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宋鹏 《世界地质》2015,34(3):716-725
以岩芯裂缝和薄片资料为基础,结合成像测井技术和地震资料研究王府断陷火石岭组火山岩储层裂缝特征及分布规律。该区火山岩储层发育原生裂缝和构造-后生裂缝,原生裂缝张开度小,对改善储层意义不大;而构造-后生裂缝张开度大,延伸较远,能提高储层的储渗能力。通过FMI成像测井可识别出高导缝、高阻缝、微裂缝和钻井诱导缝,其中高导缝和微裂缝一般为有效裂缝。根据高导缝走向和构造特征,将研究区火山岩储层裂缝分为3个区:北部区、中部区和南部区,其中北部区和南部区受顺直断裂控制,高导缝具有两个优势走向;中部区受交叉断裂控制,高导缝为一个优势走向。中部区裂缝平均密度最高,倾角属性也显示为有利裂缝区,可以作为勘探和井位部署的重点区域。  相似文献   
The CdZnTe array detector is a new type of semiconductor detector being rapidly developed in recent years. It possesses a high spatial resolution and a high energy resolution, and it can work at room temperatures. This paper describes the physical properties and working principle of the CdZnTe array detector, as well as the manufacturing technology, including the chip pretreatment, passivation, ohmic electrode preparation, array template selection, and array packaging technology (micro-interconnection). For evaluating the perfor-mance of the detector, the authors have developed successfully a 4 pixel×4 pixel CdZnTe array and an 8 pixel×8 pixel CdZnTe array (with the thicknesses of 5 mm and 2 mm, the pixel size of 2 mm×2 mm, and the gaps of 0.15 mm and 0.2 mm, respectively) in cooperation with the partner. A multi-channel electronic readout system based on the ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip is devel-oped independently for the charge measurement of the 4 pixel×4 pixel CdZnTe array. The energy spectra and corresponding energy resolutions of the 16 pixels are obtained with the 137Cs radiative source, among them the best resolution is 4.8%@662 kev.  相似文献   
From Zeeman–Doppler images of the young, rapidly-rotating K0 dwarf AB Doradûs, we have created a potential approximation to the observed radial magnetic field and have evolved it over 30 d subject to the observed surface differential rotation , meridional flow and various diffusion rates. Assuming that the dark polar cap seen in Doppler images of this star is caused by the presence of a unipolar field, we have shown that the observed differential rotation will shear this field to produce the observed high-latitude band of unidirectional azimuthal field. By cross-correlating the evolved fields with the initial field each day we have followed the decay with time of the cross-correlation function. Over 30 d it decays by only 10 per cent. This contrasts with the results of Barnes et al. , who show that on this time-scale the spot distribution of He699 is uncorrelated. We propose that this is due to the effects of flux emergence changing the spot distributions.  相似文献   
电成像方法在淄博市活断层探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以淄博市活断层电成像探测的某些结果为例,阐述了电成像图像的地质解释和分析方法,探讨了用于城市活断层探测的仪器的输入阻抗范围以及数据处理和反演中需注意的问题.以控制张店-仁河断裂系的3个典型电成像剖面为实例,依此推断了隐伏断裂的位置,工程钻探验证了电成像结果的正确性,表明电成像方法完全可以在城市活断层探测中发挥作用.  相似文献   
MRI对鼻咽癌、颅底转移及放疗中、后改变的诊断与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的: 探讨MRI对鼻咽癌和颅底骨转移的诊断价值,及MRI对放疗中、放疗后改变及放疗后残存与复发的评估价值,及其对医疗安全的保障价值。 材料与方法: 搜集30例鼻咽癌患者的诊断和治疗资料。全部病例均进行放疗前、放疗中及放疗后的MRI检查。放疗后状态的病例均追随3-6个月复查。 结果: 在30例鼻咽癌患者中,存在颅底骨骨转移病例11例。经放射治疗,21例呈放疗后状态,其中包括2例液化性坏死,6例凝固性坏死;9例放疗后残存。 结论: MR平扫及增强扫描对鼻咽癌、鼻咽癌颅底骨转移、鼻咽癌放疗中、后改变及放疗后复发有较高的诊断、评估价值。  相似文献   
