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Long-term water quality monitoring data from two riverine lakes in the Upper Mississippi River basin, Lakes St. Croix and Pepin, were analyzed to compare the long-term average water quality conditions and land use distributions, water quality trends and loads at lake inlets and outlets, trends from long-term versus short-term monitoring records, and the ability of paleolimnological cores to accurately infer lake water quality conditions. During the 1976–2004 period, the long-term average concentrations of nutrients, suspended solids, and chlorophyll-a were consistently lower at the Lake St. Croix inlet versus the Lake Pepin inlet, which drains a greater proportion of urban and agricultural runoff. Despite these differences, nutrient trends were similar at the inlets to both lakes; reductions in total phosphorus and ammonium concentrations were attributed to improvements in point source technologies, whereas increasing nitrate concentrations were attributed to both point source changes and nonpoint source increases. Despite improvements in several water quality variables, nitrate concentrations are increasing in both lakes, sediment trends indicate persistent nonpoint source inputs to Lake Pepin, and current total phosphorus concentrations remain well above pre-1950s levels in both lakes. Since urban development and agriculture are increasing in the Lake St. Croix and Lake Pepin Watersheds, continued point source regulation and additional nonpoint source control efforts will be needed to further improve water quality in these lakes. The 1976–2004 trends for most water quality variables were similar at inlet versus outlet sites on Lake St. Croix. Trends at Lake Pepin inlet versus outlet sites were less similar, but data availability limited the comparison to the 1993–2003 period. While the truncated data record highlighted short-term trends in both lakes, the full data record was most useful for exploring general patterns in water quality. Length of monitoring record affected our ability to detect trends at the inlets to both lakes, and altered the magnitude of detected trends. During the two decades of the 1980s and 1990s, paleolimnological estimates of retained phosphorus loads were similar to those estimated from recent water quality monitoring. These similarities support the use of paleolimnological approaches to infer past water quality conditions in Lakes St. Croix and Pepin. This is one of eight papers dedicated to the “Recent Environmental History of the Upper Mississippi River” published in this special issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology. D. R. Engstrom served as guest editor of the special issue.  相似文献   
As hypoxic conditions spread in our oceans, indices that quickly and efficiently assess oxygen content in sediment pore water, and habitat quality are increasingly becoming desirable. Depth to the appa...  相似文献   
