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In accordance with the Agreement of Sino-Spain Science and Technology Cooperation,the Institute of Seismology,SSB of China and the Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy of Spain have together performed research at the Geodynamics Laboratory of Lanzarote(Canary Islands)with geodynamic instrumentation.Researchers conducted observation and then analyzed the data compiled.Researchers using the advanced geodynamic instruments could monitor the volcanic activity and seismicity in order to forecast the volcanic eruption and earthquakes.The results of this paper are obtained from this scientific and technological cooperation of the two institutes between China and Spain.  相似文献   
本文主要讨论弯窿一火山型攀西裂谷的成因,岩浆深成作用与火山作用过程;弩窿梅 造的发生、发展的演化历史,岩浆分异趋势及双峰式岩浆演化系列及其成因。 攀西裂谷曾经历了岩石圈弯窿一除壳弯窿一次火山弯窿三个发展演化阶段。碱性岩浆作用与 地壳隆开、地慢去气、热流汇聚作用有着密切的成因联系,成弯作用最盛,岩浆碱度最高。随着 陆壳破裂、开放、挥发分散逸,岩浆性质从强碱质一弱碱质一碱酸性转化。 弯窿构造的发展演化阶段有机地控制了岩浆源和二次岩浆房的深度和岩浆演化特点,随着弯 窿构造的发展演化,岩浆活动由深成慢源→中浅成慢源加嵌轻微混染→超浅成壳慢混合源逐渐 演化,因而可以认为:弯窿一火山型裂谷发育的各个阶段,存在有低位→中位→高位的二次岩浆 房. 攀西裂谷属不发育的夭折裂谷,以演化时间长为特点,有利于岩浆深源(二次岩浆房内)结 晶分异、液体不混容性分离作用和陆壳的同化混染作用等得以彻底进行,最终形成“双峰式”岩 浆组合。  相似文献   
A detailed investigation of earthquake locations and focal mechanisms for swarms associated with intrusive events at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, further illuminates the relationships among stress state, faulting, and magma transport. We determine the earthquake locations and mechanisms using a three-dimensional crustal model to improve their accuracy and consistency. Swarms in Kilauea's upper east and southwest rift zones, from the years 1980 through 1982, provide clear evidence for the propagation and/or dilation of dikes. Focal mechanisms are predominantly strike-slip, and the faulting and inferred dike orientations can be interpreted quite consistently in terms of the model ofHill (1977). Stresses induced by the summit magma reservoir system strongly control faulting and magma transport in the rift zones close to the summit.  相似文献   
The Wudalianchi volcano is a modern volcano erupted since the Holocene.Its frequent occurrence of the small earthquake is considered to be indicator of active dormancy volcano.The S wave velocity structure is inferred from the receiver function for the crust and upper mantle of the Wudalianchi volcano area.The results show that the low velocity structure of Swave is widely distributed undemeath the volcano area and part of the low-velocity-zone located at shallow depth in the Wudalianchi volcano area.The low velocity structure is related to the seismicity.The Moho interface is not clear undemeath the volcano area,which may be regard to be an nec-essary condition for the lava upwelling.Therefore,we infer that the Wudalianchi volcano has the deep structural condition for the volcano activity and may be alive again.  相似文献   
We investigate the source mechanism of long-period (LP) events observed at Kusatsu–Shirane Volcano, Japan, based on waveform inversions of their effective excitation functions. The effective excitation function, which represents the apparent excitation observed at individual receivers, is estimated by applying an autoregressive filter to the LP waveform. Assuming a point source, we apply this method to seven LP events the waveforms of which are characterized by simple decaying and nearly monochromatic oscillations with frequency in the range 1–3 Hz. The results of the waveform inversions show dominant volumetric change components accompanied by single force components, common to all the events analyzed, and suggesting a repeated activation of a sub-horizontal crack located 300 m beneath the summit crater lakes. Based on these results, we propose a model of the source process of LP seismicity, in which a gradual buildup of steam pressure in a hydrothermal crack in response to magmatic heat causes repeated discharges of steam from the crack. The rapid discharge of fluid causes the collapse of the fluid-filled crack and excites acoustic oscillations of the crack, which produce the characteristic waveforms observed in the LP events. The presence of a single force synchronous with the collapse of the crack is interpreted as the release of gravitational energy that occurs as the slug of steam ejected from the crack ascends toward the surface and is replaced by cooler water flowing downward in a fluid-filled conduit linking the crack and the base of the crater lake.  相似文献   
The drilling of a gallery through the Roche-Écrite massif (Reunion Island) allowed to sample the old formations of the ‘Piton des Neiges’ volcano. The mineralogical study of the alteration products of the formations showed significant variations of the zeolites/clay minerals ratio depending on the location of the rocks in the volcano. The abundance of zeolites in the formation near the surface hydrographic network or the underground water drainage system seems to be due to the physicochemical processes favouring zeolites in more open systems in their competition with secondary clays. To cite this article: L. Bret et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