海底观测网因其实时、长期、连续、高精度时钟同步及原位等优势而逐渐成为人类研究海洋的新型平台,建设规模和应用水深都在不断扩大。海底观测网系统建设中,深水设备的精准定点布放及湿插拔作业是施工的难点。针对国内海底观测网精准定位布放作业存在的困难和问题,结合国内现有施工条件,提出一种大深度海底设备精准定点布放安装方法,实现南海深海海底观测网试验系统深水设备精准定位布放与ROV湿插拔作业,对未来大规模海底观测网及其它深水工程中设备的精准定点布放和安装,具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The Hikurangi Margin, east of the North Island of New Zealand, is known to contain significant deposits of gas hydrates. This has been demonstrated by several multidisciplinary studies in the area since 2005. These studies indicate that hydrates in the region are primarily located beneath thrust ridges that enable focused fluid flow, and that the hydrates are associated with free gas. In 2009–2010, a seismic dataset consisting of 2766 km of 2D seismic data was collected in the undrilled Pegasus Basin, which has been accumulating sediments since the early Cretaceous. Bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) are abundant in the data, and they are accompanied by other features that indicate the presence of free gas and concentrated accumulations of gas hydrate. We present results from a detailed qualitative analysis of the data that has made use of automated high-density velocity analysis to highlight features related to the hydrate system in the Pegasus Basin. Two scenarios are presented that constitute contrasting mechanisms for gas-charged fluids to breach the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. The first mechanism is the vertical migration of fluids across layers, where flow pathways do not appear to be influenced by stratigraphic layers or geological structures. The second mechanism is non-vertical fluid migration that follows specific strata that crosscut the BSR. One of the most intriguing features observed is a presumed gas chimney within the regional gas hydrate stability zone that is surrounded by a triangular (in 2D) region of low reflectivity, approximately 8 km wide, interpreted to be the result of acoustic blanking. This chimney structure is cored by a ∼200-m-wide low-velocity zone (interpreted to contain free gas) flanked by high-velocity bands that are 200–400 m wide (interpreted to contain concentrated hydrate deposits).  相似文献   
199年至1998年伽师地区共出现9次震级为6.1-6.8级的强震. 在一个非常短的时间间隔内和非常小的地区范围内接连出现这么多次震级非常接近的地震,确实非常罕见. 为研究伽师强震区的深部构造背景和孕震机制,本文对伽师地震区的余震观测资料进行了分析处理. 利用联合反演技术同时得到了地震震源位置和地震区地壳三维速度结构. 余震震中沿一北北东向条带分布,与强震分布的两个条带中的北东向条带位置基本重合. 三维反演得到的速度结构结果表明,在地下12 km以下存在一条北北东向和一条北北西向的低速条带. 上述两低速条带与强震分布的两个条带位置很接近. 初步推测,低速条带对应了地壳深部的两条断裂. 在我们观测期间,北北东向断裂有微震活动,北北西向断裂相对平静.  相似文献   
介绍了近年来天然地震体波和面波层析成像以及接收函数在怀俄明克拉通地区的应用。怀俄明克拉通地区的地壳和上地幔结构可以归结为克拉通成型时期的残存高速度异常以及进行中Yellowstone低速地幔柱。在克拉通南部边界缝合带地区以及在中部和北部下地壳中保存着一些高速度结构。南部边界缝合带地区的高速度倾斜上地幔结构与人工地震剖面LithoProbe在北美各个克拉通边界所记录的上地幔倾斜反射体一致。作为一个可能的上地幔消减板块残留体,这个倾斜上地幔结构显示出板块叠加可能是一个普遍的克拉通成型过程。在克拉通缝合带的莫霍面和上地幔深度,人工地震的研究结果显示板块叠加过程形成一个楔形体,体现出克拉通上地幔的较高粘度系数。接收函数的转换波共转换点叠加技术显示出这种楔形体存在于整个怀俄明克拉通的南部边界。接收函数和基于噪声的瑞利波层析成像图像显示出在克拉通地壳增厚地区存在下地壳高速体。作为早期岩石圈分裂过程残留的火成岩侵入体,这种下地壳高速体存在于较早成型的克拉通北部和中部地区,显示出南部克拉通地区不同的形成机制。克拉通的西部地区受到Yellowstone地幔柱的影响。层析成像显示低速的地幔柱从黄石地区向下延伸到至少500km。在消蚀岩石圈的同时,岩浆侵入体沿着hotspottrack在中地壳大量的形成,并引起下地壳岩石的横向流动。  相似文献   
目的:探讨自动推注碘水结肠造影术在小儿结肠及小肠病变中的应用价值。方法:收集我院临床怀疑下消化道病变的55例患儿,均采用自动推注碘水结肠造影检查发现结肠及小肠病变。结果:自动推注碘水结肠造影直观显示病变所在部位。诊断为先天性空肠狭窄5例,先天性空肠闭锁并细小结肠10例,先天性回肠闭锁并细小结肠20例,先天性细小小肠2例,先天性肛门闭锁并直肠会阴瘘4例,先天性巨结肠12例,结肠息肉2例。结论:自动推注碘水结肠造影检查简单、安全、快速且有效,不仅是诊断小儿结肠及小肠病变最好的方法,而且可以减少患儿及陪护家属的放射性辐射损伤。  相似文献   
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