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使用数学形态学的"膨胀算子"对影像进行预处理,提出了一种改进的基于高斯拉普拉斯算子的面状特征提取和细化方法,并利用边界代数快速标注边界封闭的面状特征。在提取面状特征的基础上,利用奇异值分解算法,实现了基于面状质心的遥感影像匹配,进而完成精确配准。实验结果表明,与传统方法相比,此方法在速度与准确度上具有明显优势。  相似文献   
Prestack depth migration is a key technology for imaging complex reservoirs in media with strong lateral velocity variations. Prestack migrations are broadly separated into ray-based and wave-equation-based methods. Because of its efficiency and flexibility, ray-based Kirchhoff migration is popular in the industry. However, it has difficulties in dealing with the multi-arrivals, caustics and shadow zones. On the other hand, wave-equation-based methods produce images superior to that of the ray-based methods, but they are expensive numerically, especially methods based on two-way propagators in imaging large regions. Therefore, reverse time migration algorithms with Gaussian beams have recently been proposed to reduce the cost, as they combine the high computational efficiency of Gaussian beam migration and the high accuracy of reverse time migration. However, this method was based on the assumption that the subsurface is isotropic. As the acquired azimuth and maximum offsets increase, taking into account the influence of anisotropy on seismic migration is becoming more and more crucial. Using anisotropic ray tracing systems in terms of phase velocity, we proposed an anisotropic reverse time migration using the Gaussian beams method. We consider the influence of anisotropy on the propagation direction and calculate the amplitude of Gaussian beams with optimized correlation coefficients in dynamic ray tracing, which simplifies the calculations and improves the applicability of the proposed method. Numerical tests on anisotropic models demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method, which can be used to image complex structures in the presence of anisotropy in the overburden.  相似文献   
基于局部条纹频率估计的二维高斯滤波方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于局部条纹频率估计的干涉相位图二维高斯滤波方法。该方法采用最大似然法估计局部条纹频率,并用相位噪声的局部标准差评价噪声强度,从而控制滤波器参数实现自适应滤波,并采用仿真数据和SIR-C/XSAR在意大利Etna火山的干涉数据进行试验,将本算法与均值滤波方法和中值滤波方法以及Goldstein滤波方法进行了比较。试验结果表明,该方法不仅能够有效抑制干涉相位噪声,还能够很好地保持干涉条纹的细节信息。  相似文献   
从高斯光束经过光学系统的传输与变换规律出发,借助于高斯括号的性质,研究了激光束光学系统的变焦特性,导出了机械补偿式激光束变焦系统的变焦方程及补偿点位置方程,并给出了计算实例。  相似文献   
This work evaluated the spatial variability and distribution of heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) in the Choushui River alluvial fan in Taiwan, using ordinary kriging (OK) and mean and individual sequential Gaussian simulations (SGS). A baseline flow model constructed by upscaling parameters was inversely calibrated to determine the pumping and recharge rates. Simulated heads using different K realizations were then compared with historically measured heads. A global/local simulated error between simulated and measured heads was analysed to assess the different spatial variabilities of various estimated K distributions. The results of a MODFLOW simulation indicate that the OK realization had the smallest sum of absolute mean simulation errors (SAMSE) and the SGS realizations preserved the spatial variability of the measured K fields. Moreover, the SAMSE increases as the spatial variability of the K field increases. The OK realization yields small local simulation errors in the measured K field of moderate magnitude, whereas the SGS realizations have small local simulation errors in the measured K fields, with high and low values. The OK realization of K can be applied to perform a deterministic inverse calibration. The mean SGS method is suggested for constructing a K field when the application focuses on extreme values of estimated parameters and small calibration errors, such as in a simulation of contaminant transport in heterogeneous aquifers. The individual SGS realization is useful in stochastically assessing the spatial uncertainty of highly heterogeneous aquifers. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary. A high-frequency asymptotic integral expansion of a time-harmonic wavefield into Gaussian beams was derived in a previous paper by Klimeš. The discretization error caused by replacing this integral superposition by a discrete summation of Gaussian beams is estimated in this paper.  相似文献   
波形分解是全波形激光雷达数据处理的关键技术之一,通过雅克比矩阵更新与否以及阻尼系数的调整,对优化LM(Levenberg-Marquard)算法进行了研究。实验表明,该方法可最优化求解足印内各波形分量的振幅、中心位置和半宽,而不必每次迭代时都需计算雅克比矩阵,简化了计算过程,提高了计算效率,最终得到的模拟波形能够非常好地拟合原始波形。  相似文献   

The coefficient of determination R2 and Pearson correlation coefficient ρ = R are standard metrics in hydrology for the evaluation of the goodness of fit between model simulations and observations, and as measures of the degree of dependence of one variable upon another. We show that the standard product moment estimator of ρ, termed r, while well-behaved for bivariate normal data, is upward biased and highly variable for bivariate non-normal data. We introduce three alternative estimators of ρ which are nearly unbiased and exhibit much less variability than r for non-normal data. We also document remarkable upward bias and tremendous increases in variability associated with r using both synthetic data and daily streamflow simulations from 905 calibrated rainfall–runoff models. We show that estimators of ρ = R accounting for skewness are needed for daily streamflow series because they exhibit high variability and skewness compared to, for example, monthly/annual series, where r should perform well.  相似文献   
We calculate explicitly some expectations (integrals over Hilbert spaces) of functionals of Gaussian random fields. Our work is inspired by the formulas for the harmonic oscillator. We also show how to do similar calculations by considering continuum limits of sequences of coupled harmonic oscillators. The results obtained in this work have applications in the study of random media, renormalization and scaling, and in engineering perturbation analysis.  相似文献   
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