Pargasite commonly occurs in the dacitic groundmass of the 1991–1995 eruption products of Unzen volcano. We described the occurrence and chemical compositions of amphibole in the dacite, and also carried out melting experiments to determine the low-pressure stability limit of amphibole in the dacite. The 1991–1995 ejecta of the Unzen volcano show petrographic evidence of magma mixing, such as reverse compositional zoning of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts, and we used a groundmass separate as a starting material for the experiments. Reversed experiments show that the maximum temperature for the crystallization of amphibole is 930°C at 196 MPa, 900°C at 98 MPa, and 820°C at 49 MPa. Compared with the experimental results on the Mount St. Helens dacite, present experiments on the Unzen dacitic groundmass show that amphibole is stable to pressures ca. 50 MPa lower at 850°C. Available Fe–Ti oxide thermometry indicates the crystallization temperature of the groundmass of the Unzen dacite to be 880±30°C, suggesting that the groundmass pargasite crystallized at >70 MPa, corresponding to a depth of more than 3 km in the conduit. The chlorine content of the groundmass pargasite is much lower than that of phenocrystic magnesiohornblende in the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano, indicating that vesiculation/degassing of magma took place before the crystallization of the groundmass pargasite. The present study shows that the magma was water oversaturated and that the degassing of magma along with magma mixing caused crystallization of the groundmass amphibole at depths of more than 3 km in the conduit.  相似文献   
The magma generation at Unzen volcano may be considered as the product of crustal material mixed with mantle magma accompanied by fractional crystallization (AFC). The magma in the Unzen volcano is estimated to consist of about 50–80% of residual magma (F) and about 30–70% assimilated crustal material (A) relative to the original magma. Concerning the 1991–1995 eruption, it is estimated that the magma formed as the result of mixing of about 50–60% crustal material and about 55–65% of residual magma. An alternative magma eruption model for the 1991–1995 eruption is proposed here. In the early stage, the isotopic characteristics of 1991 eruption are defined by AFC process in the deeper magma chamber. Later, the magma ascended through the conduit and quiescently stayed for a long time in a shallow reservoir before eruption. The minerals continuously crystallized as phenocrysts especially at the chilled top and outer margin in the shallow chamber. The crystallized phenocryst mush was reworked into the central part of the magma chamber by means of magma convection and rapid magma ascent. Therefore, the reaction between phenocrysts and melt occurs only in internal chemical disequilibrium in the magma chamber. In contrast, the isotopic compositions of the original magma shall be little influenced by the above processes throughout its eruptive history. The 1991–1995 eruptive rocks of the Unzen volcano show their characteristics in Sr and Nd isotopic values independent of their two previous eruptions. However, the isotopic values of early eruptive product could represent the original magma value. This result also supports the previous work of Chen et al. (1993) [Chen, C.H., DePaolo, D.J., Nakada, S., Shieh, Y.N., 1993. Relationship between eruption volume and neodymium isotopic composition at Unzen volcano. Nature 362, 831–834], that suggested the Nd of early or precursory eruptive products could be a qualitative indicator of the maximum size of a continuing or impending eruption.  相似文献   
Some months prior to the 1995 eruption of Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand), a series of shallow earthquake swarms occurred about 15–20 km west of the summit of Ruapehu. Several earthquakes in these swarms were felt, and the largest event was ML 4.8. Crustal earthquakes of ML≥3.0 within 20 km of the summit of Ruapehu have been rather uncommon in recent years. Furthermore, the two periods of strongest activity were both just before times when the temperature of Crater Lake showed rapid increases. The second of these rapid heating phases was immediately followed by increases in the Mg2+ ion concentration in Crater Lake, indicating that chemical interactions were occurring between fresh magmatic material and the lake water. The coincidence between seismicity and lake changes suggested a link with the following eruption. A 1-D simultaneous inversion to locate the earthquakes more accurately showed that most of the earthquakes fell into three spatial clusters, each cluster having a small horizontal cross-section. The predominant depth was about 10–16 km. The b-value of this swarm was 0.74, quite compatible with ordinary tectonic earthquakes. Each cluster of earthquakes lies close to the normal Raurimu Fault which runs predominantly north–south to the west of Ruapehu, with an east-trending branch splaying off near its northern end (see Fig. 1b). Composite focal mechanisms of events in the two more southern clusters are oblique-normal, while the other cluster to the north has an oblique-reverse mechanism. The two oblique-normal mechanisms suggest that extension has occurred on part of the fault. This stress pattern was also observed in the focal mechanism solutions of events that occurred after the eruption, when a denser network of portable seismographs covered the region. Although we cannot definitely connect the occurrence of these swarms to the eruptions later in 1995, there is a strong suggestion that the seismicity was connected to the process of magma movement, which temperature and chemical changes in Crater Lake suggest was occurring during the first half of 1995.  相似文献   
中国东北地区新生代火山活动构造控制及火山灾害   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘祥 《世界地质》1999,18(2):23-29
东北地区的新生代火山、火山岩主要沿北东向、北北东向断裂带,其次沿北西向断裂等分布,这是由东北地区所处的区域大地构造环境所决定的。42.4Ma以后,太平洋板块运动方向由NNW转为NWW,这与我们研究的断裂带内,由断裂、节理求得的主压应力方位转化是吻合的。在伊通—依兰断裂带内,前第三纪主压应力σ1平均方位SE122°,第三纪以后,主压应力σ1方位转为98°。因此,新生代特别是渐新世以后,在近东西向最大水平挤压应力作用下,使得东北地区已存在的北东向、北北东向断裂发生右旋扭动,在右旋扭动过程中将这些断裂拉开,逐渐演化为走滑拉伸裂陷盆地或裂谷盆地,同时为岩浆上升提供了通道。由于太平洋板块对欧亚大陆俯冲,东北地区4个活火山群(即长白山火山群、五大连池火山群、龙岗火山群和镜泊湖火山群)中的活火山都有再次爆发、造成灾害的危险  相似文献   
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