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The Expert System For Earthquake Prediction (ESEP) is summarized in this paper. ESEP embraces three subsystems: long-middle term prediction system, annual prediction system and middle-short term prediction system. Each of the subsystems is composed of seven modules: the controlling module, the data base module, the expert knowledge base module, the method base module, the fact preparation module, the reasoning and decision-making module and the plotting and displaying module. The reasoning model ESEP/R and the knowledge expression model ESEP/K are set up in the ESEP, and new evidence combinations, CON (confine), W (weigh), and SYN (synthesize), have been proposed. The distinctive features of the ESEP are: (1) systemized; (2) several experts’ knowledge can be synthesized; (3) a large amount of data and experts’ experience is embraced; (4) four reasoning models and the synthetic decision-making technic are adopted; (5) several software environments are used; (6) modularization; and (7) possessing the friendly user interfaces. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 1–8, 1992.  相似文献   
根据我国大陆58个Ms≥5级地震的震列资料,详细地研究了地震异常延续有效时间与持续时间的相关关系,给出了由地震异常持续时间计算地震异常预测的有效时间(即地震异常延续有效时间的最优估值)的公式,经多种数理统计方法检验,证明这一公式是保信、可用的。这为进一步深入开发的震异常前兆信息量的研究奠定了基础,同时也为日常地震会商中常震确定地震异常延续有效性问题,提供了定量分析判定依据,因此本研究具有一定的实际  相似文献   
Abstract: The paper introduces the anomalies observed by digital tiltmeter, cross-fault deformation meter, 4-component borehole strainmeter and geothermometer before May 12, 2008, Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan. The digital tiltmeter installed in the epicentral region in Shifang County recorded the tilt anomalies 15 days before the earthquake with variation amplitude of 3.7 times larger than the annual deviation of 2007. The cross-fault deformation meter installed at Zimakua station on the Xianshuihe-Anninghe fault zone detected displacement anomaly occurring since 2006 with the variation amplitude exceeding the cumulative value of the last ten years. Five borehole strainmeter stations in the Chongqing section of Three Gorges Reservoir area observed unconventional strain changes occurring in the period from May 1 through 12, 2008. Among them, the strainmeter at Wanzhou station recorded the great compression strain rate on the EW component at 14:00 o'clock of May 10, and the anomaly amplitude was so large that the instrument output exceeded its dynamic range, corresponding to a level of ~104 nanostrains. The geothermometers installed in Xi’an, Chongqing and Xichang recorded the sudden temperature changes from November 2007 to January 2008 with the variation amplitudes several times larger than the ordinary deviation. The above phenomena and the criteria for distinguishing the anomalies from background fluctuations are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
利用可实例化的智能线程池技术,通过两个线程池分别实现了前兆数据的并行数据采集与数据的多目标入库,可自动实现对最近巧天内的数据进行检测与采集,采集仪器的数量由原来的几台、十几台提高到上千台,大大提高了地震前兆数据的采集效率;通过数据的多目标入库,数据由台站到区域中心以及国家台网中心的同步速度也得到很大提高.  相似文献   
1987年1月8日甘肃迭部5.9级地震与地形变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1987年1月8日甘肃迭部5.9级地震前,该区域的地壳形变中长期背景和定点台站连续观测资料的震反应异常,分析研究了这此异常的变化特征。  相似文献   
通过对河南荥阳地震台水管观测记录中的60例“高频抖动信号”,与周围250 km范围内地震事件在时间域的前兆响应的统计分析,结果表明,这种信号与地震事件之间具有一定程度的前兆响应关系.认为该高频抖动信号与周围地震具有内在的关联性,是地壳形变过程的一种前兆反应,具有一定的前兆意义.  相似文献   
Since 1979 the repeated observations and experiments of geomagnetic total intensity and vertical component have been carried out for ten years in the geomagetic network which is located in Jiangsu Province, China. Three earthquakes aboveM s 5.0 occurred during the decade, and some seismomagnetic effects were observed. The observation results show that the anomalies of the vertical geomagnetic component can’t be observed untill some months before the earthquake (M s>5.0) in this area. In this paper it is suggested that a densely distributed network for continuous observation of geomagnetic vertical component may catch seismomagnetic anomalies and thus improve earthquake prediction in the light of the geomagnetic measurements of the mid — or — low latitude locations. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 80–87, 1991. This study is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   
为地震地下水前兆观测技术实现数字化和综合化这一发展目标 ,性能先进的数字化观测仪器和功能优良的综合观测平台是相辅相成的两个基本方面。本文在分析已有综合观测体系模式的基础上 ,应用最新研究成果 ,提出了新一代综合观测模式 ,给出了单井综合观测平台结构设计。该平台在与地下水各测项的数字化观测仪器对接后 ,可实现静水位、水化学和水温三者均处在理想观测状态条件下的自动化单井综合观测  相似文献   
潮汐形变资料中地震前兆信息的识别与提取   总被引:13,自引:17,他引:13  
将小波变换的多分辨率分析引入潮汐形变资料处理中,对近年来云南地区的3次强震前的潮汐形变观测资料进行了处理与分析,发现在地震前2~5个月,震中附近的形变台站都接收到一个频段相同的异常信号,且它们之间是相关的,相关系数达80%以上,由此可以确定信号是由同一个源发出来的。出现在多个台站的相同频段的异常信号很可能就是我们想要得到的地震前兆信息。  相似文献   
质疑了"前兆异常"原定义存在的与观测资料和预测实践不符合的缺陷,给出了异常、前兆及干扰的新定义。"异常"与"前兆"是两个完全不同的概念,异常不仅与地震有关,而且与地壳构造变动和相关自然现象也有关;地震前兆则是系由多种内因性和外因性异常构成的预测信息体系;干扰因素仅是偶然的、局部的人为因素。讨论了新老定义之间的差异、新定义的事实依据、地下水等手段今后需解决的关键性任务、现实地震预测能力的有限性等问题;提出了我国地震预报工作的重点应做"战略转移",并且需对我国几十年地震预报探索的科学思路、积累震例、预报实例和研究成果做"再清理"和"再研究"等建议。  相似文献   
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