利用遥感技术可快速、准确、大范围地监测矿山开发状况和了解矿区生态环境现状。以Landsat TM和CBERS卫星影像为主要数据来源,采用栅格数据、遥感数据与统计数据相结合的内业处理与外业调查相结合的技术路线,通过目视解译、人机交互解译、计算机自动识别等遥感信息提取技术和遥感影像处理,分析近20 a阜新市海州露天矿矿区面积变化趋势及近5a来对当地空气质量的影响。结果表明:阜新市海州露天矿矿区面积逐年减小,当地空气质量逐年优化。由此可见,露天矿矿区面积的减小对于当地空气质量的改善起到了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
广东沿海陆地地质环境质量定量评价研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
广东沿海陆地不仅是我国经济较为发达的地区 ,而且也是地震、水土流失、崩塌、滑坡、地裂缝、地面沉降、岩溶塌陷、软土地基形变等地质灾害较为频发的地区。基于对广东沿海陆地主要物理地质灾害形成条件与影响因素调查、统计与分析 ,将广东沿海陆地地质环境质量划分 :构造稳定性、斜坡稳定性和地基稳定性三个质量层面 ,进而构造了隶属三个层面的指标体系 ,该指标体系包括活动断裂、地震活动、地形起伏度、斜坡坡地、冲沟切割密度、水土流失程度、崩滑面密度、土体承载力和地裂缝面密度 9个指标。基于地质环境质量五值逻辑等级取值 :优等、良好、中等、较差和差等 ,对评价指标进行了相应地量化分级取值和标准化处理 ,在建立指标专家权重体系和线性隶属函数的基础上 ,构造了模糊数学综合评价模型。基于 Fortran程序对 190个剖分单元指标数据进行了模型运算 ,将广东沿海陆地地质环境划分为五个质量级共 17个地质环境质量单元。  相似文献   
以宿南矿区不同时期形成的采煤塌陷塘(芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘和#2塘)为研究对象,于2017年先后采集夏季和冬季水样,运用piper三线图、相关性分析、改进模糊综合评价法等,对其水环境质量进行分析评价与比较,得到以下结论:①芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘夏、冬两季水化学类型均为HCO_3―Na·Mg型,朱仙庄#2塘为SO_4―Na·Mg·Ca型。②三个塌陷塘水的TDS、pH、EC变化趋势为朱仙庄#1塘>朱仙庄#2塘>芦岭塘,其季节变化趋势均为夏季>冬季; ORP变化趋势为朱仙庄#2塘>芦岭塘>朱仙庄#1塘,其季节性变化趋势为冬季>夏季。③改进的模糊综合评价结果表明,三个塌陷塘夏季水质较差,主要受人为污染影响;冬季芦岭塘、朱仙庄#1塘水质良好,受污染小;朱仙庄#2塘冬季水质与夏季相近,均较差,主要受投加鱼食料的影响。  相似文献   
The Eastern Kentucky coal field, along with adjacent portions of Virginia and southern West Virginia, is part of the greatest production concentration of high-heating-value, low-sulfur coal in the United States, accounting for over 27% of the 1993 U.S. production of coal of all ranks. Eastern Kentucky's production is spread among many coal beds but is particularly concentrated in a limited number of highquality coals, notably the Pond Creek coal bed and its correlatives, and the Fire Clay coal bed and its correlatives. Both coals are relatively low ash and low sulfur through the areas of the heaviest concentration of mining activity. We discuss production trends, resources, and the quality of in-place and clean coal for those and other major coals in the region.  相似文献   
煤层气开发利用与辽宁能源环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对辽宁省主要煤田煤层气赋有条件及开发利用现状和开发潜力进行了研究评价。同时对辽宁省煤层气市场与煤层气开发效益进行了分析,并提出了重点目标区和开发利用建议。  相似文献   
明确啤酒花农艺性状与品质的相关性,可以为啤酒花种质资源优选鉴定提供依据。分析了甘肃省河西地区引进的50份啤酒花种质材料单蔓花数、花穗长、花穗粗、单花重、百花重、干鲜比与产量和品质的关系。结果表明:干旱半干旱地区啤酒花种质资源农艺性状和品质指标均存在较大变异,为优异资源的筛选创造了条件。农艺性状和品质指标存在一定相关性,其中,花穗粗和单花重均与干鲜比显著正相关(R2=0.293和R2=0.288),花穗长和干鲜比与黄腐酚含量呈极显著正相关且干鲜比对黄腐酚含量贡献大于花穗长,而6个主要农艺性状均与α-酸含量无显著相关性。花穗长、花穗粗可以作为干鲜比大、产量和黄腐酚含量高、药用价值好的啤酒花种质资源筛选的农艺性状指标,但高α-酸含量的啤酒花种质资源无法通过农艺性状去筛选。  相似文献   
FDR自动土壤水分数据标定问题及解决方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对目前FDR自动土壤水分数据可用性低的实际情况,本文从FDR自动土壤水分站传感器原理出发,结合数据处理流程与方法对湖南60个站点不同层次的标定参数及部分站点的相关观测数据进行了分析,指出目前田间标定法在自然条件下几乎无法得到覆盖土壤各个湿度区间的均匀样本数据,导致二次标定参数不合理是造成FDR自动土壤水分站数据可用性差的根本原因。二次标定方程参数不合理主要表现为方程斜率过大、过小、负值3种情况,导致观测数据增幅过大、常年不变、与实际土壤湿度变化趋势完全相反等问题。最后针对该问题提出了大样本原状取土,实验室标定的解决方法,并对方法进行了初步验证,结果表明该方法能从源头上有效改善土壤水分站观测数据质量。  相似文献   
在数据处理或固定监测站选址时,甄别GNSS原始观测数据的好坏,评估观测数据的质量是十分必要的.利用TEQC软件检查GNSS观测数据的质量,生成的电离层延迟、多路径效应、信号噪声比、卫星方位角、卫星高度角等相关内容的文本文件.基于C#语言开发了TeqcChart(V1.0)程序,用于读取上述文本文件,开发了功能丰富的图形...  相似文献   
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