-voids configurations. Different conclusions have been drawn based on simulation results for the two different clays investigated, which are supported by experimental evidence.  相似文献   
假定地幔为一个均匀的、粘滞系数为常数、同时均匀分布放射性热源的流体球层,其内部存在的对流则由流体力学3个基本方程:运动方程、能量方程和连续性方程确定.如果假定地幔处于低瑞利数的状态(临界瑞利数1.5倍左右),那么上述方程中的非线性项可以忽略不计.作为一类可能的模型,本文计算一组用6个边界条件确定6个未知数的线性方程组.这些条件包括板块绝对运动极型场、地球大地水准面异常和地震层析结果提供的地幔密度分布横向不均匀相应的“刚性地球”水准面异常等.模型计算表明:1.地幔中流体运动格局不仅受地幔热动力学参数(瑞利数)控制,而且强烈地受边界条件的影响.2.若不限定下边界为等温边界,则上、下地幔之间并不呈现出活动性明显差异;但是在模型瑞利数加大到一定值时,核-幔边界附近将出现一些局部的小尺度对流环.3.当模型瑞利数从很小增加时,对流格局将发生变化,这些格局可能反应由地幔热动力学参数决定的地幔固有特性.4.当瑞利数为50000和80000时,核-幔边界形变与PcP波得到的结果吻合较好.  相似文献   
Transforming height information that refers to an ellipsoidal Earth reference model, such as the geometric heights determined from GPS measurements or the geoid undulations obtained by a gravimetric geoid solution, from one geodetic reference frame (GRF) to another is an important task whose proper implementation is crucial for many geodetic, surveying and mapping applications. This paper presents the required methodology to deal with the above problem when we are given the Helmert transformation parameters that link the underlying Cartesian coordinate systems to which an Earth reference ellipsoid is attached. The main emphasis is on the effect of GRF spatial scale differences in coordinate transformations involving reference ellipsoids, for the particular case of heights. Since every three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system ‘gauges’ an attached ellipsoid according to its own accessible scale, there will exist a supplementary contribution from the scale variation between the involved GRFs on the relative size of their attached reference ellipsoids. Neglecting such a scale-induced indirect effect corrupts the values for the curvilinear geodetic coordinates obtained from a similarity transformation model, and meter-level apparent offsets can be introduced in the transformed heights. The paper explains the above issues in detail and presents the necessary mathematical framework for their treatment. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
In the analyses of 2D real arrays, fast Hartley (FHT), fast T (FTT) and real-valued fast Fourier transforms are generally preferred in lieu of a complex fast Fourier transform due to the advantages of the former with respect to disk storage and computation time. Although the FHT and the FTT in one dimension are identical, they are different in two or more dimensions. Therefore, first, definitions and some properties of both transforms and the related 2D FHT and FTT algorithms are stated. After reviewing the 2D FHT and FTT solutions of Stokes' formula in planar approximation, 2D FHT and FTT methods are developed for geoid updating to incorporate additional gravity anomalies. The methods are applied for a test area which includes a 64×64 grid of 3×3 point gravity anomalies and geoid heights calculated from point masses. The geoids computed by 2D FHT and FTT are found to be identical. However, the RMS value of the differences between the computed and test geoid is ±15 mm. The numerical simulations indicate that the new methods of geoid updating are practical and accurate with considerable savings on storage requirements. Received: 15 February 1996; Accepted: 22 January 1997  相似文献   
Altimetric measurements of the GEOSAT satellite were used for the determination of geopotential scale factorR 0. The geopotential valueW 0 on the geoid surface was then computed (W 0 =GM/R 0).The GEOSAT Geophysical Data Records (GDR's) covering an initial period of the Exact Repeat Mission (ERM) were filtered and processed. The necessary corrections were made in order to allow a precise detection of the sea surface. Gravitational geopotential, rotation and permanent tides were taken into account and the equipotential surface which is the best approximation of the sea surface was found.The determination of the potential valueW 0 on the mean geoid surface in this way is very promising. An associated value withW 0 - the geopotential scale factorR 0 - seems to be a very good Earth dimension defining quantity. Moreover, there are many possible applications ofW 0 (R 0) in modern geophysics.The incorporation of one of these parameters - we now recommendR 0 - into the set of the Primary Geodetic Parameters (PGP) is discussed and suggested.  相似文献   


中国及邻区大地水准面异常的场源深度探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国及邻区地形、地震层析成像、沉积层底面、Moho面及岩石层底面资料,正演计算出中国及邻区岩石圈大地水准面异常;再从全阶大地水准面异常中扣除正演模拟得到的岩石圈大地水准面异常与不同阶次波段的大地水准面进行比较,寻求表示中国及邻区地幔物质不均匀的大地水准面异常的最佳阶次为2-60阶. 结果表明,对应于岩石圈的大地水准面异常的重力位球谐函数阶数为61-20阶;下地幔重力位球谐函数阶数为2-6阶;而-60阶重力位球谐函数则表示中国及邻近区域上地幔大地水准面异常.  相似文献   
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