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针对目前高空间分辨率遥感影像(简称高分遥感影像)地物全自动提取无法完全实现的现实,本文结合自然地物的光谱和纹理特征,提出一种面向对象的高分遥感影像典型自然地物半自动提取方法.首先构建最小生成树(Minimum Spanning Tree,MST)进行影像初始分割,根据影像灰度平均归一化值和标准差统计对象的光谱、纹理等特...  相似文献   


The energy efficiency of ocean-going vessels can be increased through various operational considerations, such as improved cargo arrangements and weather routing. The first step toward the goal of maximizing the energy efficiency is to analyze how the ship's powering performance changes under different operational settings and weather conditions. However, existing analytical models and empirical methods have limitations in reliably estimating the powering performance of full-scale ships in real operating conditions. In this study, machine learning techniques are employed to estimate the powering performance of a full-scale ship by constructing regression models using the ship's operational data. In order to minimize the risk of overfitting in the regression process, domain knowledge based on physical principles is combined into the regression models. Also, the uncertainty of the estimated performance is evaluated with consideration of the environmental uncertainties. The obtained regression models can be used to predict the ship speed and engine power under different operational settings and weather conditions.  相似文献   
针对不同时期高分辨率遥感影像变化检测中城区建筑物因投影差差异所产生的误检测现象,提出了一种综合应用光谱和纹理特征的建筑物变化检测方法。以变化和未发生变化地物影像的散度作为可分性依据,首先对光谱差分影像在混合高斯密度模型下建模,并采用马尔可夫最小错误概率准则提取初始变化区域,往往含有错判的建筑物。然后将误判建筑物影像类和真实变化影像类构成训练集,通过引入多通道Gabor滤波器,提取训练集的纹理差分特征,并采用分类别PCA变换实施纹理差分特征的选择。最后对选择出的纹理差分特征依据高斯混合密度模型建模,并用马尔可夫最小错误概率提取真变化区域,即可去除光谱信息检测所产生的伪变化。试验表明,本文方法能够较好地解决建筑物变化的错判问题,提高了影像变化检测的精度。  相似文献   
基于 L onguet- Higgins线性海浪模型 ,在二维情况下导出海浪波面极大值处水质点水平加速度分布律 ,其分布遵从正态分布。在分布中引入新的谱宽度参量 [(m2 m4 - m23 ) / m2 m4 ]12 。以Neumann谱为模式计算波面极大值处质点加速度分布。  相似文献   
Two methods for the solution of partial differential equations (PDE) for the general case of random in time physical parameters are presented and their application to the solution of unsteady regional groundwater flow equations are illustrated. The first method is the semigroup approach which directly offers a solution without resorting to closure approximations (hierarchy techniques), perturbation techniques, or Montecarlo simulation techniques. The semigroup approach can also handle the general stochastic problem when randomness also appears as initial conditions, boundary conditions or forcing terms. The second method is an approximation scheme to obtain the semigroup solution in complex cases and permits the solution of equations with more than one random coefficient.  相似文献   
Kye Hwa Yoo   《New Astronomy》2010,15(2):215-226
The symbiotic variable star CH Cygni went on the deepest minimum phase in December 2006. A high-resolution spectrum of CH Cygni obtained at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) on November 2, 2006, is reported. The spectrum of CH Cygni obtained at the BOAO was calibrated on a scale of an absolute-flux density. Emission lines of H I, [O III], [N II], and [S II] were strong, with several components, and Ca II, H, and K lines had P-Cygni profiles. Removal of the spectrum of the underlying M-type star from the CH Cygni spectrum was completed to obtain the true emission profiles. The radial velocities of all emission and absorption lines were measured. Some of the observed lines were also deconvoluted using multi-Gaussian functions to find the relationship between line shapes and the corresponding sources of these lines. The results obtained are discussed in terms of an accretion disk around the hot star, and in non-spherically extended nebular regions.  相似文献   
锆石U-Pb年代学方法已经成为地质学研究必不可少的方法。本文收集整理了二十世纪八十年代以来分散在期刊论文、学位论文等多种出版载体中的锆石U-Pb年代学数据,建成中国大陆单颗粒锆石数据库中文子库。该数据子库涉及截至到2017年底的文献2331篇,有效数据154768条目,数据总量已经能够用来进行数据的初步分析和相关地球科学研究。数据子库中年龄-年龄绝对误差关系的分析表明,Age(~(206)Pb/~(238)U)、Age(~(207)Pb/~(235)U)、Age(~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb)在不同的地质年代区间误差表现有所不同。在小于1684.4Ma、1684.4~2855.2Ma、大于2855.2Ma年龄区Age(~(206)Pb/~(238)U)、Age(~(207)Pb/~(235)U)、Age(~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb)的误差最小、置信度最好,除了Age(~(207)Pb/~(235)U)测试方法的原因外,Age(~(206)Pb/~(238)U)和Age(~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb)可分别作为不同年龄段的推荐年龄。将选用的推荐年龄运用于LA-ICP-MS、SHRIMP、SIMS三种方法的比较,得出其适用于不同地质年代的范围。推荐年龄运用于年龄-频数图中并使用高斯多峰拟合,则可发现中国大陆锆石存在6个生长峰期,分别为131.71Ma、255.17Ma、442.42Ma、811.56Ma、1868.36Ma和2505.31Ma等;更小尺度下的新生代则存在七个峰期,分别为16.99Ma、27.64Ma、35.26Ma、43.44Ma、48.27Ma、52.74Ma和62.07Ma等,峰期及其对应测试点的位置可与中国大陆地壳演化重大历史事件对应。  相似文献   
与共炮高斯波束偏移相比,共炮检距高斯波束偏移具有直接抽取炮检距域共成像点道集的优势.过去,共炮检距高斯波束偏移以损失成像精度的代价采用最速下降法来降低积分的维数,从而提高计算效率.但经过最速下降近似简化的偏移公式仍是频率域的,需要在每个频点进行计算.为此,本文提出一种快速实现算法来避免采用最速下降法.本文通过分析一个水平层状速度模型的偏移过程和Marmousi速度模型的成像结果来检验不同插值方法对快速实现算法的成像精度和计算效率的影响,并建议采用二维三次卷积插值方法.同时本文在Marmousi速度模型下验证了快速实现算法相对于最速下降法在成像精度和计算效率上的优势.此外,本文将采用二维三次卷积插值的快速实现算法应用于Sigsbee2A模型并获得了清晰的盐下图像.  相似文献   

高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM)可以用来描述储层性质的多峰分布特性,多峰特性主要是由于它们在不同离散变量内的变化而引起的.在高斯混合模型中,高斯分量的权值代表离散变量的概率.然而,基于高斯混合模型的贝叶斯线性反演可能会对某些点的离散变量错误地分类,进而影响连续变量的反演结果,尤其存在强噪声的时候.在本文中,我们考虑了离散变量的空间变化性,并将高斯混合模型与序贯指示模拟(Sequential Indicator Simulation,SIS)相结合来确定离散变量的后验条件权值,形成了结合序贯指示模拟的贝叶斯高斯混合线性反演方法.该方法能够准确地对离散变量进行归类,且具有良好的抗噪性.通过模型试算,我们证明了这种方法的可行性,并在实际资料中取得了较好的结果.

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